Chapter 65 - Lights! Camera! Love!

Today, the kids were outside of Pallet Town, and this time Persian had join in with them for the day. Ash finally decided to train for the Pokémon League, so they all decided to head out to practice together.

"Look at this place!" Misty said as she admired the field and the river before noticing that not far away there were a couple of tents. "It's the perfect place for training," Emma said. "I think there are people here," Misty said as she pointed at the tents. "I'm sure they won't mind us using this field," Ash said, "Besides we not that close to them."

"Let's get some training," Brock said and they headed to the other side of the river. "All right!" Ash said and looked at Emma, "Let's battle Emma." The girl smirked, "You sure you want to battle against me?"

"Sure I'm sure!" Ash said, "Let's go!" He ran forward and made a room for a battlefield. Emma handed Togepi to Misty and her two friends walked to the side. "Fine," she said, "Which Pokémon?"

"I'll use Pikachu at this round," Ash said and his male Pikachu jumped off of his shoulder. "Pika-chu!" he said as he stood up, ready to battle. "Then I choose..." Emma said and smirked, "Persian." Ash, his Pikachu, Misty and Brock looked surprised while Persian jumped forward and stood in front of Emma, smirking.

"Wait, you can use Persian for a battle?" Misty asked. Emma nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest, "You may not know this, but Persian is mainly my Pokémon. He's mine since I was little, but he's staying with Hanna."

"I didn't know that," Ash said. "So, let's get this battle started," Emma said. Ash smirked, "Let's," he agreed, "Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"

"Double Team!"

Pikachu stopped in the middle as copies of Persian appeared. "Use Fury Swipes!" Emma called. The copies disappeared and the real Persian appeared behind the male mouse, and he scratched Pikachu with one of his front paws, making him fell forward.

Persian jumped above him, standing in front of Emma as Pikachu stood up. "You okay Pikachu?" Ash called. "Pika," the male mouse said with a nod. "Use Thunder Shock!" Ash called. "Dodge!" Emma called.

Persian jumped away before the thunder shock could hit him. "Use Skull Bash!" Emma called. Persian ran toward the male Pikachu, and slammed his head with Pikachu's body, making him fly to the other side and hit the ground.

"Persian, one mo--" Emma started but cut herself off when a net fall on top of her. She yelped when she got pulled up in the air. "Hey!" Misty called and her, the boys and the Pokémon looked up to see Team Rocket as they laughed.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

"Team Rocket!" Misty, Ash and Brock called in annoyance. "Why can't you give us a day off from you?!" Misty called. "Well then you about to have it for the rest of your lives," James said. "Bye now," Meowth said as their air balloon started to fly away with Emma.

"Stop!" Ash called and they all ran after them. Persian jumped up and used Scratch to cut the net, releasing Emma immediately. Ash caught Emma before she fell to the ground and Meowth glared at his evolved form, "Hey!"

"That's the same Persian that blasted us off before," Jessie said. The air balloon landed on the ground and Team Rocket jumped out of it as Ash placed Emma on her feet. Meowth pointed at Persian angrily, "I got some unfinished business with this cat!" Persian smirked and tilted his head, calling out. "Oh yeah?!" Meowth asked angrily.


Everyone looked to where they heard a voice and saw a crew on the side. A man ran closer and pushed Jessie and James aside to get closer to the kids, staring right at Ash and Emma, "That is perfect! You both are perfect! You hired!"

Ash and Emma blinked at him. They exchanged a confused look before looking up at the man. "Uh... hired for what?" Ash asked. "I was looking everywhere for you two," the man said. "You were?" Emma asked in confusion. "My star couple for the next movie," the man said.

"Excuse me! But you in the way!" Jessie said in annoyance. The man ignored Team Rocket and looked at his crew, "We found the main stars! We can start filming!" he called.

"Yes, sir!"

Ash and Emma looked at each other in a startle before back at the man. "Wait, what movie?" Emma asked in confusion. "A romantic movie," the man answered. "Wait, what?" Ash asked. Misty pushed to stand between Emma and Ash, grinning up at the man, "It is?! Please tell us what's the story?"

"This is a story of a young girl, a princess, lives in a palace," the man started, "One night, she ran away with a few of her Pokémon friends and met a poor boy with his Pikachu in the street, and the two of them became friends quickly. But at the end of the day, the two fell in love with each other. Before they can confess their feelings for each other, the guards of the princess found her, and took her away!"

"That's sounds like a movie I've heard about before," Emma muttered. "What happened next?" Brock asked. The man crossed his arms over his chest, "The boy heard that the princess will be forced to marry a prince, so he, with help of his Pokémon friends and the princess's, gets into the palace and confess to the princess about his feelings."

"Aww," Misty said. "But! The prince challenge the boy to a battle," the man said, "The boy wins, and the parents agreed for the princess to be with him after she admits that she has feelings for him as well." The Pikachu and Togepi cheered. The man looked at Emma and Ash, "You two are together yes?"

Emma and Ash blushed, "No!" The man blinked and frowned, "Mmm... that's weird, I never wrong." Misty wrapped her arms around Emma and Ash's shoulders, "Aw, come on! If he thinks you two are perfect, why not help with the movie?"

Emma hesitated, "It's sounds great and all but I think I'll past," she said. "Why?" Misty asked. "I want to stay away from the spotlights, I did it all my life," Emma said. Brock suddenly gasped and pointed at the man, "Now I know where I've seen you! You're Cleavon Smith!"

"Who?" Misty asked. "Cleavon Smith is a famous director, he won a few awards, including the Golden Growlithe Award at the Flea Collar Film Festival!" Brock said. Cleavon nodded, "That is me."

Brock pushed past Emma and Ash, "If it's okay, I would like to help," he said. "Huh?" Ash and Emma asked. Jessie and James grabbed Cleavon's hands. "We'll like to be in the movie as well," Jessie said. "Yes, we'll be one of your biggest stares," James said. Meowth sighed, "Oh great."

"Wait, we didn't agree," Ash said. Brock turned to them, "You have to! This is a one time opportunity." Ash frowned, "But Emma just said she wants to stay away from the spotlight. Don't you think you should respect that?" Brock hesitated and rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah..."

"I was told we got the main stars, are we ready to film?"

Team Rocket, the kids and Cleavon looked over. A pretty young woman walked closer and Brock stared at her, blushing. "We having a bit of a problem here," Cleavon told her. Brock quickly grabbed the woman's hands, "Hey there, the name's Brock, what's yours?" The woman looked startled, "Oh, uh... my name's Hayley."

"Hayley, what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady," Brock flirted as Misty glared at him, annoyed. Emma sighed and looked back at Cleavon, "Excuse me, sir, but I can't help you with the movie," she said. "That's a shame, I thought for sure I had the right stars," Cleavon said. Misty stood in front of Emma, surprising her, "Oh come on Em, just this once." She quickly turned to Cleavon with a smile, "Sir, if Emma and Ash will be in the movie, would you please let me and Brock be in too?"

"Well, I think I can find you and your friend a role," Cleavon said. Misty turned to Emma and Ash, "Please?" Ash and Emma exchanged a look. Ash shrugged slightly but Emma still hesitated. She looked at Brock in surprise when he looked at her too, and she sighed as she looked between him and Misty, "Fine... I'm in."


After the security kicked Team Rocket out of the site, Emma and her friends had let their Pokémon (except for Ash's Charizard) out to help. Misty and Brock were both dressed up for their parts; Misty had a part to be the princess's best friend and Brock got the part as the princess's adviser.

"I never got to dressed up in a fancy dress," the redhead said as she spinned around to show her green dress, "What do you guys think?" All the Pokémon called out as if complimenting her. Brock fixed up his jacket, "Do you think they will let me keep the jacket?" Misty chuckled, "I hope so, it looks good on you."

"Thanks," Brock said as Ash walked closer, he had a bit dirt on his left cheek and forehead, and he was wearing a nude dirty sweat pants and a pale purple shirt with a few cuts around it. "Look dirty enough?" he asked, slightly amused. Misty chuckled, "Oh yeah." Ash's Pikachu stood next to his trainer, having a bit dirt on his fur, smiling, "Pika-chu."

"Aw Pikachu, you maybe dirty but you still as cute as ever," Misty complimented. The male mouse smiled at her, "Pika-chu!" he said as he raised his paw. "Where's Emma?" Ash asked. "She's still getting ready," Misty said with a smile.

"Not anymore."

When they heard Emma's hesitated voice, her friends and all the Pokémon looked over and looked at her in amazement. She had a longer wavy hair, light makeup on her face and a beautiful blue dress with a small crown on top of her head. Emma sighed, looking slightly embarrassed, "It's too much if you ask me."

"Are you kidding? You look beautiful!" Misty said and all the Pokémon agreed. "Yeah, that look suits you," Brock complimented. Emma slightly blushed, "Thanks. But I still can't believe I signed up for that," she said, "Is it too late to back down?"

"Yep," Misty said and smirked when she looked at Ash, who didn't take his eyes off of Emma, "Ash... you didn't say something nice to Emma about her appearance." Ash blinked and rubbed the back of his head, blushing lightly, "Oh! Uh, you look... really nice."

"Thanks," Emma muttered. Misty stepped closer and linked her arm with hers, "Aw, come on Emma, cheer up, been a part of a movie sounds really fun. Let's have fun together with it," she said. "Yeah, I guess," Emma said.

Cleavon walked over and looked at them all, "You all look wonderful! Hayley did an amazing job, I always knew I can count on her. Are you ready for the first take?" he asked. "Which will be?" Emma asked. "The first step will be with Ash and his Pikachu, then after that it will be you, Misty and Brock," Cleavon told Emma and looked at Ash as he handed him a scrip, "Remember your lines?" Ash gave a small nod, "Uh, yeah," he answered. "Good, let's do this then," Cleavon said. 


After a while of shooting, everyone were taking a break. Emma was now changed her outfit from a dress to a blue sweat pants and a crop top for the next scene, and for now she and Ash were both wearing jackets. "Admit it guys, it's fun," Misty said with a smile and took a drink from her bottle of water. "Well... it's not that bad," Emma admitted.

Misty smiled, "See?" she teased and Emma smiled a small smile. "So the next take is Emma escaping the palace along with her Pikachu, with Misty's help," Brock said as he looked at the script. They all felt the ground shaking and looked around in confusion.

Cleavon looked up, "What the--?" They all looked up to see a huge machine coming straight toward them, and it started to destroy the site. Emma, her friends and their Pokémon all stood in front of everyone. "Hey! What's going on?!" Ash called and they heard laughing. "Don't tell me," Emma muttered in annoyance.

The machine stopped and they saw Team Rocket appearing from inside. Before they could say their annoying motto, Emma and her friends spoke up in annoyance, "Team Rocket!" they called. "Get lost!" Misty called. "Oh I'm sorry did we ruin something?" Jessie asked sarcastically, smirking. Cleavon gasped in horror, "No! The shots!" The kids followed his gaze to see in horror that all the equipment were crushed by the machine.

"All our hard work is ruined!" Cleavon said. Emma, her friends and the Pokémon glared up at Team Rocket. "We worked really hard and so did our Pokémon!" Misty shouted. "You'll pay for this!" Ash shouted, "Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!" His Pikachu did as told but the attack didn't affect on the machine. 

"Onix, Tackle attack!" Brock called. "Gyarados, you too! Tackle attack!" Emma called. Gyarados and Onix did as told, managing to move the machine back. Team Rocket screamed when the machine fell backward. "Onix, Bind!" Brock called. Onix wrapped its tail around the machine and started crushing it.

"Onix, stop!" Brock called and Onix moved away. "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!" Ash and Emma called. The Pikachu did as told, this time hitting Team Rocket inside the ruined machine. The machine exploded and Team Rocket flew up into the sky.

"We're blasting off again!"


The kids were back at Emma's house and told the others about the day they had during dinner. "So you guys filmed everything again?" Alice asked. "No, all the equipment was gone," Emma said, "Cleavon needs new equipment and a new location."

"And new cast, 'cause we can't come with him," Misty said. "Yeah," Ash said. "Sounds like you guys had a very busy day," Alex said. "Yeah, but we didn't do much training," Ash said, slightly disappointed. "I'm sure you can do it tomorrow," Alex said. "I'm more disappointed that Team Rocket ruined our day, there was supposed to be a kiss scene between Emma and Ash at the end but now there isn't," Misty said, making Ash and Emma blush.


After dinner, Emma went to put Togepi on her bed so it could sleep next to her Pikachu and then went outside. She found Ash sitting on the backyard's grass, looking down at his badges. Emma walked closer, "Hey." She sat down next to him and spotted a case next to him. "Your Dad gave me a case for the badges," Ash said as he placed the badges inside the case.

"That's cool," Emma said with a small smile. "So... how did you feel about making the film before Team Rocket ruined everything?" Ash asked. Emma rubbed the back of her head, "Well... I did have some fun with it, I admit," she said and let a small blush appear on her cheeks, "Oh, and about what Misty said... about the kissing scene..."

Ash sighed, "She was just teasing, Brock said there wasn't one. Well, a--a kiss on the cheek but that's all," he said as he rubbed the back of his head. Emma giggled softly, "Yeah, okay. That's good. I wouldn't want my first kiss to be in a movie..." Ash nodded slightly and muttered, "Yeah, me too." They looked up at the sky to see the full moon.

Emma hesitated, "But you know..." She blushed as he looked at her, "I wouldn't have mind my first kiss to be with you..." she admitted. Ash blinked in surprise and she continued, "I mean we still would have been best friends after that... right?" Ash blushed and gave a quick nod, "R--Right!" He looked up, "And I, well... I wouldn't have mind that my first kiss would have been with you either so..."

"So..." Emma trailed off as Ash looked back at her. The two of them quickly looked back up to the sky, blushing and feeling a little bit awkward by what they admitted. Ash cleared his throat, "So... uh, good night?" They stood up as Emma nodded, "Uh, yeah.. good night."

Ash nodded, still blushing, and rubbed the back of his head, "I'll see you in the morning," he said. Emma nodded, blushing, "Yep." Ash nodded again awkwardly and started to leave. Emma sighed softly and grabbed his arm to stop him before she could think. Ash blinked as he looked at her hand before looking at her.

Emma blushed, "Um... I--I actually do want to try something, if that's okay with you," she said. Ash blinked, "Uh... like what?" he asked. Emma smiled a small smile and raised an eyebrow. Ash seemed like he knew what she meant and blushed, "Oh! I--I mean sure!" Emma tilted her head as he rubbed the back of his head, realizing he said it too quickly, "I mean--"

Emma smiled when she saw his cheeks were heating up more and decided to just go for it. She leaned closer before he could continue to speak and pressed her lips against his. Ash's eyes grew wide but then closed them, kissing her back softly for a moment. Emma pulled away, blushing brightly as did Ash, and smiled at him. "So, I'll, uh, I'll see you in the morning, goodnight," she said quickly before running into the house.

Ash stared at the spot she was standing on, blinking as he continued to blush, slowly starting to smile. Emma ran into her room and looked surprised when she saw Misty still up. "Where you been?" the redhead girl asked. Emma blushed, "Oh! Uh... just--just with Ash, you know?" She started to walk past her to her bathroom, "Goodnight!" She walked into the room, leaving Misty confused, blinking.

Ash walked into his guest room he was sharing with his Pikachu and Brock, still smiling. Brock and the male Pikachu were there and looked at him. "Hey, why are you smiling for?" the older boy asked. Ash sat on his bed, "Just thinking," he said, "That this day turned out to be one of the best days of my life."

The male Pikachu tilted his head, "Pika?" he asked as Ash laid down. Brock smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off and laid on his bed. Pikachu jumped to lay on Ash's bed as he smiled, "Pika-chu." Ash smiled at his Pokémon and petted his head, "Goodnight guys."


In the morning, the kids, Togepi and the Pikachu were having breakfast by themselves. Misty looked between Ash and Emma in suspicious, as if knowing something did happened between them. "So, are you two okay?" she asked, making Ash and Emma look at her. The redhead girl smirked slightly, "You two acting a bit different around each other."

Ash and Emma looked at each other; they both immediately thought about the kiss, and blushed lightly as they smiled slightly before looking at Misty. "Yeah, we're fine," Emma said. "Yep," Ash agreed. Their Pikachu were both sitting with Togepi on the floor, looking toward the kids, tilting their heads with small smiles as they looked at their trainers, knowing just like Misty, that Ash and Emma's relationship now definitely changing.
