Chapter 24 - Tentacool & Tentacruel

Thanks to Ash, we missed our ship and had to stay in Porta Vista for three more hours. We were all sitting at the dock as we watched ships sailing off. "I wish that ship could take us off this island," Ash said before lying down.

I sighed before glancing down at both mine and Ash's Pikachu as they looked at me and pointed to the water, "Pika, Pikachu."

I looked at the water and saw a small water Pokémon name Horsea, "Hey, look, it's a Horsea." My friends looked at the water and saw it. "Aw, how cute!" Misty said. Ash pulled out his Dexter, pointing it at Horsea.

Horsea, a Dragon Pokémon. In this unique Pokémon species, thousands of Eggs hatch every spring, and then the male raises them himself.

"It looks like it's injured," Brock said as Misty stood up. "And there isn't a Pokémon Center close here," Misty said sadly before pulling out a Poké ball, "I know what."

Horsea then splashed ink around, painting something before calling out for us. "It's saying something," Ash said as I stood up. I tried to take a better look at the paintings but since the water was moving, I couldn't make it out. "We have to try to take care of its wounds, first," Misty said.

We suddenly heard a loud bang and looked up ahead to see a ship had exploded. "Oh, no!" Brock called as he and Ash stood up. "We have to do something," I said before pulling out Poliwhirl's Poké ball, "Poliwhirl, let's help them out!"

Misty threw out her water Pokémon's Poké ball, "Staryu! Starmie! Goldeen!" Our Water Pokémon all swam toward the people that jumped off of the ship. I looked at Ash and Brock, "Get a boat to help them."

Ash and Brock took off as Misty and I watched our Pokémon helping out a few of the people before we followed the boys. We jumped on a boat and Brock drove us toward them.

"This way, carry them to the boat," Misty called and they swam toward us. Me and my friends helped the men up before Misty and I called our Pokémon back to their Poké balls.

The men were shaking as Brock drove us back to the dock. "It was terrible... terrible," one of them said. "What happened out there?" Brock asked. "The boss... I got to tell the boss," he said. We all exchanged a look before looking back at the men.

"Pikachu!" My Pikachu called and we looked to the water to see Horsea swimming toward us. "Horsea!" Misty called. I reached down and took the small Pokémon into my arms before turning to my friends, "We should take care of its wounds."

Misty held up a Poké ball before reaching over and catching Horsea inside. "That's... one way to do it," I said and shrugged as we watched the Poké ball stop moving, meaning Horsea was Misty's now.


When we took the men back to their boss, let's say we were all shook to find out the boss looked a LOT like Brutella. "I'm the boss! Now, stand straight!" She said as her male maids were around her. We all jumped and stood straight. "I understand you had saved the men on my ship, thank you very much."

Ash hesitated, "You're very welcome. Uh, I was wondering if you could give us a ride to the mainland." Brutella 2 gave him a look, "You don't think you get away that fast, do ya?" We looked at her nervously. "Not until you'll see my new resort." We all looked at her in confusion. "Resort?" I asked.

Brutella 2 looked to her side, where there was a table with a model on it, "It's not finished, but it will be spectacular, the world's biggest luxury resort."

We all looked to the window to see a construction site in the middle of the ocean which we saw earlier when we were waiting for our ship. "Is that the one in the ocean?" Misty asked. "Yes, that's it," Brutella 2 said, "That's 'Nastina's Paradise'. A super-luxury hotel, the hotel to end the all Hotels. It will have hundreds of luxuries suites, surrounded by the most beautiful coral reef." She then became very annoyed, "But only if those Tentacool stop interfering with the construction!"

"The Tentacool?" Misty and I asked together. "I get it, the Tentacool paralyzed your sailors," Brock said. I raised an eyebrow as I watched the woman, who now I know as Nastina, Tentacool usually don't get into troubles with human or other Pokémon unless--

"Because of those Tentacool, all of the tourists are staying away from here," Nastina said, "I don't know why such of despicable creatures even exists." Misty and I looked at her angrily. "Did you say despicable?!" Misty asked.

"They disgusting, you can't even eat them, and they're hurting my prophet!" Nastina said, "I was hoping the four of you mind be able to help take care of my little problem, do you have the skill to handle a Tentacool extermination project?" We all looked at her in shock and she smirked, "Of course, I'll pay you well." She held her gold stick to the side and her maids opened the door to show lots of food on a table.

Brock and Ash grinned at the food, "Whoa!" Misty and I exchanged an annoyed look. "If you'll succeed, you'll get world's class all you can eat luxury diners for one year, one million dollars in case, and vouchers for free stays in the hotels," Nastina said. Ash grinned, "Yeah!"

"First, you'll have to exterminate the Tentacool, every last one, then I'll pay you the rewards," Nastina said. Misty and I glared at her. "That's disgusting!" Misty yelled, making Nastina jump backward in surprise. "How can you say something like that?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips, "There is no deal! Come on."

I turned around and walked out with my friends following me quickly. "Hey, wait up," Ash said as we walked out of the mansion. "Can you believe that?" I asked Misty. "She's horrible," She agreed.

"Why you so angry about?" Brock asked as he and Ash ran to walk beside us. "Doesn't that old woman make you sick?" Misty asked as we all stopped. "Well, she's not my type, but--" Ash started. "She wants to exterminate the Tentacool," I pointed out, "As in, killing them."

Misty clapped her hands together, "And they all so cute." I froze and looked at her, "Um..." Ash pulled out his Dexter, "They're cute?"

Tentacool, a Jellyfish Pokémon. 99% of its body is made up of water.

Brock and Ash looked at the picture of the Tentacool. "Ugly," Ash said. "I guess ugly is in the eye of the beholder," Brock said. "Yeah... but still," I said and shrugged, "Back to the problem, if Tentacool is attacking humans, then there's a reason for it. Tentacool usually are very calm Pokémon, so we got to find out what's going on."

"Pikachu-Pi!" We all to the side where the fountain was, where both mine and Ash's Pikachu were swimming with Horsea. We walked closer and noticed Horsea was looking much better. "Horsea, looks better thanks to the Super Potion," I pointed out.

Horsea nodded in delight and Misty took it into her arms. "Thank goodness," She said. Suddenly, the Dragon Pokémon cried out worriedly and we looked at it. "What is it?" Misty asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"Hold on, the picture it drew earlier..." I trailed off. "To me it looked like a Tentacool," Ash said. "Maybe it was telling us about the Tentacool, and why that ship was sunk," Brock said. Misty looked at Horsea, "Is that right, Horsea?" It nodded before we heard a noise near us.

"Tentacool." We looked to the other side near the sea and saw a single Tentacool watching us and we gasped. "Is that..." Ash trailed off before we looked back to Horsea, who seem to be very excited to see that Tentacool.

We all walked to the Tentacool cautiously, before suddenly Horsea jumped out of Misty's arms to stand in front of the Tentacool. "Horsea, Horsea!" It said. "Tentacool, Tentacool!" the Tentacool said, placing one of it's tentacles on Horsea's head, patting it.

"Hey, those two seem to be friends," Brock said. "Yeah," Ash said before we all heard the speakers around us turning on. "Citizens of Porta Vista! Listen up!" Nastina's voice came throught. "Nastina," Ash growled. "I am recruiting volunteers to exterminate the Tentacool that terrorizing our town," Nastina's voice said.

"Exterminate?!" Misty and I asked together. Misty held Horsea into her arms as we all listened, "I will reward a million dollars to anyone who gets exterminate the Tentacool. Isn't Nastina's generous?"

"She will do anything to destroy them," Brock said as I took the Tentacool into my arms. "Everyone who wants money, and want's to help the elements of our town, come to the Hutber immediately," Nastina's voice said. Misty scoffed, "She expect people to destroy the Tentacool for money? How ridicules."

We then saw the town people all running toward us. "It's not ridicules to them," Ash said. "Tentacool!" the Tentacool said and we all run to the side before the people could run us over. A few of them stopped when they saw us and pointed to Tentacool who was in my arms. "There's one!" one of them said and we all froze.

"W--wait! That Tentacool is mine!" I lied and my friends agreed. I pulled out an empty Poké ball, "I'll get it back inside." The guys believed my lie and followed the others. We all sighed in relief and I put the Poké ball back. "That was close," Brock said. Horsea and Tentacool suddenly jumped off of Misty and my arms and jumped into the water together.

"Horsea!" Misty called as we ran after them but couldn't see them anywhere. I looked to where the people were running, "Come on, we have to do something!" I looked at Misty, "We'll have to find Horsea later, Misty."

We all took off after the town people and got to the beach where a tank was pulling over as people were shouting. Nastina came out from the tank and held a mic, "All right! Which one of you is going to win the one million dollar reward?"

A rose suddenly shot toward the tank and stuck on it. We all looked to where it came from to see a ship driving toward us and slowed to a stop. "Who is that?" Nastina asked. Me and my friends saw on the ship a very familiar and annoying two people and a talking Pokémon.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumped over, "Meowth! That's right!"

Me and my friends looked at them in boredom and annoyance. Nastina smirked, "Hey, they got a lot of spunk!"

"That's a new definition of spunk," Ash muttered. "Pika-chu," his Pikachu said. "Look at that hair," Jessie said as they stared at Nastina. "Disaster," James agreed before Nastina tried to hit them with a missile but they ducked down.

"I don't need your beauty tact, I need to get rid of the Tentacool," Nastina snapped. "It's a very distinct style, just don't shot," Jessie said and Meowth whispered something to her. Jessie and James stood up. "We are terribly sorry," Jessie said. "Yes, very sorry," James agreed, "Please, leave your Tentacool extermination project to Team Rocket."

"This team may just could pull it off," Nastina said with a smirk. "We sure will, Nastina," Jessie said. "Sounds good!" Nastina said, "If you'll exterminate the Tentacool completely, the million bucks is yours. Isn't Nastina's generous?"

"Yes, we've heard you at the first time," Jessie said before they drove away. "Pikachu," my Pikachu said. "They disrespecting the ocean," Misty said sadly, and me, Brock and Ash looked at Misty as she watched Team Rocket leave.

"Emma, how do we stop them?" Ash asked. "We can't," I answered sadly and placed a hand on Misty's shoulder. We frowned when we watched the ship stopped and the water around it was growling red. The people around us were speaking all together. "Tentacool!" I said, "And lots of them."

"All of those are Tentacool?!" Ash asked in shock. The ship exploded and right then, there was a bright light in the water, and when it disappeared, a giant Tentacruel appeared, which it was holding Team Rocket in one of it's tentacles.

"Oh no!" I said. We all watched as the Tentacruel wrapped it's tentacles around the construction site, starting to destroy it as the people around us started to ran away.

"This is impossible! Even in it's greatest high, Tentacruel shouldn't be more the 7 feet tall," Brock said before Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Tentacruel, a Jellyfish Pokémon. An evolved form of the Tentacool. Its numerous tentacles serve as a powerful weapon. It is known as 'The Gangster of the Sea.'

"That must be the gang leader," Ash said. "Oh, no, Tentacruel is in trouble," Misty said as she pointed to the side and we followed her gaze to Nastina to see her in her tank with her maids with guns. "How dare that thing crush my hotel?!" Nastina asked, "Fire!"

The boys fired their guns as Nastina fired a missile but it didn't seem to have any affect on Tentacruel, do to it's huge size. What it only did, was get it's attention. "Leave my hotel alone!" Nastina screamed.

Right then, all the Tentacool were swimming up to the beach, crawling up the sand while some crawled up on the tank as the Tentacruel was swimming toward the beach. "Let's get out of here," Brock said before grabbing Misty's arm and dragging her away. "Come on!" Ash said as he grabbed my wrist. "Wait, but--" I started. "There's going to be a tidal wave!" Ash said and dragged me away.

We all ran toward the highest building with others. Me and my friends got inside right in time before a tsunami hit us. We panted and ran up the stairs to the windows to see the city had became floated in water with Tentacool and the giant Tentacruel. "I don't understand," Misty said, "Why would they do anything like this? Not everyone is against them."

I watched the not very destroyed construction site in thoughts. Could that site build on their territory? "I wonder..." I trailed off. "Look up there!" Brock said and we looked up at the Tentacruel, to see it was holding something in its tentacle. It was Meowth!

A Tentacool slid up on its tentacle, and placed both its tentacles on Meowth's temples, making his eyes glow red. "We are Tentacool and Tentacruel, here and now, humans have destroyed our ocean and now we'll have our revenge," It spoke through Meowth, "Now, we'll began to destroy the world. Your home, as you tried to destroyed ours."

"Their home... the construction site destroyed their home!" I said. "The coral reef," Brock said. Misty gasped, "That's what Horsea was trying to tell us!" One of the Tentacruel's tentacles swiped toward us and we all ran away before I looked over to see Misty was looking down in sadness, not noting the tentacle heading toward her.

"Misty!" I shouted as I grabbed her arm, pulling her away as the tentacle smashed into the window. "Are you two okay?" Ash asked me and Misty and we nodded. "It's too late, Horsea. Tentacool," we heard from outside. We walked closer to the windows to see Horsea and the Tentacool we met were in the water, trying to talk Tentacruel out from destroying the town. "No matter what you think, we can not turn away," It said, "We must teach the humans the pain of having homes destroy."

Horsea shook its head while Tentacool spoke to Tentacruel. "A spineless attitude like yours, will only allowed humans to be more cruel and not considering in the future," It said through Meowth before listening to Horsea's response. "Are you saying we're the spineless ones? For that you must be punished!"

The Tentacruel hit one of its tentacles into the water right next to Horsea and Tentacool, making them threw out of the water and into the air. "Oh, no! Horsea! Tenatcool!" I called.

Ash threw a Poké ball, "Grab them, Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto was released and flew straight toward Horsea and Tentacool, grabbing them with his claws before flying back toward us. I took Tentacool into my arms as it glared down at Tentacruel while Misty took her Horsea into her arms as it was shaking.

"Tentacool, Tentacool, Tentacool!" Tentacool said as it continued to glare at Tenatcruel. "Looks like this Tentacool isn't a fan of this Tenatcruel like the other Tentacool," Ash said. Suddenly his Pikachu jumped on top of his hat, "Pika, Pika, Pika!"

"You want to try your luck?" Ash asked with a smile. "Chu!" his Pikachu agreed as he crossed his arms. "All right!" Ash said before throwing out three of his Poké balls, releasing Butterfree, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Misty threw out her Poké balls; Goldeen, Staryu and Starmie. I threw out my Poké balls; Scyther and Poliwhirl. Brock threw out one of his Poké balls; Zubat.

Pidgeotto was carrying Ash's Pikachu, while Scyther was carrying Bulbasaur, Zubat was carrying Squirtle, and Butterfree was carrying my Pikachu. My Poliwhirl and Misty's water Pokémon jumped right into the water.

"Guys, make sure to get them away from here!" I called, "Send them back to the ocean!" All our Pokémon attacked them, slowly getting the Tentacool off of the city, back to the sea. 

I looked down at Tentacool in my arms, "I got to try something." I turned around and started to run away but Misty grabbed my arm, "Emma, where you going?"

"I have to try something," I said before taking off with Tentacool. I ran up the stairs to the roof of the building. "You are all Pokémon, why are you battling to save the destruction of humans?" It asked through Meowth and I looked at Tentacruel to see it was facing away from the building. I looked to the left at the building near me and sighed.

"I have to get to that building," I said before looking down at Tentacool and kneeled down as I dropped my backpack. I unzipped it and looked back at Tentacool, "I need you to get inside, so I could jump to the other side."

"Tentacool," it said before letting me put it inside my backpack. I zipped it only a little and put it on back around my shoulders and took a deep breath. "I can do this," I muttered before taking a few steps back and then ran forward fast. I jumped off of the edge and grabbed into the edge of the other side.

I pulled myself up and to the floor. I let out a sigh of relief, "For a second there, I thought I won't do it." Tentacool jumped off of my backpack and into the floor, "Tentacool. Tentacool."

I stood up and looked at the Tentacruel to see it was facing away from me again. "I can't jump again," I said angrily before seeing the both mine and Ash's Pikachu were talking to Tentacruel, which it spoke without Meowth, before it held one of it's tentacles to hit them. "Stop it, Tentacruel!" I shouted, which it finally looked at me.

"Please, just take them all back to the ocean!" I said. "Just listen to me, Tentacruel, this is enough. We, humans, understand that we hurt you." Tentacruel looked down around at the scared people as they were taking cover from the water around. "We won't destroy your homes anymore," I said as it looked back at me. "We are all very sorry, so please, let's end this now."

The Tentacruel stared at me for a moment before lifting Meowth up, "If this happens again, we will not stop, remember this well." It then threw Meowth away before leading the Tentacool back to the ocean.

But before the giant Pokémon could leave peacefully, a missile hit it, but it didn't do anything to the Pokémon, and just make it look angrily down to where it was send from. I followed its gaze to see Nastina shooting at it.

I growled, "Scyther, get me off of here!" Scyther flew up toward me and grabbed me and Tentacool as we flew toward Nastina. "Tentacool, use Water Pulse!" I ordered, which it did, causing Nastina to hit the water in front of her.

Scyther landed at her earlier spot and I crossed my arms over my chest. Nastina appeared in the surface, looking over at me in anger. "Stop it!" I snapped, "What you're doing is just hurting people and Pokémon!"

"You're little brat!" She said as she stood up. A giant shadow appeared and we all looked up at Tentacruel as it glared at Nastina. "Tentacruel?" I asked in confusion. Tentacruel swiped Nastina up into the sky with its tentacle, making her scream as she disappeared up in the sky. I smiled as I watched before watching Tentacruel turning around and leaving back into the ocean.

"Thanks, Tentacruel," I said quietly. Scyther flew me back to the meet my friends and our Pokémon and we landed near them. "You okay?" Ash asked and I nodded as I took Tentacool into my arms.

"What about your new little friend?" Misty asked as she looked at Tentacool. "I guess we could help it go back to the others," I said and shrugged before looking at it with a smile, "Or... maybe ask it to join my team."

"Huh?" my friends asked. "Pika, Pikachu!" My Pikachu said happily. "What do you think, Tentacool? Do you want to join me?" Tentacool stared at me for a moment before looking over at Horsea, who nodded, "Horsea! Horsea!"

Tentacool looked back at me and nodded, "Tentacool." I smiled and pulled out an empty Poké ball, "Welcome to the team!" I pressed the Poké ball on Tentacool, which it got inside. We all watched as the Poké ball moved in my hand for a few seconds before it stopped.

I've caught myself a Tentacool!!

"All right!" I called happily. "Congratulations, Em!" Brock said. "That's one way to do it," Misty said with a chuckle, using my words from earlier when she caught Horsea.


As the sun was setting, we were finally sailing away from Porta Vista on our ship. Me and my friends were leaning on the railings. "Wait until I'll tell my Mom I'm back on a ship," I whispered to Misty, which she chuckled.

"It's kinda weird, but Tentacool turned out to be all right," Brock said. "You're right," Ash said. I smiled and held Tentacool's Poké ball, "You know, Tentacool is the first Pokémon I caught since I've started my journey."

"Well, we're happy for you," Ash said as they smiled. "Yeah, and hey, you and I both caught a Water Pokémon on the same day, how fun is that?" Misty asked as she held up Horsea's Poké ball, "Let's get them out."

"I agree," I said before we threw them up. "Come on out Tentacool!" I called. "Come on, Horsea!" Misty called and we both released our new Pokémon and caught them in our arms.

"I've wanted to try this one for a while," Misty said, and then held a V sign and winked, "Horsea, you're my new Pokémon." Ash looked annoyed, "Hey! Wait a minute, that's supposed to be my pose."

"I know," Misty said smugly. "Hey, I should try it too," I said teasingly. "Oh no, come on!" Ash said. "That's a good idea, next time I'll try it myself," Brock said with a smirk. "Why don't you guys think of your own poses, okay?!" Ash snapped.

"You should be flattered that people want to try your pose," Brock said with a chuckle as Misty and I let Horsea and Tentacool go so they could go be with mine and Ash's Pikachu.

"That's right, don't be so greedy," Misty said. "It's not a bad pose," I said with a chuckle. "What?!" Ash asked and Brock, Misty and I laughed.
