Saturday night at Jinyoung's lawn

"Is he not coming, Ji?"

"He said they have a full-packed schedule today but he'll try to be here."

"Shall we threaten him a little?"

Asked Hoseok.

"Threaten? How?"

"Simple. Come here for a second, Ji."

Jihyo stand next to Hoseok as she was told.

"Boys, come gather around Jihyo and have a group selfie."

After taking a photo, Hoseok sends Suga a message saying...

Take your time. We're having fun even without you anyways 🤣🤡

"Now that's torture, bro."

Says Jackson with a smirk. In the photo, the boys purposely stick closer to each other leaving no space. They knew any decent guy will feel uncomfortable looking at the photo they sent even though he personally knew the guys around his girlfriend. If this will not solicit any reaction from him they will send him off to Mars right away and as expected, he reacted immediately.

"Oh, he saw the message!"

Hoseok updates,

"He's typing... and it's quite long."

He added,

"It's here!"

They listen as Hoseok reads the message out loud.

I'm coming. A bit late but I'll be there. I know you guys are close friends but can't you give her space? You're suffocating my girlfriend.

"My girlfriend!!!"

They all shouted in unison; half-amused, half-cringy. Jihyo involuntarily covered her ears in the process. She'll understand if her sisters reacted this way but these guys?! Really?? They tease her non-stop even lightly slapping or pushing her from her sides only to annoy or get reactions from her but she only sighed in defeat. Them teasing her is not unusual but the reason for their excitement warms her heart. They are happy for her for many obvious reasons and they are not even trying to be discrete about it. No matter how much they tease her, she cannot complain because all of these are their efforts to get to know him well, and it's all for her sake.

Yesterday Jinyoung told everyone to bring their best weapon for a fight. Can you guess what they brought? Jackson brought bottles of soju. Hoseok brought packets of ramyeon and Jinyoung prepared pork belly to grill. As for her, it's always the homemade kimchi. The fight they were talking about is obviously a food fight. These guys are heavy eaters and they eat with gusto. To be invited to their exclusive feast is more than an invitation, it's about brotherhood. Outsiders who want to be part of their gang treats it as an honor but they never invited anyone until Suga. 

"Do you really plan on making him drunk? Look how many bottles of soju you brought, Jackson."

Asked Jihyo,

"Mark Hyung donated half of it. He said 'Drunken words are the truest words, therefore we must make the idol star drunk' that's Mark Hyung's task we need to accomplish, Ji." 

Said Jackson.

"He's an idol, he knows how to protect his image but we're not buying it. Tonight, we will unmask him and learn his true intention towards you."

Jinyoung said with fiery eyes (as if).

"We will haze him until we're sure we're talking to Min Yoongi and not BTS Suga. Don't worry, we'll be gentle."

Added Hoseok with a wink.

"You can stay out of it, Ji. It'll be boys' night out once he arrived. You can sleep early and use any available room upstairs."

"What a nice way of saying I'm not needed here. Did you just invited me to ensure he'll come?"


They answered in unison. 

"Whatever, you cannot dispatch me easily, you fools. Why don't we start the party while waiting? I'm quite hungry."

"You can eat but not drink, Ji. You're not allowed to drink tonight."

"Why not?!"

"If you're only spending the night with us, even you finish all these bottles will be okay but since we have a visitor coming, you should be sober."

"As if he has never seen me drunk before."

She whispered. Jihyo raises the unopened bottle and lets her brothers see her put it back down. Tonight, she only plans to be an audience. This is her first time introducing a special person to her allies and she's also excited to see how things will turn out. 


It's almost midnight when BTS' schedule has cleared up. Suga plans to ride a cab from their last location but he has no idea how NOT to raise suspicions. His last card is to ask for help from his member, Namjoon but he does not want to drag him either in case he'll get caught. The panic, though very slightly,  shows on his face and Namjoon caught it by chance.

"You okay, bro?"

"Huh? Ah, yes. Of course."

"Ah, do you need help?"

He asked as if sensing his trouble.


"Stop saying 'huh?' as if you're a fool, Hyung. It's not cool, for your information."

"(sigh) I need to go somewhere else without being caught."

He whispered.

"Namjoon, can I burden you a little?"

"Sure, Hyung."

"I need a plausible escape route, can you help me?"

"That's... easy. Let me handle it for you."

Namjoon started talking about a song he is working with as soon as their manager walks them to the parking lot. He discusses it naturally with Suga who's also doing great with songwriting. When they all ride the car, Namjoon suddenly asked their manager to bring him along with Suga back to their recording studio. 

"Sorry, Hyung (his manager), we need to do the sampling right away before it slips my mind."

"Aren't you tired with all the schedule you just finished?"

"I am but I'll definitely regret it if I missed recording the sampling now."

"Alright, we'll make a short detour then."

"Thanks, Hyung, you can leave us (Suga) there. We'll just hail a cab after we finish our recording. You don't need to wait for us."

"(serious tone) I'm going to take your word for that Namjoon. Go straight back home after you're done with your work and rest."

"Yes, Hyung. Thank you."

This kind of scenario isn't new. Namjoon tends to record songs or demos spontaneously and they are all used to it now. It doesn't happen all the time but whenever it does, they just let him be. After all, the songs he created spontaneously are the ones that go very well on charts.


At BTS Studio...

"Thanks for today, Namjoon."

"You're welcome, Hyung. Are you meeting Jihyo Noona right away?"

"(smirk) There's no one I'll meet in a hurry except her, is there? What about you? Are you heading back to the dorm after I leave?"

"No, I need to stay here until you come back."


"I'm saying I need to sleep here in case you choose to sleep over, Hyung."

Namjoon torments his hyung for the first time in a while and he didn't know it's so much fun. The look in Suga's eyes says how guilty he is right now and it cracks him up so easily.

"I'm just kidding. I'll go back to the dorm after a while."

"(thinking) How about you come with me instead?"


"Huh? You said it's not cool but you're also using it."

"I don't want to be a third wheel on your date."

"Technically, it's not a date but a hazing. All her friends will be there - Jackson, Hoseok, and Jinyoung."

"Those flower boys?! Wow! You should've said so earlier. Do you need more reinforcement? We can secretly bring the boys too."

"Maybe not now?"

"Oooh! That sounds like a 'yes' to me, Hyung. Don't worry, let Namjoon take over."


Ten minutes past twelve midnight...

"Yah! Yah! Yah! The idol star message me! He said 'they're coming?"


"Yeah, am I reading it wrong, Jackson?"

He hands the phone to Jackson,

"What's this? He invited someone else?"

"Jihyo! It looks like he invited someone else!"


She's enjoying a sip of her noodle broth when Jackson almost smacks her face with Hoseok's phone only to show Suga's 'questionable' message.

"We think he invited some friends over."

"Are the members coming too?"

"You didn't know either?! He didn't tell you? You didn't plan this together?"

"No, of course not! Let me call him first, okay."


Her phone almost slipped from her hold because of the shock when three of them yelled at her at once.

"What's your problem?! Why are you shouting at me?!"

"Let them all come. The fun is just starting."

With the looks they have on their faces, Jihyo can only close her mouth. Will she be okay tonight?


a/n: Happy 200k reads! I just noticed it now so I'm saying this a little late, hehe. Thank you for all your support until now and all the votes this story has received. For all those readers sending their love in the comments, I really appreciate it. Please enjoy a back-to-back update as a humble gift.

Love lots 🥰😍
