Chapter 73 - Friend and Foe Alike

At that day in the evening, Emma and her friends were at their cabin. Emma was sitting on the couch with her Pikachu and Togepi, placing Pokémon food on the living room table for them to eat. Misty and Brock were on the computer, searching on Ritchie to gain some insight into his battling style, and Ash was leaning on the window, looking depressed, "Why is my next match has to be against Ritchie?"

"Pika..." the male Pikachu trailed off next to him, not knowing how to cheer him up. "Hey, Emma, Ash, check this out," Misty called. Emma looked over and stood up while the boy just looked at the redhead in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"I clicked down on the Pokémon League database, and it has a lot of information on all the trainers, including Ritchie's," Misty explained. Ash finally walked closer and stood between Emma and Brock, "Ritchie?"

"He won all four rounds without losing any of his Pokémon," Brock said. Emma smiled lightly, "Wow, he's amazing," she said. Ash frowned in slight annoyance, "Well, I won four rounds too, you know!" Emma glanced at him and then at Misty when the redhead spoke, "Yeah, you were lucky, but Ritchie really knows what he's doing."

Ash looked taken back by it and looked annoyed as Misty continued, "And Ritchie only use three Pokémon; Butterfree, Charmander and Pikachu." Emma raised an eyebrow, "Let's hope for Ritchie that his Charmander won't evolve with the same attitude like Ash's Charizard," she muttered. Ash raised an eyebrow at her, "I heard that."

Emma smiled innocently while Brock looked at the screen, "An Electric type, Fire type and a Flying type," he said and looked at Ash with a smile, "They almost the same kinda Pokémon you use, Ash."

"It's all depends on which one is the better trainer," Emma said. Misty looked at Ash, "You're in trouble," she said. Ash looked at her, "I'm just as good trainer as Ritchie is." Misty looked away with a shrug, "Its must be nice to dream when you wide awake."

Ash looked annoyed while Emma frowned. "You'll cry from been jealous when I'll win!" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't know, Ash," Brock said. "Yeah, battling against a friend isn't always easy," Emma said. "Ritchie maybe a friend, but he's a competitor too," Ash said and looked at her, "And nothing is gonna stop me from winning that match tomorrow."


In the morning, Ash was already ready to head to the Pokémon Center to get his Pokémon. Emma looked at Misty and Brock from the doorway of their room, "You guys coming?" she asked. Brock was about to reply when Misty cut him off, "Uh, why don't you and Ash go ahead? We'll meet you two for breakfast."

Emma raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything and just sighed as she walked out with Togepi and her Pikachu. Ash was waiting downstairs in the living room and spotted her. "Come on," Emma said. "What about Misty and Brock?" Ash asked. "They'll meet us for breakfast with your Mom and Professor Oak," Emma said.

The two of them headed to the Pokémon Center, there they saw Ritchie and Lisa. Ritchie put his Poke balls on his belt as Lisa saw Ash and Emma, "Hey, Ash! Hey, Emma! Hey, Pikachu and Togepi."

"Heya Lisa," Ash said with a smile. "Hey guys. Are you ready for your match with Ash today, Ritchie?" Emma asked. Ritchie nodded lightly, "Yeah." He looked at Ash with a smile, "Listen Ash, because we friends, we should promise each other that we'll make this the best battle we ever had."

Ash smiled and nodded, "Okay! That's a promise Ritchie." Lisa grinned while Emma smiled as the two boys fist-bumped each other. "I'll see you later at the stadium," Ritchie said. "Okay," Ash said before the siblings ran off with a quick goodbye.

Ash watched them leaving and Emma turned to him with a soft smile, "You know, it's not always easy to battle a friend, but it's a good thing," she said. "Huh? What you mean?" Ash asked. "Because if you won't win, you can still be happy that your friend won," Emma said, "I know that if Ritchie won't win, he will be happy for you, 'cause you his friend."

Ash smiled slightly and nodded, "Yeah." Emma nudged his arm teasingly, "I'm also saying it so you won't be disappointed. I'll be cheering for you out there." Togepi smiled, "Togy! Togy!" Emma chuckled, "Yeah, and Togepi will too. This one is the main cheerleader." Ash chuckled, "Thanks Togepi."

"Togy. Togepry."


Emma and her friends were back at their cabin when the phone rang. "I'll get it," Emma said and walked closer to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey kid," Alex spoke from the other line. "Dad?" Emma asked with a smile. "I just got back, I'm at the Pokémon Center but heading out to get something, want to come?" he asked. "Sure," Emma said. "How's your friends doing?" he asked. "They okay," Emma answered as Ash ran closer with a grin, so Emma smirked, "Ash is excited that you made it."

"Hey, I'm not excited, but I am glad he could make it," Ash said and Emma chuckled as Togepi and the Pikachu smiled. "How about you come by yourself?" Alex said, "I want Ash to have some rest before the big battle, plus we haven't had some family time between you and me since you started the journey."

"True," Emma said. "Great, uh, let's meet up near the park, sounds good?" Alex asked. "Okay, see you in a few," Emma said before they said goodbye and hung up. "You heading to meet your Dad?" Ash asked. "Yeah, he says that he wants you to rest up for the battle," Emma said, "Plus, my Dad and I really hadn't have any bonding time since I left for my journey. Well, bonding time with him and Mom for a moment until getting hit by a Magikarp isn't count."

Misty and Brock were sitting on the couch. "That's sounds really nice that you two gonna spend some time," Misty said. "It's really nice of Alex to make the time to come to cheer for Ash too," Brock said with a nod.

"Yeah, so I'll see you guys later," Emma said. "The battle is in two hours, so don't be late to cheer for Ash," Misty said as Emma walked toward the front door. "I'll be there," Emma said as she walked out with her Pikachu and Togepi.

Emma walked to the park and stood to look around. "Do you two see my Dad anywhere?" she asked Togepi and Pikachu, which the female mouse shook her head, "Pika." Togepi saw a tail appearing from the bushes and smiled as it waved its hands, "Togy, Togy."

Emma glanced at it before to where it's looking to see the tail pulled back into the bushes. "Huh?" she muttered. A hand was placed on her shoulder as she heard Alex's voice, "Hey, kid." Emma turned as she spoke, "Hey, Da--" She and Pikachu looked up in surprise to see a smirking Jessie with a device.

Jessie stepped back and a net fell on Emma, Togepi and Pikachu. "Hey!" Emma called as she fell on the grass and glared up at Jessie as she laughed, and James walked over, smirking.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

"This is getting old!" Emma said as she tried to pull the net off. "Well Jessie, your plan actually worked," James said. "Of course it worked, my plans always work," Jessie said with a smirk. James and Meowth looked at each other before shrugging.

"Let's go before those annoying little friends of hers realize something's wrong," Jessie said. Emma glared at them, "Wait until I'll get out, you'll be less worried about facing my friends!"


Jessie and James ignored her and grabbed her. They dragged her to a truck and threw her into the back before quickly locking the doors. Emma managed to push the net off of her, Togepi and Pikachu as she felt the truck starting to move.

Emma tried to open the doors but she couldn't 'cause they were locked. "Open the doors! Let me out!" she shouted. She reached for a Poké ball but looked down to her horror to see that there wasn't any Poké ball on her belt. "Oh no! I forgot I was cleaning the Poké balls, and left them on the table!"

"Pika-chu," Pikachu said before hitting the doors but nothing. "I should have told my friends to come with me," Emma muttered with a frown, "Now where they taking us?" Emma placed Togepi down next to Pikachu and then hit the door with her side. "Let us out!" she shouted. She turned to the side of the truck and hit it.

"Hey, stop that!" she heard Jessie shouting. Emma ignored her and hit the side again for a couple of times until Pikachu joined in. They felt the truck slowing down and Team Rocket shouting before there was a loud noise of crushing. Emma fell down because of that and frowned before she grabbed Togepi and her Pikachu as she got up.

She heard the doors starting to open and she rushed to the side. James opened the doors before his eyes grew wide, "What?! Where did she go?!" Jessie and Meowth looked closer, "What?!" Emma stepped up, surprising the trio when she pushed past them and run down the road, realizing they reached outside of town.

"Arbok, get her!" Jessie called as she threw Arbok's Poké ball, and it appeared in front of the girl, stopping her from entering. She ran aside to the woods, and Arbok and Team Rocket followed.


Ash, Misty and Brock were outside the stadium, waiting. Ash frowned and Misty noticed, "What's wrong, Ash? You look troubled for a while now," she said. "I don't know," Ash said with a shrug, "I feel like something's wrong."

"Don't worry Emma will be here soon with Alex," Misty said as Delia and Professor Oak walked over. Professor Oak blinked, "Did you say Alex is here?" he asked in confusion. "Yeah," Brock said. "But that can't be," the Professor said with a frown, "Alex is still at Pallet Town."

"Huh?" the trio asked together. "He couldn't make it here, he says that he wishes you good luck at the battle today," Professor Oak said. "Really?" Ash asked. "Yes, I saw him too," Delia said. "But... if Alex isn't here then..." Misty trailed off. "Who Emma talked to on the phone?" Brock asked as he, Ash and Misty exchanged a concern look.

"Did she said where she was going to?" Professor Oak asked. "No, but we should have asked," Ash said. Misty suddenly looked annoyed with a thought, "Well, let's look. Who will try to lure Emma to come, without having the three of us there with her? Who always keeps trying to get to her?"

Ash and Brock realized where she was getting at and looked annoyed as well, "Team Rocket!" they said together. "Oh my," Delia said. "Emma wouldn't go if she knew it was them, they must have used some sort of device to trick her into thinking she was talking to her father," Brock said. "And we all fell for it," Ash said in annoyance, "We got to find her quick!"

Ash turned as he reached to his Poké balls but Misty looked at him, "Wait Ash, but your match against Ritchie, it's almost time," she reminded him. "Yeah, let me and Misty look for Emma, you go inside," Brock said. Ash hesitated and looked down at his Pikachu for help. "Pika-Pi," the male mouse said as he stared up at his trainer, after a moment, he nodded, "Pika-chu."

Ash understood what he mean and nodded back before looking at his friends, Professor Oak and his mother, "Forget the battle," he said, which surprised them, "Emma is more important than that. Ritchie will understand why I couldn't battle. Let's go and find her." Misty and Brock smiled and gave a nod, "Right."

Emma managed to lose Team Rocket, but the problem was that she was lost in the woods now. "Which way is back to the town?" she asked her Pikachu. "Pika," the female mouse said with a shook of her head. Emma looked up at the sky with a worried frown, "I hope I'm not missing Ash's battle."

They heard noises and turned to see Team Rocket again. "Found you!" the trio spoke together. "You can't get away," Jessie said. Emma frowned in annoyance, "Come on, why can't you leave me alone?" she snapped, "I'm gonna miss Ash's battle because of you three!"

"We don't care about your boyfriend's battle," Jessie said with a scoff. Emma rolled her eyes, "He's not my boyfriend, and leave me alone already!" she said. Jessie ignored her and pointed, "Arbok, Poison Sting!"

Arbok slid forward but before it could attack, Pikachu used Thunder Shock to paralyze it and Team Rocket. "Good job, Pikachu, let's go!" Emma said and they ran off.

"Maybe if we'll go this way..." she trailed off as they reached to a dead end. "Oh, come on." They turned around to see Team Rocket running closer. "Wow, they recovered fast," she muttered. "Pika," the female mouse agreed, blinking. "Your little friends aren't here to help you," James said as Pikachu stepped forward, sparks were showing on her cheeks.

"Guess again!"

Team Rocket, Pikachu and Emma looked to the side in surprise when they heard Ash's voice. He, Misty and Brock were there with the male Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto, Squirtle, Zubat and Staryu. "The twerps?!" Team Rocket asked.

"You guys!" Emma said with a smile. Jessie looked down at Meowth in annoyance, "Meowth! You said they would be at the stadium!" she said. Meowth rubbed the back of his head nervously, "They should have been. It's the time of the boyfriend's battle."

Emma ran closer to her friends with Pikachu, "I'm glad to see you," she said. "When we found out that Alex wasn't even here, it didn't took long to find out it was Team Rocket, so we quickly went to search for you," Misty said. "Thanks," Emma said with a smile. "What friends are for, right?" Brock asked with a smile.

"Fine, we'll just fight them and grab Emma!" Jessie said. Meowth looked slightly nervous and sighed, "Yeah... but every time we battle her and her friends, we get beat up..." James and Jessie looked down at him and spoke quietly, "Don't let them hear that." Before the trio knew it, Emma and her friends called on their Pokémon to attack.

"Zubat, Whirlwind!"

"Staryu, Swift!"

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Squirtle, Water Gun! Pikachu, Thunder Shock! Bulbasaur, Solar Beam! Pidgeotto, Whirlwind!"

All the Pokémon attacked, sending Team Rocket screaming and flying into the sky with an explosion.

"Looks like Team Rocket blasting off again!"

The Pokémon cheered as Emma and her friends smiled. Emma then looked at Ash with a frown, "Hey Ash..." He looked at her, "Yeah?" he asked. "Isn't your battle with Ritchie is now?" she asked. Ash rubbed the back of his head, "Well..." Misty tilted her head with a smile, "He gave up on the match to go and save you."

Emma looked surprised, "What?!" she asked. "Yeah, I did told him that Misty and I could go and look for you, but he didn't care about the battle at that moment," Brock said. Emma looked at Ash in surprise that he gave up the match in the Indigo Plateau battlefield, but she was also touched that he did it for her.

"Come on, let's go back," Misty said and she, Ash and Brock recalled their Pokémon back to their Poké balls, before Misty and Brock started to head back. Ash turned to follow but Emma grabbed his arm gently, "Hey Ash?"

"Yeah?" Ash asked. Emma smiled, "Thank you," she said. Ash smiled, "No problem," he said. "No seriously," Emma said, "Thanks for coming for me." She leaned closer and kissed his cheek, making him blush. The Pikachu exchanged a smile, the female mouse winked, "Pika-chu." The male Pikachu suddenly blushed and rubbed the back of his head with a shy smile, "Pika..."

Soon, the group got back to the Indigo Plateau and found Delia, Professor Oak, Lisa and Ritchie waiting outside. Ash looked surprised to see Ritchie and Lisa there, "Ritchie, Lisa."

Delia, Professor Oak, Lisa and Ritchie smiled at them. "Emma, thank goodness you all right," Delia said. "Hey guys," Emma said. "Ritchie, what are you and Lisa doing outside?" Ash asked. "Your Mom and Professor Oak told me what happened, so I went to ask for our match to be one of the last," Ritchie said and they smiled.

"You did?" Ash asked with a grin. "Yep," Ritchie said with a nod. "I didn't knew you can ask for this," Brock said. "You can't, but I said it was emergency," Ritchie said. "Thanks, Ritchie," Ash said and the two boys fist-bumped each other.


In the stadium, Emma was sitting with Misty, Brock, Lisa, Delia and Professor Oak in the crowd, watching Ritchie and Ash facing each other at the battlefield. "I don't like my big brother and Ash battling," Lisa said, sitting between Emma and Misty with the female Pikachu on her lap, and she looked at Emma, "'Cause I want to cheer for both of them."

"That's okay to do that," Emma said with a smile. Ritchie threw a Poké ball, "Go, Happy!" A Butterfree was released and Ash threw a Poké ball, "I choose you, Squirtle!" Squirtle was released, both Pokémon were ready to battle.

"And it's Ritchie's Butterfree, Happy and Ash's Squirtle going head to head!"

The two Pokémon Tackled each other and then Squirtle used Water Gun, which made Butterfree back away. "Happy, Sleep Powder attack!" Ritchie called. Butterfree used the Sleep Powder, which quickly worked on Squirtle. "Squirtle!" Ash said as Squirtle fell asleep.

"It's looks like Butterfree gave Squirtle a one-way ticket to slumber land!"

"Come on, Squirtle, try to shake it off and wake up!" Ash called. "Pika!" the male mouse called to the Tiny Turtle Pokémon, but nothing. "Squirtle!" Ash called. "Squirtle is unable to battle, Butterfree is the winner!" the referee called as he held the red flag, and the crowd cheered loudly, besides Professor Oak, Delia, Emma, Misty and Brock.

"Ritchie's Butterfree is emerging victories! And now just two Pokémon left, Ketchum has to decide which one can pick on Butterfree!"

Ash returned Squirtle back to its Poké ball, and closed his eyes, thinking which Pokémon he could use until he opened them when he heard Pikachu. "Pika-chu!" He looked surprised when his partner stood on four legs with a smile. "Pikachu?" he asked in surprise and the mouse Pokémon ran forward. Ritchie looked surprised and the male Pikachu jumped up and used Tackle on Butterfree.

"Ash's Pikachu jumps in and hits Butterfree with a hard Tackle attack!"

Butterfree fell on the floor with Pikachu on top of it, but then he jumped back, ready for another round, "Pika-chu!" Butterfree flew up and Pikachu jumped again, grabbing its leg, and he used Thunderbolt.

"And there it is! Pikachu's shocking Thunderbolt!"

"Happy!" Ritchie called. Pikachu stopped and let go, landing on the floor on four legs while Butterfree fell on the floor, unconscious. "Butterfree is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner!" the referee called as he held the green flag, and the crowd cheered loudly. Ash grinned, "Way the go, Pikachu!"

"Pikachu's power source 'caused a Butterfree melt down! And now both trainers have two Pokémon left battle with!"

"Just two Pokémon left, okay," Ritchie muttered and held out a Poké ball, "Now, it looks like I have to fight fire with fire." He threw it, "Zippo, go!" A Charmander appeared, "Charmander." It opened its mouth, showing it was about to use Flamethrower. "Pikachu, watch out!" Ash called. Pikachu jumped out of the way as Charmander used Flamethrower.

"So far Pikachu is beating the hit from Charmander's Flamethrower! But just how long Pikachu can keep his cool?"

But while Pikachu kept dodging Charmander's Flamethrower, he was getting tired. He fell on the floor after dodging one last attack. Emma looked worried as Pikachu kept dodging, "It's not good, Pikachu can't keep this up," she said. Pikachu turned to Charmander and it finally stopped and used Tackle, making Pikachu fell backward.

"And Ritchie's Charmander finish it up with a devastating Tackle attack!"

Ash rushed to his partner, "Pikachu!" The male mouse tried to stay up to his feet but he fell down. "Pikachu..." Ash trailed off sadly. "Pikachu is unable to battle, Charmander is the winner!" the referee called as he held the red flag, and the crowd cheered loudly, besides Professor Oak, Delia, Emma, Misty and Brock.

Ash held Pikachu in his arms and looked to the screen to see he only had one Pokémon left. I can't use Bulbasaur against a Fire Pokémon, but I could use... he thought.


"Pika..." the male mouse said in his arms, looking up at him with a look which told him that he knew who he was thinking about using. "I know it's risky, but he's the only hope we got now," Ash said and held Charizard's Poké ball, throwing it, "So, I choose you, Charizard!"

Charizard appeared, looking down the Lizard Pokémon. "What?!" Emma asked in surprise. Misty and Brock were also surprised. "Charizard?" Brock asked. "Oh no," Misty muttered.

"All right Charizard, it's all up to you now!" Ash called. "Don't give up, Zippo! Just keep battling," Ritchie said. Charmander used Flamethrower, but Charizard only moved his head slightly and dodged it. He then send back his own Flamethrower, and Charmander quickly ran off as he flew after it.

"And it appear that Ash's Charizard is simply too hot to Ritchie's Charmander to handle!"

Ritchie held out Charmander's Poké ball, "Zippo, return!" He recalled his Pokémon and Charizard landed on his spot as the crowd cheered loudly. "We did it, Charizard!" Ash called with a smile. Ritchie frowned, "Maybe it's risky, but it may be my only chance to win." He threw another Poké ball, "It's your turn, Sparky!" His Pikachu appeared.

"Ritchie is sending his Pikachu to face Ash's Charizard! This could turn into a Pikachu barbecue!"

"Sparky?" Ash asked and he called out for Charizard, "Be careful, Charizard!" Charizard looked over at him. "Ritchie's Pikachu won't be as easy as he looks." Ritchie's Pikachu let a few sparks appear on his cheeks as Charizard looked back at him.

Charizard simply stomped on the ground one time, making Pikachu fell but quickly stand up. Charizard did it again, and Pikachu fell down but quickly stood up. Then Charizard used his wings to create a strong wind that pushed Pikachu back.

"Hang in there, Sparky! You can do it!" Ritchie said and Pikachu stood up on four legs before running forward toward Charizard. He then looked surprised as he stopped right in front of Charizard, who laid down on the floor, resting, "Pika?"

"It looks like--it looks like Charizard taking a nap!"

Ash looked annoyed, "Charizard! You can't just quit in the middle of the match!" he said but Charizard ignored him. "Come on, Charizard!" Emma sighed, "Charizard is like a rebellious kid," she muttered. "Yeah, he still won't listen to Ash," Brock agreed.

"Charizard!" Ash called in annoyance. "Charizard refuses to battle, Pikachu is the winner!" the referee called as he held up the red flag, "The winner of the match is the red trainer! Ritchie!" The crowd cheered loudly, Lisa was very happy for her brother but was sad for Ash for losing too.

Ash looked disappointed and angry as he fell on his knees, but he closed his eyes and held Charizard's Poké ball, "Charizard, return!" Charizard was send back into his Poké ball, and Ash sighed with disappointment.

His Pikachu looked at him worriedly, "Pika-Pi?" he asked and looked over when Ritchie and his Pikachu ran closer. "Ash?" Ritchie asked. Ash took a deep breath and stood up. He remembered Emma's words from earlier at the Pokémon Center and gave Ritchie a smile when he looked at him, "Looks like you won."

"Guess so," Ritchie said softly. Ash held out his hand, "Congratulations, Ritchie!" he said. Ritchie looked at his hand before he gave him a smile and shook it, "Thanks, Ash," he said and the crowd cheered loudly for the two friends.

Both male Pikachu smiled, "Pika-chu." The two of them exchanged a smile and a shake as well. "Just make sure to win the next round for me, Ritchie," Ash said. Ritchie nodded, "Right, I will do my best."

Emma, her friends, Lisa, Delia and Professor Oak watched them with a smile. "Looks like Ash is taking it pretty well," Misty said in surprise. Delia had tears in her eyes, "My little boy grown up so much. I don't care that he didn't win the battle, I'm still proud of him."

"I have a feeling that Ash is sad that he lost, but he is happy for Ritchie," Emma pointed out. "I guess one of them had to lose out there," Misty said. "From here, they both look like winners to me," Brock said. "And me!" Lisa said with a smile. The female mouse smiled with a nod, "Pika-chu."
