Chapter 47 - Holy Matrimony!

I was holding the egg I got from Ash in my arms as we all continued on, on a path. "Hey look, a poster," Ash suddenly said and we all stopped and looked to the side of the road, seeing a sign with a poster of a child with the title 'Missing'.

"Missing," I read. "Is that..." Misty trailed off as we all stared at the missing child. It looked like... "It can't be..." Brock trailed off. I looked closer at the picture for another moment. "James?!" me and my friends spoke together.

"It sure looks like him," Ash said. "It does," I agreed before turning to look down the road when we heard a car approaching. A limo stopped next to us and an older man with grey hair got out. "Hello, have you seen that boy from the photo?" he asked.

"We have, if it's James from Team Rocket," Ash said. The man gasped in delight, "You have?! Quick, to the estate." The man pushed us all to the limo and got in after us.

"Hey," I complained but he ignored me and closed the door before turning to the front seat, "Driver, quick, back to the estate." The limo drove off and he turned to us, "Would you children like some tea?" he asked. "Uh..." I trailed off as I stared at the man in confusion.


I didn't know how long we were driving to this so-called estate, my friends and I were drinking some tea while both mine and Ash's Pikachu were eating biscuits. I looked at the egg that was inside my backpack before zipping the bag.

"So, how much farther until we get there?" Ash asked. "We're almost there," the man answered. "It feels like hours," Misty muttered. "Wow," Ash said as he looked out the window. I looked outside to see a huge mansion coming to view.

"Look at that," Ash said. "It's huge," Misty said. We drove closer to the mansion and the limo stopped in front of the front doors. We all got out and looked around. "This is the biggest mansion I've ever seen," Ash said.

"This is not the mansion," the man said and we looked at him in confusion. "This one is a dog house, for Growlithe, it's the Pokémon of Master James," he said before pointing to his left, "This one is the master's mansion."

We looked to his left and to our very surprise there was a huge mansion I've ever seen. "Wow!" We all said in shock. "Please follow me," the man said and started to walk toward the mansion. My friends and I exchanged a look before following him.

We walked up the stairs and I looked at my Pikachu, who was sitting on my shoulder, "This is way bigger then our house," I muttered. "Pika," she agreed. We walked toward the front doors and walked inside as we looked around.

We stopped when we spotted two coffins at the end of the room with flowers all around them. A picture of young James holding a small Growlithe, and a man and a woman with him, was between the coffins.

"Coffins? Was there a funeral here?" Misty asked. "My master and mistress had only one child," the man said, "A boy named James." He looked at us, "This morning, his parents had passed away, and this estate is now his."

"Huh?!" We asked as we all stared at the man in shock. "You mean that this all estate is gonna belong to James?!" Ash asked before taking off his hat. The man nodded before turning sadly to the coffins, "After master James run away, his parents no longer had the strength to go on," he said as he pulled out a tissue and wiped his eyes from his tears, "Their hearts were broken."

"That's so sad," Misty said as we all looked at the coffins in sadness. "And now they..." Ash trailed off, "I hope we can find James and tell him real soon." The man turned to us, "Real soon won't due. His parents' Will clearly stated that master James must marry his fiancée without 24 hours of their passing away, if not, this entire estate will no longer belong to him but donated to charity, I must find him at once."


My friends and I were sitting outside on the stairs. "We should go look for James," Ash said. "What?" Misty asked, "Why should we help him, after all the trouble he caused us?"

"He may want to come to his parents' funeral," Brock said. "Yeah, it's his last chance to say goodbye to them," I said. Misty looked away, "I didn't think about that... but we'll never find him in just one day."

"No! Never!" we heard a familiar male voice shouting.

"Careful James!"

We heard yelling and looked above us and saw Team Rocket falling down from the roof and into the fountain. My friends and I stood and Team Rocket stood from the fountain. "Well... we found James," I said as I looked at my redhead friend and shrugged.

"Never!" James shouted as Jessie and Meowth dragged him out of the fountain as the three of them shouted. "Stop that! James' parents just passed away!" Brock said. "He's got to come to their funeral," Ash said as they stopped.

"Never!" James shouted before glancing at Jessie and Meowth as they looked at him in annoyance. "Look James, we becoming very annoyed with you," Jessie said. "Don't you want to become the richest guy in the world?" Meowth asked.

"I don't know," James said before grabbing his head and shouted, "I feel like my head is splitting! I can't remember anything that happened!" We all looked at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" Misty asked. "Maybe James has amnesia," Brock said.

"It's all a blur to me," James said, "I only remember... it was dark and stormy night... a boy was wondering far from home, with his loyal little Growlithe, Growlie. They were both freezing and they hadn't eaten in days. The boy couldn't keep moving anymore... he fell on the cold street and told Growlie to keep on and save itself, but Growlie wouldn't leave his side... it stayed by his side until the end. Then the boy departed from this world, leaving his little Growlie howl all night. The boy was found frozen solid."

I looked at him in confusion from making up that story and to my annoyance Jessie, Meowth, Brock and Ash had tears in their eyes from this story. "That such a sad ending," Jessie said. "That poor kid," Meowth said. "I can't believe James is gone," Brock said as Misty and I exchanged an annoyed look. "I miss him," Ash said.

"James is standing right here!" Misty shouted in annoyance as she glared at James. "Oh! That's right," James said with a smile before looking at Jessie and Meowth as they looked at him in annoyance. "I'm all mixed up!" he said as he grabbed his head again.

"Who cares? It doesn't matter what you remember, just take the cash," Jessie said. "But James can't get his inheritance unless he marry some girl in the next 24 hours," Ash said. "We'll fake a wedding and scram with the money," Jessie said.

"That's ridiculous," James said. "Ridiculous?!" Jessie repeated and scoffed, "This entire estate will be yours!" Meowth jumped up and down in delight, "Yeah! Yeah!" James stood up and ran away, "I won't do it!"

Jessie and Meowth exchanged a look. "He's weakening," Jessie said as she pulled out a Poké ball. "He'll see it our way," Meowth said. "Arbok, grab James!" Jessie said as she threw the Poké ball. The Cobra Pokémon was released, quickly wrapping his tail around James' body, stopping him from running.

"Let me go! Arbok!" James said. "You can't make him get married," I said. "He should be free to decide who he does or doesn't want to marry," Brock said. "Pull a sack in it," Jessie said as she and Meowth looked at us. "Keep your dumb opinions to yourselves," Meowth said. My friends and I exchanged a sad look. "Pikachu..." the Pikachu trailed off.


My friends and I were hiding behind the wall as we watched Meowth and Jessie (both dressed in black, calling them 'invisible costumes'), dragging poor James to the front doors, dressed in a blue suit and had his mouth covered. Jessie knocked on the door from behind James.

"Yes, coming!" we heard the butler from inside. "They won't fool that butler," Ash said. The butler opened the door and looked at James, "May I help you, sir?"

"It's me James, I've come back," Jessie spoke for James. The butler smiled in delight, "Welcome home, sir!" My friends and I looked at him in shock. "Pika?" the Pikachu spoke together.

"Your parents shall be most pleased to see that you've returned," the butler said. I frowned and he opened the door wider, "Please come in." Jessie and Meowth pushed James inside as Jessie spoke, "Thank you."

"They wouldn't fool me," Ash muttered. "Mmm..." I hummed before stepping away, "Let's go inside." My friends and I walked toward the door. I opened the door quietly and we looked inside to see the butler leading Team Rocket to the coffins.

My friends and I walked quietly to hid behind a wall and looked over. "Everything is fine now masters," the butler said, "Your little boy James has finally returned home just as you wished."

"Oh Mommy, Daddy, it's true, I'm back home at long last to get my money," Jessie spoke for James. The butler looked at James in confusion and Jessie grabbed James' head and shock it, "I mean..."

Jessie and Meowth pushed James to his knees. "I'm going to get married just as it says in your will, and I want a cash not a check," Jessie spoke for James. "What's that?" the butler asked as he leaned closer. "I mean, I'm only joking, of course," Jessie spoke for James, "Oh Mom and Dad, I wish I could have come back sooner."

Suddenly we heard laughing echoing around the room. A moment later, one coffin burst opened and a man stood up, "Prepare for trouble!" The second coffin burst opened and a woman stood up, "Yes dear, and make it double!"

We stared at them in shock. "They're--" Jessie started. "They ghosts!" Meowth shouted. Jessie, James and Meowth fell back on the floor. "Oh James dear, we're so happy you've came back home," James' mother said. "And you're wearing a suit," James' father stated.

"What just happened?" I asked in disbelief as I blinked. James looked at Jessie and Meowth in annoyance as if they had spoken but my friends and I couldn't hear them. "They not ghosts, you imbeciles!" He snapped, "It's just like them to pull a stunt like this to get me to come back home!"

"Does that mean..." Meowth trailed off. "You really don't have amnesia?" Jessie asked. James looked like he got busted before quickly grabbing his head, "Ah! Who am I?! Where I am?!"

"Why you're James, and you're about to be married," James' father said. "Hopkins, begin the preparations," James' mother said to the butler. Hopkins grabbed Team Rocket with a smile, "Yes."

He dragged them up to the stair case, and James' parents followed. We stepped out of hiding and looked up to the stair case. "So this all thing was a trap so James will get married," Brock said. "Oh man," Ash said. "Are they really his parents?" I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Who does that?"

"Should we go after them?" Misty asked. "Let's," I said before running up the stairs and my friends followed. We walked down the hallway, looking for Team Rocket. "Pika," my Pikachu whispered before jumping off of my shoulder and running toward one of the rooms at the end of the hall. We followed and slowed to a stop next to her, peering into the room.

"I don't know what you talking about," James' father said. James was sitting on a chair, struggling to get away from Jessie and Meowth as James' parents and Hopkins were standing in front of them, looking at James. "We're only want what's best for us--I mean, what's best for you," James' mother said.

I frowned, some parents they are. "You'll be a real gentleman ones you'll marry the right girl," James' mother said and looked behind James, "And there she is." Hopkins turned the chair around and we looked over to see a young woman sitting on a chair at the end of the room, she was holding a fan that was hiding her face.

"As James' wife it will be your duty to change him from a worthless do nothing into a respectable gentleman, my dear Jessebelle," James' mother said. "As you wish, mother," the woman, Jessebelle answered. "Now that's what I call a lady, not mean and nasty like Jessie," Meowth said. Jessie glared at him and gave him a smack on the head, "I'll show you mean and nasty."

"My name is Jessebelle, my only wish is to be your devoted and loving wife and companion, and also..." Jessebelle trailed off and slowly moved the fan away, "To educate you and your duty as a gentleman of the property."

To our absolute shock Jessebelle looked a lot like Jessie. "She looks like Jessie!" Meowth said. "What..." I trailed off as I blinked. "Amazing, she looks like Jessie," Meowth said much more calmer. "How dare you compere me to her?" Jessie snapped. "Are you kidding me? You both have the same face," Meowth said. "We do not!" Jessie said.

"Will you stop arguing? We got to get out of here right now!" James said. "Don't be ridiculous, how can we get your inheritance if you don't get married?" Jessie asked, "You've got to get through with it."

"If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the team, we're counting on you to make us all filthy stinking rich," Meowth said. "Forget the team! I'm not doing it!" James snapped. "Is something wrong?" Jessebelle asked, "Why do you keep talking to yourself like that James?"

"Talking to himself?" Ash repeated. "There's no way those clothes make Jessie and Meowth invisible," I said, "They just playing along, they're up to something too. I'm sure of it."

Jessebelle clapped her hands together and stood up, "Say here's an idea, let's go down to the vault and count all the money you'll inherit." Jessie was covering James' mouth and giggled evilly with Meowth. "Those two are pretty stupid," I muttered as I shook my head.

My friends and I quickly hid in the room next to us. Ash closed the door and listen. We all waited for a few moments before he turned to us, "Let's go." Ash opened the door and we all looked down the hallway to see the adults all walking away, and we followed behind.

We watched as they all walked past a door and we followed. We walked down staircase as we listen to Jessebelle speaking to James, "After you disappeared your mother and father were so worried about you as I was of course, but I knew one day you'd come back to me."

I raised an eyebrow as Jessie spoke for James, "I'm sorry for running away, but everything is going to be just fine now, now that I'm back here with my money."


"I--I mean, back here with you."

My friends and I exchanged a look before we continued to follow. "Here we are," we heard Jessebelle saying as my friends and I reached to the bottom and hid behind a wall, peering over to see her standing next to a set of metal doors, with Team Rocket standing in front of it. "The vault," she said and looked at Team Rocket, "Let's go inside, your inheritance is in here." She pressed a button and the doors opened.

Jessie and Meowth pushed James inside and Jessebelle smirked. I frowned as she walked in after them. "I knew it," I whispered before my friends and I followed inside quietly. "What's all this junk?" Meowth asked. "What kind of inheritance is this?" Jessie asked.

My friends and I looked around in shock, seeing there was gym equipment all around the room. "Looks like gym equipment," Meowth said. James pulled away from Jessie and Meowth, turning to glare at them, "Don't you fools get it?! Jessebelle tricked you two into coming down here."

"How did she spot us?" Meowth asked. "Imbeciles!" James shouted, making Jessie and Meowth step back. We heard a drum and looked to the side to see James' father looking at James, "Your mother and I are tired of waiting for you to grow up!" James's mother stepped forward, "James, it's time to face the music."

We all jumped when we saw Jessebelle holding a whip and she whipped it on the floor. "You can't just do what ever you feel like anymore," she said and smirked, "Now you'll obey Jessebelle! Let the entertainment begin!"

My friends and I looked at her in shock and horror from behind a box. "She's scary," Ash muttered next to me. "Tell me about it," I agreed. "I'm starting to like you more then her, Jess," Meowth said as he was sitting on top of Jessie's head. "Thanks for the compliment," Jessie said in annoyance before she tried to pull him away from her head.

James' parents turned to them and they froze. "They see us," Meowth said. "Everything was fine until you opened that big mouth of yours!" Jessie said. "Do you take us for fools?!" James' father asked. "You've just ignored you until you brought James down here to the dungeon," James' mother said.

"I knew they saw them, and just played along," I whispered. "Now you see us..." Meowth started. "And now you don't," Jessie finished and threw something to the floor, making smock appear everywhere, making me and my friends cough.

"Jessie! Meowth! Don't leave me!"

The smock started to disappear as I saw that James was standing alone in the middle, Jessebelle walked closer. "At least we're together, I'm so happy!" she said. James looked at her in horror before he turned to ran away. Jessebelle smirked, "You won't escape from me again, James." She threw her whip, trying to grab him with it, but James kept dodging.

"Should we try to help him?" Ash asked. "I, uh, I don't like getting involve in this little family squabble," Brock said. Jessebelle finally managed to get the whip wrap around James' foot, making him fell to the floor, right in front of me and my friends.

"Oh James I knew one day you'll fall for me," Jessebelle said as she held a Poké ball and threw it, "I choose you, Vileplume!" She called and let her Pokémon out.

Vileplume is a blue, bipedal Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. It has beady red eyes and a small mouth. On its head is massive red flower with an orange-brown center. The rounded petals of the flower are red and covered with white spots.

"Hey what's that?" Ash asked as he pulled out his Dexter. I froze when I met Jessebelle's eyes. "Uh... hey," I said with an awkward smile as my friends froze too before we heard Ash's Dexter speaking.

Vileplume, the Flower Pokémon. Using the largest flower petals in the world, it spreads large clouds of pollen that cause allergic reactions.

Jessebelle ignored me and my friends and looked at her Pokémon, as James stood up, "Now, Vileplume use your Stun Spore! Slow James down and keep him from escaping."

"Vileplume," Vileplume said and spinned around in the spot. A tornado of topaz mist came out of the hole on it's head, paralyzing James. "This is just like... This is just like... last time," James said before falling to the floor again. The mist hit me and my friends, paralyzing us all too. "Oh. No," I managed to say before falling down.


I woke up right after hitting the ground. I groaned and sat up, looking around to see me, my friends, Jessie and Meowth were thrown out of the mansion. "Well, like they say..." Brock trailed off with a groan as he sat up, "Even a rose has it's thorns."

Misty sat up, "She's more like a cactus." I gasped softly and quickly looked into my bag, sighing in relief when I saw that the Egg was looking alright. "Is the Egg okay?" Ash asked and I nodded. "Yeah," I said as I zipped up the bag.

"If he marries her, James gets his inheritance," Jessie said as we all looked back at the mansion. "If he survives been married to her," Meowth said as we heard noises from inside.

We heard growling from the side and looked at the smaller mansion. The growling continued and I remembered that James' Growlithe was living there. We heard banging on the door and we all stood up. "Pika!" my Pikachu said and turned to me as she pointed at the door, "Pika, Pika, Pi, Pi, Pikachu!"

"It wants us to open the doors?" I asked and she nodded. I looked at my friends, "Well then." I run toward the doors and placed my bag on the floor before I grabbed the handles, trying to open the doors but it won't open. "Give me a hand," I said as my friends, Jessie and Meowth run closer. Ash wrapped his arms around me and the others did from behind him.

I turned to the doors and pulled on the handles as the others pulled on from behind. The doors were pushed open and we all fell backward, and watched as Growlie run away, opening with force the doors of James' mansion.

"What's that?" Ash muttered. I glanced at him and blushed when I realized I was sitting on his lap and his arms were still around me, and I quickly got up. "Sorry," I muttered and he blinked before standing up too. Misty, Brock, Jessie and Meowth stood up as they continued to look at the mansion.

We waited for a moment before we heard glasses breaking and we saw Growlie running around the mansion with James lying on it's back. It barked as it run closer to us. "Growlie says to go inside," Meowth said and we run in and closed the doors after Growlie run in with James.

James moved from Growlie and sat on a couch, sighing in relief. He looked down at Growlie with a smile, "You saved me Growlie, thank you." Growlie barked happily and jumped on the couch to lick his face, making him chuckle.

"That tickles, Growlie," he said as my friends and I sat on the other couch. Meowth sat on another couch and Jessie leaned against it as she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance, "Well James, that fiancée of yours is truly despicable," she said.

"Told you she's just like Jessie," Meowth comment. Jessie glared at him and grabbed him, "I'll make your mouth even bigger!" James, my friends and I ignored those two as James sighed. "She's the reason I ran away from this estate," he said as he looked down at Growlie, "What a rotten day."

"What did happen?" I asked. "As soon as my engagement to Jessebelle has been announced, she begun following me everywhere, trying to change me, nothing I did was define enough for her," James explained, "Even since I was a kid, I hated how upper class society have rules on absolutely everything. Jessebelle is so rich, and marrying her will be the worse mistake of my life." He looked down at Growlie and smiled as he petted it, "Growlie is my only real friend on this stuffy estate."

"I see," I said. "Guess not everyone who's rich is happy, huh?" Ash asked. Suddenly the wall behind Jessie and Meowth broke down, and we all stood up. Jessebelle and her Vileplume were standing there. Jessebelle placed her hands on her hips and smirked, "My sweet James, you can't escape me."

"Leave me alone!" James said and Growlie stood in front of him protectively, growling angrily at the woman. "Vileplume, put him to sleep just like before!" she called and Vileplume used Stun Spore but before it could hit any of us, Growlie used Flamethrower to make the Stun Sport disappear.

"Pikachu, both of you use Thunder Shock," Ash said and both mine and his Pikachu used Thunder Shock, hitting Vileplume. Growlie used another Flamethrower, hitting the Flower Pokémon as well, before it started to ran back to Jessebelle.

She screamed in fear and turned to ran away, with Vilepulme right after her. We all breathed in relief and looked at Growlieas it howled once before turning to James. James smiled, "You're the best, thank you." Growlie barked, smiling up at him.


My friends and I were back on the road, when Misty turned to me, "How's the egg?" She asked. "It's fine," I said with a smile, "Should be more careful with it, though."

"Pika," my Pikachu agreed as I took off my bag and unzipped it to show the egg inside. I pulled it out and put back my bag on my shoulders. Misty zipped my bag for me as I held the egg in my arms again.

I pulled out a napkin from my pocket and started to clean the egg with a smile, "I wonder what kind of Pokémon will hatch from it."
