Chapter 23 - Beauty and The Beach

In the Porta Vista's Pokémon Center, I was calling to my family. Hanna appeared on the screen, "Hello?"

I smiled, "Hey, Hanna." My Pikachu sat on my shoulder and smiled, "Pika, Pika!" Hanna gasped happily, "Miss Emma! You're alright!" I blinked, "Uh... yeah, why?"

Hanna quickly looked to the side, "It's Miss Emma!" Right after she said that, my parents and brothers, along with Jeffery, ran closer and appeared on the screen.

"Emma!" Mom and Dad said. "Are you okay?" Danny asked. "Yeah, but what's going on?" I asked in confusion, "What happened?"

"You tell us, young lady," Mom scolded. "We were told about St. Anne," Dad said, "They said you and your friends were there when it sunk." I blinked and chuckled nervously, "Yeah... I--I was, but me and my friends are all right."

"Young lady, when you get back home, we gonna have a serious talk," Mom scolded, "And once we'll meet your friends, I'll have a serious talk with them, too! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

"I'm sorry," I said. "Pikachu," Pikachu said. "This won't help you this time," Mom said. "Mom, calm down," Ryan said. "Don't tell me to 'calm down'," Mom scolded, making him and Danny step back, "Your sister and her friends gets stuck in one of your grandparents' ships in the bottom of the middle of the ocean, gets out and doesn't even bother to send a message to tell us they are all right!"

"Honey, they are all safe and sound," Dad said. Mom placed her hands on her hips, "I'll be having a talk with my mother." She looked at me, "No more ships!" I blinked, "But--"

"No 'buts'," Mom said before they all looked over me in confusion. "Who's that behind you?" Danny asked. "Mmm?" I hummed and Pikachu and I looked over and froze when we saw Misty looking over my shoulder at the screen in shock.

"Misty?!" I asked. "Pika?!" Pikachu asked. "No way! Are those..." Misty trailed off. I looked from her to the screen and sighed, "Oh well..." I looked at Misty, "Misty, that's my family." She gasped, "The Pierce family?!"

"Yeah, those are my parents, my brothers, Hanna, the cook and Jeffery, the butler," I answered and looked at my family, "Uh, this is Misty, she's one of my best friends." My family smiled at her. "Hello, Misty, it's nice to meet you," Dad said.

"It's an honor to meet you all," Misty said with a smile as she clapped her hands together. "So glad to finally meet one of my daughter's friends she's traveling with," Mom said. "Please take a good care of her, Miss," Jeffery said. Misty chuckled, "I think she is taking care of us more."

Mom placed her hands on her hips as she let her smile fad away, "Now, I have to go talk with my mother, so..." She looked at Misty with a smile, "Misty, it was great to meet you, hope to meet you again." She looked at me and scolded, "And, you, young lady, when you reach to the next city, you call and let us know you are safe, do you understand?" I blinked, "Yeah..."

"Good," She said as she smiled softly, "Bye, honey." With that, she walked away from the screen. Dad sighed while Danny and Ryan exchanged a look. "I just had a flashback," Danny said and Ryan scoffed.

Dad looked at me and Misty, "Okay, girls, have fun but make sure to let us know you okay when you get to the next town." I smiled, "Got it, Dad, see you guys later." Misty waved, "It was great to meet you all, have a great day."

"You too," Ryan said. "Pika, Pika!" My Pikachu said as she waved. "Bye," Dad, Ryan, Danny, Jeffery and Hanna said together before the screen turned black.

I sighed and looked at Misty, "So... now you know who are my family are." Misty tilted her head in confusion, "Why didn't you say that they are you family?"

"Well... I was been really... careful, when it's about them," I said and we started to walk away, "I was kind of a loner before meeting my Pikachu. I had some friends, not just Gary, but... they all where friends with me because of my family. So, I just stopped been friends with them. I only had Gary since."

"That's sad," Misty said sadly. I shrugged, "I got over it." I looked at Misty, "Can you please not tell Ash and Brock about my family? Knowing them already, I have a feeling those two would drool over them." Misty chuckled, "Don't worry." She winked, "Your secret is safe with me."

She linked her arm with mine, "But, if I like you way before finding out about your family, then so will Ash and Brock." I shrugged, "Maybe. I'll tell them one day."

"I know what will cheer you up," Misty said, "Ash and Brock went to the beach for a swim, let's join them!" I hesitated, "I, uh, don't have a swimsuit." She smiled, "Me neither! Let's go shopping!"

"Wait, but, I'm not much of a swimmer," I admitted. "That will change," Misty said, "Let's go." She looked at my Pikachu, "Isn't that right, Pikachu?" My female mouse nodded, "Pika!" Misty started to drag me out of the Pokémon Center.


After a little while of shopping, Misty and I were walking on the beach, wearing our new swimsuits. Pikachu was sitting on my shoulder as we looked around for Ash and Brock. "Can those two have already left?" I asked. Misty shook her head, "No way. Brock said he and Ash would wait for us here."

"Pikachu, Pi!" We looked to the other side and saw Ash's Pikachu running toward us. My Pikachu hopped off of my shoulder, into the sand, "Pika." Brock and Ash walked closer, and Misty and I noticed they looked really weird as they looked at us.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked. "Yeah, why are you looking at us like that?" I asked as I frowned. "Nothing, just... weird to see you two like this," Ash said, making Misty and I exchange an annoyed look. I looked at Ash, "Of all the things you can say, that's the one?" Misty placed her hands on her hips, "Yeah, can't you say something nice for once?"

Ash looked confused while he slightly blushed, "What? What did I said?" Misty and I walked past the boys, with both mine and Ash's Pikachu followed. "What?" Ash asked behind us.


Not long after, Ash had dragged me to a big boat that Brock, Misty and both our Pikachu were on already. Ash was driving the boat while me and our friends were standing next to him.

"Isn't this great, Emma?" Ash asked. "This boat is beautiful, who's this belong to?" I asked. "I don't know," Ash answered, "Brock and Misty are the ones who borrowed it."

"Hang on, we didn't borrowed it," Misty said. "What do you mean?" I asked and looked at Ash in confusion, "You were the one who dragged me up here."

"Only after I saw Brock and Misty get on," Ash explained. "H--Hey, wait a second, we were only following the Pikachu," Brock said. Both mine and Ash's Pikachu looked over at us, "Pika..."

"I think we're in trouble," Ash said with a small nervous smile. "Pikachu!" Ash's Pikachu called and we looked forward to see something in the water was heading toward us. But before we could do anything, the thing hit the boat on the side and we yelled as the boat went out of control.

"Something broke, I can't stop!" Ash said as we were driving right toward the dock. "Look out!" Brock said and we screamed as we hit it. The hit made the boat stop but the dock was half broken.

We groaned slightly and looked over the damage. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "I think so," Misty said. "Yeah," Brock answered. "I'm okay," Ash said and both our Pikachu nodded.

We slid off of the boat and stepped away from the edge of the dock. We heard footsteps behind us and looked over to see an old man walked over to us angrily with a walking stick. "What do you little kids think you're doing?!" He asked, and pointed his walking stick at Ash's face, "First you stole my boat, and then you destroying my dock, you'll pay for this!"

Ash quickly moved backward and hid behind me, "This is all a big mistake." The old man looked from me to Misty in confusion, "You two are remanding me of my granddaughters."

"We don't have the money, but we'll be happy to work to pay for the damage," Misty said. "We all would," I agreed.


After we introduce ourselves to the old man, Moe, he took us to his restaurant 'Beach House Moe', which was empty, and we started to work. Misty and I wore t-shirts and shorts while cleaning the tables while Ash and Brock were outside, trying to get people to eat in the restaurant.

Misty and I walked out to join the boys. "What's she doing here?" Ash asked and we looked to the side to see Jessie wearing a waitress outfit, standing in front of a restaurant near us.

"A top quality restaurant attracts top quality people," Jesse teased. James was on the balcony, wearing a waiter outfit, and holding a tray on one hand, smirking at us, "And a no quality dive attracts the bottom fever." Meowth was standing next to him, "Yeah, you losers!"

Me and my friends glared at them before I turned to them as I held up Scyther's and Poliwhirl's Poké balls, "Let's show them who the real losers."

Ash took out four of his Poké balls, "Yeah. I choose everybody!" He threw them up, releasing Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle. I threw my Poké balls up, releasing Scyther and Poliwhirl, "Scyther! Poliwhirl! Come on out!"

We all had a plan; Squirtle, Poliwhirl both mine and Ash's Pikachu were handing out fliers of the restaurant, Pidgeotto and Charmander were helping to keep the grill going in the kitchen, while Scyther was cutting up the food, and Bulbasaur was going to help me and Misty do our waitress duties.


The plan was working, and a lot of people were coming to the restaurant. Inside was started to be full, so Ash and Brock were placing tables outside and umbrellas in the middle of the tables.

I handed a ice cream to customer outside at a table, "There you go, enjoy." He smiled, "Thank you." I walked away but stopped when I looked at Team Rocket, seeing them looking annoyed. Ash walked closer and followed my gaze. I smirked and looked at him, "Now who's the losers?" We chuckled and walked into the restaurant.


While I was waitressing, I heard a crash behind me and turned around to see Bulbasaur on the floor. Misty walked toward him with two trays and slipped over, making the food hit on top of two people. They looked at her angrily.

"Watch where you going!" the man said. "I hate this place!" the woman said. I looked down at Misty in confusion and looked around as people started to leave. "Oh, no," I muttered.


Not long after, no one was here and the place was empty. Me, Moe and my friends were sitting down at the tables and my Pokémon and Ash's were sitting down on the floor.

"Moe, we really sorry for messing things up for ya," Ash said. "You all did the best you could. At least things went good for a while until those accidents started to happen," Moe said. "I guess so," Ash said. I shook my head, "Something's weird is going on here."

"Yeah, there's no way those were just accidents," Misty said. "Well, well," a voice said and we all looked to the door to see an old small woman walking in, with Team Rocket next to her. "Brutella," Moe said.

"And Team Rocket," Ash said. The woman, Brutella looked around, "Don't need a reservation again in here anymore. If things keep up like this, you might gonna be out of business, Moe."

We glared at her as we stood up. "Why do you care?" Ash snapped. "I could've care of less if this dump goes under," Brutella said smugly, "But you better think of somewhere to pay me back the loan you owe me, and fast."

"You'll get your money," Moe said in annoyance. "Yeah? I want it tomorrow! And if you don't pay me back every penny, I'll just take that boat of yours instead," Brutella said before starting to walk to the door. "No wait, please, take anything you want, but not that boat," Moe said, but Brutella didn't care and just walked out as she called, "See ya tomorrow."

She walked out but Team Rocket stayed. "The clock's ticking," James said with a smirk. "Hope you don't get the money," Jessie said with a smirk. "'Cause that boat of yours is our honey," Meowth said before they poked their tongues out and pulling an eye-lid down. They laughed and walked out as we glared.

"Those guys," Ash grumbled. Moe sighed in sadness as he sat back down, "Tomorrow... there's no way I can earn that money in less than a day. I guess I'll have to hand over the boat to Brutella."

"That's so sad," Misty said. "But, Moe, that boat is seem to be really important to you," I said. "For years I've dream about taking it to a cruise around the world," Moe explained, "I've wanted to see the world before it's too late... but I guess it wasn't meant to be."

"Don't say that, Moe, you can't give up on your dream," Ash said, "You have to follow your dream no matter what. It's always been my dream to become the greatest Pokémon trainer, and even though it's not easy I'm going to do everything I can to make it come true. So you can't give up on your own dream, not even it's so close to come true."

"Ash is right, Moe," Brock said. "Yeah, you can't let that lady take your boat away," I said. "We can get the money somehow," Ash said. "We'll work together," Misty said and all the Pokémon agreed. "You think it's possible?" Moe asked. "Anything is possible, Moe," Ash said with a smile, "We'll make it happen."

Moe smiled gratefully but let it fell, "But, how in one day?" Me and my friends exchanged a look, not knowing the answer. "Mind if I'll make a suggestion?" a familiar voice asked, and we all looked to the door to see Professor Oak. He smiled, "I think it's a good one."

"Professor Oak?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" Ash asked before a woman in a swimsuit walked in and Ash looked at her in shock. The woman smiled at him, "Hey, Ash. Surprised to see me, too?"

"Mom?" Ash asked in shock, "How come you two are here?" Professor Oak walked closer, "We'll explain that later." He held out a paper, "Look at this." I took the paper and my friends looked over at it. "The Porta Vista's Beach Beauty and Pokémon Costume Contest," He said.

"It's happening today," Misty said. "A beach beauty contest sounds excellent," Brock said. "But, how's that gonna help us, Professor?" Ash asked. "The contest attracts thousands of people each year, and most of the people get hungry," The Professor said, "They'll all be looking for a place to eat, so why not advertise this place? You'll clean up and you'll have the money you need by the end of tomorrow." We all smiled and nodded.

"I'll like to enter the contest," Misty said. "You should, Misty," Professor Oak said, "So should Emma." I frowned, "Me? Why?"

"Why not?" Professor Oak replied, "There are cash prizes for both the Beauty and the Costume Contest." Ash looked at me, "Maybe you should do it." I placed my hands on my hips, "Thanks for sticking up for me," I said sarcastically and he chuckled nervously.

Ash's mother gasped in delight and smiled, "Could my little boy have a girlfriend?" Ash and I looked at her in shock, blushing, "Girlfriend?!"

"Mom! We're friends!" Ash said. "I was only teasing," his Mom said teasingly as she waved her hand once. Misty smirked as she placed her hand over her mouth teasingly whispering, but making sure we all heard her, "Just give them some time."

"Misty!" I said and she smiled innocently, "What?"


The contest was near the restaurant, slowly started to get full. Pidgeotto and Scyther were flying around, dropping fliers all around the beach and town. Me and my friends watched around as people were reading the fliers and walking toward the restaurant.

"It's working," Ash said with a grin. I opened my mouth to speak but someone bumped me on the shoulder and I looked over. "So--" the guy started but stopped. It was--

"Gary?" I asked, making my friends look over. "Emma?" Gary asked. Ash stepped closer in annoyance, "Gary? What are you doing here?" Gary looked at him and smirked, "Well, well, if it isn't Ashy."

Ash glared at him and I looked over his shoulder to see a few girls were with him. I raised an eyebrow, "Uh..." I looked at Gary, "What are you doing here?"

"Heard about the contest, thought to drop by," Gary answered and crossed his arms over his chest, "So, what are you doing?" I frowned, "Mmm?"

"Gramps said you been traveling with this loser," Gary said and nodded toward Ash when he said 'loser'. Ash took a step toward him, "I'm not a loser!" I stepped between them and looked at Ash, "Calm down, Ash."

I looked at Brock and Misty for help, which they quickly got it and stepped closer. "Hey, Ash, let's go," Brock said before he and Misty started to drag him away. I let out a breath and looked at Gary, "What was that for?"

"Just saying the truth," He said with a shrug, "So, how come you traveling with him? Thought you have a better taste." I raised an eyebrow, "What? What's got into you?" I glanced to the girls behind him, "And who are those?" Gary smirked, "My cheerleaders." I frowned, "Your cheerleaders? Since when?"

"Since I started my journey," He answered. "Oh, wow, that's... that's creepy, kinda," I said. "For me, at least." He tilted his head, "So?" I frowned, "So?"

"When are you gonna leave Ash and come join me?" Gary asked. I looked at him in shock, "Huh? What are you talking about?" He placed his hands on his hips, "Don't you remember? Before you started your journey first, you said when we'll meet on the way, we'll travel together. I've been looking for you." I froze as I remembered, "Oh... I--I did say that..."

"So?" Gary asked. I hesitated and looked over my shoulder at my friends as Brock and misty tried to calm Ash down not far away from us. I looked at Gary, "I... I can't just leave them, Gary. I'm sorry."

Gary looked disappointed but didn't say anything and just nodded. "Hey, Emma, need some help over here!" Brock called behind me and I sighed. "I have to go... I'll... I'll see you soon," I said before walking away from him.


After getting Ash calm down, he and I sat with both our Pikachu, Brock, Moe, Professor Oak and Ash's mother, Delia, waiting to the contest to start. "It's sad you didn't enter," Ash told me. I raised an eyebrow, "It's not my style." I looked at Delia, "So, Mrs. Ketchum... what are you and Professor Oak doing here?"

Delia smiled, "Oh, please, call me Delia. We here with our tour group, the Pallet Town Volunteer patrol." Ash smiled, "That's great, Mom. I'm sure glad you showed up."

"Your mother's been worried about you, Ash," Professor Oak told him, "She said she still thinks of you as her little pumpkin." Ash blushed from embarrassment and I giggled while Brock smirked in amusement. "Oh well, parents," Brock said, shrugging.

"That just make me sound like a baby," Ash muttered. "You'll always be my baby," Delia said with a smile. "Little Pumpkin, huh?" I teased and Ash sighed in embarrassment.

"I hope you're not eating a lot of junk food, and getting in any trouble," Delia said. Ash, Brock and I froze and exchanged a nervous glance as we thought about Moe's boat and dock, before looking at Ash's Mom. "Well..." I trailed off.

"I am the one who got into trouble, Mrs. Ketchum," Moe said, "Ash and his friends helped me out with my restaurant when I really needed help. And more importantly, your son has been a great inspiration to me." Delia smiled, "That's wonderful, what a relief."

"Thanks, Moe," Ash said with a smile and the old man nodded. "Hello, everybody, and welcome," the host called through the speakers, "The Porta Vista Beach Beauty and Pokémon Costume Contest is about to begin. Now, here's our first contestant."

The curtains opened and Misty walked out, wearing her swimsuit. She waved as she walked to the front while everyone cheered for her. "This is Misty, the lovely and talented water Pokémon trainer," the host called through the speakers. "Now, let's take a look of the costume she and her Pokémon have created."

Misty's Starmie was flying down from above Misty, with Ash's Squirtle above it, wearing a cute helmet. "Squirtle looks so cute," I said. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu agreed. "It sure is," Delia agreed.

"Well, this is a very imaginative costume, it's Starmie and Squirtle," the host called. Squirtle squirted a tiny fountain of water up in the air, causing beads of water to fall down around Misty as everyone cheered.

"Yay, Misty!" I called. "Pika, Pika!" My Pikachu called happily. Suddenly Misty got pushed to the side by Jessie, who was wearing a blue bikini. "Jessie?" Brock, Ash and I asked together. "What is she doing up there?" Brock asked in annoyance. "Trying to ruin things as always," I muttered.

"A woman has suddenly burst onto the stage!" The host called. No one seem to care as they cheered for her. Jessie looked at Misty smugly while Ash, Brock and I glared at her. "And next we have, her Pokémon in disguise as a legendary Pokémon," the host called.

"Oh brother," I said with a sigh. "Who is this Jessie?" Delia asked. "She's from Team Rocket," Ash said angrily. "Team Rocket?" Professor Oak and Delia asked together. James' Koffing was wearing a beard and Jessie's Ekans was wrapped around it's head like a turban.

"Uh... this is a very interesting costume, I believe it supposed to be Omastar, and the Pokémon are Ekans and Koffing," the host said. Gary walked up the stage with his cheerleaders, and kicked the Pokémon off of the stage.

"Gary?" I asked and nervously glanced toward Ash to see he was looking very annoyed at seeing him again. "And now, we have a surprise visit by Gary Oak, the up and coming Pokémon trainer, in company by his adoring fans," the host said.

Everyone cheered for him and his cheerleaders. "That Gary," Ash growled. "I've forgot to say Gary was going to be here," Professor Oak said. "Too late for that," Brock said and I nodded sadly as I sighed.

Gary reached for one of the host's mic and stood up, "Hey, Ash, I know you out there." He smirked, "I didn't came here to make you jealous, and show I'm better than you, just came here to enjoy the beach and city, and the Contest, and now, with my best friend, Emma, is here, I guess I will stay here just for a bit longer."

Ash growled and stood up as his Pikachu jumped to sit on my lap next to my Pikachu before he could fall, "I'll show him." I reached to grab his arm to stop him but he took off. "Oh, boy," I said. "Chu..." Ash's Pikachu said, sighing.

Ash jumped up the stage, "Okay, Gary, I'm not going to let you stand here in front of all those people and insult me like that. I challenge to a battle right now!" I handed both mine and Ash's Pikachu to Brock before standing up as Gary smirked, "And waste my time battling against an amateur trainer?"

I ran up to the stage before Ash could take a step toward Gary in anger. I grabbed his arm, "Take it easy, Ash. You can't let everything he says to get you."

"But, Emma, you heard--" Ash started. Gary scoffed, "I don't know how you'll ever control your Pokémon, if you can't ever control yourself." Ash growled, "Why I'm--"

I stood between Ash and Gary, "Stop it." Right then, in front of us, a Gyarados submarine appeared from the water, rolling up the beach, making everyone scream and ran.

"It's a Gyarados!" someone yelled. Ash grabbed the mic from Gary, "Just stay calm, everybody! That thing is not a real Gyarados, it's a fake! It's a fake Gyarados." Everyone calm down as they looked at the submarine. "Those are Team Rocket," Ash said, "They're trying to ruin the contest, and scare everybody away. We're not gonna let them."

I smiled and raised an eyebrow, impressed by him. Suddenly, a missile shot out from the submarine's mouth, heading toward us. "So, what now you gonna do, Ash?" Gary asked teasingly, "Freak out?"

"Just watch me," Ash snapped and threw two Poké balls, "Charmander! Pidgeotto!" They were released, and Pidgeotto catch Charmander in its claws, flying toward the missile's path. "Okay, Charmander, use Flamethrower!" The Lizard Pokémon used the attack, hitting the missile, making it change direction straight back to the submarine.

The submarine took off as the missile flew right after it, crushing into Brutella's restaurant, and then exploded by the missile. We looked up to Team Rocket were send up into the sky once again.

"Yes!" Misty cheered as she ran to stand next to us. "Oh, right," I said and placed a hand on Ash's shoulder with a smile, "Good job, Ash!" Charmander and Pidgeotto landed in front of us and I kneeled down to pat them on the heads, "You guys did a great job, too."

"Great work," Ash complimented his Pokémon. I stood up and looked toward Gary as he started to walk away, "Huh? Hey, Gary." Gary stopped and turned to me. "Where you going?"

"I'm gonna head off," Gary said as he stood in front of me again. He smirked and ruffled my hair, "See you soon." He then turned around and started to walk away as he called over his shoulder, "See ya, Ashy!"

Ash glared after him, "Why--" I stood right in front of his face, making him stop and take a step back. "Nope," I said, "Don't start with him." Ash frowned, "But he started." I raised an eyebrow as I smiled.


The day after the contest, which surprisingly Ash had won 'cause he had saved the day as people said, Ash had got the money and a trophy, which he given the money to Moe so he can pay back to Brutella, while keeping the other half to himself.

Ash, Brock, Misty and I were saying goodbye to Moe as he was finally going to see the world on his boat. "Goodbye!" Moe called as he waved while driving away. We waved back to him, "Goodbye, Moe!"

"Thank you for everything! Good luck on your Pokémon journey," Moe called. "Thanks, Moe, and good luck to you, too," Ash called. "Bye!" We all called as we watched him sailing away. We turned to Delia and Professor Oak as they walked closer to see Delia was holding Ash's trophy.

"We got to get going too, Mom," Ash said. "I know," Delia said with a nod. "I'm gonna make you proud of me," Ash told her. Delia smiled as she had tears in her eyes. Ash smiled and we all turned around and started to leave.
