Chapter 4 - Helping a Poliwag

"Okay, we here," Dad said as he parked the car by the river, where we all going to do a picnic. "Alright!" I said with a smile before getting out of the back seat before Danny could. "Pichu!" Pichu called with a smile as she followed me.

She jumped on my shoulder as Pikachu jumped out of the back seat with Ryan getting out after him and Danny got out as well. Mom got out of the passenger seat and Dad from the driver seat.

"Can I go look around?" I asked. "Sure, but be careful," Mom said with a smile. "Okay," I said before turning back to my female yellow friend, "Come on, Pichu, let's go look around," I said.

"Pichu!" She agreed, holding up her paw as a 'let's go' sign before we both ran off. "Stay close!" Ryan called. "Okay!" I called back. We went to the other side of the river, looking around before I stopped. I stretched my arms and sighed happily as I gazed at the sparkling river, "Look at that, Pichu. Isn't it beautiful?" I asked.

"Pichu," she agreed as we both sat down. I breathed out before looking up at the blue sky. "This is great," I mumbled with a smile. Suddenly, Pichu's smile faded away as her ears moved slightly, "Pichu?"

I stared at her as she got up, looking at the river, "Pichu." She pointed at the middle of the river and I looked at the middle to see bubbles appearing. I got up, "Huh? What is that?" I asked. Then, something came out of the water and quickly fell straight behind me. Pichu and I ran to it and kneeled down before turning it around. It was a Pokémon. A Poliwag. "It's a Poliwag," I said.

Poliwag is a Pokémon resembling a blue, spherical tadpole. It has feet but no arms. It has large eyes and pink lips. There is also a black and white swirl on its abdomen. It has a long, thin tail surrounded by a light-blue, semitransparent fin.

Suddenly, the blue Pokémon opened its eyes wide open and sat up straight. "Hey there," I said as Pichu smiled at it. It looked at me and then at Pichu before looking behind us, fear in its eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked before looking behind me to see another Pokémon coming out of the water.

A Poliwrath.

Poliwrath is a blue, bipedal Pokémon with a round body and muscular arms. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head and its belly is covered by a white and black swirl. There appear to be white gloves on its hands, and it has rounded, digit-less feet.

"A Poliwrath?" I asked as I stood up. Suddenly Poliwrath looked at Poliwag and the small blue Pokémon quickly hid behind me between my feet. "Poliwag!" It said, its voice sounded scared.

"Nothing to worry," I said to myself, staring at the older blue Pokémon. It pointed at Poliwag and told it to come over. "What's going on?" I asked. "Pichu!" Pichu said, stepping in front of me and Poliwag.

Poliwrath looked at Pichu and then it used water gun on her. I caught Pichu before she could fell to the ground, "Pichu, are you okay?" I asked and she nodded. Poliwag came from behind and stepped in front of us.

"You can do that, Poliwag," I said. "Pichu! Pi!" Pichu called. All of a sudden, Poliwrath used Water Gun and Poliwag did that as well but the younger Pokémon was a little weak and Poliwrath's water gun was getting closer to Poliwag.

"What to do?" I mumbled. Suddenly, Pichu looked up at me, "Pichu!" she said, pointing at Poliwag. What was Pichu trying to say? "What are you--" I looked back at the fight as suddenly Poliwrath stopped and rushed towards Poliwag.

"Oh, Poliwag, look out!" I called. "Pichu!" Pichu called. Poliwrath used Double Slap, attacking Poliwag and weakening it more. "Oh no," I said. "Pichu-Pi!" Pichu said, looking at me. Was she trying to tell me to help Poliwag? But how? I'm not its trainer and I -

I looked back at Poliwag, Poliwrath stopped and step back as Poliwag fell to the ground. It tried slowly to get up back to it's feet and it looked like Poliwrath wasn't finished.

It used Water Gun again and Poliwag didn't know. "Poliwag, dodge it!" I called and surprisingly, it listened as it moved away from the attack. "It listen?" I asked. "Pichu!" Pichu said with a big smile before looking up at me.

"Okay," I said before looking back at Poliwag, "Poliwag, use Double Slap!" With that Poliwag did as it was told, hitting Poliwrath straight. "Alright now Water Gun!" And it did but suddenly, Poliwrath used Water Gun as well, crushing both the attacks together.

"Not again," I mumbled. "Pichu," Pichu said, worried. "Wait a second! Poliwag quick use Hydro Pump!" I called and it did, hitting Poliwrath straight again, this time harder and it crushed to the ground, unconscious.

"Poliwag you did it!" I called with a smile as Pichu hopped from my arms to the ground. "Pichu!" Pichu called with a smile as her paws out at the air. Poliwag turned to us and jumped in joy, "Poliwag, poliwag!"

It quickly came towards us as I kneeled down and before I knew it Poliwag jumped into my arms, hugging me. I giggled, "You were amazing," I said. "Pichu! Pichu, Pi!" Pichu said, nodding her head in agreement.

"Emma? Emma?" I heard my Mom calling for me. "I'm coming, Mom," I called over my shoulder before placing Poliwag down gently on the ground and standing up. "It was fun meeting you Poliwag," I said. "I hope we meet again soon."

"Pichu," Pichu said before we both started to run back to where my family was. "Hey, where have you been?" Ryan asked as I looked around to see they all let out their Pokémon. "Pichu and I met a Poliwag!" I said with a big smile. "Pichu, Pi!" Pichu said with a smile.

"A Poliwag? That's cool," Danny said with a smile. "We helped it fight against a big Poliwrath and it defeated it! It was amazing!" I said. "Wow, slow down there," Dad said and chuckled a little.

We soon all started to eat; me and my family were at the table while the Pokémon were all around eating on the soft grass. Suddenly, Hookfang looked around and soon everyone as well.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked and all the Pokémon looked at one spot at the bushes. It started to make noises and move slightly. "What's that?" I asked. And then, a Pokémon popped out it's head with a smile, "Poliwag."

"Hey, it's the same Poliwag I was talking about!" I said with a big smile as all the Pokémon relaxed. "Pichu!" Pichu called with a smile. Poliwag jumped out of the bushes as I got up and it run towards me. It jumped into my arms and I giggled.

"Poliwag seems to like you," Mom said with a smile. "Poliwag, Poliwag," Poliwag said with a smile. Pichu hopped on my shoulder, "Pichu, Pi!" She said with a smile. Poliwag nodded with a smile, "Poliwag!"

"What is it?" I asked. "I think that... well, Poliwag wants to stay with you," Ryan said. "It does?" I asked. "Pichu," Pichu said with a smile as she nodded. "Poliwag," Poliwag said as it nodded.

"But, I'm still not old enough," I pointed out, looking at my family. "Well, if Poliwag really wants you to be it's trainer, it could wait for you to be 10 just like Pichu," Mom said. "It could stay," Dad agreed.

I smiled before looking down at Poliwag, "Do you want that, Poliwag?" I asked. It smiled and nodded in joy, "Poliwag, Poliwag!"
