"Jihyo, will you lend me a helping hand, please?"

He asked, out of the blue. The other chatting members got their mouth closed and the entire room became eerily quiet. Jihyo is staying still in her seat, eyeing him with curiosity. When Suga realized he won't get any response, he took the liberty to take action.

"Is that a yes? Okay, let's go."

He pulls her up from her seat and drags her out of the studio, leaving his members with curious look and questions unanswered. His pace was slow so as not to frighten Jihyo but none from his efforts are working so this time, he decided to play offensive. He aimed for a three-point shot instead of passing the ball to score. But as soon as he closed the door behind them, Suga's confidence began slipping. The adrenaline rush he got back there was left behind doors too. 

Great! You dragged her out, now what?

"What help do you need from me, Yoongi?"

Though flustered, Jihyo tried to strike a conversation. 

"And you may now let go of my hand."

His eyes travel down to their linked hands. He thought, if he let go of her hand now, chances are she'll have a chance to escape. But what excuse does he have to keep holding her hand? After what seemed like an hour, Suga breathed out and without a word, pulled Jihyo again to his recording studio. It was located on the upper floor so the two uses a lift to get there. When the elevator door opens, Suga doesn't know if he will be glad or worried that the lift is empty. He hesitated for a moment and only went inside after Jihyo tagged his hand.

"Where are we going, Yoongi?"

He didn't respond, instead, he pressed the 8th button. The ride is very short but feels so long that Yoongi finds it hard to breathe. When the door opens on the 8th floor, he walks Jihyo to his studio, still not saying anything. He let her settled in one of his swivel chairs when they arrived while he remained standing in front of her; still holding her hand.

"Aren't you gonna talk? And please, can you let go of my hand now, Yoongi?"

"Just... for a little while longer."

She eyed him again but didn't say anything else. Jihyo decided to lengthen her patience and waited for him to speak. She tried to pull her hand again but Suga only tightens his hold. 

After a few minutes that seem like an hour or so, Yoongi decided to open his mouth.

"I have a favor to ask."

He begins, he took out his phone using his free hand and hold it in front of Jihyo.

"Help me talk to Ji Yong sunbae."

Jihyo's mouth hangs open for a while before curving into a smile.

"So that is what bugging you all along? Alright, how about you sit first so we can discuss what to tell him?"

Jihyo pulls him to sit. A lot of things are running on her mind the moment he drags her out of the dance studio. He wouldn't speak either and that causes her more anxiety but she kept her composure intact. She's been thinking of different scenarios in her head and the options she may possibly have to get through it. However, all those thinking is for nothing when Suga finally opens up his mouth and talked about his concern. It's not about her but about a sunbae - a freaking guy sunbae for crying out loud! 

She shouldn't be disappointed but she is. She even made up a whole conversation inside her head if in case this guy tried to clear up their misunderstanding(?) unsorted confession(?) or whatever vague issue they have between them, but no. His concern is nothing close to what she had in mind. Instead of dwelling with her disappointment, she masked her feelings with a relief expression. She'll pretend that she's happy to know his issue is nothing of big concern. Maybe her calculation in their current status is correct, that the confession she received when he was drunk isn't meant for her, and the reason why he wanted to talk about it again is to clear up the misunderstanding, however, they were interrupted by the other members. She feels like sulking but feels like not, what's that supposed to mean?!

After pulling him to sit, Jihyo finally freed her self from Suga's hold but only for a brief second since Yoongi took both of her hands this time as if pleading her for help. She smiled despite herself, she never gets to see this side of Yoongi when she's still their manager and it's kind of sweet of him to show her his vulnerable side.

"Okay, tell me exactly the things you wanna say to him. We will start from there and rephrase your words."

"I'd like to reschedule the recording. I mean, I want to join the rest and perform at your university. But it sounds selfish and rude, to say the least. Kwon Ji Yong sunbae has given me the chance to collaborate with him despite his busy schedule and yet, here I am asking for a reschedule?"

"Hmm... would you rather have me talk to him on your behalf?"

Suga shakes his head, no.

"No, I... I just need your help on how should I deliver my words without sounding so rude."

"The thing is, I think I'll do the talking instead. Will you trust me?"

Yoongi felt his plans isn't working well (yet again). The fact that he doesn't really have a concrete plan, to begin with, made things worse for him. At first, he just wanted to have some alone time with Jihyo so he can freely talk to her. Now that he got it covered, his next dilemma is the fact that he didn't prepare himself for his next step. The loud thumping of his heart isn't helping too! 

He thought he needs to say something immediately before Jihyo gets bored and leave the room and all he can think of is an unquestionable excuse, and that's when he thought of Kwon Ji Yong. He'll buy some time to sort out his disoriented thoughts but what he didn't anticipate is her reaction.

The moment he mentioned Kwon Ji Yong's name, Jihyo's expression changed from worry to relief and that exact moment, he knew he messed up his 'not-so-planned' plan after all. Is confession always this frustrating? He's got mixed emotion too, partly happy that he eventually puts back the smile on her face and partly dismay for not able to deliver his thoughts properly. He wasn't much frustrated when Bang PD lied to him before his debut. He wasn't much agitated when he first go on stage to perform in front of the public. He wasn't much disappointed back then compared to now, in front of Park Jihyo.

"Does your silence means you trust me? Good choice! Now hand me your phone and dial Kwon Ji Yong-ssi's number."

She misinterpreted his sudden silence but he doesn't have the energy to correct her anymore. Instead, he passes her phone to her and dialed Ji Yong's number, and see where her courage will get them both. The YG artist picked up the call after a few rings,


Hello? Is this Kwon Ji Yong?

Yes, isn't it BTS Suga's number?

Oh, yes it is. I'm Park Jihyo, his manager. Pleased to meet you.

I see. Nice meeting you too, Jihyo-ssi. May I know the reason for your call?

It's about the recording you'll have with our Suga. It will be on the 27th, three months from now.

Yes, yes I remember. Oh, wait! Did you say 27th?

Yes, on the 27th, why?

Hold on, are you sure? Isn't it on the 29th?

Hmm? I'm afraid it's on the 27th.

Wait, can you give me a moment? I'll just check my schedule again.

(Ji Yong checked his schedule from his phone's calendar which was already scanned and confirmed by his manager)

Here! It was saved on the 29th! Did I get the schedule wrong? 

Oh! Hold on for a second.

Since Jihyo puts them on speaker, Yoongi is able to listen with their conversation well. When Ji Yong mentioned that he saved their recording day on the 29th instead of 27th he suddenly saw a ray of light coming from the invisible window of his studio. Like Ji Yong, he checked his schedule calendar on his phone though he's got a hunch that he will be available on that day. When he saw the note 'day off' on the date, Suga rejoices. He gave Jihyo an 'okay' sign before giving the phone back to her. 

Ji Yong-ssi, you said you saved the recording date on the 29th, right?

Yes, I'm sorry I think I need to discuss it with my manager first and see what we can to rearrange my schedule.

Oh, no! It's okay, actually, I called because I'm thinking if we can reschedule your recording day because of a schedule conflict. I guess all is settled well now. We can proceed on the 29th instead, that is if it is still okay with you?

Are you sure? I guess my mistake is for the better? 

Yes, thank you Ji Yong-ssi. Have a nice day.

You too, bye.

"See, it works out just fine. All you need to do is to take courage, Yoongi."

Jihyo said after ending the call. 

"Alright, now that your problem is solved, shall we go back to the others?"

She stood up and about to leave but Yoongi hold her to stop,

"Shall we talk about 'us' now, Jihyo?"


a/n: I know, I know...  please bear with me. We'll get there, okay? Love lots ♥
