Chapter 60 - It's Mr. Mime Time

"Hey look, there's Pallet Town!" Emma said with a smile when she stopped at the hill. Her friends walked closer and stopped next to her. "Finally back home," Ash said. "Pika," his Pikachu said.

"Let's go to my house," Emma said and ran down the hill. "Wait for us!" Misty called with a smile as she ran after her, with the boys following. Emma slowed to a stop when she spotted a familiar figure close by near a lake. She smiled at her, "Hey, J--"

Brock cut her off when he rushed to grab Jane's hands, "Hi there," he flirted. Jane blinked at him, "Huh?" she asked in confusion as her Vaporeon jumped from the water. It blinked and looked up at Brock in confusion as well, as he flirted with Jane, "The name's Brock, what's yours?"

Just when Jane was about to answer, Emma quickly walked over and grabbed Brock by his ear, making him let go of Jane's hands as he groaned in pain. "Back off, hotshot," she warned, "This woman is spoken for!"

Brock looked at Jane in confusion but then he fell down when Emma pushed him away. She then smiled as she looked up at Jane, "Hey, Jane."

"Hey hon," Jane said as she placed her hands on the girl's shoulders with a smile, "Look at you, you've grown!" Emma chuckled, "It's great to see you."

"Jane? Is that the one your brother is getting married to?" Misty asked as she and Ash walked closer. "Yep," Emma said. Brock quickly stood up and rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly, "Oh... sorry."

Emma petted Jane's Vaporeon on the head with a smile, "Hey Vaporeon," she said. "Vaporeon," it said with a smile. Emma's Pikachu jumped on Jane's shoulder, "Pika!" Jane chuckled as she petted her, "Hello, Pikachu." Emma looked at Jane, "Jane, I would like you to meet Misty, Ash and Brock, those are the friends I've been traveling with."

"Hey, it's great to finally meet you all," Jane said. "Same," Ash said. "And meet Togepi," Emma said as she held up the Egg Pokémon. "Togy, Togy!" it said with a smile. Jane took it into her arms, "What a cutie!"

"But, Jane, what are you doing here?" Emma asked in confusion. "Oh, I was helping my friend Stella, do you remember her?" Jane asked. Emma frowned, "Uh... I don't think so..."

"It's been years since you've seen her so I'm not surprised. Anyway, I was helping her find a Mr. Mime," Jane said. "Mr. Mime?" Ash asked. "Vaporeon!" Vaporeon said as it was looking to the other side of the lake. Everyone followed it's gaze to see a Pokémon was climbing up on something in the air. "A Mr. Mine," Jane said.

Mr. Mime is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Blue growths resembling clown hair extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek. Its jaw is curved inward, resembling the mouth of a wooden dummy. It has a round, white body with a magenta spot in the middle, light pink arms and legs that connect to its body via magenta spheres, and small white coverings over its knees. Its white hands resemble gloves with magenta pads on the tips of its white fingers and its dark blue feet curl upward at the tips.

"Come on," Jane said as she handed Togepi to Emma, and ran with Vaporeon. Emma and her friends followed quickly and reached to the other side. "What is it?" Ash muttered as he pulled out his Dexter.

Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon. It uses pantomime to make actual walls appear. Because it is rarely discovered, information about this Pokémon is extremely limited.

"Vaporeon, use Water Gun!" Jane said. The Bubble Jet Pokémon did as told but the attack didn't hit Mr. Mime. "Hey, how come it didn't get hit?" Emma asked in confusion. "That was Barrier," Jane said in annoyance.

"We can help catch it Jane," Misty said. Mr. Mime jumped down and started to ran away, "Mr. Mime!" Ash looked at his Pikachu, "Quick Pikachu, after it!"

"Pika!" the male mouse said and ran toward Mr. Mime. "Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!" Ash called. His Pikachu used the attack but Mr. Mime blocked it again. "It's no use," Emma muttered.

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime said as it ran away. "Wait!" Jane said. "I'll get it!" Ash called as he, his Pikachu and Vaporeon ran after it. Suddenly, Ash got hit in the face by an invisible wall and he fell down with a groan. "Pika-Pi!" the male mouse said as he and Vaporeon stood next to him.

Emma, her friends and Jane ran closer. "Ash, are you okay?" Emma asked. "Pika-chu?" her Pikachu asked. Ash sat up as he rubbed his forehead, "Not again," he muttered.

Jane, the kids and the Pokémon noticed the Mr. Mime was gone now. "Oh man," Jane muttered. "It's gone," Brock said. Ash stood up and looked at Jane, "Sorry Jane," he apologized, "I let it get away." Jane looked at him with a soft smile, "That's okay, thank you for trying."


They all turned to see a woman at Jane's age running toward them. "Stella," Jane said, "Did you find a Mr. Mime?" Stella shook her head, "No. Have you?" she asked. "Yeah, but it got away, I'm sorry," Jane said.

Stella sighed sadly, "Oh no, now what will I do?" she asked. Brock stepped closer, "I am very sorry about it," he said and she looked at him, "I will help you solve it." Emma sighed, "Oh great," she said sarcastically.

"And you are...?" Stella asked. "The name is Brock," Brock flirted. Jane cleared her throat and looked at Stella, "Stella, you remember Emma right? Ryan's little sister." Stella looked at Emma and smiled, "Oh yes. It's been a few years, I almost didn't recognize you. You've grown!"

"Hey. Those are my friends; Brock, Ash and Misty," Emma introduced. "It's nice to meet you," Stella said to Emma's friends. "It's very nice to meet you too," Brock said as he took her hands, "Now tell me, why would you like to have a Mr. Mime? I would help in any way I can."


Stella and Jane leaded the kids to Stella's circus. They all stood next to a van as the kids looked around. "A Pokémon Circus," Ash said. "This looks like fun," Misty said. "Stella is the ringmaster of this circus," Jane explained.

"Stella." They all looked over to see three young girls walking closer. "How did it go? Did you find a new Mr. Mime for the circus?" one of them asked. "No, Jane did, but it got away though," Stella answered sadly, and the girls looked sad.

"What do we do? Our Mr. Mime won't go on," one of the girls said. "Wait, so you already have a Mr. Mime?" Emma asked. Stella nodded, "Yes, but... well, take a look." She leaded the kids and Jane toward another van. The kids peered inside and saw a Mr. Mime lying on a couch, eating a snack.

"Seems kinda lazy," Brock said. "I'm afraid it's my fault," Stella said with a sigh, and the kids turned to her, "I wanted it to be perfect, so I trained it hard, day and night. Yesterday, it quit right in the middle of a show, and now, it won't listen to me at all."

"I told you not to be hard on it, now look what happened," Jane said as she placed her hands on her hips and sighed. "You were too tough, so it just gave up," Ash said. "Yeah," Stella muttered, "But now I have a way to get Mr. Mime to perform again. I'll just get another one to be it's competition."

"I see, that will get your Mr. Mime jealous and it will start to performing again," Emma said. "Right," Stella said. "That may work," Misty said with a smile, "Because Ash is trying harder 'cause he's jealous of Gary."

Ash glared at her, "What you talking about?! I'm ten times better then Gary!" Emma blinked at him while Misty smirked, "See what I mean?" she teased. Togepi smiled in Emma's arms, "Togy!"

"Stella, I'm going to get you a new Mr. Mime today," Brock said. "Do you think you really can, Brock?" Stella asked. "I guarantee it," Brock said. "Can I count on you?" Stella asked. "They don't call me 'Brock the Rock' for nothing," Brock said.

"What's he talking about?" Emma muttered. "I don't know anymore," Ash muttered. "They must be talking about the rocks in his head," Misty muttered. "Is he always like this?" Jane asked in confusion. "Sometimes," Misty answered.

"Brock, it's gonna be hard to catch that Mr. Mime, you know," Ash pointed out. Brock chuckled creepily, "I don't have to catch a Mr. Mime..." he looked at his friends, "If I can make one."

Ash looked at him in confusion, "What? How are you gonna make a Mr. Mime?" Brock stepped closer to Ash, making him back away. "I'm very glad you asked me that, Ash. Because I think there's a way you can help me," he said. Ash looked at him nervously, "Uhhh... what kind of help do you have in mind?"


"Well Brock I got to admit, this is very convincing," Emma complimented with an amused smile as she crossed her arms over her chest. She, Jane, Stella, Brock, Misty, the Pikachu and Togepi were inside the circus, standing in front of Ash who was dressed as a Mr. Mime.

"I think this maybe the best Pokémon I've ever raised," Brock said. "What do you mean 'the best Pokémon you've ever raised'?!" Ash asked and took off the mask, "Why do I have to be the one who's stuck wearing this costume?!"

Before Emma could say anything, she was tackled to the floor by a Persian. "Emma, are you okay?" Misty asked. "Ow," Emma muttered as she sat up and looked at the Persian. It smiled at her and she grinned, "Persian!"

Persian rubbed its cheek against hers, making her chuckle. "I've missed you too," she said. "Who's that Pokémon?" Ash asked. "That's Hanna's Persian, the family's cook," Jane said as Emma pulled out her Dexter and showed it to her friends.

Persian, the Classy Cat Pokémon and the evolved form of Meowth. Persian can walk silently thanks to its nimble muscles. It pounces on its prey at lightning speed.

"That's the evolved form of Meowth?" Ash asked. "Yep," Emma answered with a smile and petted Persian. Her Pikachu walked closer with a smile, "Pika-Pika-chu!" Persian rubbed its cheek against the female mouse, making her laugh.

"Persian, there you are."

They all looked over to see Hanna walking closer. She smiled, "Miss Emma! You back!" Emma stood up, "Hey, Hanna," she said with a smile. "Now I see why Persian took off running," the older woman said.

"Hanna, I want you to meet my friends; Brock, Ash and Misty," Emma said. "Hey," Ash said as they smiled. "Hey, it's great to finally meet you," Misty said. "Yeah, Emma talked about you a lot," Brock said. "I've heard about you all too, it's great to meet you all," Hanna said as Togepi waved its hands around while looking at Persian. Hanna looked at Ash's costume in confusion, "Why are you dressed as Mr. Mime?"

"He's helping my friend Stella with her show today," Jane answered. "But I--" Ash started. "Come on Ash, just give it a try," Emma said as Persian laid down, letting Togepi get on its back. "Stella will be gentle, isn't it right?" Brock asked as he looked at the woman.

"Of course," Stella answered with a smile. "It's really imported Ash, so come on," Emma said. Ash sighed and put on the mask again. Stella pulled out her whip, "All right, show me what you can do!" She whipped the whip, making Ash jump in surprise.

"Hey, watch it with that whip!"

Jane didn't look surprised, while Misty, Emma and Hanna were, and Brock just looked at Stella in amazement. "It will whip you into shape, Ash!" Brock said. Emma looked at Jane, "That's her been 'gentle'?" she asked as Persian stood up, with Togepi on its back.

"Yep," Jane said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh my," Hanna said. "Stella isn't sweet as she looks, does she?" Misty muttered. "Pika," Emma's Pikachu muttered. "Okay, let's see some Pantomime!" Stella said.

"Pantomime?" Ash repeated. "That's right, now stop talking and start Miming!" Stella said and whipped her whip again, startling Ash. The boy started to do as she said, but Stella wasn't impressed what so ever, and continued to whipping her whip, startling Ash again.


Hours later, Hanna, Jane, Emma, Misty and Brock were sitting in the crowd with the Pikachu and Togepi, waiting for the show to start. "This should be fun," Misty said as the lights turned off. The lights in the middle of the ring turned on, showing Stella.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and children of all ages, here are the stars of the Pokémon Circus!"

The crowd clapped and cheered as some Pokémon walked in, including Ash dressed as Mr. Mime. "Hey look, here's our new Mr. Mime," Brock said. "I can't wait to see it," Misty said as Emma chuckled.

The lights suddenly turned off, and everyone looked around in confusion. "Is that part of the show?" Emma asked in confusion. "No," Jane answered. The lights turned on to show Jessie and James.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for trouble!"

"Children of all ages, make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumped over, "Meowth! That's right!"

A hole appeared on top of the tent and Team Rocket's air balloon slowly appeared. James threw a net on Ash, lifting him up as he, Jessie and Meowth grabbed onto a rope that was holding into the air balloon's basket.

Emma and her group ran to the ring as Team Rocket disappeared. "Oh no, Ash," Emma said. "Pika-Pi!" the male mouse called. "We got to find him," Brock said.


Emma looked over and looked in shock at her mother and Delia as they ran closer. "Mom? Delia?" she asked. "That wasn't Mr. Mime, it was Ash isn't it?" Delia asked. Emma looked at her friends and then back at Delia, nodding, "Yeah..." Delia looked at Alice, "I knew it," she said as Alice placed her hand on her shoulder.


After the crowd had disappeared, Emma and Jane had explained everything to Alice and Delia of what happened. Delia smiled, "Well then, there's nothing to worry about," she said. Emma frowned, "But Delia, Team Rocket just kidnapped your son."

"Don't worry about that Emma. Team Rocket thought they were getting a Mr. Mime, once they'll realize that they took Ash instead I'm sure they'll let him go," Delia said. "I hope you right," Emma said, "One time they took Misty just to get to me."

"That's true," Misty muttered. "Well, I would like to see the look on their faces when they find out they got Ash instead of Mr. Mime," Brock said with a smirk. "Why don't we all go home and have something to eat?" Alice asked with a smile, "Hanna and I will cook you something."

"Is it really okay that we come to your place?" Misty asked as she and Brock smiled. "Of course, you two and Ash are Emma's friends, you always welcome to our home," Alice said and looked at Delia, "Delia, would you like to come as well?"

"I think maybe I'll go home, I'll wait for Ash to get there, we'll come over right after," Delia said with a smile. "Do you want me to wait with you?" Emma asked. "Oh no, that's okay sweetie, you go home, I'm sure you want to see everyone," Delia said.

Alice looked at Togepi in her daughter's arms, "Now, this must be Togepi that I was told about from Jeffery," she said. The Egg Pokémon smiled, "Togy!" Alice took it into her arms, "Aw, you so cute."

Misty smirked, "Ash and Emma are Togepi's parents," she said. Emma rubbed the back of her head as she blushed, "Well... uh..." The redhead girl didn't stop and continued as she looked at Delia, "And you would be surprised how he grown since becoming family with Emma and Togepi," she said as she smirked.

"Misty!" Emma said as Delia gasped. She smiled, "Is that so?" She looked at Alice, "I don't know, Alice. You, Alex and I are pretty young to be grandparents, don't you think?" Emma looked horrified as her mother spoke too, "Yes, but how can we say 'no' when it comes to true love?"

"What are you talking about?!" Emma asked in horror as Misty smirked. "What true love? We're ten!" Misty wrapped an arm around the brunette girl's shoulder, "Almost 11." Emma gave her a look and looked at her mother when she spoke again, "When I was ten, I met your father."

"Yeah but you dated Dad when you were 13, and he was 14," Emma pointed out as she crossed her arms over her chest. She frowned, "Are we really gonna talk about this?!" The female and male mouse were watching them, and they exchanged a look and a smile, "Pika-Chu."


After saying goodbye to Delia, the group got to the Pierce mansion. Brock and Misty looked around the garden in amazement. "Wow!" Brock said. "It's so beautiful!" Misty said. "Thanks, Mom and Jeffery are working hard to keep this place like this," Emma said before hearing voices.

She looked to the side and saw a couple of her parents' Pokémon running over. "Hi everyone!" she said with a smile, and hugged her father's Gengar with a chuckle, "How has everyone been?"

"Miss Emma," Jeffery said as he walked closer, "Welcome back. Mister Brock, Miss Misty, lovely to see you both again." Emma, Brock and Misty smiled. "Hi, Jeffery," Emma said. "It's great to see you too," Misty said. "How you been?" Brock asked.

"I am doing great, I'm glad you have made it here safely," the older man said and looked around in confusion before looking at Emma, "Miss Emma, where is Mister Ash?" The girl rubbed the back of her head, "He'll be here soon with his Mom, Delia. How are Rapidash, Tentacruel, Dewgong and Rhydon doing?"

"Wonderful, however Rapidash and Rhydon aren't here at the moment, they're with your brothers, and Tentacruel and Dewgong are resting in the pool inside the Pokémon's play room," Jeffery said. "That's okay then. I'll see them later," Emma said and looked at Brock and Misty, "Want to go inside?"


After having lunch at the dining room, Emma was showing Misty and Brock the house. Misty spotted a picture of a little boy with an Eevee in a frame sitting on a table with other pictures, "Hey Emma, who's that little boy?"

Emma walked closer with Brock, while Togepi was playing with Persian and the Pikachu. "Oh. That's my older brother," Emma explained, "His name was Hunter, he disappeared when Danny was a couple of months old. He was never found."

Misty frowned sadly, "I didn't knew they had a child before Ryan," she said. "We sorry," Brock said, "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Emma smiled sadly and shook her head, "No it's okay. I usually talk about Hunter with Hanna, Jeffery, Jane and my two brothers. From what Ryan told me and Danny, Mom and Dad are still hurt about Hunter's disappearing, they blame themselves for not looking after him better."

"I'm sure it's not really their fault, they must have look for him for a very long time," Misty said. Emma nodded, "Yeah, Hanna said that the entire family helped searching. So did the town people, but... nothing." She pointed at the Eevee at the picture with Hunter, "That Eevee was found by him. Jeffery said that when Hunter found it, it was sick and really weak, so Hunter took care of it. He feed it and slept beside it everyday until it got stronger."

"So did Eevee disappeared with Hunter?" Brock asked. "Yeah," Emma answered with a nod, "Jeffery said that Hunter and Eevee were really close. Hunter didn't go anywhere without it."


Emma and her friends were now outside the mansion. Emma frowned as she looked around, "Shouldn't Ash be here with Delia by now?" she asked as Persian walked closer. "Togy," Togepi said in Emma's arms. "I'm sure they'll be here soon," Brock said.

Jane and Stella walked out. "Hey, guys, I'm heading with Stella back to the circus, want to join in?" Jane asked. "Yeah," Misty and Brock answered together. "Uh... you guys head without me, I'll get there later," Emma said.

"You sure?" Misty asked. "Yeah, go on," Emma said with a nod. "Okay," Brock said. Emma watched Jane, Stella and her friends leaving before she turned to Hanna as she walked closer to her and the Pokémon. "Hi Hanna, do you know where's Delia's house?" she asked.

"Persian can show you where it is," the woman answered with a smile, "He was there a few times with me and Alice." Emma nodded, "Thanks." She looked at Persian, "Okay, Persian, lead the way." The Cat Pokémon nodded and started to walk past her, so Emma and the Pikachu followed.

It didn't took long to get to the Ketchum house, and when Emma and the Pokémon reached to the house, they saw Team Rocket's air balloon in front of it. "Hey, that's Team Rocket's air balloon," the girl said and ran toward the door with the Pokémon.

"Delia," Emma said as she ran inside, stopping when she saw Delia with Ash and a Mr. Mime. Delia looked over and smiled, "Oh Emma, hello," she said. Emma looked at the real Mr. Mime in confusion, "Uh..."

The male mouse smiled, "Pika-Pi!" He ran toward Ash and jumped into his arms. "Hey, Pikachu," Ash said with a smile. Emma frowned and walked closer, "What's going on here?"

"I'll explain later, right now, we got to go back to the circus, Mr. Mime has agreed to help us," Ash said. "It did?" Emma asked as she looked back at Mr. Mime. "Yep, let's go," Ash said.


Emma, Ash, Delia and the Pokémon had used Team Rocket's air balloon to get back to the circus, and when they reached there, they saw Team Rocket using a tank, and throwing nets all around to catch Pokémon.

Ash jumped down from the air balloon when Team Rocket was about to threw a net to catch Stella and her Mr. Mime. "Hold it!" he said. Emma landed the air balloon on the grass as her two friends and Jane ran closer. "Ash!" Brock said as the male mouse ran closer to Ash's side.

"Get out of the way or else!"

"Move it kid!"

"Or we'll make you and your Pikachu a pancake!"

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt attack!" Ash called. His Pikachu did as told but the Thunderbolt didn't affect on the tank at all. "Huh?" Emma asked. "What's wrong?" Ash asked. "Pika?" the male mouse asked in confusion before they heard Jessie's laugh from inside.

"Your Electric attacks won't work! This tank is made of rubber."

The tank started to drive toward Ash and his Pikachu, so they started to ran away. "Ash!" Delia called and looked at the Mr. Mime she bonded with, "Mr. Mime, Ash and his friends need our help right now." Mr. Mime nodded, "Mr. Mime."

It ran toward Ash, Pikachu and the tank, and stopped behind Ash and his Pikachu, causing them to stop and turn to it. "Mr. Mime?" the boy asked. The tank stopped and show a net toward Mr. Mime, but it used Barrier move, blocking the net.

"All right!" Emma said with a smile. "Great job, Mr. Mime!" Delia cheered. Mr. Mime used more Barrier move, making a couple of walls. The tank drove closer, and tried to break the walls, but it didn't happen.

"It didn't move an inch," Misty said. "Nice job Mr. Mime!" Brock said. "Mr. Mime hasn't finished yet," Stella said as her Mr. Mime was staring. The tank suddenly drove backward, straight toward Emma and her friends.

"They heading this way," Emma said and Stella's Mr. Mime ran forward. "Mr. Mime!" Stella said as she took a step to follow. "Stella wait!" Jane said as she grabbed her friend's arm, stopping her. Stella's Mr. Mime used Barrier move, blocking Team Rocket as well.

"That's my Mr. Mime!" Stella said proudly. The two Mr. Mimes looked at each other and gave a nod to each other before they surround Team Rocket with a tower of walls.

Delia, Ash and his Pikachu ran to the Mr. Mime Delia bonded with. "You did it," Ash said with a smile. "Pika," the male mouse said. "That's my little Mimey," Delia said proudly. Mr. Mime nicknamed Mimey, hugged Delia happily, "Mime!"

Ash looked at his mother in confusion, "Your Mimey?" he asked. "That's its nickname, isn't it cute?" Delia asked. Ash and his Pikachu didn't answer, "Uhhh..."

Emma chuckled and turned to Stella when she talked to her Mr. Mime, "See Mr. Mime? You can do so much if you try," she said. Mr. Mime smiled, "Mr. Mime!" it said. Stella kneeled down in front of Mr. Mime and placed her hands on its shoulders, "I know I was wrong to be so hard on you, and I'm sorry, won't you please perform in the circus again?"

Mr. Mime nodded, "Mime." Stella hugged it, "Oh thank you, Mr. Mime!" she said. Jane smiled and nodded, "Back together once again." Suddenly there was an explosion coming from inside the wall tower the two Mr. Mimes made, and Team Rocket blasted off.

"Team Rocket blasting off again!"

Emma sighed, "They never learn," she muttered. "Pika," her Pikachu muttered as Persian tilted his head. Togepi waved its hands around with a smile, "Togy, Togy."


As the sun was sinking, Delia, Alice and Hanna had decided to make the kids dinner at the Pierce Mansion, and Delia's Mimey was more than happy to help. Ash was looking at Hunter's picture after hearing about the story, "Wow, I didn't know about it."

"It's better not to talk about it with Alice and Alex," Brock told him, and he nodded, "Got it," he said as he placed the frame picture on the table. "Children, dinner is almost ready," Delia said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Great, I'm starving," Ash said as he sat on the couch next to Persian, who was lying down on it. "How's Mr. Mime doing there?" Brock asked. "Oh, it doing great," Delia said with a smile, "Mr. Mime loves to cook."

"So, Mr. Mime becoming a member of the family," Emma said with a smile. Misty smirked and looked at Ash, "Only this member of the family has manners and helps out in the kitchen, unlike someone we know." Emma chuckled and Ash frowned, "So do I."
