Chapter 8 - Emma's Beginning

"Emma, wake up." I groaned, rolling to the other side, "Five more minutes," I muttered. "And miss your first journey?" I opened my eyes and quickly sat up, looking at my older brother. He smirked, both our Pikachu on his shoulders, "Come on, sleepy head. It's time for you to go."

I grinned and looked at my Pikachu, who smiled at me, "Pikachu!" she hopped off Ryan's shoulder and into my arms. "Pikachu, it's time for us to go on our own journey," I said and she smiled, nodding.

I quickly got changed and went downstairs, "Morning!" I called with a smile. "Hey, look who it is," Danny said, smirking. "Ready for your first day to go?" I grinned and nodded, "I am!"

Mom and Dad smiled, "It will be so hard not seeing you everyday, but it's your decision and we respect that," Mom said. "Just promise to call every time you can," Dad said and I nodded, "Okay."

Scyther and Poliwhirl (Who evolved into from Poliwag. It evolved two week after Scyther joined us.) came over and Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and settled between the two Pokémon. "Are you guys ready?" I asked and they nodded as they cheered.

Hanna came over to us with my bag, "There you go, Miss Emma," She said with a smile. I took my bag and she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "Hanna, why are you crying?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," She said. Mom placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, "She just sad like all of us that you have to go on your journey," She replied. "Oh..." I muttered before sending Hanna a smile. "Don't worry. I promise I will call, and I will come back."

She nodded as Jeffery walked in, "Professor Oak and Mister Gary are here," He announced. "Great," Dad said. "Thank you Jeffery."

"What's up?" I asked them. "Well, since you going to start your journey you need to have some stuff," Danny said before we all walked to the living room. Gary smirked as he saw us, "Well, you ready for your journey?" He asked me. "You bet," I said, smirking.

Professor Oak smiled at me, "Your father asked me to give you a few things that would be necessary for your journey," He informed before holding out to me a small device, "This is a Pokédex, there you have your ID and the information on any Pokémon you want, only I know you don't really need it." I smiled as he gave a small laugh before I took it and hold it in front of Pikachu.

Pikachu, the mouse Pokémon and the evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.

"Cool," I said. "Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu said and hopped on my shoulder. I looked back at Professor Oak as he pulled out a small box, "This is your set of Poké Balls," He explained as he opened it and showed me a few Poké Balls. "When you have more then six Pokémon, the Pokémon you'll catch will transmitted to me. I'll make sure to handed it to your father."

"Okay," I said as I took the box. "Now remember, if you need anything just call," He said. "I will," I said. "Good luck, sis," Danny said, patting my back. "Thanks, I'll call when I get to a town," I promised.

"You better be," Ryan said, placing his hands on his hips. "Pikachu!" Ryan's Pikachu said, jumping on me. I hugged him as I giggled. "We'll miss you, too," I said. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu agreed.

They both jumped to the floor and put their tails on each other, shaking them as a goodbye. "You watch over her, okay?" Dad said to my Pikachu and she nodded, "Pikachu!"

Dad petted her on the head gently. "Are you ready for it?" Gary asked me. I smirked, "You bet!" My Pikachu jumped on my shoulder and hold out her paw, "Pikachu!"


It been four days since I said goodbye to everyone, I've met a few trainers and had battles with them and won every time with Pikachu, Scyther and Poliwhirl.

Right now I was on my way to Viridian City, "Viridian City!" I said with a smile as I arrived. "Pikachu!" Pikachu said happily. "Well, let's go find the nearest Pokémon center and have Nurse Joy heal you and the others," I said and she nodded, "Pi."

The sun was now going down and the sky was a orange haze. I walked with my hands behind my head and Pikachu sitting on my head. I stopped walking when an odd sign caught my attention.


There was two suspicious looking thieves; On one side, there was a boy, a bit older than me, with short lilac colored hair and a white uniform with black undergarments with an R. On the other side was a girl with long magenta colored hair and the same uniform except slightly altered.

"Who are they?" I asked. "Pika," Pikachu said as she tilted her head. "You might want to be careful. Don't let Team Rocket steal your Pokémon," a young woman's voice snapped my gaze away from the poster. I looked up to see a woman with blue-green hair, dressed in a police officer uniform.

"Who's Team Rocket?" I asked. "A gang of Pokémon thieves. They run around stealing others Pokémon. Viridian City is on high alert, so keep your Pikachu close," She said, referring to my yellow best friend on my head. I nodded, "Okay, thank you--um, your name wouldn't happen to be Jenny, would it?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I am!" She said. I smiled, I figured, there's Jenny's and Nurse Joy's everywhere I thought. "Okay, thanks again," I said and began once again walking to the Pokémon center.

It was dark outside by the time I made it to the Pokémon center. I stepped through the automatic doors as they slid opened and walked in. Oddly enough though, Nurse Joy wasn't at the front desk. I tilted my head, "Um, hello? Nurse Joy?" I called, looking behind the counter.

No answer.

Pikachu jumped to the desk and tilted her head, "Pika." We looked at each other and I shrugged. I looked at the back wall at the operation doors to see the light, indicating it was in use, was on. I frowned before looking down at Pikachu, who was pointing at a direction, "Pika, Pikachu."

I followed her gaze to a boy sitting next to the doors with his head hung. His hair was short and pitch black. He was wearing a red ball cap and a blue and white sleeveless jacket with a black undershirt. He looked depressed.

Pikachu jumped to my shoulder and then I cautiously walked over to him. "Um, hello?" I asked. He lifted his head and I met his eyes. "Is Nurse Joy around?" I asked. His eyes looked over the doors, and I looked away to the door, "Oh."

I looked back at him and saw he was still looking at the door, his eyes were sad. I really wanted to ask what was bothering him, "If you don't mind me asking, but you look a bit down, what happened?"

He looked back at me and then looked at Pikachu, who was sitting on my shoulder before back at me, "My Pikachu isn't doing so good. He got attacked by a bunch of Spearow, and well, we ended up here."

"And how did that happen?" I asked sadly. "I just started my journey as a trainer. Pikachu didn't listen to a word I said. I guess I was careless," He explained. Pikachu and I exchanged glances, then I looked back at the boy. Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and onto the boy's lap. He seemed a bit surprised at first. She nudged up against him. He hesitantly petted the top of her head, which Pikachu seemed pleased by this.

"She likes you," I said with a soft smile. It made him smile a little and he smiled up at me. Pikachu hopped back on my shoulder as I glanced around the room. I looked over at a large picture that covered up almost the entire wall by the front desk. There seemed to be carvings of Pokémon on them.

I walked behind the front desk. There was the same carvings like in my father's study room. He told me about those Pokémon.

I looked back at the boy and saw him sitting in front of one of the phone booths over by the wall. He was talking to a lady and once he finished that, he walked back to the door and waited in anticipation.

I walked over to him. "Don't worry. Pikachu will be fine," I assured him. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu agreed, nodding her head. He looked over at me and gave me a small smile.

"Now I've got you!" A female voice called. Me and the boy looked over to see a girl, holding a burnt and destroyed bike. She looked pretty pissed off and she was breathing heavily. She had orange hair and she was wearing a blue shorts with suspenders and a yellow shirt. She looked at the boy with anger in her eyes, "I knew I'll find you here."

"Hey, what happened to your bike?" the boy asked. "What happened to my bike?" She repeated. "You happened to my bike, you little loser! This is what's left after you stole it to save your Pokémon! Now I can see why your Pokémon is--" She was cut off by the weight of the burnt bike caused her to fall back.

Me and the boy ran over to help her, "Let us help you," the boy said, extending his hand to her, but she slapped it away. "I don't need your help! And you gonna pay for what you did to my bike!"

"I'll make up for it. I promise I will, really. But I can't do anything about your bike until--"

"I don't want any of your excuses, kid!" She cut him off as she stood up. "I just want a new bike right now!"

"Stop it!" I shouted, stepping between them. "The bike isn't imported right now, his Pikachu is more important. He isn't doing well."

"Pika!" My Pikachu said. The boy looked over at the operation doors as the girl's face softened. "Is it very serious?" She asked with concern in her voice. "I think so. And there's nothing I can do to help now," the boy said.

Suddenly, the light for the operation room flicked off and the doors slid open, reveling Nurse Joy, Chancey and a male Pikachu on a gurney. The three of us rushed over to Pikachu's side. "Pikachu, are you alright?" the boy asked but the Pikachu appeared to be resting.

"Your Pikachu is resting. It's a good thing you got here so fast. He will be fine," Nurse Joy said and I smiled. "Thanks to the Pokémon center," the girl said with a smile. "Yeah, thank you very much," the boy agreed.

"Now, your Pokémon need a good rest in the recovery room. You should go in with it, Ash," Nurse Joy said to the boy, Ash. "Thanks," He said, giving a small nod and then turned to the girl, "Listen, I'm sorry about your bike, but I'm going to need some time to make things right."

"No way! I fell for that last time!" She said. "Well you should take care of Pikachu now and we'll settle this later." I smiled as I looked at my Pikachu and she smiled at me. "Um... Okay," Ash said.

Suddenly, an alarm went off, and Officer Jenny's voice came on to a speaker. She warned of a gang of Pokémon thieves in an aircraft close by. I held Pikachu close in my arms.

Suddenly, two Poké Balls dropped down from the window ceiling, revealing to be Koffing and Ekans. Koffing attacked with smoke screen, a thick black smoke, spreading around the room.

"Who are they?" Ash asked. Two shadows was seen through the smoke as it started to clear. "Don't be frightened, little boy," A woman's voice was heard. "Allow us to introduce ourselves," A man's voice was heard as the smoke started to clear as it revealed two people.

"To protect the world from devastation," The woman said. "To unite all people's within our nation," The man said. "To denounce the evils of truth and love," The woman said. "To extended our reaches to the stars above," The man said. "Jessie," The woman introduced. "James," The man introduced. "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light," Jessie said. "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" James said. Suddenly a Meowth hopped down in front of them, "Meowth! That's right!"

"What are you talking about?" Ash asked. "He just doesn't get it, does he?" Jessie said. "How can I? You don't make any sense," Ash said. "We're here for the Pokémon," James said. "You are not getting Pikachu," Ash said, moving closer to his Pokémon.

"Pikachu? We're not interested in your precious electric rat," Jessie scoffed. "We seek only rare and valuable Pokémon," James said. "You're wasting your time. This is a Center for weak and injured Pokémon," Nurse Joy informed.

"Well, that maybe so, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if we find some little Pokémon gems among all the junk," Jessie said. "You starting to get on my nerves!" I said. "Isn't that cute? She's annoyed," James said. "Koffing, attack!"

"Ekans, go!" Koffing used smoke screen as Ekans was running over to us. We ran off into a room with Poké Balls. Suddenly, the power flickered off. "Hey, the lights," The red haired girl said. "They must've cut the power," Nurse Joy said but then smiled a little, "But we've got our own Pika-power sores."

Inside the room, there was a generator machine with Pikachu inside, running and powering up the center. "Oh look at all the Pikachu!" The red haired girl said with a big smile. "Pikachu, Pi!" My Pikachu said, holding up her paw.

A computer turned on. "We must save those Poké Balls," Nurse Joy said. The Poké Balls were grabbed one by one to a machine as Nurse Joy talked to someone on the computer, transferring all the Poké Balls to another Pokémon center.

Suddenly smoke broke through the doors and Koffing smashed through the doors, smashing into the Poké-Ball shelves, causing the Poké Balls to fall on the floor. "Get those Poké Balls," Nurse Joy said.

"Right," Ash said and grabbed a Poké Ball. "This is war! Don't just hold em'! Throw em'!" The red haired girl said. "Alright, Poké Ball, go!" Ash threw a Poké Ball to reveal a Pidgy. Pidgy isn't the strongest, especially a rare Pokémon like Ekans. Ash threw another one to reveal an empty ball. He threw another one to reveal Rattata, but it backed down.

"We'll never win this way," I admitted. "It's time I took over!" I dug into my belt and took out Poliwhirl's Poké Ball. "Go, Poliwhirl!" Poliwhirl came out, "Poliwhirl!"

"Poliwhirl, Hydro Pump!" I called. Poliwhirl attacked Ekans and Koffing, sending them to the ground. The red haired girl took over, "You two grab Pikachu and get out of here, I'll take care of these three clowns," She said, holding a Poké Ball.

I returned Poliwhirl to it's Poké Ball before exchanging glances with Ash and then we ran out of the room with Pikachu on the gurney as Ekans and Koffing followed after us. The gurney bumped into the girl's bike, and caused Pikachu to wake up, but he was still weak.

I looked at Team Rocket, "That's it. Pikachu, Thunder!" I called to my Pikachu, pointing at Team Rocket. Pikachu hopped off from my shoulder and then arm as I pointed and attacked them, zapping them.

After that, she hopped to the gurney as Ash's Pikachu sat up. She grabbed his red cheeks and then re-boost Ash's Pikachu's electric energy.

"Pikachu!" Ash's Pikachu said. "Pikachu!" Ash said happily. "Do I have to do everything myself?" Meowth asked as he hopped in front of Jessie and James. "That mouse is cat food. Meow! Just wait, Pikachu, you mine."

"Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika," Ash's Pikachu said. "Pika? Pika?" Ash asked. "Pika!" My Pikachu said, like she agreed with Ash's Pikachu. "Pika, Pika power?" I asked with a smile. "Pika!" Ash's Pikachu and mine agreed, nodding. "Then, that it!"

I looked at Meowth and his Team, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!" I called. Ash's Pikachu and mine grabbed their paws, looking at Team Rocket. "Oh oh," Jessie and James said at the same time. Then both Pikachu attacked them, using Thunder Shock and sending Team Rocket away.


It was morning after the mess from Team Rocket was sorted out, I got Nurse Joy to check and heal my Pokémon. I called home and waited for someone to pick up. "Hello?" It was Mom. I smiled, "Hey, Mom."

"Emma! What took you so long to call, young lady?" She scolded and I smiled shyly, "Um, sorry. I'm really am. I had something to do."

"Well. You finally called which is a good thing," She said and gave me a smile. "So, tell me where are you?"

"Viridian City," I replied. She leaned forwards, frowning, "What's that behind you?" She asked. I frowned and turned slightly but nothing was there. "Above," Mom said and I glanced up and my eyes grow wide when I realized she saw the hole that Team Rocket caused.

I quickly turned back to Mom and smiled shyly, "Nothing. It's nothing. Nothing at all. Listen, Mom, I'll call some other time, okay? Bye," I said and then hang up before she could say anything. I let out a sigh, "So bad."

"Emma?" I turned back around to see Nurse Joy at the counter with my Poké Balls and Pikachu. Pikachu smiled at me as I walked over and she jumped into my arms. Nurse Joy smiled at me, "Your Pokémon are in very good condition, you taking very good care of them," She said with a smile, handing me my Poké Balls.

"Thanks Nurse Joy," I said as Pikachu hopped from my arms and on my shoulder and then I placed my Pokémon back in my holder. "Bye," I said. "Goodbye," She said and I headed to the doors.

I stepped out but stopped when I heard someone calling, "Hey, wait!" I turned around to see the same trainer, Ash, running toward me. "Hey," I said and smiled at his Pikachu. "I see your Pikachu is doing much better."

"Pikachu, Pi!" His Pikachu said with a smile as I kneeled down. I petted his head and he seemed to like it. My Pikachu jumped off my shoulder and they both talked. They seemed to go off well.

"I don't think you told me you're name?" Ash said as I stood up. "Oh right, yeah, sorry about that. I'm Emma Pierce," I introduced myself. "And you are?"

"O--oh, right! I--I'm Ash Ketchum," He said. I smiled, "Well, it was nice to meet you," I said. "So I better get going."

"Uh, wait, Emma," Ash started. "Yeah?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "Would you like... Um... Would you like to travel with me?" He asked. "Both our Pikachu get along well, I--I mean."

"Pikachu," His Pikachu said, nodding and then he and my Pikachu looked between me and Ash, smiling. I looked back at Ash and smiled, "I'd love to." He looked relief and he smiled.

"Pikachu!" Both Ash's Pikachu and mine cheered. "Hold it!" Suddenly a familiar female voice cut off our conversation. I looked behind Ash to see the girl from earlier. "Oh, hi, um..."

She smiled kindly at me, "I'm Misty, I'm a water Pokémon trainer," She said and then she turned angrily at Ash, "And I'm not done with you! Have you already forgotten about my bike?"

"Can't you just let go of it?" Ash asked, waving his hand in front of him. "No way! You promised you'd pay me back!" She said. "Did I really promise you that?" He asked. "I won't stop until you get me a new bike!" She said.

Suddenly, Ash grabbed my hand and we ran with both of our Pikachu. "Ash, what are you doing?" I asked. "Come on, let's try and lose her," He said, grinning. "Hey! I'm not done with you! Get back here!" I heard Misty yelling as she ran after us.
