Chapter 19 - Electric Shock Showdown

I stared up at a sign holding the map of Kanto region with shaky hands. Ash, Misty, Brock and I all stared in relief and delight.

After two weeks of being lost, walking and sleeping out in the woods, we finally made it to Vermilion City!

"I can't wait to take a bubble bath!" Misty said. "Finally I can have a good rest on a real bed," I said with a chuckle. Misty grinned with excitement, "That too!"

"I'm going to find the Vermilion City Gym right now!" Ash said before trying to ran inside the City. Brock grabbed Ash's shirt from behind before I could, "Hold it!"

Ash looked at the three of us in confusion and Brock pointed down at both mine and Ash's Pikachu, who both looked very exhausted. "What's the matter?" Ash asked as he looked down at his Pokémon.

We both kneeled down and took our Pokémon into our arms before standing up. "Pikachu," Ash said. "They both must be hungry," Misty pointed out softly.

I handed my Pikachu to Misty gently before digging into my backpack. "We haven't eaten since last night, I don't have any food left," Brock said, "Emma?"

I shook my head with a sigh, "No. We should get some food and Pokémon food as well." Misty handed my Pikachu to me as Ash looked between mine and his Pikachu, "You guys hungry?"

Suddenly, his stomach made a growling noise and Brock, Misty and I raised an eyebrow at him. Ash looked at us nervously and chuckled, "I guess we all are hungry."


My friends and I found the Pokémon Center, and stood in front of Nurse Joy's desk. Ash and I handed her both our Pikachu and our Poké balls. "They pretty hungry," I said about our Pikachu.

"We'll fix them right up," She said with a smile. I nodded and turned to my friends to see they were looking at her in confusion. "Yeah, another Nurse Joy," I said with a chuckle, "Just like there are many more Officer Jenny."

"Hurry!" We all looked to the front doors to see a boy running with a Chansey, who was pushing a a stretcher, with a badly beaten-up Rattata on it. "You'll be okay Rattata."

They ran past us as we watched. "That Rattata is in bad shape," Brock said. "What happened?" I asked. Nurse Joy stood up as she placed her hands on her hips, "Oh, it's the fifteen one that was brought this month."

"What?" Ash asked in shock. "Come with me," Nurse Joy said and leaded the way. We followed her into a room full of Pokémon that were hurt badly, lying on the beds, with their trainers sitting next to them.

"This is terrible," Brock said. "They've all lost to Lt. Surge, the Vermilion Gym Leader," Nurse Joy explained and I looked at her in shock. "Lt. Surge?" I asked. She nodded sadly, "Yes."

I sighed quietly, Oh great. One of Ryan's friends just happen to be the Gym Leader of this place.

We walked out of the room and headed back to the front desk. "He must be a great trainer," Ash muttered. "Well..." I trailed off, "He is pretty tough."

"Wait, you know him?" Ash asked as me and my friends stopped. "Well, he's my brother's friend," I admitted, "I just didn't knew he was a Gym Leader of this place."

"Think you can ask him to be gentle with Ash?" Misty asked with a smirk. "Hey!" Ash snapped at her. "Ash, Emma, your Pokémon are ready," Nurse Joy said and pointed the side.

We walked over to both mine and Ash's Pikachu, and all our Poké Balls. Our Pikachu were just finishing eating apples when we reached them. "Hey, Pikachu," I said.

Ash looked at his male Pikachu, "I hope you full 'cause we got to win big at that Gym today." Pikachu nodded, "Pi."

"Come on, let go win a badge," Ash said with a smile. "Please hurry!" A voice called and we all looked to see another trainer running with a Chansey, who was pushing a stretcher, with a badly beaten-up Pidgey on it. "Just hold on, Pidgey!" the boy called.

We watched as they ran past us. "I guess they came from that Gym," Misty said. "Pi!?" Ash's Pikachu started to panic. The mouse male Pikachu looked at Ash and shook his head quickly, "Pika-chu, Pika-chu."

Ash looked annoyed, "What? Don't be a coward." My Pikachu tilted her head as Ash's Pikachu continued to freak out, "Pika, Pika, Pika-chu."

"Huh?" Ash asked, "'Don't I even care if you'll end up like that Pidgey in there?' Is that it?" His Pikachu nodded, "Pika, Pika."

"You can't blame him for not wanting to, Ash," I said. "There are other Gyms we could go, too. Lt. Surge isn't someone who would be gentle to his opponents."

Ash sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right." Ash's Pikachu sighed in relief before Ash grabbed his paw with a grin, "No problem, you won't end up like those other Pokémon 'cause you'll win." He tried to pull Pikachu away but the mouse Pokémon grabbed the arm of the bench and held into it. "Don't be a scary cat, Pikachu."

My Pikachu jumped to sit on my shoulder as we and my friends watched. Ash's Pikachu shook his head, "Pika, Pikachu." He send a Thunder Shock toward Ash, making him finally let go of him.


Ash finally managed to drag his Pikachu to the Vermilion Gym. We all stood in front of the building. "So this is the Vermilion City Gym," Ash said. Misty smirked, "It's not too late to back out."

Ash glared at her, "Why should I back out when I'm gonna win? Just stick around and watch me." I raised an eyebrow with a small smile. Misty grinned, "I'll stick around to see your face when you'll get creamed."

"If you think--" Ash started. I cut him off as I stood between those two, "All right, knock it off, you two." Brock crossed his arms over his chest, "Are we ever going to go inside?"

"Let's move it," I said before walking past them to the doors with my friends following me. The doors opened and we stepped in. A man and a woman walked closer, standing in front of us with a smirk. "Hello, I've come for a Pokémon battle to earn a Thunder Badge," Ash told them as his Pikachu hid behind his leg.

The man looked over his shoulder with a smirk, "Hey, boss, another victim for the emergency room." Lt. Surge stepped out from the shadows behind the man and the woman, "Which one?"

Lt. Surge walked past them to stand in front of us. I rubbed my neck, "Hey, Surge." Lt. Surge laughed, "Look who it is!" He smirked and placed a hand on my hair, ruffling it, "It's little Emma, you've grown!"

I fixed my hair with a small smile, "Yeah, that's the point." Lt. Surge placed his hands on his hips as he chuckle, "If I'm going to battle you, then there will be only a small chance I'll win."

"I'm not the one who will battle you," I said. Ash stepped forward, "I am." Lt. Surge tilted his head, "Oh, you." He smirked as he ruffled his hair with the hat, "Okay, baby."

Ash glared and pushed his hand away, "I'm no baby! My name's Ash Ketchum!" Lt. Surge chuckled, "I call everybody who losses to me 'Baby'." He noticed Ash's Pikachu hiding behind Ash's leg. "Another Pikachu. This one smaller." He looked over his shoulder at the man and woman, "Hey, look at this, Baby brought along a baby Pokémon."

The three of them laughed. "Quiet it," Ash told them, "Why are you making fun of my Pikachu?" His Pikachu let go of his leg, glaring, "Pika, Pika."

Lt. Surge smirked, pulling out his Poké Ball, "Oh, I'll show you why. Go, Poké Ball!" He threw the Poké Ball, releasing his Raichu. Raichu smirked, "Rai~"

"Raichu," I said. "Pika, Pi," my Pikachu said. Ash pulled out his Dexter, pointing it at Raichu.

Raichu, a Mouse Pokémon of the Electric element. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than 100,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious.

Ash's Pikachu glared at Raichu, while the bigger mouse Pokémon just smirked at him. Lt. Surge smirked as he placed his hands on his hips, "Okay, baby, if you want to quit, now it your chance."

"Raichu," His Raichu agreed. "There's no way we're going to quit now," Ash snapped. Lt. Surge scoffed, "Ha, what good a baby like that do?" He kneeled down next to Raichu, "If you want to become a Pokémon master." He patted his Pokémon on the head, "You should make your Pokémon evolve as soon as you catch it."

I raised an eyebrow at that while my Pikachu frowned while looking annoyed, "Pika..." Ash kneeled next to his Pikachu, "There's more in raising a Pokémon than forcing it to evolve." He placed his hand on Pikachu's head, "And I like this Pikachu just the way he is."

The man and woman laughed as if it was a funny joke. Lt. Surge and Ash stood up. Lt. Surge smirked, "Wrong, baby. Electricity Pokémon are only useful once they learn all their different electricity attacks. You keep a someone like that, it's no more than a pet."

"Hey," I said. Both mine and Ash's Pikachu glared at them. "Can Pikachu beat Raichu?" Misty asked me and Brock. "I seriously doubt that," Brock said, "Especially is Raichu knows all electric attacks."

"My brother has a Pikachu and he beat Surge before," I told them, "Ash can do that, too. I'm sure of this."

"Okay, baby," Lt. Surge told Ash, "Did you came to show us your little pet?" Ash glared, "We came here to earn a Thunder Badge." His Pikachu stepped forward, "Pika, Pika!" Ash looked at him, "Pikachu?"

His Pikachu let a few sparks out from his cheeks, glaring at Raichu. "That's unusual," Brock said, "Pikachu really wants to go into battle."

"I'm not surprised," Misty said. "You can do it, Pikachu," I said. "Pika!" My Pikachu said. "Pikachu... I'm... counting on you," Ash said. His Pikachu looked at him and nodded, "Pikachu." He looked at Raichu with a glare.

Raichu shrugged with a sigh as Lt. Surge shrugged as well, "Oh well. I get you lined up to play with the big boys, can be a shocking experience."


Misty, Brock and I stood behind Ash as we watched him and Lt. Surge standing in the battle ground, both Pikachu and Raichu standing next to their trainers.

"The Pokémon battle will now begin," the man said, "Only one Pokémon can be used. The Gym leader, Lt. Surge, has chose Raichu. The challenger, Ash, has chose Pikachu. No time limits, let the battle begin."

The bell rang, meaning the battle will start now. "Go, Raichu!" Lt. Surge called and Raichu ran to the field. "Go, Pikachu!" Ash called and Pikachu ran to the field. "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu used the attack but the attack didn't do anything to Raichu, much to Pikachu and Ash's shock. "What's that?" Ash asked. "Raichu, show them a real Thunder Shock!" Lt. Surge called. Raichu used the attack, and this was stronger, hitting Pikachu hard and making him fell backward into the ground. Pikachu slowly started to stand up, panting before falling to the ground, "Chu."

"Pikachu!" Ash called as we all watched in shock. "Raichu, one more time!" Lt. Surge called. "Wait!" I called as Raichu jumped up into the air, about to hit another Thunder Shock at Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Ash called. My Pikachu jumped off of my shoulder, to my surprise, and she ran to the field, hitting Raichu with her tail, making the bigger mouse back away in shock, "Rai?"

My Pikachu stood in front of Ash's Pikachu, glaring at Raichu, "Pika..." Ash ran closer, kneeling down to pick his Pikachu up, "Pikachu."

"It's over, baby," Lt. Surge said, "You didn't really think your Pikachu could beat my Raichu, did ya?" His Pikachu got off of Ash, looking weak but determinant, "Pika..."

"Pikachu?" Ash asked. "Pika, Pikachu," His Pikachu said as he looked at mine. "Pika?" My Pikachu asked before shaking her head, "Pika, Pikachu!"

"Pi," Ash's Pikachu said. "Pikachu still wants to battle," I said. "Pikachu, no," Ash said. "Pi," His Pikachu said with a nod and stepped forward. I looked at my Pikachu, "Pikachu, return!"

My Pikachu looked at me in hesitation, "Pika..." I nodded and she ran back to my side, and jumped up to my shoulder. I glanced at her and whispered, "No matter what, we can't jump in." She looked at me sadly, "Pika-chu..."

Ash's Pikachu glared at Raichu while he smirked. Lt. Surge chuckled, "He's pretty gutsy for a toy." Pikachu ran toward Raichu angrily. "Pikachu!" Ash called. "I enjoy playing with toys, but playtimes over," Lt. Surge said, "Raichu, Mega Punch!" Raichu threw Mega Punch to Pikachu's face. "Now, Mega Kick!"

Raichu hit Pikachu with his leg, throwing him backward into the ground. "Pikachu!" Ash called. "Pika-chu!" My Pikachu called. "Now, give us the big finale, Raichu!" Lt. Surge said.

"Pika, Pi!" My Pikachu said as she looked at me, hoping I will let her stop this. I hesitated before quickly nodding. My Pikachu jumped down from my shoulder, running toward Ash's Pikachu as Raichu send Thunderbolt toward the male mouse. "Pikachu!" Ash called.

Just when the Thunderbolt about to hit Ash's Pikachu, my Pikachu quickly took the hit, letting the electricity absorb into her. She shook her head slightly, sparks were coming out from her cheeks before she glared at Raichu. The bigger mouse glared back at her, not happy she interrupted.

"That's enough!" I called as Ash ran toward his Pikachu, who was now unconscious.


After we took Ash's Pikachu to the Pokémon Center, I went to the phone to talk with my brother, Ryan while Ash, Misty and Borck were with Ash's Pikachu in the room.

"Lt. Surge, huh?" Ryan asked while his Pikachu looked annoyed just by hearing his name, after I said what happened with Ash's Pikachu with Lt. Surge's Raichu. "Why am I not surprised?" Ryan asked.

"His attitude didn't change," I said. "How come you didn't tell me he's the Vermilion City Gym leader?" Ryan rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I didn't thought you will come to that City."

"Is that even matter?" I asked. "Pika," My Pikachu said. Ryan crossed his arms over his chest, "So your friend's Pikachu, how bad is he?"

"Well he's resting now, so hopefully he'll wake up soon," I said sadly. "How did you beat Surge with Pikachu, again?"

"With a lot of work, and a lot of support," Ryan answered, "Just be there for your friend and his Pokémon and show you supporting them 100%."

I frowned, "I'm doing that." Pikachu nodded, "Pika-chu." Ryan smiled, "Good then. Tell your friend that even if he lost once, doesn't mean it's over. Encourage him to continue and only then will he succeed."

"Thanks, bro, I'll talk to you soon," I said with a smile. "Good luck, I hope your friend will win the second try," Ryan said. "Pika, Pi," My Pikachu said as she waved her paw. Ryan's Pikachu waved back, "Pika-chu."

The screen turned black and I looked at my Pikachu, "Let's go see the others." She nodded and we walked away toward Ash's Pikachu's room. We walked inside to see Ash's Pikachu was now awake in bed, looking upset.

"Pikachu got hurt pretty badly," Brock said. Ash looked annoyed, "I can see that."

"No, no, I mean his spirit," Brock said. "Looks like it," I agreed as my Pikachu jumped to the bed. "Pikachu was totally overpowered by that Raichu," Brock said. "We'll try harder," Ash said, "We'll win next time if Pikachu try harder."

I sighed, "That's not it, Ash, Pikachu did do his best." Ash looked down, "Mmm." Nurse Joy walked in, "There is one way you can win." We looked at her. "I'm sorry, I overheard your conversation, and I just thought--"

"How can we win?" Ash asked. Nurse Joy held out a red small box, "A while ago, I just happen to come across this." She opened the box, showing a Thunder Stone inside. "Wow, it a Thunder Stone," Brock said.

"A Thunder Stone?" Ash asked. "A Thunder Stone can be used to evolve Pikachu into Raichu," I explained, "Evolve Pikachu into Raichu?" Ash asked as he stared at the Thunder Stone. He took it, "Then Pikachu might be strong enough to win."

"You have to think hard before using the Thunder Stone," Nurse Joy said. "Huh?" Ash asked. "Ash, if Pikachu will evolve into Raichu, you can't change him back," I said, "Pikachu will never be the same."

Ash looked from me to the Thunder Stone in his hand as he thought, "If Pikachu becomes a Raichu, I may be able to win that Badge." I opened my mouth but stopped when he spoke again, "But, on the other hand, to make him evolve just to fight... I will be just like Surge." He turned to his Pikachu, "Pikachu..." He held the Stone near him, "What do you want to do?" His Pikachu looked from the Stone to Ash, "Pika..."

"I really want to beat that Surge, but I also don't want to force you to evolve if you'd be happier staying the way you are now," Ash said. His Pikachu stared at the Stone for a long moment. "Pika, Pi..." My Pikachu said. Ash's Pikachu slowly got out from the sheets. "Pikachu," Ash said.

"Save your strength," Misty said. Ash's Pikachu continued to stare at the Stone before slapping it away from Ash's hand with his tail. "Pikachu..." Ash trailed off. His Pikachu looked at him, "Pika, Pika, Pikachu, Pika, Pi, Pi, Pikachu, Chu! Pika, Pikachu!"

"What's he saying?" Misty asked. I smiled a small smile, "Pikachu doesn't want to change, if he is going to beat Raichu, he will do it just as he is now."

Ash's Pikachu nodded, "Pika! Pikachu!" Ash nodded and took his Pokémon's paw in his hand, "Pikachu, together, you and I, will beat Lt. Surge and his Raichu." Pikachu nodded, "Pika, Pika."

"You both crazy," Misty said. "You should change your strategy, Ash," Brock said, "Maybe use your other Pokémon."

"It's hard, but it's not impossible," I told them as I crossed my arms over my chest. "That's right," Ash agreed, "We can find a way to win."

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu, Pika," His Pikachu said. "What now?" Misty asked. "Pikachu says he can prove he can beat Raichu," I explained, "He's going to defend both his honor and Ash's."

Ash looked at his Pikachu, "All right, are we all charged up?" Pikachu held his paws up, "Pi." He suddenly fell backward into the pillow, sleeping. I smiled a small smile, "Yeah... not for now."

Nurse Joy nodded, "He hasn't fully recovered yet, you should let him rest just for a little while longer." Ash nodded slightly, "Yeah, okay."


Ash, Brock, Misty and I were in the waiting room. Ash and I were sitting on the chairs. My Pikachu was sitting on my laps. Brock was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Misty was getting a drink from the machine and then turning to all of us, "Oh, this all thing got me so nervous."

"Really? Since when do you decide to worry about me?" Ash asked. "Not you, I'm more concern about Pikachu, I hope he will be okay," Misty said. "Hey, Ash," Brock said. "Yeah?" Ash asked. "During the fight, Surge said that he made his Raichu evolve as soon as he got it, didn't he?" Brock asked. "Yeah," Ash answered. Brock smiled, "Then perhaps there is a way."


After two days of recovering, Ash's Pikachu was fully charged up and ready to battle Lt. Surge's Raichu once again. Ash and his Pikachu walked out from the Pokémon Center first. "Pikachu, our lucky star is shinning today," Ash said as he pointed to the sky.

His Pikachu didn't understand and tilted his head, "Pika?" I walked closer, placing my hand on his arm, teasingly looking around, "Where? I don't see a star anywhere." My Pikachu smiled, "Pika."

Ash rolled his eyes, but I noticed a small smile escaped on his lips, "Very funny." I smiled and let go of his arm. Ash looked at his Pikachu, "Let's go, Pikachu."

Ash and Pikachu started to walk forward and Misty, Brock and I started to follow. "Seems like they are ready to win, doesn't it?" Brock asked with a smile.

We reached back to the Gym and stood at the battle ground as we faced Lt. Surge and his Raichu again. "Hey, baby, you're ready to take another beaten?" Lt. Surge asked Ash, "You didn't even make your Pikachu evolve, you haven't learn anything yet."

"Don't be so sure, Surge," Ash said. "Okay, well, let's see," Lt. Surge said.

"The challenger, Ash, uses Pikachu," the man said, "The Gym leader, Lt. Surge uses a Raichu. The Pokémon will battle one on one, but no time limit, let the battle begin."

The bell rang.

"Use the strategy we planned, Pikachu! You can do it!" Ash called. Pikachu ran up to the battle field, "Pika!"

"A strategy, so they planned a new way to lose, go Raichu!" Lt. Surge called. Raichu ran to the field, throwing his tail forward, hitting Pikachu on the cheek, making him fell backward. Pikachu started to stand up but Raichu hit him with his tail repeatedly. "Pikachu," Ash and I said. "Hung in there," Misty said. "Break to the side and get away," Brock said. Pikachu couldn't move as Raichu hit him with his tail.

"Do it, Raichu, give him the Body Slam!" Lt. Surge said. Raichu turned to use the attack, landing on Pikachu. "Finish it up, Raichu, another Body Slam!"

Raichu jumped up and down, about to use the same attack once again. "Pikachu!" We all called. "Watch out!" Ash called. Pikachu quickly took it as a order, standing up, dodging, making Raichu slam into the ground where Pikachu was a moment ago.

"Hey, what?" Lt. Surge asked. Ash smiled, "Do it, Pikachu, Agility, now!" Pikachu ran quickly toward Raichu. "Raichu, use your Body Slam!" Lt. Surge called. Raichu stood up, jumping to hit Pikachu, but Pikachu dodged the attack. Raichu threw his tail but Pikachu dodged the tail too. Raichu quickly stood up, jumping to hit Pikachu with Body Slam but Pikachu dodged him again and another time.

"Raichu?" Lt. Surge asked in confusion. "It's working," Misty said as we all smiled. "Raichu evolved too fast and it never learned the speed attacks he can only learn in a Pikachu stage," I said.

"Okay, use all the Agility you got!" Ash called. Pikachu ran around Raichu, making him quickly become dizzy. "Your Raichu's way too slow, Surge," Ash said with a smirk, "That's his weakness."

Lt. Surge looked annoyed, "All right, Raichu, give him a Thunderbolt. Shot him down!" Raichu shot a huge Thunderbolt, hitting everywhere, the arena floor and even blowing out all the windows around the arena.

There were smoke all around and we couldn't see anything. "The end of the match," Lt. Surge said before we all saw Pikachu was standing unhurt, on his tail. "What?!" Lt. Surge asked. "Pikachu!" Ash called as we all smiled. "All right!" I called. "Amazing!" Brock said, "He used his tail as a ground and dodged the electric shock, just like Emma's Pikachu showed him."

"Pika!" My Pikachu called happily. Raichu was panting as Ash's Pikachu stood on all four. "Raichu, give him another Thunderbolt!" Lt. Surge called. Raichu tried to let Thunderbolt attack out but he couldn't. "Do something."

"It's over, Raichu's run out of electricity," Brock said. "All right, Quick Attack!" Ash called. Pikachu ran toward Raichu. "Raichu, Take Down, now!" Lt. Surge called. Raichu jumped up and down, but Pikachu quickly hit him on the stomach. Pikachu then hit him with his tail, making him fell backward into the floor, unconscious.

"Unbelievable," Lt. Surge called in shock. "We did it, Pikachu!" Ash said. "Way the go!" Brock said. "That was a amazing!" I called. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu called. "Fantastic!" Misty called. Ash's Pikachu smiled, "Pikachu."


After Raichu was a wake and recovered, Lt. Surge and Ash shook hands. "Congratulations," Lt. Surge said, "Nice job, Ash, Pikachu." He pulled out a Thunder Badge from his pocket, "As prove for your victory; a Thunder Badge."

Ash took it, "Thank you." He looked at the Badge with a smile, "Would you look at that, it's really a Thunder Badge."

"You should be really proud, you and your Pikachu really fought good today together," Lt. Surge said with a smile. "Thanks," Ash said, "I finally got my third badge." His Pikachu smiled, "Pi, Pikachu."

We all clapped for him and Pikachu. "Nice victory, Ash, you're no baby," Lt. Surge said. "Good job, Ash, Pikachu," I said. "Pikachu!" My Pikachu said. "Congratulations, Ash, Pikachu," Brock said. "You finally got your own Badge," Misty said.

"Rai, Rai!" Riachu said with a smile. Ash's Pikachu smiled at him, "Pika." Ash took Pikachu into his arms, "Thank you, Pikachu." He hugged him, "This is your victory."

Pikachu smiled and happily electrified Ash, which didn't seemed to bother him anymore, as we all laughed.
