Chapter 28 - The Tower of Terror

As me and my friends were heading off to Lavender Town for Ash to catch a Ghost Pokémon so he could defeat Sabrina, I was at the back with Misty, talking quietly with her.

"So, how's everyone back home?" She asked. "They okay," I answered, "Apparently, there's a video of me when I was talking to the giant Tentacruel in Porta Vista."

"Oh, no, they must have been really worried," Misty said. "Yeah," I said, "But, that's okay. As long as I'll stay out of trouble." Misty smirked, "We're with Ash, so that's gonna be tough," She said and we both chuckled on that. "True," I joked and we continued to chuckle.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Ash asked. Misty and I looked over to see Ash and Brock looking at us in confusion. "Oh, nothing," I said and Misty chuckled. "It's a girls' thing, carry on," She said. Ash and Brock exchanged a confused look before they continued to lead the way. Misty and I exchanged a smirk and a chuckle before quickly following them.


The sun was setting, and we were still on the way to Lavender Town. My Pikachu was on top of my head while Ash had his Pikachu on his shoulder.

"How far is this town? We've been walking for a while," Misty pointed out. "We should be there soon, it's not far from here, now," I answered as fog started to appear, as we were walking.

"The fog is coming in," Ash said. "Maybe we should forget about catching a Ghost Pokémon," Misty said. I smirked, "Are you scared of Ghost Pokémon, too?"

"Nope, just Bugs," She answered and I smiled as I rolled my eyes. "We've came too far," Brock told our redhead friend, "Everybody, let's hold hands so we won't get separated in the fog."

"Good idea," Ash said before holding out his hand for me. I grabbed it as I grabbed Misty's hand too. "Hold on," Brock said before accidentally grabbed Ash's Pikachu's tail, which caused the male mouse to electrocute him as Misty yelled in fear.

Brock fall to the ground in pain as Pikachu landed on his stomach, giving Brock an apology look, "Pika, Pika." Misty and I looked at Brock. "You okay, buddy?" I asked. "Brock, you shouldn't do that, you scared me," Misty said.

"Well, Misty, you sure scared me," Ash said and we looked at him in confusion at his voice as he laughed creepily. Misty and I backed away to stand next to Brock as he stood up. "Say what?" Misty asked in fear.

"Ash?" I asked. "I feel like a Ghost myself," Ash said before he turned around creepily. Brock, Misty, me and both mine and Ash's Pikachu screamed in fear. Ash's face was carved like a skull, and he was making the most terrifying expression.

He suddenly laughed and pulled off the mask. "Sorry, guys," He said, "I was just testing you. If we're going to try to catch a Ghost Pokémon, we got to learn to deal with fear. That's the only way we can become a great Pokémon trainers."

I grabbed him by the collar, "Are you insane?!" Misty and Brock stood at both my sides as they glared at Ash. "You must be crazy!" Misty shouted. "Don't ever do that!" Brock shouted. "Pika!" mine and Ash's Pikachu shouted. Ash looked at us all nervously, "I'll, uh, I'll just save the mask to Halloween."

"Or never!" I said and let go of his collar before grabbing the mask from his hand. My Pikachu suddenly tapped on top of my head and I looked at her, "What is it?" She pointed forward, "Pika!" We all followed her gaze and saw not far from us a town. I smiled, "Hey, that's must be Lavender Town!" Ash grinned, "All right!"


After we all got past the town to a tower, it was night by then. "This is the Pokémon tower, where Ghost Pokémon hung out," Brock said. "I, uh, like what they did with the place," Ash muttered. "Okay, Ash, it's time for you to show us what a great trainer you are," Misty said, "Show us that you're not scared."

"I'm not scared!" Ash said. "Okay, so you can go in there," I said. "What?" Ash asked as he looked at me in shock. "Yeah, we'll let you handle this one alone," Brock said. "H--Hey, wait a minute!" Ash said, "You guys promised me you'll help me catch a Ghost Pokémon when we got to Lavender Town!"

Brock, Misty, me and my Pikachu stepped back. "Don't remember saying that," I said. "Yeah, me too, I don't remember promising that," Misty agreed. "You know how to deal with fear, Ash," Brock said.

Ash looked away angrily, "Run away if you want to, I'm not scared, and I'm not gonna let some stupid Ghost Pokémon prevent me from becoming a great Pokémon Master." He looked at his Pikachu, who was lying on the ground to sleep, "Right, Pikachu?" Ash noticed and looked annoyed, "Pikachu..."

I glanced at Misty and Brock and shrugged, "The Ghost Pokémon aren't the ones that bothering me. It's the tower. It's creeps me out," I said. "Me, too," Misty agreed. "Don't wake me up too early, night guys," we heard Ash saying and looked over to see he had pulled his sleeping bag and was inside it with his Pikachu.

I walked closer and grabbed his ear, making him cry in pain. "Ow! Not again!" He cried. "Time to wake up!" I said. I let go of his ear and he grabbed it. "Maybe I'll be braver tomorrow morning," Ash said as his Pikachu sat on his legs. I sighed, "Pack your sleeping bag." Ash looked disappointed but did as I said. As soon as he finished, we heard screaming from inside the tower and we all looked at it.

"Horrible. It's sounds horrible in there," Misty said. "You're right, they must have a torture chamber in there," Brock said. "Torture chamber?" Ash asked. "This tower is Tower of Terror, that's for sure," I said before we heard more screams. "Oh, those screams again," Misty said as she hid behind me.

"Who's in there?" I asked. "Why don't we go inside and find out who they are?" Brock asked. Misty looked at Ash, "You go in first." Brock, Misty and I pushed Ash forward before following.

We walked behind Ash to the doors and he opened them. We walked inside the dark tower and I held into Ash's arm while Misty did the same with Brock. "Hello there!" Ash called, "Anybody home?"

"It's kinda dark in here," Misty said. The doors behind us closed, making us jump in the darkness. "I can't see anything," I said. "Hold on," Ash said and he pulled out a Poké ball, "Charmander, I choose you."

Charmander got out from his Poké ball, letting us see a little through his flam on his tail. "Hey, look, found a candle," Brock said as he held up a handle with a candle on top. "Charmander, light the candle for us," Ash said and the Lizard Pokémon used Flamethrower to light the candle, almost burning Brock in the process. Charmander stopped and Brock looked at him.

"Light the candle, not me!" Brock said and the Lizard Pokémon rubbed the back of his head, "Cha." Both mine and Ash's Pikachu laughed. "Come on," I said and Brock started to lead the way as we followed.

"Watch where you walk, there's a hole on the floor," Misty warned and I looked in front of us at the hole on the wooden floor. We stopped when we heard creepy laughing echoing around us. "Where are those voices coming from?" Misty asked as she held into Brock's arm again.

The laughing continued and I held into Ash's arm again as we all looked around. "Are those the Ghost Pokémon?" Ash asked. "I--I don't know," I answered, "Maybe..."

"Come on, let's keep going," Ash said and we continued deeper inside the tower. We didn't see any Ghost Pokémon around, and I was surprised by that, the only three Ghost Pokémon that I knew of were Gastly and its evolution; Haunter and Gengar.

We walked down a dusty hallway, there were windows on the walls so we could see the moon light through them as we walked. At the end of the hall, there was a single closed door. "Let's check this room first," Brock said.

"Maybe we should just get out of here," Misty said. "Nah, there's no way we can turn back now," Ash said. "Where are the Ghost Pokémon?" I asked, "We didn't see anyone."

We walked inside a dark room, and tried to look around but it was very dark. "Hello?" I called. My voice was echoing in the room and me and my friends exchanged a look before looking back forward. The room suddenly lighted up, making us all jump in surprise.

The room was huge, and it had a long table in the middle with food on it and plates and glasses. "What's going on?" I asked. "Maybe it's a party," Misty suggested. "Hey, what's that string?" Ash asked and we followed his gaze to the side where a string was hanging up with a ball thing on top, and a note that said 'Pull this' on the string.

"'Pull this'?" I repeated. I let go of Ash's arm as he started to walk toward it. "Well, why not?" He asked as he grabbed it. "Wait!" I said but he pulled the string down. The ball opened to half with confetti dropping out, and a long paper rolled down from the ball that said 'Welcome'.

"Are we been welcomed?" Ash asked as he stepped back. I watched the table and noticed it started to shake. "Uh... guys..." I trailed off and pointed to the table. The chairs and the everything on the table started to float. Ash stood next to me, Brock and Misty as we all watched. We all screamed, including mine and Ash's Pikachu and Charmander. Two of the chairs rushed over and swiped Brock and Misty, before three plates swiped the Pokémon.

We all screamed as the chairs and the plates started to spin around in circle. "Run for it!" I shouted before Ash and I ran away, and our friends and Pokémon followed. We didn't stop running until we got outside.

We all panted, trying to catch our breath. "Is everyone all right?" I asked. "Yeah," Brock answered. "There is no way I'm going back in that tower," Misty said, "It's just too scary in there."

"Me either," Brock said. "I felt like I was in a horror movie," I muttered. "Come on, guys," Ash said, "There's no way we can catch a Ghost Pokémon if we don't go back in there." He turned to his Pikachu and Charmander, "Right, Pikachu? Charmander?"

His Pikachu quickly shook his head and Charmander used Flamethrower, almost burning Ash but he quickly got out of the way before it could happen. Charmander stopped and Ash gave both of his Pokémon a look, "Hold on! Are you two really cowards?! How do you expect to beat Sabrina's psychic Pokémon if you won't go back in? Do you want to lose again?"

This caught his Pikachu's attention and he looked down, "Chu..." Ash kneeled down, "Listen, if you ever going to beat a Psychic Pokémon, you got to learn to overcome your fear, understand?" His Pikachu and Charmander looked at each other before back at Ash and they nodded.

Ash stood up, "I say, it's time to give it another try. Pikachu, Charmander, are you with me?" They nodded again with more determination. "Great, let's do it." The three of them started to walk back to the door before stopping when they noticed, me, Misty and Brock, and my Pikachu weren't following.

"Come on, guys, what about you?" Ash asked. Brock sat down on the ground, "We'll be waiting for you here." Misty waved, "Have a nice time." Ash and his Pokémon looked shocked before looking at me. "Emma? Don't tell me you not coming, too?!" Ash said.

"I'm 100% supporting you, but this time, I'll support you right here," I said as I pointed down to the spot I'm standing. "Pika-chu," my Pikachu said. Ash and his Pokémon looked disappointed but turned around and walked back into the tower.


It felt like hours, but it has been only a few minutes since Ash went back in the tower. I was pacing back and forth until I stopped and sighed in defeat. "I give up," I muttered before looking at Misty and Brock, "I'm going in."

"Huh?" they asked together. "It's been only a few minutes," Misty said. "I'll go in, and even if Ash didn't find a Ghost Pokémon yet, I'll just drag him out," I said before looking down at my yellow best friend, "Pikachu, let's go."

Pikachu froze before shaking her head, "Pika, Pika!" I placed my hands on my hips, "You going to let me go there alone?" She looked down, "Chu..." I smiled, knowing she wouldn't let me go inside by myself, before I frowned when she went behind Misty, trying to push my redhead friend forward.

"Hey! I'm not going in there!" Misty said. "Pikachu!" I said. "Pi," Pikachu said as she looked up at me and then down in defeat, "Chu." She walked over and jumped up on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you and I are together, we'll be fine," I said as I petted her head. "Pika, Pikachu," she said, hoping I was right. "I'm right, you'll see, let's go," I said before looking at Brock and Misty, "I'll be back with Ash in a few."

"Be careful," Brock said and I walked toward the door. I walked in with Pikachu, and looked around at the dark room. It wasn't dark as before though, but still. "Ash!" I called as I closed the door behind me. "Pika-Pi!" Pikachu called, "Pika-chu!"

I walked toward the hole carefully, "Ash!" I looked around, "Ash! Where are you?" Suddenly we heard voices behind us and Pikachu and I froze before I slowly turned around but no one was there. I blinked before glancing at Pikachu, to see she was confused.

I walked around the hole and continued on. "Ash!" I called. We heard the voices again and this time I quickly turned around, only to come face to face with a--


I blinked at the Ghost Pokémon, "Gastly?" I asked. "Pika?" Pikachu asked, blinking. Suddenly we saw something coming from the floor, and I jumped in surprise as I moved backward.

Gengar, the last evolved form of Gastly, appeared from the floor, grinning as usually, standing next to Gastly. "Gengar!" it said. "Gengar?" I asked and looked around carefully for Haunter, "And where is Haunter?"

Pikachu looked around carefully as well, "Pika, Pika..." I looked at her, "And so are Ash and his Pikachu..." I looked back at Gastly and Gengar, noticing that the two Ghost Pokémon looked offended. "What's with that long faces?" I asked. Pikachu looked at me, "Pika, Pika, Pi, Pikachu."

"Oh, they think we're ignoring them?" I asked and she nodded. I looked at Gastly and Gengar, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to be like that. You guys look very cool." That had seem to cheer them up by their smiles. "But, now, I have to find my friend," I said. They started talking and I looked at Pikachu but she only blinked. "Maybe, we'll try something different... like with Dad's Gengar," I said.

She smiled and nodded, "Pi." I looked at the Ghost Pokémon as I spoke to Pikachu, "Okay, Pikachu, time for our special move!" She jumped to the floor, looking at the two Ghost Pokémon seriously. The two Pokémon looked at her seriously for a moment before they exchanged a look and then looked back at her.

Pikachu stood on two and pulled on a face, startling the two Ghost Pokémon before they quickly started to laugh. I smiled, "Ha, just like with Dad's Gengar, works every time." Pikachu let go of her cheeks with a smile, "Pika." The two Ghost Pokémon stopped laughing before pulling on their own faces, making Pikachu laugh and me to chuckle.

"Okay, okay," I said, "Now, Pikachu tell them the problem." Pikachu smiled and held up her paws, "Pika." Gastly and Gengar stopped and looked at her. "Pika, Pika, Pikachu, Pi, Pikachu, Pika."

Gastly and Gengar exchanged look. "Gengar," Gengar said. "Gastly," Gastly said before they looked at Pikachu. "Gastly, Gastly, Gastly?" Pikachu nodded, "Pi. Pika, Pikachu. Pika-Pi." Gastly and Gengar exchanged a nervous look this time and I frowned. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"Emma!" I heard Ash's voice from behind me and I turned around but couldn't see him. "Ash?" I asked. "Pika?" I heard my Pikachu asked and I turned back around to see her looking at me in confusion. "You didn't heard Ash?" I asked. "Pika-Pi?" She asked and shook her head, "Chu."

I looked at Gastly and Gengar, to see they were looking above me. I looked up but didn't see anything and then looked back at the two Ghost Pokémon, "Guys, I'm really worried, I don't have time for jokes at the moment. Do you know where my friend, Ash, and his Pikachu are?"

Gastly and Gengar looked at each other before back at me and nodded. "Great! Where are they?" I asked with a smile. Gengar pointed up to the ceiling. "Thank you," I said before Pikachu and I started to ran past them but stopped when Haunter appeared right in front of me.

It smiled and laughed. Pikachu pulled on a face and it laughed harder before clapping. I smiled, "Haunter. There you are." Gengar started to speak to Haunter, making its smile fad away. "Pika, Pikachu?" Pikachu asked, and the three Ghost Pokémon looked at us before at each other.

"I, uh, we'll just go get Ash and his Pikachu," I said before Pikachu and I ran around the corner to pair of stairs and ran up to the second floor. "Ash! Pikachu!" I called and reached to the top. I gasped in shock when I saw Ash and his Pikachu on the floor with chandelier on top of them.

"Ash! Pikachu!" I called as my Pikachu and I ran toward them. I kneeled next to Ash and tried to push the chandelier off of him and his Pikachu. I pulled out Scyther's Poké ball and released him, "Scyther!"

"Scyther?" He asked. "Scyther, get the chandelier off of Ash and Pikachu," I said as I stood up. Scyther walked closer quickly, lifting the chandelier and pushing it away. I kneeled down next to Ash and turned him around to lay on the back, "Ash? Answer me."

My Pikachu turned Ash's Pikachu around, "Pika!" I shook Ash but he wouldn't wake up, "Ash!" Haunter, Gastly and Gengar appeared and they looked between Haunter and Gastly before back at us. I looked back down at Ash and saw him slowly opening his eyes.

"Ash!" I said and looked to his side to see his Pikachu waking up too. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu called happily. "Hey, Emma," Ash said with a smile before he and his Pikachu sat up. I blinked before realizing I had tears in my eyes and I wiped away the tears that slipped.

I glared at him and grabbed his ear. "'Hey, Emma'?" I repeated as he cried out. "After I thought the worse, 'hey Emma'?!" He grabbed my wrist, trying to pull his ear from my grip but couldn't. "I need my ear! I didn't mean to scare you like that!" He said.

Haunter, Gastly and Gengar were close to us now, blinking before they started laughing. "You owe me an apology!" I shouted at Ash, "I thought I lost you for a second there! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ash said and I finally let go of his ear while Haunter, Gastly and Gengar laughed harder. Gengar and Haunter started to clap as if it was the best show they had all day. I looked back at Ash and then looked away when he gave me a nervous smile.

"Emma! Ash!" We heard Misty's voice from downstairs. "We're here!" I called, "We'll be right down."


It was morning by the time me and my friends were heading off back to Saffron City, without a Ghost Pokémon. We were walking away from the tower as Misty spoke, "But, Ash, what about the Ghost Pokémon?"

"It's impossible to catch them," Ash said. "What? Then how are you gonna beat the psychic Pokémon?" Brock asked. "Mmm, maybe I'll just have to use my sense of humor," Ash said. "Then you're doomed," I said with a sigh.

"I said I was sorry," Ahs muttered. "Do better," I said. "What happened back there?" Brock asked in confusion. "Ask mister 'Sense of humor'," I said sarcastically. "Come on, Em, I didn't mean to get you worried," Ash said. Ash's Pikachu suddenly pointed behind Misty and Brock with a smile, "Pika!"

We all stopped and turned to see Haunter, who pulled on its face to amuse us. However, Misty and Brock didn't find it amusing, and screamed as they ran past me and Ash, running away as they yelled. Ash, me and our Pikachu laughed, along with Haunter as it started to pull its face a few times, as we continued to laugh.
