Chapter 54 - Riddle Me This

Emma and her friends were taking a ship to head to Cinnabar Island. By morning, they were getting closer to the Island, the kids were on the deck, looking over the ocean and the approaching Island.

"We almost there," Emma said. "It's supposed to be beautiful," Misty said. "It's got an awesome volcano, best of all, it got Pokémon research laboratory's one best in the world," Brock said, "Trainers come all over to learn the latest Pokémon technique."

"I'm heading straight to the Cinnabar Gym, and to my next badge," Ash said with confidence. "Pika," his Pikachu said with a nod. "Okay, come on, let's grab our bags," Emma said before walking past her friends. She walked toward the stairs but then bumped into someone. His hands grabbed her arms to prevent her from falling backward.

"Well, I see you finally decided to fall into my arms huh?"

"Gary?!" Emma and Ash asked together in shock and Gary smirked. "What are you doing here?" Ash asked in annoyance as he glared at Gary's hands still holding on Emma's arms. The brunette girl stepped back but she didn't noticed the look the boy was giving to Gary.

"Heading to Cinnabar Island," Gary said with a smirk, "It's a tourist resort after all." Ash looked shocked, "Resort?!" he asked. Gary ignored him and looked at Togepi in Emma's arms, "So Emma, I see you've caught yourself a Togepi." He petted the Egg Pokémon on the head, much to it's delight. "Togy!" it said.

"Yeah, I got it when it was still an Egg," Emma said as she looked at Togepi with a smile, "In fact, Ash found it first, and he gave me it." Gary's smirk fall slightly, "Really now..."

Ash crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. "So, what are you been up to?" Emma asked. "Well, winning in Gyms and catching more Pokémon of course," Gary said with a smile. His smile turn to a smirk as he looked at Ash, "What about you Ashy?" Ash glared at him as he placed his hands on his hips, "I earned so many badges already so I'm taking a break to work on my tan."

"A real trainer never takes a break," Ash said as he stepped forward, "So while you tanning, I will be at the Gym, winning a badge!" Gary just continued to smirk, "Cinnabar Island doesn't even have Pokémon Gym."

Ash's annoyed expression turned to sadness, "What do you mean? It got to have a Gym." Gary scoffed, "Well, you can believe what you want to, but you'll see for yourself. You're wasting your time." He looked at Emma, "So, Emma, want to hung out on the Island?"

"Huh?" Emma asked. Misty looked back at Ash in amusement as she watched his sad expression turned back to annoyance and anger. "Jealousy isn't pretty on him, but it sure is funny to watch," she whispered to herself.

"Oh, I, uh, well..." Emma trailed off before Ash grabbed her wrist. "Come on, we need to get our bags," he reminded them and dragged the brunette girl with him down the stairs. Brock quickly followed and their amused redhead friend followed after.

"Whoa, where did that came from?" Emma asked in confusion as she looked at Ash. "I'm sure one day you'll find out why he's like this," Misty said in amusement. "Don't tell me you were worried I would say 'yes' to hanging out with Gary," Emma said as Ash let go of her wrist. He scoffed, "I'm not."

Emma tilted her head teasingly, "Without me around, you wouldn't survive, huh?" she teased as she nudged him on the arm. Ash looked away, "Not true."

"Pika!" his Pikachu said with a smile, as he moved to his trainer's right shoulder to be closer to Emma, "Pika-Pi, Pika, Pikachu." Emma chuckled and looked at Ash, "Your Pikachu doesn't agree with you."

Ash's cheeks turned slightly red but he quickly started to walk down the hallway before any of his friends could see it, "Come on." Emma, Misty and Brock followed him to their room to grab their backpacks.


After the ship finally stopped at the dock, Emma and her friends had got off the ship and looked around. There was a lot of people around but they weren't trainers. They were tourists, much to Ash's disappointment.

"I guess Gary was right," Emma said. "This place is a tourist attraction," Misty said. "Oh well, we already here, so let's look around," Brock said. Emma looked back at the ship, "Where is Gary anyway? Did he got off the ship already?"

Ash huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "What's so special about him?" he muttered. His Pikachu tilted his head as he looked at his trainer in slight amusement, "Pi?"

"Come on, let's just go," Ash said and started to walk away. "Wait up," Emma said as she looked at him in confusion and quickly followed along with Brock and Misty.

"No sign for a Pokémon Gym but there sure are a lot of tourists around here, there so many nice Islands, I wonder why this one became so popular," Brock said as they looked around the people.

They slowed to a stop when a man with long hair, sunglasses and a mustache stood in front of them. "The answer is in the riddle; what's the tourists think is hot and cool?" he asked. The kids blinked at him before Emma tilted her head as she thought about it.

"Hot spring are really hot and..." Misty trailed off and smiled as she looked at the man, "And tourists think they cool." The man nodded, "That's right. See kids, because of the volcano, there's a lot of hot springs here on Cinnabar Island, and every year more and more tourists come visit 'em. Now they even taken over Cinnabar Island, trainers don't even come anymore. Tourists! They've ruined the Island!"

"Is a Pokémon Gym still here? I have to earn a Volcano Badge," Ash said. "I heard the Gym Leader is a guy name Blaine," Misty said. "His Gym is right where you put your glasses on," the man said. "Glasses..." Ash trailed off. "In front of your eyes," Emma said.

The man nodded, "That's right. Blaine's Gym is in front of your eyes." He pointed to the side, which a small looking house that looked destroyed and abandoned. "Huh?!" the kids asked. "Pika?!" both the Pikachu asked.

The man walked toward the house and the kids followed. They all stood in front of it. "That's it?" Brock asked. "Blaine got tired of battling tourists who care more about post cards and t-shirts than about Pokémon, that's why he abandoned the Gym," the man explained.

Ash looked at the man, "But I'm not some stupid tourist! I'm a real trainer! I came all the way out to this Island just so I could battle for my Volcano Badge!" he said. "I'm afraid you came to the wrong place, my friend," the man said and Ash looked at him in disappointment. "Here's my card," the man said as he pulled out a card and handed it to Ash, "If you need anything."

Emma, Misty and Brock gathered around Ash as he read from the card, "The Big Riddle Inn." Misty frowned, "An Inn? How can you ran a hotel and then blame tourists for ruining the Island? That doesn't make any sense to me."

Brock looked over their shoulder, "He's gone." The kids looked around but the man was no where to be found. "Where did he go?" Emma asked and Misty shrugged. "He sure was weird," Ash muttered.


The kids were heading off to the Pokémon research laboratory Brock spoke about. "Well, even if it's full of tourists, we should still check out that lab," Ash said. "It can't be that bad," Brock said. "Oh yeah?" Misty asked as she stared forward and they all stopped to see the lab was nothing but stands with souvenirs.

"It's just a bunch of souvenirs stands," Ash said. "It's just a tourist attraction," Emma said. They all looked down at Ash's stomach when it made a noise. Ash rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle, "Oops, guess all this disappointment made me hungry."

"We should call it a day," Emma said in amusement. "Why don't we check out the Pokémon center?" Misty asked. "Good idea," Brock said and they turned around, and started to look for the Pokémon center.

It didn't took them long to find a Pokémon center but when they walked inside, the place was packed with people. They walked to the main counter to find Nurse Joy and asked for a room. "I'm very sorry," she apologized, "We got so many visitors, they even sleeping in the lobby. It's the busy season. We simply don't have any room."

"That's okay, thanks," Emma muttered but they walked out of the building. "I think we were the only ones in the all center who actually have Pokémon," Brock said. "Well, guess we could camp out," Emma said and Misty sighed in disappointment. "Hey look," Ash said and they followed his gaze to a building with a hotel sign, "I bet we'll get a room there."


Turned out that luck wasn't on the kids' side tonight. Unfortunately there was no available room in any hotel they came across. The kids were walking away from the last hotel they came across when Ash's stomach rumbled again. "I'm so hungry, I can eat a Horsea," he said.

"I'm too tired to eat, I just want a nice soft bed," Misty said as Emma let Togepi rest inside her backpack. They heard music from one of the rooms inside the hotel and turned to it. "I've had it, let's just find a nice spot to camp out," Brock said. "Yeah," Emma agreed as Ash sniffed the air.

"Hey, that's smells good," Ash said as he slowly walked toward the hotel as his friends watched him in confusion. "Ash, wait," Emma said. "Where you going?" Brock asked as they followed him. "Pika-Pi," Ash's Pikachu called. "We already tried this hotel, it's full," Misty said.

Emma grabbed Ash's arm and stopped him before he would get into trouble. "Come on, Ash," she said. "It's not fair, they having a banquet in there," the boy complained and right then his stomach rumbled again.

A shadow appeared on the door and it opened to reveal Gary. "Gary?" Emma and Ash asked together. Gary looked around in confusion, "I thought I heard something out here." He spotted Emma and her group, but mainly ignored them and looked at the brunette girl, "Emma?"

"Uh, hey," Emma said as she blinked at him. "What you doing out here late in night? Are you staying here?" Gary asked. "Uh... well..." Emma trailed off. Ash looked at him angrily, "We're camping out."

"We're looking for a place to stay for the night, but the hotels are all full," Emma said. "All of them?" Gary asked and Emma, Brock and Misty nodded while Ash crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, there's a room for you here," Gary told the brunette girl.

"Uh, just for me?" Emma asked and glanced at her friends before looking back at Gary, "Isn't there a room for three more?" Togepi popped up from Emma's backpack, "Togy." The Egg Pokémon jumped out from the backpack and walked toward Gary.

"Hey, Togepi, where you going?" Ash asked. Both the Pikachu ran after it, "Pi-Pi-Pi!" The three Pokémon stood next to Gary and looked inside. Gary opened the door wider to show the cheerleaders inside with two Pokémon and lots of food on the table.

"Look at all the food," Misty said as they stared at it. "I'll tell you what Em, your friends can join in for the food but there's only one person who can stay the night so," Gary said. Misty opened her mouth but Ash cut in, snapping, "Forget it! We don't need your food!"

Right then, his stomach decided to rumble again. "Looks like your stomach doesn't agree with you," Gary said with a smirk. Ash glared at him and grabbed Emma's wrist, dragging her with him, "Let's go. Pikachu come on!"

Just then Gary grabbed Emma's left wrist, "If you don't want to stay and eat then fine, but Emma can decide for herself if she wants to stay," he said. The two boys glared at each other as Emma looked back and forth between them.

Misty grabbed Emma's shoulders as she glared at both boys, "Excuse me! Would you two mind fighting over her later? After we eat?!" she asked. The front door opened in the room and they all turned to see the same Jigglypuff that been following Emma and her friends stepping in, "Jiggly!"

Emma, Ash, Misty and Brock stared at it in horror, "Jigglypuff?!" The female and male Pikachu grabbed Togepi and they started to ran away as Ash pulled Emma away with Misty and Brock. "Run for it!" Brock called.


The kids were now at a small park, panting from running so much. The Pikachu had their backs against each other, panting as well, while Togepi was standing next to them, smiling as always.

"That was a close one. Jigglypuff almost got us," Ash said. "Yeah," Misty said. "Where to now?" Emma asked. Brock looked at Ash, "Ash, what about that card that old guy gave you?"

Ash diged into his pocket and pulled the card out, "Must be directions to his hotel," he said. Brock looked over Ash's shoulder at the card, "Mmm. 'If you look near the swing, you'll see my hand, or at least my face'."

Misty sighed and Ash groaned, "Not another riddle!" he complained. Misty pointed to the swings, "There's the swings." Brock frowned, "Yeah, but I don't see anybody's hand or face."

Emma blinked, "'You'll see my hand, or at least my face'..." she smiled and stood up from the bench, "I know what it means! It's a clock!" She looked above the swings up to the top of a hill to see a building with a clock on it. She pointed at the building, "Look up there!"

Misty and the boys looked up at the building. "Is that..." Misty trailed off. "That must be the Big Riddle Inn," Emma said and took Togepi into her arms, "Let's go."

They started to ran toward the hill, and soon enough they reached to the building to see the sign of 'The Big Riddle Inn'. Emma chuckled and looked at her friends, "Not bad, huh?"

"Nice one," Misty said with a smile. "Yeah, let's go inside," Brock said and they stepped in. "Hello?" they called. The same man from before walked around the corner, "Well look at that." He looked between Misty and Emma, "Which one of you two solved the riddle?"

"That will be me," Emma said with a chuckle. "Well done. As a prize I'll give you free rooms at the hotel," the man said. Ash smiled, "Your riddles maybe dumb but your prizes are terrific."

Emma gave him a look and cleared her throat. Ash froze, knowing the was pretty rude, "I--I meant..." The man sighed, "I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

Ash chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head as Emma sighed. Suddenly, Ash's stomach rumbled again, and they all looked at him. His cheeks turned pink and he chuckled nervously again. "Well, guess you want dinner too," the man said. "Right," Ash said awkwardly.


The man had served the kids and the three Pokémon food on the table, before a phone rang and he went to answer it. Emma looked at Togepi, "Make sure not to eat to fast, Togepi."


Togepi looked toward Ash and Brock, seeing that the boys were eating the food in a fast speed. Emma noticed and leaned closer to Ash as she raised an eyebrow, "You do know that Togepi learns from you and Brock too, right?"

Ash froze and glanced at the Egg Pokémon before quickly putting his hand in front of Brock, stopping him from eating. "On second thought, we shouldn't eat too fast, or else we'll get a stomach ache," Ash said as he looked at the Egg Pokémon.

Emma smirked, "Right." she looked at Togepi, "So make sure to eat slow, okay?" Togepi smiled, "Togy." Misty smirked as she watched Ash and Emma with the baby Pokémon. "Why am I pulled into this?" Brock asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Shh," Misty said in amusement, "Don't interrupt a family moment." Which caused Ash and Emma to blush.

"What?" they all looked toward the man, who was speaking on the phone. "Is something wrong?" Emma asked. The man turned to them, "The Pokémon lab is been attack by a balloon." The kids looked at him in shock, "Huh?"

The kids followed the man out of the hotel, and straight back to the Pokémon lab. They saw Team Rocket's air balloon on top of the building, with the trio holding a net with a couple of Pokémon inside there.

"They're flying away," the man said. "I'm about to burst their bubble," Ash said as he pulled out a Poké ball. He threw it, "Pidgeotto, go!" The Bird Pokémon was released and Ash looked at his Pikachu, "Pikachu, you and Pidgeotto go bring back all those Pokémon."

"Pika," the male mouse said as he jumped on Pidgeotto's back and they flew up toward the balloon. Team Rocket didn't noticed until it was too late. The male Pikachu smirked and jumped up to the balloon, "Pika-chu!" he used Thunderbolt, which made Team Rocket scream as they let go of the net.

The Pokémon all fell on the roof, safe, as Pikachu jumped back on Pidgeotto's back. They watched as Team Rocket's air balloon flew off.

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!"

The kids and the man looked at the Pokémon on the roof as they got out of the net, cheering. The man looked at Ash, "Thanks for saving the Pokémon, Ash. You deserve a big reward, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Blaine built a Gym that tourists never see."

The kids smiled at that. "He did?" Ash asked. The man nodded, "It's in a place where firefighters could never win." Ash looked disappointed, "Not another riddle! What kind of reward is that?"


The kids were relaxing behind the motel in the hot springs. Misty and Emma were on one side with Emma's Pikachu and Togepi, while Ash and Brock were on the other side with Ash's Pikachu.

"Where can a firefighter can never win?" Emma asked, both of the girls were thinking about the riddle the man gave them earlier. "Maybe it's someplace that doesn't have enough water," Misty said.

Pikachu noticed Togepi leaving the water and looking up at a Gyarados tap fixture. "Pi-Pi-Pi," the yellow mouse said. Misty and Emma looked from Pikachu to Togepi. "Togepi?" Misty asked.

Togepi smiled and walked closer to the fixture. Emma stood from the water, holding her towel as she walked toward it, "Togepi, stay away from it. The water is boiling."

Togepi jumped up on top of the Gyarados tap. "Pi-Pi-Pi!" Pikachu said as she jumped from the water. Togepi jumped up and down on the statue. "Togepi, it's not our Gyarados," Emma said, "This one's a statue."

The fixture suddenly lowered down and the boulder moved, exposing a cave and knocking down the hot springs' gender separation screen. Ash and Brock looked at the girls in confusion, while the girls blinked at them before they screamed.


The kids had quickly put on their clothes and went to investigate the cave. As they were walking down the stone stairs, they felt heat around them. Misty frowned, "Is it just me, or is it seems to be getting hot down here?"

"Oh it's getting hot alright," Brock confirmed. They reached to the bottom stairs and looked at a double doors in front of them. "It's a door," Ash said as he raised an eyebrow. "It is locked?" Emma asked.

Ash stepped closer and placed his hands on the handles but the second he did that, he backed away as he gave a small shout of pain. "What's wrong?" Emma asked.

"It's burning hot," Ash said. The doors opened up and the kids looked inside to see a battlefield was in the middle of the cave, on top of a lava. The kids walked inside in amazement and looked at it. "Blaine's Gym," Ash said.

"No firefighter can win this place," Brock said. "Guess that's the answer," Emma said, "Firefighters can't win a volcano." The lights turned on suddenly and the kids looked up at them.

"I guess you solved my riddle." They looked forward and found the man on the other side of the battlefield. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Ash asked. "It's not a hat, but it keeps your head dry. If you wear it, it's only because you've already lost it," the man said, giving them another riddle.

"Uh... an umbrella?" Ash asked. "An umbrella keeps your head dry, but you don't wear it if you lost it," Brock pointed out. Ash rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah..."

Emma and Misty looked at each other, thinking the same thing before smiling as they spoke together, "It's a wig!" The boys looked at them in surprise. "A wig isn't a hat..." Misty trailed off and looked at Emma for her to finish it off. "But it keeps your head dry from the rain," Emma said and tilted her head, "And the only reason you wear a wig, is if you already lost your hair."

"And the girls had done it again," the man said before the kids watched in surprise as he took off the wig, sunglasses and mustache. "Wig is correct."

"It's a wig!" the kids spoke together. "You get it?" the man asked, "I wear a wig 'cause I'm really Blaine, the Gym Leader. Now who's gonna battle me, three-on-three?"

"I will," Ash said as he stepped forward. "Careful Ash, he must have raised some tough Pokémon in this volcano," Emma pointed out. "Got it," Ash said. "Ready to begin?" Blaine asked with a smirk. "Ready when you are!" Ash said.

Blaine pulled out a Poké ball, "Fine. I have already selected my first Pokémon." He threw it, "Ninetales, go!"

Ninetales is a fox-like, quadruped Pokémon covered in thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has a small mane of thicker fur around its neck and a long, fluffy crest atop its head. It has slender legs with three-toed paws and nine, long tails with pale orange tips. It has red eyes, pointed ears, and a triangular black nose.

Ash pulled out Dexter and held it in front.

Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon, is the evolved form of the Fire Pokémon Vulpix.

Ash pulled it away with a smirk, "I knew he would choose a Fire type. Big mistake." He threw a Poké ball out, "Go Squirtle!" The Tiny Turtle Pokémon was released and stood to face Ninetales. Blaine smirked, "A Water type, how predictable. Go Ninetales, Fire Spin now!"

"Fire Spin is Ninetales' most powerful attack," Brock said. "Squirtle, Water Gun now!" Ash called. Both Pokémon used their attacks, but Ninetales' Fire Spin managed to take down the Water Gun attack, and about to hit Squirtle. Squirtle quickly hid inside it's shell and the Fire Spin hit it.

"Pika-Pika!" Ash's Pikachu called. Ash worriedly ran toward it, "Squirtle!" He picked it up, "Squirtle, are you okay?" Squirtle popped out from it's shell, and fell unconscious.

Ash looked from it to Blaine. Blaine crossed his arms over his chest, "Choosing a Pokémon is more than selecting the right type. It takes wisdom to win a Gym battle."

Ash returned Squirtle to it's Poké ball and stood up, "Then I'll fight fire with fire." He pulled out another Poké ball and looked at it, "I'm counting on you, so give it your best shot." He moved backward and threw it, "Charizard, I choose you!"

Charizard roared and landed down on the floor. "So you chosen a Charizard," Blaine said and held out Ninetales' Poké ball, "Return Ninetales." The Fox Pokémon returned to it's Poké ball, and threw another one, "Go Rhydon!"

Rhydon was released and it roared as Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Rhydon, the evolved form of Rhyhorn. It is known as the Drill Pokémon. Its large horn gives it formidable attack power.

Charizard looked at Rhydon for a moment before moving his head away in boredom, much to Blaine's confusion. "Come on Charizard, you gotta battle now," Ash said as Charizard yawed.

"Let's get this over with. Rhydon, Horn Drill!" Blaine called. Rhydon ran toward Charizard, but before it could use the attack, Charizard flew up and landed on the other side, lying down to take a nap. "Give me a break Charizard!" Ash said.

"Charizard has left the ring, Rhydon is the winner," Blaine said. "Ash should know better then use Charizard," Emma muttered. "Pika," her Pikachu agreed. "Togy," Togepi said.

Ash kneeled next to his Pikachu, "It's all up to you now Pikachu." The male mouse nodded and stepped forward in determination. "Your little Pikachu doesn't stand a chance against my Rhydon," Blaine said.

"Forget his size!" Ash said as he got his Charizard back into his Poké ball, "Go Pikachu." The male mouse ran forward. "Rhydon, Fury Attack!" Blaine said. Rhydon ran toward Pikachu, repeatedly thrusted the horn on it's nose at him, but Pikachu dodged the attacks. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt now!" Ash said.

Pikachu did as was told but the Thunderbolt didn't hurt Rhydon at all. Blaine scoffed, "Electric attacks won't work on it." Pikachu looked annoyed by that. "Pikachu, the horn!" Ash said and the male mouse looked at Rhydon's horn. He smiled, "Pika!" He jumped up, "Pika-chu!" He released another Thunderbolt attack, but this time on the horn, which harmed the Drill Pokémon this time.

"Oh no!" Blaine said and they all watched Rhydon fell to the ground. "It worked!" Ash said. "Good thinking," Emma said. "Rhydon, return," Blaine said and held it's Poké ball, which the Drill Pokémon went back in.

Blaine looked at Ash with a smirk, impressed, "I'll have to choose a different Pokémon." Pikachu panted, clearly used a lot of his electric powers just to knock Rhydon down by hitting it's horn. "Pikachu can handle anything!" Ash said.

Blaine smirked, "This Pokémon is too hot to handle. And it has a power that should interest you, because it turns all it's opponents into ash."

"It's too hot to solve riddles!" Ash said in annoyance. "I choose Magmar!" Blaine said. The lava under the battlefield rumbled and exploded. "Magmar?" Emma asked as the Pokémon appeared.

Magmar is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with yellow flame designs along the bottom half. It has a puckered, yellow beak, small eyes, and two lumps on its forehead with a yellow flame on top of each one. Rigid, red scale covers its arms and it has five, clawed fingers on each hand. Its shoulders and thighs are yellow, and its red feet have two, clawed toes each. It has black, metal shackles around its neck and ankles. Down its back is a row of red spikes, and there is a flame at the tip of its tapering, yellow tail.

"Look at that," Misty said as Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Magmar, the Spitfire Pokémon. Its body is like a furnace, making Magmar a living inferno. It has been discovered only near active volcanoes.

Magmar and the male Pikachu glared at each other for a moment. "Magmar, Fire Punch now!" Blaine said. One of Magmar's fists become surrounded in orange-yellow fire, and tried to hit Pikachu, but Pikachu dodged the hits. "You're too quick for it Pikachu!" Ash said with a smile. But then, Magmar managed to hit Pikachu's cheek, and he backed away.

"You can do it Pikachu!" Ash said. "Pika, Pika!" Emma's Pikachu called. Ash's Pikachu looked at Magmar, "Pika-chu!" He released a Thunderbolt attack, but it didn't hurt Magmar at all as it held it's arm out with flames around it's body. Pikachu stopped, "Pika..."

"Magmar using Air Lens," Brock said. "What's an Air Lens?" Ash asked. "Magmar heats the air around it to a super high temperature, and that making electrical attacks ineffective," Brock explained.

"Oh no!" Ash said as they looked back at the battlefield to see Magmar using Fire Punch again. Both of Magmar's fists surrounded in pale red fire and it repeatedly punched toward the male Pikachu with both of them, but Pikachu kept dodging them, until he was corner to the side with the lava under.

"Pika-chu!" Emma's Pikachu said. "Togy!" Togepi said. "Oh no!" Emma said. "Pikachu," Brock said. "This looks bad!" Misty said. "Magmar, Fire Blast," Blaine said.

Magmar took in a deep breath and released a powerful blast of orange fire. Pikachu stood still as the blast headed straight toward him. "Pikachu!" Ash called as they watched in horror.
