Chapter 25 - The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

"Hey, look over there!" Misty called in the morning as we continued to sail off. We all looked to where she was staring to see a small island. "Great, that must be the Maiden's Peak," Ash said, "We'll be landing soon."

"It would matter to me if I wouldn't see a land again," Brock said, looking very down, "I just wasted another summer." Ash frowned, "But, we had a whole summer of adventure."

"For kids, summer means playing on the beach, splashing around, having fun, but for me... Summer means, bathing suits, and girls that wear them!" Brock said before kneeling down in sadness, "Now, bikinis season's over and I have to wait another year to meet a girl."

Ash looked at him in confusion while Misty looked annoyed and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I looked at my two friends and shrugged, "He was fine yesterday." We looked back to the sea and I looked at the Island as we were approaching it. I noticed stands around and I smiled, "Hey, what's going on there?"

"Looks like there's a Festival going on," Misty said with a smile. "Can we check it out?" I asked. "Sure, why not?" Ash asked and we started to walk back to our room before stopping when we noticed Brock was still on the floor.

Misty looked angry, "Come on, Brock! Let's get our bags!" She grabbed him by the shirt and started to drag him away as Ash, me and our Pikachu followed.


When the ship finally stopped at the dock, me and my friends got out and looked around. "Cool," Ash said. "I'll ride the Ferris wheel all alone," Brock said in sadness before looking to the side. "Oh brother," I said with a sigh. Brock looked shock, "Whoa, what a knock out!"

People from the ship were walking between him, walking to the Festival. Brock looked to where he was staring in confusion, standing next to mine and Ash's Pikachu, "Hey, she's gone."

Ash, Misty and I stood next to him. "Come on, Brock," I said. "Cheer up, we're at a Festival," Ash said. "Yeah, let's go have some fun," Misty said before she started to drag him off with us following.

As we were getting close to the Ferris wheel, I grabbed Ash's arm, "Let's go up to the Ferris wheel!" I dragged him with me as he chuckled. We reached to it and looked back at Misty and Brock to see they weren't following. "Hey, where did they go?" Ash asked and I shrugged.

We walked inside a booth and waited until it will start again. Both our Pikachu looked out the window as they were talking to each other. The Ferris wheel started to move and I looked out the window with a smile. "I've never been on a Ferris wheel before," I said. "Pikachu!" my Pikachu agreed.

"Huh? Never? How come?" Ash asked as he stood next to me. "Oh, uh, I never got the chance before," I admitted. "The thing is... well..."

"What's up?" Ash asked. I hesitated, "Nothing. I'll tell you one day." I looked down at my Pikachu and she tilted her head, as if she was hoping I would tell already about my family, "Pika-chu."


After the Ferris wheel, we finally found Misty and Brock. Misty was looking very annoyed by Brock, "Would you stop?" Brock was looking down, "She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Ash, Misty and I looked at him in confusion. "Hey, you there," a voice spoke behind Brock, and he quickly turned around in excitement. "Are you the--" He stopped when we looked down to see an old woman looking up at him. Brock stepped back, "You're not that beautiful girl."

"Who's not beautiful?" the old woman asked, looking offended, "Beware, not of an old beauty like me, but a beautiful young woman, or you'll meet a cruel fate."

"That girl on the rock, I have to meet her," Brock said. Misty placed her hands on her face smugly with a blush, "Now, I'm must be the beautiful girl she's talking about, but I'll never hurt Brock."

I raised an eyebrow with a small smirk while Ash looked at her in confusion. The old woman looked at Misty in boredom, "I was talking about an elegant young woman, not some scrawny little blabbermouth like you."

Misty looked at her offended, "Scrawny?!" Ash chuckled, "Real Scrawny." Misty turned to him with a glare, clearly about to hit him. Ash quickly hid behind me, making Misty growl in annoyance, "Emma won't be there to save you every time! That's it, I don't have to stay around here and be insulted! Let's get out of here!"

Misty grabbed Brock by the back of his shirt before grabbing my wrist before starting to drag us away, as I grabbed Ash's arm, dragging him with us.

We continued to walk a bit until we saw people were gathering around the shrine. We walked closer and pushed ourselves to the front row to see an old man with a painting that was hung underneath a cover.

"Welcome!" the man said, "To celebrate the Summer Festival, we will now represent the shrine of the Maiden's greatest treasure! For 2,000 years, this painting has been hung in the shrine of the Maiden. Once, in each year, it is removed from the shrine, and displayed for the public during this Festival." He grabbed the sheet and pulled it away, showing a painting of a young pretty woman, who had her hands together and looking sad.

We all looked at in in amazement. "It's her... but it can't be," Brock said before he took a step forward, staring at the painting with... James?!

I pointed at James in confusion as Misty and Ash looked at him in confusion. "She's so incredibly beautiful," Brock said while gazing at the painting. "She's the girl of my dreams, don't wake me up," James said while gazing at the painting before he and Brock started to walk up to the stairs.

The old man held his hands up to their faces, "Stay back. The woman in this painting has perished 2,000 years ago," He said. "2,000..." Brock trailed off. "She was in love with a brave and handsome young man, but he left her and sail away to fight in a war," the man said, "She waited for him, in a very long time, hoping to see his ship on the horizon, but her true love never returned to that place again. Still, she waited, and waited, never moving from that spot, until finally, her body turned into stone. Just like the cliff upon, she stood. To this day, she waits for her love to returned."

"Just tell me, where's this rock?" Brock asked. "Maiden's rock is not far from this shrine," the man answered. With that said, Brock took off, and Misty, Ash and I exchanged a quick look before following him quickly. "Brock, wait up!" Ash called.

As we reached to the cliff, the sun was starting to set. Brock was leaning on the railing as we looked at the stone of a woman at the other side of he railing. "So, that's Maiden's rock," Brock said while gazing at the rock, "It's the most beautiful rock I've ever seen. If she was my girlfriend, I'd made sure she would never be out of my sight."

Misty grabbed his shirt from behind, "Come on, Brock, let's go." Brock pulled away from her grip, "No! I have to stay here. She will come, I know it." Misty, Ash and I exchanged a worried look before looking back at Brock.


It was night now, and we were still at the cliff, waiting for that girl to appear. Brock was sitting on the grass while facing the back of the rock. Misty, Ash and I were starting to fall a sleep so we decided to head to the Pokémon Center to sleep there.

"No matter how long you'll wit here, a rock is a rock, Brock," Ash said. "Yeah, I'm tired," I said. "Me, too," Misty said. "Why don't you three go get some sleep?" Brock asked, "I'll join in soon."

"You know where we're staying, right?" Ash asked. "At the Pokémon Center," Brock answered, "I'll be there soon. I'll be fine." We hesitated and looked at him. "Okay..." I trailed off before we walked away.


It was getting really late and Brock still hasn't came to the Pokémon Center. Ash, Misty and I were on the beds in our room. "I'm really worried," Misty said, "Brock isn't back yet."

"I think we should get him," Ash said. "We can't leave. Now, it's curfew time, we are not allowed to go anywhere. In a Pokémon Center, when it's curfew time, Nurse Joy is around to make sure that kids in our age are not wondering around outside the rooms," I explained. "Oh, come on," Ash said as Misty sighed and I laid down.


In the morning, Misty, Ash and I were looking on the cliff and around a small house that was near it, for Brock, who wasn't in the spot we left him last night. "Brock!" We all shouted. "Brock! Where are you?" Misty called.

"James! James! If you're not here at least come out and tell us!" We heard a familiar voice near us and we all looked over to see Jessie and Meowth, who both then looked at us.

"You again!" Ash said. "Yuck!" Jessie snapped. "Double Yuck!" Ash said. "I've finally found you," Jessie said as she pointed at me, which caused Ash and Misty stand in front of me protectively with both mine and Ash's Pikachu. Jessie looked away in annoyance as if she remembered something, "Oh, wait a minute, you're not the one I was looking for, for now."

"Hey, are you looking for someone, too?" Ash asked. Jessie cleared her throat, "Prepare for trouble!" She tried to imitate James' voice, which I just noticed wasn't here. "Make it double!" She sighed, "Doing it by myself is a real drag. To protect the world from devastation. To unite all people's within our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love."

Suddenly, we heard a muffling voice of James from somewhere, "To extended our reaches to the stars above." We all looked around in confusion and Jessie hesitated before quickly continued, "Jessie?"


We looked around but couldn't see James anywhere.

"Uh, Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

We looked to the small house near us and then, James thrown out as he called, "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" James landed between me and my friend and Team Rocket.

"He looks awful," Jessie said. "Worse than usual," Meowth said before Brock fell out of the house, landing next to James. "Brock!" I said. Ash kneeled next to him, setting him up, "Pull yourself together." Jessie shook James angrily, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"So, everything turned out just as I predicted," a familiar voice spoke and we all looked over to see the old woman from yesterday. "It's the old woman," Ash said. "Obviously, this two have both seen the ghost of the Maiden," the old woman said. "Ghost of the Maiden?" we all repeated together before we looked down at Brock and James as they mumbled together before they pulled away from us and hugged each other.

"They're possessed!" Ash said, "Pikachu!" His Pikachu used Thunder Shock, hitting James and Brock together and it stopped, making them fall to the ground. Brock sat up, groaning, "Who am I? I'm Brock."

Misty, Ash and I smiled. "Brock's back!" I said. James sat up, "I'm James, from Team Rocket." He stood up as Ash and I helped Brock stand. The old woman walked closer and looked up at Ash as she raised an eyebrow, "You! Why didn't you fell into the spell of the ghost? Do you have one special girl who has put you into her own spell?" Ash froze, "Huh?!"

"Is it the blabbermouth?" She asked as she pointed her walking stick at Misty's face, much to her annoyance. "Or is it the Tomboy?" She pointed the stick at my face, which I raised my eyebrows. "W--What?" Ash asked as he blushed.

The old woman ignored him and walked past us, "Come with me." She walked into the house, and we quickly followed inside. Me, my friends and Team Rocket sat in front of the woman as she explained to us what was happening.

"All men who passes this way, fell under her spell," she said, "It's always the same story, over and over. We find them here, acting like Zombies, with the life suck out of them, mumbling like idiots. It's the work of that Maiden's ghost! Still waiting for her young soldier to return. It's just as I warned you."

"So what? Who cares, as long as I can be with her," Brock said in a gaze. Misty, Ash and I looked at him in shock and Ash quickly waved his hand in front of his face, but Brock didn't react. "He isn't cured!" Ash said.

"I'm scared! You've got to do something!" James said. At least one is cured from it. "There's only one thing we can do about it," the woman said and we all looked at her. She grinned and held up stickers, "We have stickers." She walked closer, sticking two stickers on James' and Brock's foreheads. "These are anti-ghost stickers. However..."

"What's the catch?" Ash asked as he raised an eyebrow. The woman smiled innocently, "I can't just give these stickers for free." We all exchanged a look.


We bought the anti-ghost stickers and sticked them around the house and on James and Brock. We waited at night for the ghost inside the house, and to our surprise the doors opened up. "She's here!" we heard the old woman saying.

Wind blowed fast around us, pulling the stickers away from the walls, and from Brock and James. To our shock, we saw the ghost of the woman on the opened doors. Brock stood up as he gazed at her, "It's you."

"I've been waiting for you," the ghost said, her voice was echoing. "Yes, and I've been waiting, too," Brock said. James was shaking, "I'm scared, really, really scared."

"I've wanted to meet you," the ghost said. "And I, you," Brock said. Suddenly he and James were lifted in the air. Brock was floating after the ghost as she floated away. "Brock!" Ash called before he, Misty and I followed him with mine and Ash's Pikachu.

"I don't want to go! I don't want to go!" We heard James behind us as we grabbed Brock's legs before he could reach to the ghost over her rock. "Brock!" Misty called. Brock looked down at us, "Hey, let me go."

We ignored him and pushed him down to the ground. "I don't want to go," James cried and I looked up to see him floating toward the ghost. We saw a missile hitting the ghost, but it went straight her, making the ghost let go of James, and he grabbed the railing before he could fall to the water.

Me and my friends looked at Jessie in surprise, seeing she was the one to fire, "Hey, girl! You can't take him, you haven't go a ghost of a chance!" James looked at her in relief, "You really do care!"

"It's not 'cause of you," Jessie said, "Girls like her disgust me. Always waiting around for her man as if she were his faithful pet. She can't stand of the thought of losing him. She cries. But I say, 'see ya, later'. There are plenty more fish in the sea." Meowth crossed his arms, "I could go with some fish."

"I've been waiting, you can not interfere," the ghost said before sending wind around us. Right after it stopped, several skull-like ghostly appeared, laughing. Jessie and Meowth quickly ran to stand behind James, me and my friends. "What is that?!" Misty asked in fear. "Not any Pokémon I know," Ash said as he pulled out his Dexter.

No Pokémon have been found.

"They're not Pokémon?!" Ash asked. The skull-like ghostly were still laughing before floating around us, making us all scream. Misty hid behind Brock as I grabbed into Ash's arm. Suddenly his Dexter spoke again.

Still searching.

We both looked at it in confusion before moving it around until Ash stopped it in front of the ghost Maiden.

Pokémon entry found! Gastly, a Ghost Pokémon. It is usually invisible. Its specialty is Hypnosis.

"Gastly?! You're really a Pokémon?" Ash asked. "So, you finally figured it out," the ghost said, "Sometimes I'm the ghost of a 2,000-year-old Maiden." It changed to the old woman, "And sometimes I'm the mysterious old woman, but no matter what the disguise, I'll always be..." It started to change, making the skull-like ghostly disappeared, and it changed into Gastly. "Only Gastly."

"Gastly! What do you think you're doing?!" I snapped, shocked that this Gastly could spoke. "It's time for a battle! Pikachu!" Ash said. "My Hypnotic powers can work on other Pokémon, too, including a little rodents," the Gastly spoke as Ash's Pikachu ran forward.

Suddenly, Gastly turned into a rather large mouse trap, heading straight toward Pikachu, making the male mouse ran back toward Ash, "Pika-Pi!" Pikachu hid right behind Ash's leg as Ash looked at Gastly angrily as it turned back to it's form. Meowth ran forward, "Mouse trap won't hurt Meowth!"

"So, Meowth, you want to play games with me?" Gastly asked, "Here's a cat toy I think you'll enjoy." A ball suddenly appeared, making Meowth stop running toward the Ghost Pokémon and quickly turned to the ball to play with. Jessie threw her Poké ball, "Go, Ekans!"

Ekans was released and went straight toward Gastly. The moment, Ekans wrapped itself around the Ghost Pokémon, Gastly turned to a mongoose. It smirked, "Dinner time!"

Ekans quickly ran away from it and hid right behind me and Jessie. Jessie looked annoyed, looking at James, "Your turn." James blinked before letting Koffing out, "Uh, Koffing, Poison Gas attack."

Koffing did as was told, but then the mongoose stomped Koffing down. "My turn now!" Ash said before throwing a Poké ball as Gastly turned back to its form, "Charmander, I choose you!"

The cute Lizard Pokémon was released and Gastly smirked. "Well now, here's something for you," It said before turning to a fire extinguisher, and before it could hit Charmander, it run back toward Ash as it held its tail. Gastly turned back to its form with a grin, "Now, who should I defeat?"

Misty stepped forward as she held something behind her before lifting it up forward, "Defeat this!" I frowned, a cross? "What's that?" Gastly asked. "It's a cross," Misty answered and she smiled, "I've also got garlic, a stake, and a hammer!"

Ash, Brock and I looked at her in confusion. Gastly looked a bit offended, "What do I look like? A vampire or something?" Suddenly, a church bells were ringing, echoing around us, which caused Gastly to react. "What's happening?" I asked in confusion.

"I may not be a vampire, but I hate sunlight," it said, "It's time for me to go until the next festival!" With that said, it disappeared as the sun started to rise. "That was Gastly," Misty mattered.


Another day, and another final night here at this island before we'll leave the next day, tonight was also the last day for the festival. Me and my friends were with a lot of people at the river, sending lanterns down the water for lost souls, before we decided to join in for the celebrations for the end of the festival.

I was dressed in a very cute yukata and made sure it was put on correctly before heading to meet my friends and both mine and Ash's Pikachu, who both must be with Ash. I was looking for them while seeing drummers were drumming and people were dancing. Lanterns were hung up by the trees and bushes. What catch my eye was Misty and Brock dancing together along with everyone else and I grinned.

I looked around again until I found Ash, wearing his own yukata, looking at his Dexter with both mine and his Pikachu.

I smiled and walked closer to him with the fan in my hand, "Hey you." Ash's Pikachu and mine looked at me with a smile, "Pika!"

Ash looked up from his Dexter toward me, and his eyes grew wide as he stared at me. I blinked, "What? Is it... bad?"

"What?" Ash asked and blinked before shaking his head as he blushed, "N--No! You look great!" I smiled, feeling a bit shy after he said that and put the fan up slightly as I felt my cheeks heating up. I cleared my throat, "Thanks. You look great, too." I put the fan down and grabbed his hand, "I've been looking for you, let's dance."

"S--Sure," Ash stuttered and I giggled lightly before looking at both the Pikachu, "Come on, guys, you too." I dragged Ash with me as the Pokémon followed to dance.
