Chapter 43 - The March of the Exeggutor Squad

As we were reaching to a small looking town, we noticing the people were gathering around. "What's going on?" I asked. "Let's go look," Ash said and we walked closer. As we got closer, we could hear music, and we pushed ourselves between the crowd.

"A carnival!" Misty said in delight as we watched a group of people dressed up and dancing. "Wow," Brock said as he gazed on a couple of women that were dressed up, "Look at all those beautiful girls."

"Check on the rids and shows," I said and looked at Misty, "We should go and take a look!" She nodded, "Yeah!" We both looked at Ash when he spoke, as he looked at Brock, "Let's go party!" Brock nodded, "Yeah!"

They both took off as Ash's Pikachu quickly jumped on my left shoulder while mine was on my right shoulder. "Uh..." I trailed off and looked at Misty, "Guess it's just us two, and the Pikachu." She shrugged and chuckled, "Yep." We walked away and headed toward the carousel ride.


After a while of having fun on the rids, Misty, the Pikachu and I were looking for Ash and Brock as we were eating ice creams. "Should we get on one more ride?" Misty asked as she chuckled. "I had it! I quit!" we heard an angry woman's voice and looked to the side of a tent.

A man was kneeling down, begging, while a woman was next to him looking annoyed with her arms crossed over her chest, and a Pokémon by the name Exeggcute was on a box watching them.

Exeggcute is a Pokémon resembling six light pink eggs. Each head had a slightly different facial expression, but each face had triangular eyes with tiny black pupils and a small mouth. Each shell had some cracks, and one member of the bundle had its yellow insides exposed.

"Please don't leave, I promise to pay you as soon as I can," the man told her. "Then pay me right now," the woman said. "I can't just now, but I promise as soon as I get paying customers, I'll pay you," the man said and Exeggcute nodded.

"And just who do you think is going to come and watch your lousy show?" the woman asked as she placed her hands on her hips. "She's pretty mean," I muttered and Misty nodded. The man grabbed her leg, "Don't leave! I promise," he said.

The woman pushed him away, "I've heard your promises before." With that said she turned around and walked away. "Let's go," Misty said and walked toward the man. "Uh..." I trailed off but didn't follow. "Pika, Pika?" my Pikachu asked from my left shoulder. I crossed my arms over my chest, "I have a bad feeling."

Misty reached closer, "Excuse me, are you all right, sir?" she asked. The man sat up, "You're a kind young girl, aren't you?" he asked. Misty frowned, "Well, no, not especially." I smirked at that comment, knowing that if Ash was here right now he would agree on that, and she would have tried to beat him up.

"Will you help me out? I need your help so badly, and you'll be perfect," the man said before falling down. Misty kneeled next to him, "Pull yourself together." The man looked at her, "You are the only one who can help me now." I frowned and Misty moved away as the man sat up, "Please."

I walked closer with a sigh. I grabbed Misty's wrist and pulled her up to her feet. "I think we should go now," I said. The man stood up, "Please, wait, just listen." I raised an eyebrow and the man looked at Misty, "I would like you to become my assistant in my act."

"Huh?" Misty and I spoke together. Exeggcute all jumped up and down in excitement, and the man grabbed his hat from the grass and put it on. "I'm a magician, Melvin is the name," he said. "Hey," Misty said in hesitation. He held his fists out in front of us, "For you two." Two flowers appeared inside the fist and we took them. "Um, thanks," I said as Misty smiled.

"I'm not very famous yet but I'm working really hard on my magic act," Melvin said, "My dream is to have my own Las Vegas show run, and perform my magic act in front of a thousand of cheering fans. Won't you help me make my dream come true?"

"Uh..." I trailed off and looked at Misty. She smiled as she looked at the flower in her hand before back at Melvin, "I'll help you, but just for today." Melvin smiled, "Thank you so much!" He looked at me, "Would you help as well?"

"Oh, uh, I don't perform, sorry," I said and looked at Misty, "Are you sure about that, Misty?" She nodded, "Yeah." I sighed and looked from my Pikachu to Ash's.


I went to find Ash and Brock without Misty, since she was going to get ready for the show. "Where could they have gone to?" I asked the Pikachu.

"Hey, Emma!"

I looked to the side and saw Ash and Brock walking toward me with popcorn. "Hey, had fun?" I asked as I placed my hand on my hip. "Yeah, where's Misty?" Ash asked as he and Brock looked around. I took some popcorn from Ash and smirked, "In a magic show."

"A magic show?" Brock asked. "So why are you not there?" Ash asked. "I went to look for you, come on, let's go check," I said and turned around to lead them to the tent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming!" we heard Melvin's voice as soon as we walked inside. I looked around the seats and spotted at least four people there, looking bored already. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Melvin the magician!" Me, the Pikachu and the boys walked closer to the stage, seeing Misty was wearing a leotard adorned with Goldeen fins, standing next to Melvin.

"Misty?" Ash asked and she looked at us in horror. Ash chuckled, "What are you doing up there? Are you part of the show?" I tilted my head as I looked at her outfit, "So that's why you kicked me out, huh?"

"What are you guys doing here?!" Misty asked. Ash chuckled again, "That's a really cute outfit," He teased. "Come on, hurry up!" one man said and I tapped on Ash's shoulder before pointing at the seats so we could sit. Me and the boys sat on the seats and my Pikachu sat on my lap while Ash's jumped from my shoulder to sit on Ash's lap.

"Yes, yes, of course, thank you for your patience," Melvin said, "Please allow me to present my magical Pokémon, Exeggcute." The Exeggcute jumped up on a round table, "Exeggcute!"

Ash pulled out his Dexter, "Exeggcute..."

Exeggcute,an Egg Pokémon. Although it resembles an egg, it is known to be more closely related to the seed of a plant.

Melvin took Exeggcute into his arms before throwing them up, juggling, "Now it's time for some Exeggcute juggling." I looked at him in boredom. "This is magic?" Ash asked in boredom. "Wouldn't call that magic," I said.

"We don't want juggling!" A man called. "Boring," Brock said. Melvin put Exeggcute on the table and looked at all of us nervously. "We want to see some real magic!" a man called. "Yeah! Do a trick!" another man said. "Hold on, the best part is coming up, my Pokémon and I would do some great magic trick now, which will surprise you," Melvin said.

"I doubt it," I muttered. Melvin held his wand up, "Raging Fire!" He aimed it forward and a tiny flame came out and quickly disappeared.

"That was pathetic!"

"You're the worse!"

"Just one more try!" Melvin said and aimed his wand forward. This time a huge jet of flame came out. He pointed the wand everywhere and fire came out, which made us all duck for cover. Suddenly the fire sprinklers set off, 'causing us all to get wet. It soon stopped and we looked at the stage.

"I want my money back!"

"You're the worse!"

The men behind me and the boys started to threw food and bottles on Melvin, who got hit by a bottle before he fell down. Exeggcute went to his side as the men walked out.

"Uh... hey, Misty, let's go," I said. Misty hesitated before jumping off of the stage and we walked out. We walked behind the building and waited for Melvin, who soon came out with his Exeggcute and an older man.

"You're fired!" the man said. "Give me another chance," Melvin said. "Are you kidding?! No one comes to see you and you almost burned my carnival to the ground, get out of here!" the man said before walking into the tent. Melvin kneeled down and his Pokémon contorted him.

"Oh man," I said. "I feel sorry for the guy," Ash said. "He just doesn't know what he's doing," Misty said as she looked at Ash, "Like you when Emma is not around." She walked around him as he blinked. "Huh?! Hey, that's not true," He said and I chuckled.

Misty ignored him and walked toward Melvin. She kneeled next to him and Exeggcute, "Don't worry, Melvin. Cheer up," She said. "I'm fired again," Melvin said sadly, "I'll never make it to Las Vegas." He pulled Exeggcute into his arms as me and the boys walked closer, "I guess we'll have to give up on all our dreams."

"Give up?" Ash asked and Melvin looked at him. "You're not going to give up that easy are you?" he asked. "But--" Melvin started. "If your show is no good then learn some new tricks and make it good," Ash said. "Not bad," I said as I smirked. "That's not a bad idea," Brock said. "Ash does says something right sometimes," Misty said. Ash glared at her, "Say what?"

Exeggcute all got out of Melvin's arms and jumped up and down as they smiled. Melvin had tears in his eyes as he looked at me and my friends, "New ticks?"

"Well, we could help you out," I said. "You can do it, what do you say?" Ash asked. "Don't quit now, come on, Melvin," Misty said. Melvin stood up, "Okay! I'll give it a try!"


Me and my friends were now sitting on boxes while Melvin and Exeggcute were standing on a box as a stage. "Okay, well here I go," Melvin said and twirled his wand, "Abracadabra!" He stopped and aimed his wand forward, "Ta-da!" The wand turned to a set of roses and we all clapped in surprise.

"That was great!" Misty said. "Thanks," Melvin said before the roses fell off of the wand. "The flowers are dead," Brock said. "So is his act," I said as I looked at my friends. "Pika-Pika," Ash's Pikachu agreed. Melvin kneeled down, "All of my life I've been dreaming of becoming a magician. Entertain people, seeing their faces light up. But now that dream is all over."

Exeggcute jumped up and down, looking sad. "Now they depressed," Misty said. Ash suddenly stood up with a grin, "Hey, I'll show you how to put on a real magic show!"

"Huh?" Brock asked. "Pika?" both the Pikachu asked. "You?" I asked. "What kinda of magic show?" Misty asked. "I'll do a Pokémon magic show," Ash said.


Now, Ash was standing in front of us with a green box next to him with three holes in front of him, "Welcome! I can make water, fire and anything appear out of this box!" He said. Melvin was sitting between me and Brock, and clapped, "Yay."

"What would you like to see first?" Ash asked. "Fire," Melvin answered. Ash held a flashlight as a wand and pointed forward in front of the middle hole, "Okay, fire appear!"

Fire suddenly was shot from the middle hole, making us bend down. Melvin clapped, "Wow, that was great!" Ash grinned and held the flashlight in front of the left hole, "Now, water appear!"

Water suddenly shot from the hole, hitting Melvin in the face. "How does he do it?" Misty asked as I raised an eyebrow. "Water vanish!" Ash said and the water stopped. "Okay... not bad," I said as Melvin clapped.

A moment later, the box started to shake. Ash grabbed it, "Hey!" We saw a pair of vines appearing from the right hole. "Stop that!" Ash said before the box opened and Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur were thrown out. Charmander stopped in front of us, accidentally using Flamethrower, making us all bend down before we could get hit.

Ash stood up, "I guess I need a bigger box," he said. Charmander rubbed the back of his head as he looked at Ash, "Cha..." I stood up and placed my hands on my hips as I looked down at the three Pokémon, "So..." They turned to me and I kneeled down. "The box just so happened to have three adorable Pokémon lying around inside, hmmm?"

Ash rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled nervously, "Well..." Exeggcute jumped over as Misty, Brock and Melvin stood up. Ash sighed and held out three Poké balls, "All right, guys, thanks for the help, return." Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur went back into their Poké balls as I stood up.

Misty, Brock and I stood together with the Pikachu. "Now what?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't know," Misty admitted with a sigh. "I hate to say it... but--" Brock started. "Don't say 'he should give up' part," Misty said.

We looked over to see Ash was kneeling in front of Exeggcute, staring at them as they were swingling back and forth. "All right, Ash, stop staring, it won't help," I said. "I would like you all to stop now," Melvin said. Ash moved back slightly, speaking a bit odd, "Okay, master."

Exeggcute stopped and we all looked at Ash in confusion. "Turn around three times and act like a Bulbasaur," Melvin told Ash. Ash turned three times, "Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur."

"Pika-Pi?" Ash's Pikachu asked worriedly. "What's with Ash? He's acting kinda... weird," Brock said. I frowned and walked closer. I bend down in front of Ash, and waved my hand in front of his face, "Ash?" He didn't react, staring forward.

I stood up and looked at Melvin, "Hey, what did you do?" He shook his head, "I didn't do that." I raised an eyebrow and placed my hands on my hips, "So what made him like that?" He shrugged, "I don't know."

"I think you do," I said as I stood in front of him angrily and pointed at him, making him step back nervously, "Bring him back to normal." Misty and Brock pulled me away. "Calm down," Brock said. "I am calm!" I snapped before sighing in annoyance and moved away. I pulled Ash up to his feet and pulled him with me, Misty and Brock to the side. I pulled Ash to sit down on a box and turned to Misty and Brock.

"How did that happen?" Misty asked. "The Exeggcute must have used Hypnosis," Brock said. "Has to be," I said and pointed toward Ash, "I mean look at him."

"Ah!" Misty said and I looked over to where Ash was a few seconds ago and saw that he was gone. We looked to where Melvin was but he was gone too. So was his Exeggcute. "Are you kidding me?!" I asked. "Pika-Pi!" Ash's Pikachu called. "Ash!" Brock called. "Pika-Pi!" My Pikachu called.


After a while of searching for Ash, we finally decided to use Brock's Zubat to help us with the search on the path outside of town. "Ash!" I called. "Ash!" Misty called. "Pika-Pi!" Ash's Pikachu called before we saw Zubat flying toward us.

"Zubat, did you find anything?" I asked and the Bat Pokémon nodded before flying off. "Come on," Brock said and we ran after it. After a few minutes, we stopped with Zubat, seeing tracks on the ground. "Pika-Pi!" Ash's Pikachu said after he and my Pikachu sniffed the tracks.

"They smell Ash's scent," I said. "Good work, Zubat," Brock said and held the Poké ball, "Return." The Bat Pokémon went back into the Poké ball and we started to follow the tracks.

After a few minutes of running down the path between the woods, we slowed to a stop when we felt the ground shaking. "What's going on?" I asked. "Look!" Misty said as she pointed forward. We saw a herd of Exeggutor running toward us.

Exeggutor is a tall, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a palm tree. Its body and legs are light brown with thin black rings and its legs are thick with two-toed feet. There light yellow paw pad on each foot's underside. It has thin, green leaves sprouting from the top of its body. Exeggutor has three to six round, light yellow heads that resemble coconuts, each with differing facial expressions.

"Exeggutor herd, run to the side!" I shouted and we all ran off of the path and into the woods. The Exeggutor herd were running down the path, not looking at us. I pulled out my Dexter and held it forward.

Exeggutor, a Coconut Pokémon. Also known as 'The Walking Tropical Rain Forest'. Each coconut has a distinct face and its own character. Its special attack is Hypnosis.

"Hey, look, it's Team Rocket,"Misty said and I looked over to see them running along side with Exeggutor, looking odd. "Come on," I said and started to ran toward there the herd came from, with the Pikachu and my friends following.

We slowed down when we saw Ash and Melvin lying on the ground, unconscious. "Ash!" I called. "Pika-Pi!" Ash's Pikachu called as we ran toward him. I kneeled down next to him with Misty and Brock kneeled next to Melvin.

"Ash, wake up!" I said but he didn't. I looked at the Pikachu, "One of you need to use Thunder Shock." Ash's Pikachu used the attack, making Ash wake up and sit up quickly. "Pika-Pi!" his Pikachu said with a smile. "What's going on?" Ash asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah... but, I don't remember what happened," he said. "You were under a deep Hypnosis," Misty said. "Hypnosis?" Ash asked before looking over at me in anger, "Oh, yeah, where's Melvin?"

"A--Ash?" Melvin asked and we looked over to see Brock next to us with Melvin, his arm around Brock's shoulder for support. "What's going on here? What have you done, Melvin?" Ash asked. "The Exeggutor used Hypnosis o each other and got all confused," Melvin said.

"The Exeggutor are all heading into town!" Brock said. "We got to stop them!" Ash said. "Now they are beyond of my control," Melvin said and we glared at him. "Come on," I said as I helped Ash stand up, "We got to get there."


We reached back to the town, but it was too late. The carnival was almost destroyed, no one was around. "Looks bad," Ash said. "They already came," I said before noticing the same man that fired Melvin running closer. "Hey, you're better get out of here," he said as Melvin hid behind Brock, but the man seem to ignore him. "These Exeggutor are coming back this way. I've planted a time bomb in this clearing. It will blow up just as they will make it to this field."

"You can't do that!" I said, "These Exeggutor are under Hypnosis, they don't realize what they are doing, it's not their fault!" The man shook his head, "Who cares?" I glared at him and he continued, "We can't let them cause anymore damage to the town, now get out of here fast!" He ran past us and left.

"Hey, get back here!" I shouted but he didn't. "People like him make me sick!" I said. "What do we do now?" Melvin asked. "We have to stop them!" I said and Ash nodded. "Yeah, let's go," he said and started to ran off. I looked at Melvin and he froze when he looked at me. I grabbed his arm, "You coming too!" I dragged him away and Misty and Brock followed.

We all ran to the middle of the town and saw the Exeggutor herd running closer. Ash threw out three Poké balls, "Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, attack!" The three Pokémon came out from the Poké balls, standing in front of us.

"Squirtle, Water Gun!" Ash ordered. Squirtle released a spiral of water from his mouth, hitting one of Exeggutor, but it didn't wake it up. "Looks like they liking the water!" Brock said. I gasped, "Wait! They are weak against fire type!"

Ash held out two Poké balls, "Squirtle, Bulbasaur, return!" He then looked at Charmander, "Charmander, use Flamethrower!" Charmander used the attack on a few Exeggutor, which woke them up as they looked around in confusion. "It worked!" Misty said. "Stop Exeggutor!" I called and the ones that are awake listened.

"Again Charmander, Flamethrower!" Ash called. Charmander used the same attack again, and again, and again, until he stopped, falling down from exhaustion. Ash and his Pikachu ran to his side. "Charmander!" Ash said. "Not everyone's awake," Misty said.

I looked over at Melvin who was hiding behind me and Brock. "Melvin, you can help!" He looked at me in shock, "Huh? N--No I can't." I nodded, "Yes, you can! You did that fire trick with your wand, you can do it again! If you won't do that, then these Exeggutor who are still under, are going to get hurt or even worse when they reach to the carnival."

"But, I..." he trailed off. He shook his head, "All I do is make a mess," he said. "When you make a mistake, you do anything you can to fix it," I said, "If Ash's Charmander worked that hard, you need to try that too! You can do it! We know you can, you got to believe in yourself!" Melvin stared at Lizard Pokémon for a few seconds before moving away and stepping forward. "Then I'll give it my best shot!" He said.

We smiled at his sudden confident. "All right!" Brock said. "Melvin, Charmander, it's up to you!" Ash said. Melvin and Charmander nodded. "Raging Fire," Melvin said as he pointed his wand forward. Fire shot out from the wand as Charmander used Flamethrower, both the fire attacks hit the Exeggutor that were still under Hypnosis. The fire disappeared and we watched as the Exeggutor stopped, all looking around in confusion.

They quickly started to walk back to the woods, leaving the town. I sighed in relief, "Thank God." We looked at Melvin and Charmander, who both stood together. Melvin watched the Exeggutor leave in shock, "I did it..." He smiled, "I did it." He turned to me and my friends, "I really did it!"

"Yeah, great job, Melvin!" Ash said and we saw a single Exeggutor walking closer. Melvin looked at it with a smile, "Exeggutor!" He dropped his wand as he ran toward it and hugged it. "So Exeggcute evolved, huh?" I asked, smiling a small smile. "Looks like it," Ash said with a small chuckle.

Suddenly we all heard an explosion and turned around to the carnival area and saw smoke coming up from there. "That was a close call," Misty said. "You're right, thank goodness no one got hurt," Melvin said. I kneeled down next to Charmander and petted him on the head to his delight, "You did a great job, Charmander, we all proud of you too."

"Cha!" Charmander said in delight before looking confused. His all body glowed bright and I moved my hand away. My friends looked at Charmander in confusion. "Charmander?" Ash asked. "He's evolving!" I said with a smile as Charmander's body got a bit bigger, and the light disappeared, revealing he evolved into Charmeleon.


Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has narrow, blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it.

"Charmeleon," I said with a smile. "Wow," Ash said with a smile as I pulled my Dexter and held it in front.

Charmeleon, the Flame Pokémon. It has razor-sharp claws and its tail is exceptionally strong.

"Congratulations, Charmander, I mean Charmeleon," Ash said and hugged him. Charmeleon shot fire near Ash's ear, making him move away. "Hey, watch where you're breathing," he said and we all laughed.


By sunset, me and my friends were about to head off, so we were saying goodbye to Melvin and his Exeggutor. "Goodbye!" I called as we all waved. "Never forget your dream!" Misty called. "Practice makes perfect!" Ash called.

"See you at Las Vegas!" Brock called. "Thank you! All of you!" Melvin called. Me and my friends gave one last wave before turning around and heading off.
