Chapter 33 - Hypno's Naptime

As we were walking in a new city, we were looking around at the huge buildings around. "Geez, it's sort of feels like the buildings closing in on us," Ash said. "Yeah, they are all so tall, and you can hardly see the sky," Misty agreed. "Where are we, Brock?" I asked our friend, who was holding the map.

"Uh... HopHopHop Town," Brock answered. "HopHopHop? Is that really a name?" I asked. "Arnold!" a female voice called and we all looked forward to see a woman running toward us. "Arnold," she said with a smile and hugged a very surprised Ash. "Where have you been?" She asked, "Mother has been so worried."

Ash tried to pull away from her embrace, "Excuse me, but my name is Ash." The woman looked at him in confusion as Misty stepped in with a smile, "And my name is Misty, Ma'am." Brock handed me the map before grabbing Misty by her shoulders, "She wasn't talking to you."

"I guess not," Misty muttered. Brock pulled her to his side as the woman let go of Ash. "Oh! I'm so sorry," She said, "But you look so much like my Arnold."

"What happened to him, Ma'am?" I asked. "You don't know?" the woman asked. "We just got here," I answered, "We're traveling."

The woman had leaded us to the side of a mall, and we all sat down together as she explained. "I'm so upset, because my son, Arnold, just disappeared. He's been gone for three days," She said, "I can't find him anywhere."

"And you haven't heard from him?" Brock asked. "Not a word," the woman answered sadly. "Could he have gone to become a Pokémon trainer?" Ash suggested. "He did like Pokémon, of course, but he never mentioned anything about becoming a trainer," the woman said. "Don't you think he'll probably just come home soon?" Misty asked. The woman shook her head sadly, "My son isn't the only child that disappeared recently."

Me and my friends looked at her in shock. "He's not?" I asked. The woman looked to the side and we followed her gaze to a wall, where many posters of missing children were on. "See those posters?" the woman asked, "Those are pictures of all the children that disappeared."

"That many?" Misty asked. "This must be a pretty dangers town," Ash muttered next to me. Misty smiled as she placed her hands on her cheeks, "My pictures will be on posters, when I'll be a big famous star."

Ash, Brock and I looked at her in confusion, and Misty gave us a look. "Excuse me?!" She snapped. Ash smirked as he petted his Pikachu on the head, "Maybe in horror movies."

"Pika-chu," his Pikachu agreed. We heard a motorcycle by and looked over to see Officer Jenny stopping her motorcycle near the wall. She had a few posters on the motorcycle. She got off of her motorcycle and walked to the wall to put another poster on it. Ash stood up and ran toward her.

Misty and Brock followed. I looked at the woman, "We'll see if we can help with anything to find your son and the others." The woman smiled a small smile, "Thank you." I nodded and ran after my friends.

Brock pushed Ash away and stood in front of Officer Jenny, "It must be terrible to search for all those lost children." He took her hand, "I will be very happy to help you search."

"What?" Officer Jenny asked in confusion. "We can both work together hand in hand," Brock said. Officer Jenny gave him a look as she pulled her hand from his grip. I placed my hand on Brock's face before pushing him away.

I turned to Officer Jenny with a small smile, "Excuse my friend, Officer Jenny. My friends and I would like to help in the search for the kids," I said. "Well... just don't get in the way," Officer Jenny said. "You got it," I agreed.


Me, my friends and Officer Jenny were walking down town. "All of the missing children disappeared exactly three days ago," Officer Jenny explained. "Three days ago?" Ash asked. "Besides that, did the missing children had anything else in common?" Brock asked.

"That's a good question," I muttered. "They don't have a thing in common," Officer Jenny answered sadly, "But I think other kids may know something about it." She looked to the side as we stopped and we followed her gaze to the Pokémon Center.

"I see. So we'll ask the kids in the Pokémon Center if they know anything," Brock said. Ash suddenly stepped forward as he raised his arm to the air, "That's it, Brock! Brilliant deduction!" I pushed him forward in boredom, "Let's move it."

We all walked inside and Officer Jenny turned to me and my friends. She handed me a poster with all the missing children, "You go ask Nurse Joy about the kids." She handed three more posters like those to Brock, Misty and Ash.

"Okay," I said before starting to walk toward the counter with my Pikachu. Ash quickly followed, "Wait up." We both, along with our Pikachu, walked toward Nurse Joy. "Excuse me, Nurse Joy, can we ask you something?" I asked. "Of course," She answered with a smile. I held up the poster, "We're here about the missing children."

Her smile faded away, "Oh, those kids that disappeared all of a sudden. I saw it on the news," She said. "Please, is there's anything you can tell us about these children?" Ash asked. "I'd like to help you, but right now, I'm afraid my hands are full with our own mystery," Nurse Joy said.

"What do you mean? What's the matter?" I asked. "All of the Pokémon here at the Center are behaving very strangely," She said and we looked at her in confusion.


Nurse Joy had took me, my friends and Officer Jenny to a room, and showed us a few Pokémon that were there. A Cubone and an Oddish were lying on the table, both of them were out of their energy. "Just look at Cubone. And Oddish," Nurse Joy said and put a very tired Magikarp on the table, "Even Magikarp was affected. And it usually full of life."

"The Magic disappeared," Misty said. "I've never seen a Magikarp like that," I said and tilted my head, "Then again I've never seeing a Magikarp like mine." Nurse Joy looked over her shoulder at a tired Charmander, "The flame on this Charmander could go out any minute." She took a Psyduck into her arms, "And this one been in just terrible shape."

"Psyduck?" I asked. Ash pulled out his Dexter and held it in front of Psyduck, "Psyduck?"

Psyduck, a Water Pokémon. Uses mysterious powers to perform various attacks.

"Mysterious powers?" Ash asked as he lowered his Dexter. "That's hard to believe," Misty said. "So what's causing all of this?" Brock asked. Nurse Joy shook her head, "I have no idea."

"How long are they acting like this?" I asked. "Since three days ago," She answered. "Three days?" Brock repeated and we looked at Officer Jenny. "And that exactly when all those children disappeared," Brock said.

"I wonder if maybe there's something in connected between the children disappearing and the Pokémon lack of energy," Officer Jenny said with her arms crossed over her chest. "Mmm. One mystery leads to another," Ash said as he and Brock crossed their arms over their chests, "One more puzzle for the mind of Ash Ketchum, Master detective. Mmm."

I raised an eyebrow before looking at Officer Jenny, "Where should we look now, Officer Jenny?" She opened her mouth to reply before we all heard a noise coming from her pocket. "Is that your radio?" Misty asked. Officer Jenny pulled out her radio, "It's picking up something."

"I bet I know what that is," Brock said as he leaned closer to her. Misty glared and I pushed Brock away before turning to Officer Jenny, "What is it?"

"This is a Sleep Wave detector," Officer Jenny answered. "A Sleep Wave detector?" Brock repeated. "Lately, I've been picking up some Sleep Waves," Officer Jenny said.

"But I'm sure there's no Pokémon that can make waves like that in this Center," Nurse Joy said. "They from outside," Officer Jenny said. Right after she said that, both mine and Ash's Pikachu fell on the table. "Pikachu?!" I asked. "Oh, no, even the Pikachu losing their energy," Ash said.

"I wonder if those Sleep Waves, and the Pokémon's condition are..." Brock trailed off. "Yeah," Officer Jenny said with a nod, "They maybe connected." I took my Pikachu into my arms while Ash did the same with his. Officer Jenny looked at the radio, "We should go find the source of those Sleep Waves."

My friends and I nodded and we walked away with Officer Jenny. We walked outside and followed the signal from the radio. We stopped at a very huge building after a few minutes. "It's coming from this building," Officer Jenny said.

"Wow, it's so tall," Ash said. "It seems to be coming from the roof," Officer Jenny said. "Let's go," Brock said and we ran inside. We went to an elevator and headed up to the roof, as the signal was getting stronger.

We reached up to the very top and walked out of the elevator to be greeted by a door that leads to the roof. We walked closer and opened it. The roof had a garden and at the end there was a mansion. "What the..." I trailed off, "A mansion?" Officer Jenny pointed the radio toward the mansion, "It's coming from inside there."

"All right," Ash said and ran toward the mansion. "Wait, Ash!" Misty called but he took off. We watched as he reached to the door and kneeled down before signaling for us to come. We ran over and reached toward him. "What now?" Brock asked.

"Someone's inside, I'm going in," Ash said before he and Brock stood up. They both pushed the door open and ran in. Officer Jenny, Misty and I followed in only to stop in shock.

There were many people that were well dressed, and a Drowzee and a Hypno resting on a round table. "What is this place?" Brock asked. "What's going on here?" Ash asked. A man with glasses and brown hair walked toward us, "Are you new members?"

"Members?" Ash asked. "We've been monitoring some Sleep Waves, coming from up here," Officer Jenny said. "Sleep Waves?" the man asked before he smiled, "Oh, I know!" He looked at Hypno, "This Hypno must be emitting them." Ash pulled out his Dexter, "Hypno?"

Hypno, a Hypnosis Pokémon. It carries a pendulum-like device and performs hypnotic attacks.

"And what's that next to it?" Misty asked. "That's Drowzee," I said. Ash pointed his Dexter at it, "Drowzee?"

Drowzee. Said to be a descendant of the dream-eating tapir. It was the first Pokémon to use a combination attack like Hypnosis and Dream Eater.

"Hypno is the evolved form of Drowzee," I said. "That's right," the man said, "Our Drowzee finally evolved into Hypno, three days ago." We looked at him in shock. "Three days ago?" Brock asked. "I knew it, that's just when those children vanished, and the Pokémon started to lose all their energy," Officer Jenny said.

"We've been using the Pokémon instead using sleeping medicine," an older man with grey hair spoke. "What do you mean 'We'?" Misty asked. "The members of 'Pokémon Lover's Club'," the man with the glasses said. "The Pokémon Lover's Club?" Misty asked.

"Precisely. You see all of our members absolutely adore Pokémon, and, Drowzee and Hypno have became our favorite Pokémon," the man said, "Everyone's hard work payed off when Drowzee finally evolved. Living our lives in the city is very stressful, and all of our members suffered from insomniacs, so we come to rely on Hypno's powers to get us to sleep in nights."

We watched as a man with grey hair sat in front of Hypno, who then held its pendulum in front of the man, swinging it back and forth until the man fell asleep.

"Hypno's sleep wave must have affected all those Pokémon by zapping their energy!" Ash snapped at the man with glasses. He looked at us in shock as me and Ash held up both our Pikachu. "Yeah, take a look at our Pikachu," I said. "The same thing happen to all of the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center," Misty said.

"It must be a..." the man trailed off. "A side affect," Brock said. "Side affect?" Ash asked. Brock nodded, "Hypno's hypnotic powers are used usually only on other Pokémon. Since the wave changed to affect humans, it's creating a side affect for the Pokémon." The man looked over at Hypno as he spoke, "Some how we accidently caused a terrible situation."

"You know what? I bet that new wave can even affect some kids that were sensitive to it, too," Brock said. "I think so," I agreed as Misty walked toward the table. "Misty?" I asked. She looked at Hypno, "Let's see."

Hypno held its pendulum in front of Misty, swinging it back and forth. We all walked closer and watched as Misty suddenly sat on the floor and clapping her hands. "Seel, Seel, Seel, Seel!" She said.

"Misty?!" I asked worriedly. "What's the matter?!" Ash asked. "Misty's been control by the Sleep Wave!" Brock said. "We got to do something!" Ash said. Misty suddenly stood up, and ran past us outside. "Misty! Come back!" I said and me, Ash, Brock, Officer Jenny and the head of the club ran after her.

Misty ran to the door and we ran after he only to see she was running down the stairs. "Misty!" I called but she didn't respond. "Come on," Officer Jenny said and we took the elevator.

Once we reached to the lobby we saw Misty running outside, and quickly followed her. "How did she get down the stairs so fast?!" Brock asked. "Faster!" I said as we ran after her into a park.

"How can she ran this fast?" I panted. We suddenly stopped, breathing heavily as we found Misty by the lake, but what shocked us all was that all the missing kids were there, acting like Pokémon as well.

"This are all the missing children," Officer Jenny said. "What's happening? Why are they acting like that?" Ash asked. "Pokémon-itis," Brock said. "Pokémon-itis?" Ash and I asked together.

"With that new Wave, the children who were exposed to Hypno's Sleep Wave think they are Pokémon now," Brock said. "And it got Misty, too," I said. "Yeah," Brock agreed. "How on earth can a thing like that happen?" the head of the club asked.

We all looked at the children as they all mimicked Pokémon. "All right, wake up, everyone," Officer Jenny said as she clapped her hands and walked toward the kids, "It's time to go home. Come on, stop this. Wake up now, kids. Your parents are all worried sick!" None of the kids responded to her, and they continued on.

"It's just no use," she said. "What can we do?" Ash asked. "Say, I know!" the head of the club said and we looked at him. "What if we use Drowzee to cure the children?"

"Drowzee?" Ash asked. The man nodded, "Sleep induce dream wavelengths, which in this case may interact Hypno's wavelengths." Brock nodded, "Yeah, it may just work."

"Let's give it a try," I said, "Quick let's grab Misty." Ash and Brock ran toward Misty and grabbed her by the arms. We all dragged her back to the mansion to Drowzee and Hypno. We sat Misty on the chair as she continued to clap her hands together and saying 'Seel' repeatedly.

"Drowzee, use your dream wave and focus them on this girl," the head of the club said. Drowzee did as was told, focusing them on Misty, making her finally stop as she closed her eyes.

"Misty," I said. "She must be in a pretty deep trance," Brock said. We watched for a moment, until Drowzee clapped its hands together. Misty opened her eyes, "Huh? Hey, where am I?" She asked as we all smiled at her.

"Geez, Misty, you looking kind of beat," Ash said. Misty stood up as she glared at him, "When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it!" Ash smiled, "She's back to normal."

"Yep," I agreed while Misty looked at us in confusion. "Now, we just need to use Drowzee's Sleep Waves on all those kids at the park," Officer Jenny said. To my shock, I watched Ash picking up Drowzee to his shoulders, "Okay. Now we've got to put those kids back to normal."

"Are you sure you can carry Drowzee?" I asked. "Yeah, let's go," Ash said before starting to ran away. Officer Jenny, Misty, Brock and I followed and ran outside as Hypno and a woman watched us leave.

We ran to the door but stopped when we looked up at the sky to see something flying down toward us. "What's that?" Brock asked. "Whatever it is, it's coming this way," Misty said. "Please don't tell me," I said as we saw three figures on hang gliders. "Oh no! Not them!" Ash said.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

Team Rocket flew down, making us all bend down so we won't get hit. They landed behind us and we stood up to face them. "Team Rocket is here to take possession of Drowzee and Hypno," Jessie said. Ash put Drowzee down to its feet, "You're dreaming!"

"Well, we'll just have to see who's dreaming after this," Jessie said as she held up a mirror, "If Hypno can put anything to sleep, try this!" She held the mirror in front of Hypno.

"Now wait!" I snapped. "If you have any pride as a Hypnosis Pokémon, you'll do it," Jessie said as she ignored me. "This is known as the Team Rocket 'Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the sleepiest of them all?'" Meowth said. James held the mirror in front of Hypno, "Just don't hypnotize me, okay, do it."

Hypno swung its pendulum in front of the mirror back and forth. I threw Scyther's Poké ball, "Scyther, break that mirror!" Scyther was released, flying quickly toward Hypno and the mirror, breaking the mirror into pieces, snapping Hypno back to itself.

"And we thought so hard to come with that strategy!" Jessie said before she threw a whip, wrapping it around Drowzee, as James threw a whip toward Hypno. Scyther held his scythe in front of Hypno, letting the whip grabbed his scythe instead. "Wrong Pokémon! Wrong Pokémon!" Meowth shouted at James.

I saw Scyther smirk before he cut the whip. "Scyther, cut Jessie's whip too!" I said and Scyther jumped up before flying down, cutting the whip to half, making Jessie fall backward into James and Meowth. "Now, Scyther, get them out of here, use Swords Dance!" I ordered.

Scyther crossed his claws across his chest and spine rapidly, air blowing around him. He spined faster, creating a small tornado, heading toward Team Rocket. The air blowed them inside, making them scream as they spin around before flying up into the sky.

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!" We heard Team Rocket calling before disappearing into the sky. The tornado disappeared as Scyther stopped. "Scyther," he said. "Good work, Scyther," I said as I held his Poké ball, "Return!" Scyther went back into his Poké ball. "Come on guys, let's go," Brock said.


As soon as we reached to the park where the kids were, Drowzee used its Sleep Waves on all the kids, including both my Pikachu and Ash's. We watched as they all were sleeping.

"They all dreaming," Brock said. "My Pikachu is too," I said as I looked down at her in my arms. Ash's Pikachu was on his shoulder as Ash looked at him, "So is mine."

After a moment, Drowzee clapped its hands together, which caused the kids to wake up. We watched as they all stood up and talking before running off back to their homes. "All right," I said before looking down to see my Pikachu woke up.

"Pika?" she asked. "Pikachu!" I said with a smile and looked over at Ash's Pikachu to see he was awake too. "Pika, Pika," Ash's Pikachu said.

"We need to cure the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center, too," Brock said and agreed before going there. Drowzee sat on the table where Cubone, Oddish and Magikarp were still lying on.

"Okay, Drowzee, do it again," I said and Drowzee nodded before it used Sleep Waves once again at all the tired Pokémon around. After a moment, it clapped its hands again, waking them all up. I looked over at the Charmander on the other side and smiled as it stood up with a smile and its flame on its tail was back higher.

I walked closer to it and petted it on the head as I looked around at the Pokémon, as they looking happy and jumping around. "The Pokémon are all back to normal!" Nurse Joy said happily. "Sometimes, I wonder what the Pokémon dream about," I said with a smile as I walked back to my friends. "I wonder that, too," Ash agreed.

"They must be dreaming of getting stronger and evolving," Brock said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I dream about that sometimes, too," Misty said. Ash placed his hands on his hips smugly, "Well, that's just one more case solved by Ash Ketchum, master detective."

I grabbed his ear, making him cry out in pain. "I'm sorry, did you say something like you solved the case?" He grabbed my wrist, "Ah! No! We all did!" He said and I smirked before letting go of his ear. He held his ear, "Why do you keep doing this?" He muttered as Misty and Brock chuckled.

"You doing this to yourself," I said with a smile and crossed my arms over my chest. We looked over at Nurse Joy as she sighed and looked to the side at the same Psyduck. Brock walked closer to her, "What's the matter? A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn't have to much to be sad about."

"All of the Pokémon are better, but this one still holding its head," Nurse Joy pointed out as we all looked at Psyduck. "Leave it to me," Brock said, "Caring for Pokémon it the sole purpose of my life. The reason I exist."

"Then maybe you can help it," Nurse Joy said and we all looked at Psyduck. "Uh... sure," Brock said. "Oh, great," Misty muttered.

After we said goodbye to Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, we were heading out of town with Psyduck following us. "Well, you were the one who said 'Leave it to me', Brock," Ash said. "Thanks Brock," I muttered sarcastically.

"But Psyduck is a Water type Pokémon, you better take it, Misty," Brock said. Misty was walking beside me, only walking backwards as she stared at the Duck Pokémon.

"Why would I want such a boring Pokémon?" Misty asked before Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Psyduck constantly suffers from a headache.

We all stopped as we heard Misty screaming, "You mean this thing always have a headache?!" Ash, Brock and I turned to Misty as she fell down. "My Poké ball!" She said as one of her Poké balls fell off of her belt and rolled down near Psyduck. Psyduck tapped it with its bill out of curiosity and got inside the Poké ball, becoming Misty's new Pokémon.

"Oh, no! Now, it's in my Poké ball?!" Misty asked in horror. "Um, good work, Misty, you caught Psyduck," I said. Misty held her head in her hands, "Uhh, now I got a headache!"

I patted Misty on the back softly as she lowered her hands to the ground, looking very annoyed and sad by having Psyduck in her team.
