Chapter 22 - Island of the Giant Pokémon

I felt something wet hit my face and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked and slowly sat up, brushing away sand from the left side of my face. "What happened?" I muttered as I closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes again and saw my Poliwhirl in front of me. "Poliwhirl?" I asked before remembering about the tornado and Gyarados. I smiled at my Pokémon in relief to see he was okay, "You okay!"

Poliwhirl jumped into my arms and I hugged him with a chuckle. I heard voices to my side and looked over to see Misty's Pokémon; Goldeen, Starmie and Staryu.

"Goldeen, Starmie, Staryu, are you guys okay?" I asked and they nodded. Poliwhirl moved back and I looked around but didn't see my Pikachu or Ash, Brock, Misty and Ash's Pikachu anywhere. "Where are the others?"

Poliwhirl shook his head, not knowing, "Poliwhirl." I looked back at Misty's Pokémon, "Don't worry, we'll find them and get you back to Misty." I held my arms out for Goldeen to jump on, and it did. I stood up, "Come on, let's go find them." We all started to walk away from the beach.


We were searching for a while now. It was dark and still didn't find the others. "Wonder where they could be," I muttered.


I blinked and looked around.


"Emma! Pikachu!"

"Bulbasaur! Charmander! Squirtle!"

"Poliwhirl! Goldeen! Starmie! Staryu!"

We started to walk to where we heard the voices.

"Emma!! Pikachu!"

We walked closer around the trees to see Ash, Misty and Brock yelling out the names.

"Guys!" I said and they turned around. They smiled, "Emma!" Misty gasped happily, "Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie!"

We walked closer and I handed Misty her Goldeen, "The three of them are all right." Misty held Goldeen in her arms as she kneeled down to look at Staryu and Starmie, "Thank goodness."

I looked around, not seeing my Pikachu or Ash's, "Hey, where's the Pikachu?" Ash shook his head in sadness, "We got separated like we did with you. "Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle are gone, too."

"Oh no," I said worriedly. I hope my Pikachu with Ash's and the other Pokémon, knowing how she didn't like been alone, not since we both became friends.

"We'll find them," Brock said as Misty got her Pokémon back into their Poké balls. I nodded and looked at Poliwhirl, "Okay, bud, you take a rest, okay? You deserve it." Poliwhirl looked worried, "Poliwhirl."

I smiled and patted him on the head softly, "Don't worry, we'll find them. Take a rest, okay?" I held his Poké ball and let him go back inside. Right after that, we heard a loud yell and looked up to see a giant Zapdos heading toward us. "What?" I asked in shock, "It can't be!"

"Run!" Ash yelled and we all took off. The giant Zapdos flew above us, letting out a huge electricity lighting, making us all fell to the ground for cover. It flew past us and away.

We watched it go in shock. "I've never seeing a flying Pokémon like that before," Misty said. "Me either," Brock said, "It's one of the most incredible Pokémon I've ever seen."

"It was a Zapdos," I said. "A Zapdos?" They repeated. "It's one of the three Legendary Bird Pokémon," I explained, "Along with Articuno and Moltres. I've read about them in one of the books that my Dad keeps. But... how did it get here?"

"This place is really dangerous," Brock said. "You have no idea how right you are," I said and stood up, "We need to find a safe spot for the night."

Ash nodded and they all stood up. I looked to where Zapdos flew off with worried.


We found a cave and decided to stay there for the night. After we settled in, Ash, Brock and Misty have already fell a sleep but I stayed awake, looking in my Dexter.

Zapdos, the Electric Pokémon. Zapdos has both Electric and Flying elements and the flappage of its wings can create lightning.

Articuno, the Freeze Pokémon. This Legendary Pokémon, with wings like thin sheets of ice, is believed to possess the ability to freeze water vapor and create snow.

Moltres, a Legendary Pokémon. Its virtues symbolize the Pokémon League competitions.

I sighed quietly and placed my Dexter down to my side.


It was early in the morning when we woke up and quickly started to get ready. "Let's go," Ash said as he put on his hat, "We got to find Pikachu and the others."

We all grabbed our backpacks and started to head off as we started to call for the Pokémon. I looked around worriedly, "Where could they all have gone?"

We heard a roar and looked up in shock to see a giant Charizard looking down at us. "Let's get out of here!" We yelled. Charizard roared again and then shot a Flamethrower toward us. I grabbed Ash's arm and we all jumped to hid behind a giant rock, making Charizard miss us.

"It looks like a Charizard," Misty said. "An evolved Charmander?" Ash asked. "But much bigger," Brock said. "What is going on here?" I asked, "There can't be huge Pokémon like those."

"What do we do?" Misty asked. "Run for it," I answered and we all took off. We reached to a bridge and we run up on it before stopping in shock as we looked to our side. A giant Pikachu walked next to us and looked toward us, "Pikachu."

Ash took a step back in shock, standing between me and Brock. "Pikachu?!" Misty said. "Jumbo size!" Brock said. We all heard crushing and looked over Pikachu to see below us a rail cart moving toward our direction with a giant Kabutops behind it.

"A Kabutops?" I asked in shock and confusion. The rock bridge suddenly collapsed, making me and my friend yell in surprise as we fell down, landing right into the cart.

Me and my friends sat on one side and looked to the other side to see Jessie and James. Misty, Ash, Jessie and James yelled in surprise before stopping. Jessie and James looked at me and smirked. "Now, we got you just where we wanted," Jessie said. I raised an eyebrow, Yeah, right.

"Now, Emma, if you would come with u--" James started before he and Jessie looked over their shoulders to see the giant Pikachu been following right behind the cart. They hugged each other in surprise, "It's back!"

"Guys, look!" Misty said as she pointed to the side. We gasped when we saw my Pikachu, along with Ash's Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, along with Meowth and James' and Jessie's Pokémon; Koffing and Ekans. They were all running, chased by Charizard and another giant Pokémon; Blastoise and Venusaur.

"Pikachu!" I called. "Pika, Pi!" Ash's Pikachu called. "Pikachu-Pi!" My Pikachu called. "Pikachu!" Ash yelled, "Squirtle! Charmander! Bulbasaur!"

Misty glared at Jessie and James, "They will all be tromble if you won't do something!" Ash looked at them, "Stop the cart, right now!"

"We can't do that," Jessie said. "We can't stop," James said as he held up the brake of the cart, "The brakes broken."

"Give me a break," Ash grumbled. "We got to help them!" I said as the Pokémon were running near us. "Come on, jump in!" Ash yelled. The Pokémon jumped toward the cart. Misty catch Squirtle, Brock catch Bulbasaur and Charmander, Jessie catch her Ekans, James catch his Koffing, I catch my Pikachu while Ash catch his Pikachu.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked with a smile. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu said happily. Ash smiled, "Is everybody here?" Meowth, who was holding into the end of the cart, jumped in to sit between Jessie and James.

We all looked toward the giant Pokémon to see they were all following us. "They're after us!" Misty said. "Maybe we'll have run of luck!" Ash said. "Well, based of our recent run of luck, I would say the cable should snap," James said.

"That should happen about... now," Jessie said and the cable snapped. "Next, we'll be hurled into the air," James said. The cart hit to the edge, flying up, making me and my friends yelp.

"Then we'll probably crash into something," Meowth said. We all looked up to see Zapdos flying right above us, making us all shriek. We hit into it, but surprisingly, it wasn't a real Zapdos, but a robot.

"A robot?" I asked in confusion. The Zapdos fell down, crushing right into the giant Pokémon below, making them explode. "And then finally..." Jessie trailed off. "We hit the water," James finished.

The cart fell down toward the water as we all screamed. "After a very, very long drive!" Meowth yelled and we all fell into the water.


After getting dry and making sure Charmander was okay after the fell into the water, me and my friends were back on the road. We all stopped in surprise and smiled as we looked at a beach, with city near it. "All right!" Ash yelled before taking off, with me, Brock and Misty following.
