Chapter 15 - Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

"Guys, we're lost," I said as me and my friends walked along the thick tall grass. It has been two weeks since we left Cerulean City and headed to Vermilion City for Ash's next gym battle.

Ash looked at me over his shoulder while his Pikachu was resting on his backpack like mine was. "Don't worry, I'm positive that this lead us back to the path."

"Pika?" His Pikachu asked. "Positive, huh?" Brock asked sarcastically. "That what you said an hour ago, I'm tired," Misty said. "Me too," I agreed. "Can we stop for a moment?"

"Okay," Ash agreed as we all finally stopped walking. Misty sighed and gave Ash a look, "You just had to take a short cut."

"I took a short cut? It was you who said to go this way!" Ash said. "Ha! If I was leading, we wouldn't be lost like this!" Misty said while Brock and I exchanged an annoyed look. "Who said we lost?!" Ash asked.

"Stop!" I shouted, which caused Ash and Misty to stop bickering and look at me. I placed my hands on my hips, "Instead of fighting like little kids, we should find a way out."

"Emma's right, we won't get anywhere if you two keep fighting," Brock said. "Fine," Misty muttered. I started to lead the way out of the tall grass and found a few big rocks to sit on. "Let's rest for a little bit," I said.

"The best news I've heard for a while now," Misty said. I smiled and shook my head as we all sat down. Ash sat next to me and both our Pikachu. A moment later, we heard something behind us and looked over our shoulders to see an Oddish drinking from a small pond.

"Hey, it's an Oddish," I said with a smile as Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Oddish. This Pokémon is typically found roaming the forest, scattering pollen as it walks around.

Ash smiled as he pulled out a poke ball, "I'll catch it." I stepped in front of him, "Hold on, I'm gonna catch it."

"What? Why should I let you catch it?" Ash asked. "Because, I'm asking you very nicely to back off," I said, which caused Misty to giggle. "You go, girl!" She cheered before we saw that Oddish was starting to ran away.

"Oddish, Oddish," the tiny Pokémon said. "Pikachu, get it!" I called before my Pikachu ran quickly toward the blue Pokémon and stopped in front of it to block it's path. "Pika!" She said.

"Pikachu, Tackle!" I called. Pikachu rammed into Oddish, sending it to the ground before it quickly tried to get up. "Oddish! Oddish!" It called. "Pika!" My Pikachu said. "Tackle it again, Pikachu!" I called.

Pikachu rammed into Oddish again, sending it once again to the ground. I quickly pulled out a Poké ball, "Go, Poké ball!" I threw it toward the weakened Pokémon, but suddenly it was slapped back and I caught it. "What the--?"

There was a tiny grass Pokémon standing firmly, growling as it stood protectively in front of Oddish. It was a Bulbasaur.

"Wow! I can't believe it! A Bulbasaur!" Ash said with a big smile before he pulled out his Dexter.

Bulbasaur. It bears the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The seed slowly develops. Researchers are unsure whether to classify Bulbasaur as a plant or animal. Bulbasaur are extremely calm and very difficult to capture in the wild."

Bulbasaur suddenly charged forward toward my Pikachu. "Pika!" Pikachu said as she moved away before Bulbasaur could hit her. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I said. Pikachu ran back toward me and jumped into my arms.

Ash stood in front of me and hold a Poké ball, "Now it's my turn. Bulbasaur is mine." He threw the Poké ball, "Butterfree, I choose you!"

The Butterfly Pokémon came out. "Butterfree, Sleep Powder!" Ash called. Butterfree flew up high and tried to use the Sleep Powder to knock Bulbasaur out, but the Seed Pokémon simply sucked in air and blowed it back out. This caused the powder to wash over Butterfree instead, however, and send the Butterfly Pokémon down to the ground.

"Come on, hung in there, Butterfree!" Ash called. Butterfree attempted to shake off the effects of it's own Attack, but Bulbasaur tackled it, smashing Butterfree backwards before it followed Oddish into the bushes.

"Bulbasaur. It's not fair! I want it!" Ash shouted. "Pika," His Pikachu said. I placed a hand on Ash's shoulder, "Come on, Ash, it's not the end, there's always a next time."

Ash sighed, "Yeah, okay." He suddenly turned quickly to me and grabbed my wrists with a big smile, "Maybe we can find it! Come on." He dragged me along with him, Misty and Brock quickly followed us with our Pikachu.

We all came to a stop by a rigid rope bridge, with a river underneath it. I looked down at it nervously, "Um, do we have to go on that bridge?" My Pikachu sat on my shoulder while Ash's Pikachu sat on Ash's backpack. "Yep, come on," Ash said and leaded the way.

Me, Misty and Brock followed him. "I bet there are tons of Bulbasaur around this place," Ash said. "Well, this gives me an unwelcoming feeling," I said behind Ash.

"I can't find this bridge in the map," I heard Brock saying. A sudden gush of wind rocked the rigid bridge, swaying it back and forth. I grabbed into Ash's arm as all of us started to panic.

As the wind pushed the bridge and we saw the rope snapping and the bridge disappeared from underneath our feet. We all screamed as the bridge tilted on one side. Before I could fell into the river, a hand grabbed onto mine tightly and I looked up to see it was Ash who grabbed me while holding tightly into the side of the bridge with his other hand.

His Pikachu was holding into Ash's backpack while my Pikachu was holding tightly on my shoulder. Brock was holding tightly on the other side next to me and Ash on the bridge with Misty holding tightly into his feet.

"Hold on, everyone!" Ash shouted. My hand started to slip from his grasp but he tried to hold my hand tightly to keep me from falling. "I'm slipping!" I shouted. "Pika!" My Pikachu called before I pulled her toward Ash's backpack where his Pikachu was holding. Right then, my wrist slipped from Ash's grasp and I fall toward the river as I screamed.

"Emma, no!" Ash shouted. "Pikachu-Pi!" His Pikachu called. "Pika!" My Pikachu called. "Emma!" Misty and Brock shouted. I fall into the river and the water pulled me forward underwater. I could hear a splash, but I couldn't turn around.

I pulled out Poliwhirl's Poké ball and sent him out. "Poliwhirl," He said before noticing that we were underwater. My Pokémon and my family's knew I wasn't that much of a swimmer. Poliwhirl quickly swim toward me and I grabbed him before I felt someone behind me. Poliwhirl quickly pulled me up to get some air as the water pulled us forward. I gasped, taking in some air.


I looked to my shoulder and saw my Pikachu on it. "Pikachu?" I asked in shock. Pikachu looked at me and smiled. 

After a few moments of swimming, Poliwhirl lead me and Pikachu into shore. Poliwhirl, Pikachu and me sat for a few minutes as I took more air and sighed in relief. "Pikachu-Pi," Pikachu said as she placed her paws on my arm.

"Poliwhirl," Poliwhirl said, looking at me worriedly. I smiled at my two Pokémon, "I'm okay, guys. Thanks." I looked at Pikachu, "Pikachu, how did you get into the river? Did the others slipped in too?" She shook her head. "Did--did you jump in after me?" She smiled and nodded, "Pi."

I smiled at my yellow best friend, "Thank you." Pikachu smiled as she held up her paw, "Pikachu."

"Hey, are you okay?"

We looked forward and saw a girl running toward us. "Uh, yeah," I answered as I stood up. "Thanks to my Pokémon."

The girl sighed in relief, "Thank goodness." She held out a towel, "Here, dry yourself." I took it, "Thank you. My name is Emma."

"My name is Melanie," She said with a smile as I used the towel to dry my hair. "It's nice to meet you," I said before handing the towel back to her, "Thanks again."

"Sure," Melanie said. "I need to go find my friends, now," I said with a sigh. "You got separated from them, huh?" She asked. "Yes," I answered before nothing an Oddish behind her. "Hey! You that Oddish."

"Oddish," It said before hiding behind Melanie. "Oh, is it yours?" I asked. "No, not really, I'm just taking care of it and other Pokémon who have been abandoned," She answered before she pointed at a few more Pokémon near by. "Oh," I said, "That's sad."

"Pika," My Pikachu said. I looked down at Oddish, "I'm sorry, Oddish, I didn't know," I said. "Oddish," It said. "Your friends must be looking for you, just be carful 'cause there are traps around," Melanie informed me, "In case you will get trapped in a net, I could give you a knife."

"Oh, no need, I have a Pokémon who can set me free if that will happen," I said as I pulled out Scyther's Poké ball, "Scyther, come on out." Scyther came out of the Poké ball, "Scyther."

"That's good, well if you like, you can bring your friends here, but please make sure they won't try to catch any of the Pokémon here," Melanie said. "Of course," I said, "I'll be back soon with them, thank you."

"See you soon," Melanie said before I looked at my three Pokémon, "Okay, guys, let's go find Ash, Brock and Misty." With that said, we headed off to find my friends.

After a few minutes of walking, me and my Pokémon spotted three figures trapped inside a net. I tilted my head as we walked closer and saw it was Brock, Ash and Misty. "Hey, guys!" I called, making them look down at me and they smiled. "Emma!"

"You okay!" Ash said with a smile. I smiled as I placed my hands on my hips, "How did you three get up there, huh?" I looked at Scyther, "Scyther, cut them down, will ya?"

"Scyther!" Scyther said with a nod and used his large, white scythes to cut the rope of the net, making my friends hit the ground hard. "You guys okay?" I asked. "Next time, maybe more gentle," Misty said. "Sorry," I said as they got up. Ash stood in front of me, "Did you get hurt?"

"Uh, no, I'm fine," I said. "We've been looking all over for you," Misty said. "What happened after you hit the water?" Brock asked. "My Poliwhirl got me to the shore and we met a girl named Melanie," I explained as Ash looked down at Poliwhirl and he pulled out his Dexter.

Poliwhirl, the Tadpole Pokémon. Its highly developed muscles allow Poliwhirl to move efficiently on land, but it is even more agile in water.

"Cool," Ash said. "Poliwhirl," Poliwhirl said as I petted him. "We were worried about you," Misty said, "When your Pikachu jumped after you to the water, Ash was gonna do the same if Brock and I didn't stop him."

"Sorry I got you worried," I said, "Come on, let's go see Melanie." My Pokémon and I leaded my friends back to Melanie's Hidden Village, finding Melanie giving a few Pokémon food. "Hey, Melanie," I said.

Melanie turned to face us and smiled, "Emma, you're back." I smiled, "Meet my friends. This is Ash, Brock and Misty." Brock looked at Melanie in awe, "H--hello."

"So you're Emma's friends, I'm so glad she found you," Melanie said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you," Misty said before looking at the Pokémon, "Wow, look at that. Are all those Pokémon belong to you?"

"Oh, no. This is a place where Pokémon can rest and relax," Melanie answered. "Like summer camp?" Ash suggested. I smiled, "Kinda."

"You see, when Pokémon get abandoned or injured, they can come here, I'm taking care of them until they feel better, and they leave," Melanie explained. "So this is a Pokémon Centre, and Melanie is a Pokémon Doctor," Misty said.

"Oh no, I'm not qualified to be a Pokémon Doctor," Melanie said, "This is more like a Pokémon Health Spa. Here the Pokémon don't battle one and other. They relax, and try to enjoy themselves until they recover."

"Cool," Misty said. "Amazing," Brock said as he kept gazing at Melanie. "Hey, Brock, she and you have a few things in common," I said. "You both love to take care of Pokémon. Just like I do."

"Pikachu," My Pikachu agreed. Misty smirked, "Looks to me that there's something else Brock loves," She said teasingly, which caused Brock's face to get red. He put his hand on Misty's mouth, "Be quiet, she may hear you!"

Ash looked at me and I shrugged. Melanie stood up and turned to us. "I wonder who put that net in the tree?" Ash wondered. "Probably the same person who dug that hole I fell into," Misty said.

"I'm sorry, I was the one who set those traps," Melanie said, "I wanted to catch Pokémon trainers before they reach the village. Since you've got caught, I guess they really work."

"But why?" Misty asked. "There so many injured Pokémon here, I have to protect them," Melanie explained. "So the bridge..." I trailed off.

"Was a trap, yes," Melanie answered, "I'm sorry." I smiled, "That's all right, we're okay." I looked at my friends, "Come on, guys, let's go look around."

Ash, Misty, Brock and I went to the side as I looked at them, "I promised Melanie we won't try to catch any of those Pokémon." Ash shrugged, "That's okay."

"Yeah, we promise," Brock said. "Only bad guys try capture sick Pokémon," Misty said. "But are those traps though enough to keep robbers away from this place?" Ash asked, "I mean, you have to be pretty stupid to fall for one of those holes." Misty glared at him, "Hey!"


Me and my friends decided to help around Melanie for a while. Misty and I were sitting down with Oddish. "How are you feeling, Oddish?" Misty asked as I gave it it's food. "I really hope you okay after what happened with my Pikachu," I said. My yellow best friend walked closer, "Pikachu."

"Oddish, Oddish," It said with a smile. "BULB-AH-SAUR!" a familiar voice called and we saw the same Bulbasaur running over, then tackling Misty and she fell. I stood up, "Misty." I looked at Bulbasaur as Ash and Brock ran closer, "Hey, what was that for?"

My Pikachu stood in front of me and Misty, glaring at Bulbasaur, "Pika!" Bulbasaur just kept glaring at us. "I know, you just mad because I was gonna bat you, but you chicken out and ran off," Ash said.

"That must be it," Misty agreed as she stood up. "Then let's see how though you really are," Ash said. Melanie ran over, "Please wait, please. Bulbasaur was only trying to protect Oddish. Bulbasaur volunteered to guard our all Village. It protects all the injured Pokémon whenever enemies try to attack them. Bulbasaur is the most bravest, most loyal of Pokémon."

"So that's why Bulbasaur attacked me," Misty said, "It must have thought I was taking Oddish from the Village." We looked down to see Bulbasaur trying to push Ash backward. "Now what?" I asked.

"Bulbasaur doesn't like Pokémon trainers, it wants you to leave the Village now," Melanie said. "But we're not here to capture Pokémon," Misty said, "We want to help you."

"It's true, Bulbasaur, this are our friends," Melanie said but Bulbasaur kept trying to push Ash backward. "Bulbasaur..." I trailed off. "Bulbasaur was worried about the other Pokémon, so it decided to be the Village bodyguard, now that's what I call bravery, it will be great to have a Pokémon like that," Ash said.

Suddenly, a large shadow had appeared over us, and we all looked up to the sky to see a floating stadium before it landed near the village. We saw two familiar people along with a talking Pokémon came into sight.

"Team Rocket," I said with a sigh. "Here we go again," Ash said. "It's only Jessie's stadium, the Team Rocket Pokémon challenge," Jessie said. "The flying stadium was my idea," James said before a giant hose came out of the stadium and started to windy force in.

"All Pokémon are invited to the stadium," Jessie said. "Step right up," James said. The wind from the hose blow my hair as I grabbed held off both mine and Ash's Pikachu. A Staryu in front of me was slowly going backward toward the host, trying to get away from it. "Staryu!" I called before Ash grabbed it.

"They never run out of ideas, do they?" He asked. "Hurry! Everybody get in the cabin!" I heard Brock calling.

"Wait!" I head Misty and turned to see Misty trying to grab Oddish but it flew away, toward the host. "No! Oddish!" Misty yelled. Suddenly a vine whip catch Oddish before it could get inside the host thanks to Bulbasaur.

"All right, Bulbasaur!" I called with a smile. "Bulbasaur!" Misty called with a smile. Ash handed Staryu to Misty, "Take Staryu!"

He ran toward Bulbasaur and started to help it and Oddish toward the cabin. "Misty, come on," I said before running with her to the cabin.

We waited until Ash, Bulbasaur and Oddish came inside before closing the door. "It won't be safe for much longer," I said, "Not thanks for that host they have."

"What are we gonna do?" Misty asked. "Emma?" I looked around, thinking about a plan and looked up. "Bulbasaur," I said and looked down at the Seed Pokémon, "Can you go up to the roof? Use vine whip attack on the host, get it away from the cabin." Bulbasaur nodded, "Bulbasaur." I looked at Ash, "Ash, we'll need your Pidgeotto, I'll get Scyther."

"Okay," Ash agreed. We felt the cabin shaking and I turned back to Bulbasaur, "Bulbasaur, now." The Seed Pokémon ran up to the stairs and I turned to Brock, "Brock, look out the window, tell me and Ash when we can come out to get Pidgeotto and Scyther out."

"Right," Brock said as he quickly walked to the window. The shaking stopped and Brock turned to us, "Now." Ash and I run outside to see Bulbasaur's vine whip was hitting the host away from the cabin's roof, and we pulled out our Poké Balls.

"Scyther, come on out!"

"Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

Scyther and Pidgeotto stood together in front of us. "Wait for attacking, Ash. Scyther, Swords Dance, now!" Scyther crossed his claws across his chest and spine rapidly, air blowing around him. "Now, Ash."

"Pidgeotto, Gust Attack!" Ash ordered. Pidgeotto moved behind Scyther, helping him with it's wings at a high speed to create a miniature tornado with Scyther inside. "Come on, Scyther," I said. Scyther moved inside the tornado with Pidgeotto's help toward Team Rock, pulling the three of them, along with the stadium inside.

"Scyther, Focus Energy!" I called. A blue light appeared inside the tornado before suddenly, Team Rock flew up into the sky with the stadium. "Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!" We heard them calling before disappearing into the sky.

The tornado disappeared, letting me show Scyther was completely fine. "Scyther," He said, walking toward me. "Amazing team work, guys," Ash complimented Pidgeotto and Scyther.

"Good job," I said as everyone walked out. "Is everyone all right?" Melanie asked. "Yeah," Ash answered as Bulbasaur walked closer, and he looked at it. "You did great too, Bulbasaur."

"Yes, well done," I said. "Bulbasaur," the Seed Pokémon said with a nod. I held Scyther's Poké Ball, "Once again, Scyther, good job, return."

"Scyther," Scyther said before he disappeared into his Poké Ball. Ash held Pidgeotto's Poké Ball, "Good job, Pidgeotto." With that, the bird Pokémon returned inside the Poké Ball. Ash looked at Bulbasaur with a smile, "This Village is very protected with Bulbasaur here."

"Yep," I agreed with a smile. Melanie looked at Ash with a smile, "Ash, don't you agree that Bulbasaur will be an excellent edition to your team?"

"Oh yeah," Ash agreed. "I think Bulbasaur should go with you," Melanie said before picking Bulbasaur up while we all looked at her in shock.

Melanie smiled, "Bulbasaur stayed to protect the weaker Pokémon. But this Village to small, the bulb on it's back can't grow. It needs to go out to the world now, and I know you will take good care for it. Please, do me this favor, take Bulbasaur with you on your journey. He will be a good companion."

"But, what about the other Pokémon?" I asked. "Yeah, what will happen with the Village without Bulbasaur?" Misty asked. "Who's going to protect you?" Brock asked.

"It's true that Bulbasaur has done a great job, maybe too great a job," Melanie said with a soft smile, "See, those Pokémon shouldn't remind in this Village forever and ever. After they recover, the Pokémon are suppose to leave, but it's too safe here, so none of them wants to go away. They don't want to return to the outside world. But, I think it's important that all of them return to the wild, that's where Pokémon belong, and hopefully, someday, they will find a good trainers like you. Of course, taking care of sick Pokémon always be my mission, but I know my job isn't finish until they will return where they came from, so it's the day Pokémon leave is the most rewarding to me."

"Melanie..." I trailed off, smiling a small soft smile. Melanie smiled at me before looking back at Ash, "So, you see, it's time for Bulbasaur to leave here, please take him with you, he won't be a problem, I promise." Ash looked at Bulbasaur as she continued, "Bulbasaur still has a lot of growing to do. I want it to be in a place were I'm sure it can grow strong and happy. I'm sure that place is with you, Ash."

Ash smiled softly, "Well, if you really want me to..." Bulbasaur looked at Melanie, "Bulbasaur." Melanie chuckled softly and Ash looked confused, "What did it say?"

"Bulbasaur will join you, on one condition, it wants to battle you in a Pokémon match, right Bulbasaur?" Melanie asked with a smile, which the Seed Pokémon nodded in agreement. Ash grinned, "If you want a match, you get it!"

"Oh, please let me battle Bulbasaur, please, pretty please," Misty begged. "No way," Ash said. "Emma, please, tell Ash to let me," Misty begged. I chuckled, "Sorry, Misty, but I can't do that this time." I looked at Ash, "Looks like you gonna battle with Pikachu."

"You bet," Ash agreed before looking at the male most Pokémon, "Pikachu, ready?" His Pikachu held up his paw, "Pika!"

Ash and Pikachu ran to stand near the end of the cabin. Bulbasaur jumped from Melanie's arms and went to the other side. "Looks like Bulbasaur is ready to go," I said with a smile before walking with my Pikachu toward Ash and his Pikachu.

Misty went with me while Melanie and Brock stood behind Bulbasaur. "Let's start!" I called. "Pikachu, go!" Ash called.

Pikachu ran toward Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur used his vine wipe, trying to wipe Pikachu with them, but Pikachu kept avoiding them. Bulbasaur ran toward Pikachu, head-butting him, making Pikachu fell backward. "Pikachu," Ash called before Bulbasaur ran toward the mouse Pokémon again. "Pikachu, look out," Ash called.

"Ash, tell Pikachu to dodge it!" I whispered to him. Ash looked like he snapped out from something, "Pikachu, dodge it!" Pikachu dodged Bulbasaur before the Seed Pokémon can head-butt him again. The most Pokémon head-butt Bulbasaur, making him fall backward. Bulbasaur growled at Pikachu, using vine wipe to wrap them around Pikachu and started to threw him up and down to the ground.

"Pika-chu!" My Pikachu called. "Emma, do something," Misty whispered. "Me?" I asked. "You're the mentor, tell Ash what to do," Misty said. "Huh?" I asked before turning to Ash, "Ash, wake up, give Pikachu a command! Now!"

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash called. Pikachu used the attack, easily weaking Bulbasaur, making him let go of Pikachu. Ash threw a Poké Ball toward Bulbasaur, "Poké ball, go!" The Poké catched him inside and we waited. The Poké ball stopped moving, meaning Bulbasaur was now Ash's.

Ash grinned, "We did it!" I smiled and looked at Misty, "Need to be hard sometimes." Misty smiled at me and held thumbs up, "That was perfect, boss!" I chuckled and looked at Ash as he held up Bulbasaur's Poké ball.


We were all about to head off, but before we did, Ash got Bulbasaur out to say goodbye to Melanie and all the Pokémon. "Have a safe trip," Melanie told us. "I promise to take good care of Bulbasaur," Ash said. Melanie kneeled down and patted Bulbasaur, "Bulbasaur... thank you for watching over us."

Brock stepped toward Melanie as she stood up. "Uh, Melanie, I've been thinking now," He started. "Yes?" She asked. "Well, since Bulbasaur leaving, I wouldn't mind staying and helping you out," Brock said.

"It's very kind of you, but we'll be okay, I wouldn't want to keep you from all of your wonderful adventures," Melanie said with a smile. "Oh..." Brock trailed off, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I chuckled before Melanie looked at me. "Oh, Emma, before I will forget," She said before handing me a small map, "I marked down all the traps I put out there so you and your friends won't get catch by them."

"Thank you," I said and looked at the map. "Sorry again for this," She said. "Don't be, they are there for a very good reason," Misty said. "Bye, Melanie," I said before we started to walk away. "Goodbye, Melanie," Ash said. "Goodbye, good luck," Melanie said.

Bulbasaur looked behind us, "Bulbasaur." Ash smiled down at him, "Don't worry, Bulbasaur, you'll see your friends again. As soon as the Pokémon feel better, they'll leave this Village too."

I looked over at Brock, who was looking a little bit sad. "What's up with you?" Misty smirked, "I think someone liked Melanie." Brock's face grew red and he quickly cover Misty's mouth with his hand, "Shut up. Okay, she's cute and all--"

I giggled as I watched my two friends. "What's going on? Am I missing something?" Ash asked in confusion and I just chuckled at him as well. "What?" Ash asked. "What is it? Tell me. Come on, Emma." I smiled and shook my head. 
