Chapter 35 - The Punchy Pokémon

As we continued on our journey, walking down the road, we stopped when we saw an Hitmonchan in the middle of the road, punching the air. "Oh, wow, an Hitmonchan!" I said with a smile. "A wild one," Ash said. "So, that's one of the Fighting Pokémon I've heard about," Misty said. "That's one a real fighter," Brock said as Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Hitmonchan, a skilled Fighting Pokémon that packs an incredibly fast punch.

"Danny has one," I said as Ash put his Dexter back to his pocket. "All right, let's capture it," He said as he looked down at his Pikachu, "Ready, Pikachu?" The male mouse looked hesitated, "Pika? Chu."

"If you will defeat Hitmonchan, you'll become the world champion Pokémon," Ash said. His Pikachu stared at him, as if thinking about it, but suddenly he hid behind my leg, "Pika."

"You don't have to be afraid, I'll teach you my secret punch, and no one will be able to beat you," Ash assured. "Pika-chu?" his Pikachu asked, tilting his head. "You got to learn the basics first," Ash said as his Pikachu slowly walked closer to him. Ash kneeled down and held his hands up to fists, which Pikachu copied. "Keep your left up, and struck with your right."

"Uh... that's not normal," I said. "Since when did Ash become a Boxing expert?" Brock asked. "Beats me," Misty said as the three of us continued to watch Ash teaching his Pikachu. I sighed, "He doesn't know that it won't work. Pikachu doesn't have a chance against Hitmonchan."

Ash unzipped his backpack and pulled out small red boxing gloves, "I got those for you a few weeks ago." His Pikachu smiled, "Pika!" Ash put the boxing gloves on Pikachu's small hands, "All right. Are you ready?" Pikachu nodded, "Pi."

Ash stood up and both he and his Pikachu walked closer to Hitmonchan, who then noticed them. "Okay, Hitmonchan, ready for a match?" Ash asked. Hitmonchan looked down at Pikachu before waving his red boxing glove over, not interesting to fight the male mouse Pokémon.

"Hitmonchan, Pikachu is going to teach you a lesson. Pikachu, attack!" Ash said. His Pikachu ran closer, copping what Ash taught him, but Hitmonchan blocked him by placed his glove on his head.

"Make Pikachu stop, Ash, this isn't even a fight," Misty said. Ash ignored her, "Pikachu, give it the special Punch I taught you!" His Pikachu moved away from Hitmonchan in anger, "Pika! Pika!" Hitmonchan looked slightly startled by the glare. "Give it the Rocket Punch!" Ash said. Pikachu jumped toward Hitmonchan, hitting him in the face.

"Huh?" I asked. "Pika?" my Pikachu asked. "We did it!" Ash said. "They did?" Brock asked. "No way!" Misty said in shock, before we all saw that Hitmonchan rubbed his cheek as he looked down at the male mouse. He then placed his hands on his hips, "Chan!" he scolded as Ash's Pikachu looked startled, "Chu..."

"So much for the great Rocket Punch," Brock said. "How many times do I have to tell you?" a male voice asked and we saw a man walking closer behind Hitmonchan, looking at him, "Don't drop your guard. Keep your gloves up, Hitmonchan, 'cause fighting smart lest than fighting stupid." Hitmonchan nodded, "Chan."

"Now, go knock that pipsqueak out!" the man said and Hitmonchan nodded before looking at Pikachu. He used Agility and when he reach to Pikachu, he hit him with Mega Punch, knocking the male mouse Pokémon out. "Pikachu!" Ash called as he kneeled down and picked him up, "Are you okay?"

"Pika... Pika," his Pikachu said. "I declare Hitmonchan the winner!" the man said, "Congratulations! One, two, three, hooray!" He and Hitmonchan raised their fist up. Misty, Brock and I walked closer to Ash as we all looked at him. "I wonder who this guy is," Ash said. "Guess this Hitmonchan isn't wild," I stated.

"Daddy!" a young female voice called and we saw a young woman running closer, standing in front of me and my friends as she looked at the man, "Daddy, please come home."

"Rebecca?" the man asked. "Daddy, please quit Pokémon training, and come home with me," the girl, Rebecca begged. "I won't come home until I become a champion in the P1 Grand Prix," the man said. "Daddy!" Rebecca said. The man looked at us, "I'll be in the Gym, taking on challengers." He pointed behind us, "The Gym's that way. I'll be waiting for ya."

With that said, he and Hitmonchan ran past us, and we watched them leave. "Oh, well..." Rebecca said quietly. Brock suddenly stepped forward toward her, "Can I be of help to you, young lady?" 

"I'm really sorry my father bothered you," Rebecca said. "No problem," Brock said. "Can I ask a favor of you, Pokémon Trainers?" Rebecca asked, "A really, really big favor?"

"Please be free to ask, we'll be glad to help in any way possible," Brock said, gazing at her. "Thank you! Please, I want you to defeat my father's Hitmonchan," Rebecca said. "Huh?" me and my friends asked in shock and confusion. Brock suddenly grabbed Rebecca's hands, "We'll do it for you." Misty sighed in annoyance while Ash and I exchanged a look.


After Brock, Ash, Misty and I introduced ourselves to Rebecca, she showed us her father's Gym, which wasn't a Pokémon Gym that we see, but it was more like the gym room my brothers had in home that they work up in.

"'The Fighting Spirit Gym'?" Misty asked as we looked at the sign inside. "This sure doesn't look like an ordinary Pokémon Gym," Ash said. Brock looked at a poster and turned to Rebecca, "What's the P1 Grand Prix?"

"P1 is short for Pokémon Number One Grand Prix. It a tournament for Fighting Pokémon," Rebecca explained, "Because my father wants to win the P1, he's training all the time and ignoring his family."

"So, we defeat your father's Hitmonchan, he will come back home?" I asked. "Right," Rebecca said with a nod. Brock smiled, "Don't worry, just leave it to us."

"Huh?" Misty asked. "Leave it..." Ash trailed off. "To us?" I finished. "We'll take care of it," Brock told Rebecca before turning to Ash, "Ash, don't you have a Fighting Pokémon we can use?"

"What are you talking about?" Ash asked. "You don't mean Primeape, do you?" Misty asked. Ash smiled, "Yeah! Primeape should be able to do the job." Brock pulled out a Poké ball, "And I got Geodude, we both enter the tournament and defeat that Hitmonchan."


The next day, we went to the tournament, Ash and Brock went to get ready while Rebecca, Misty and I went to the seats, with mine and Ash's Pikachu. I sat between Misty and Rebecca, and both the Pikachu sat on my laps as we watched people getting inside the building.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the host spoke through the speakers, "Our fighting Pokémon festival of P1 Grand Prix is about to begin."

The building became full, and the crowd around us were starting to cheer. "The contestants of P1 Grand Prix are about to be on the ring," the host said. Hitmonchan and Rebecca's father walked toward the ring. "Introducing the number 1 contester, the Fighting machine, Hitmonchan and it's trainer, Anthony," the host said as the crowd cheered. A tall man in a brown large coat walked to the ring with a Hitmonlee.

"And now, the challenger, the Kicking Fiend, Hitmonlee, along with it's trainer, Giant!" the host said. Ash and Brock walked in, waving as the people cheered. "There's Ash and Brock!" I said before the Pikachu, me, Misty and Rebecca cheered as well. "Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, two new Pokémon trainers competing here in the P1! Please welcome, Ash and Brock!" the host said.

After more challengers were introduced, the first battle was about to begin. A Machop was standing in one side of the ring while its trainer was standing outside the ring, and Ash and Brock were standing together at the other side, outside the ring.

"And now, for our first match, Machop is ready to battle! What Pokémon will Ash use to challenge it?" the host asked. Ash threw Primeape's Poké ball, "I choose you, Primeape!"

Primeape was released in the ring, looking slightly confused. Machop stepped forward and Primeape looked at it. The bell rang, and the battle started. Machop ran toward Primeape, punching him a few times, before throwing him to the end of the ring. Ash and Brock seem to be talking to Primeape.

"And it looks like Machop has the advantage in the battle of Primeape!" the host said as the crowd cheered. Primeape got up and started to take a step forward. "Machop maybe small, but it sure packed with plenty of power!" the host said. Primeape jumped up and threw his leg toward Machop, but it caught Primeape's feet. "This looks bad," Misty said.

Machop held Primeape's leg, and started spinning quickly in its spot. "Machop's mega muscles power stopped Primeape's Mega Kick! Looks like Machop is getting ready for its special attack!" the host said. I pulled out my Dexter, "Mmm."

Machop. Its body is pure muscle. Its special attack is the Seismic Toss.

"Oh, man," I said before looking to the ring. Machop finally stopped spinning and tossed Primeape out of the ring. Ash ran to catch him and fell down, letting Primeape hit his back before rolling to the side. Misty, Rebecca and I gasped. "Ash," I said worriedly.

I watched as Primeape got up and looked at Ash in concern. "Look at Primeape," I muttered, "Never thought I will see this face." Ash looked at Primeape and spoke to him. Primeape's concern look shook off and he nodded before Ash stood up. He must have said something because Primeape nodded, seem very determined before he went back to the ring.

"Primeape listens? I can't believe it," I said. "That's amazing," Misty said. "What's wrong?" Rebecca asked. "Primeape doesn't like to listen to anyone, but now he listens to Ash," I said before we watched the ring. "Primeape, Scratch attack!" Ash shouted and Primeape did as was told. "Jump, Primeape!" Primeape jumped up, making Machop block its eyes from the light over Primeape. "Mega Kick, right now!"

Primeape jumped down, throwing his leg, this time hitting Machop, making it fell on the floor of the ring. "And this match is over!" the host said as the crowd cheered. Ash ran to the ring and waved with Primeape at the crowd. "Machop is down and out! Ash's Primeape wins the battle!" the host said. "All right!" I said. "Pika!" my Pikachu agreed.


Not long after Ash's match, Brock's Geodude was next against Giant's Hitmonlee. "Our next match is between Hitmonlee and Geodude!" the host said, "Geodude is hard as a rock! Will Hitmonlee be able to crack Geodude?" The bell rang and the battle started, but Brock, been Brock, turned to Rebecca, Misty and I, and waved for Rebecca as the crowd cheered, "Rebecca, don't worry! Everything is under control!"

"This won't end good," I muttered as I glanced at my very annoyed redhead friend. "Brock, watch out behind you!" Rebecca called. Brock looked confused and Ash, who was standing next to him, dodged as Geodude was thrown at Brock.

Brock rubbed his head in pain and spoke to Geodude, which then it went back to the ring. "Don't show any mercy! Kick, kick, kick!" Giant shouted, which Hitmonlee did as was told, kicking Geodude mercilessly as it defended itself.

"Geodude doesn't stand a chance against Hitmonlee's kicking," I said and watched as Anthony walking closer to Brock and Ash. He held out his red towel to Brock, and after a moment, Brock threw the towel up, calling the match off. The bell rang, and Brock ran into the ring. He took Geodude to his arms as Ash walked closer.


After a few battles, Primeape, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee were the last ones to battle. Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee were next to battle, and one of them will be the one to battle Primeape at the last battle. "Now, Ash's Primeape will advance to the final match, while the fighting spirit gym's very own Hitmonchan, the number one contender in this tournament, takes on the legendary Kicking Fiend, Hitmonlee, for a chance of championship!" the host said, and after a moment, the bell rang.

Hitmonchan used Agility and Hitmonlee threw his leg up. Hitmonchan stopped the kick with his glove, before Hitmonlee jumped back and then he started to threw Mega Kicks, but Hitmonchan dodged the attacks. Hitmonchan was doing good until his feet got stuck by something on the floor, which gave Hitmonlee the chance to hit him with Mega Kicks.

"Hitmonchan is in trouble!" the host said as Rebecca stood up. "Rebecca?" I asked but she didn't say anything and ran past us. Misty, me and the Pikachu quickly followed. "Hitmonlee's Mega Kicks is getting the best of Hitmonchan!" the host said. "Rebecca, where you going?" Misty asked but the girl still didn't answer.

"Finish it, Hitmonlee!" Giant shouted as Rebecca ran toward the ring. Hitmonlee threw his leg to give Hitmonchan another Mega Kick. Rebecca ran into the ring and stood protectively in front of Hitmonchan, to his shook and all of us. "Stop! Don't hurt my father's Pokémon!" She shouted.

"Rebecca!" we shouted. Anthony ran into the ring, letting himself get hit by Hitmonlee's Mega Kick, making him get thrown to the back of the ring. Me and my friends ran to check him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm find," He answered as Rebecca walked closer. "Daddy..." she trailed off. Anthony stood up, "Are you hurt, Rebecca?"

"No, I'm fine," she answered. "I'm glad," Anthony said before throwing the red towel, "I give up!" The bell rang, calling off the match. "Anthony throws in the towel! Hitmonlee is the winner!" the host said. Rebecca walked to stand next to us as Anthony leaded Hitmonchan down the stairs toward us.

"Good work, Hitmonchan. Are you okay?" he asked in concern. "Monchan," Hitmonchan said and both of them looked at Rebecca. "I'm sorry I worried you and your mother so much," Anthony said. Rebecca wrapped her arms around him, "Dad."

Me and my friends smiled at them. "Isn't that great?" Ash asked me, Misty and Brock. "The family is back together," Brock said. "That means we up against Hitmonlee," Ash said. "Your battling brought them back together," Misty said, "And now, all that Ash needs to do it win one more time to be champion."

"You better win, mister," I told Ash with a smirk. "You got it!" Ash said with a smirk. "Don't bet on it," a voice spoke and we looked over to see Giant, but turned out it was Jessie.

"I can't wait for the chance to show the four of you how losers you are. You don't stand a chance against us, we're going to win that championship belt!" Jessie said. James was under her in the huge coat, "And after we do, you can find us in all you can eat buffet table."

"Will you be quiet?!" Jessie snapped as she hit him in the head. "Team Rocket?" I asked in boredom before glaring, "Hold on! So where is Hitmonlee's trainer? 'Cause there's no way Hitmonlee is yours." Jessie and James ignored my words as Jessie threw the coat and hat away, revealing she was sitting on James' shoulders. And from James' look, he was having a hard time to keep her on his shoulders.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the sta... ugh... I can't take it!"

"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"

James started to slip to the floor, "Surrender now... surrender now... or prepare to... prepare to..."

Me and my friends exchanged a look before looking down at them. Jessie looked quiet embarrassed before quickly looking at us, "We're not finished..."

They both stood at their feet and looked back at us again. "As I was saying, we're going to be the winners around here," Jessie said. "And you can bet your buffet on that," James said before they walked to the other side.

I looked at my Pikachu on my left shoulder, "We got to get Hitmonlee's Poké ball," I whispered. She nodded, "Pika," she said. "Can you handle it?" I asked. She nodded again, "Pi."

She jumped off of my shoulder and ran to the other side where Team Rocket went. I turned to where my friends went and walked closer as Ash released Primeape.

The bell rang, and Primeape jumped to the middle of the ring. "And now, for the final performance! Primeape will battle this final round against Hitmonlee, the Kicking Fiend!" the host said, as Hitmonlee started to use his Mega Kicks again while Primeape protected himself. "Get ready fans, for a match you'll never forget!" the host said.

"You can't just defend yourself, Primeape! Attack!" Ash said. "If you can't get inside Hitmonlee's kicks, you'll never win the battle," Anthony said. "Primeape, get in there and show Hitmonlee you're not afraid!" Ash said. Primeape dodged Hitmonlee's kicks and started punching him. "You did it!" Brock said as we smiled. "All right!" Ash said.

"You can do it, Primeape!" I shouted. "What are you doing?!" Jessie called. "Kick it! Kick it!" James shouted. "Pika, Pika, Pi, Pikachu, Pi," Ash's Pikachu said as I looked down at him, seeing him tugging on my jeans and Ash's. "What is it, Pikachu?" Ash asked as he looked at him.

"Pika, Pikachu, Pika, Pi," his Pikachu said. "Look, I don't have time for this now, Okay?" Ash asked and looked back at the ring, "Hang in there, Primeape!" I looked down at his Pikachu and kneeled down, "What is it?"

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu, Pikachu, Pika, Pi," his Pikachu told me. "Meowth put something under the stage?" I asked and he nodded, "Pi," he said. I glanced at my friends before looking back at the male mouse, "Pull out whatever it was, okay? Can you do that?"

"Pika," he said as he nodded, and then he walked closer to the stage and slid inside under the covers. I stood up and looked at the ring to see Hitmonlee jumping up and jumped down. Primeape jumped toward him and grabbed. "All right, use the Seismic Toss now, Primeape!" Ash called.

Primeape did as was told, throwing Hitmonlee down to the middle of the ring, landing near him. "We did it!" Ash said before the bell rang. "And it's all over!" the host said as the crowd cheered. "Primeape defeats Hitmonlee with a Seismic Toss! Ash's Primeape wins by a knock out! Primeape is the new P1 Pokémon Grand Prix champion!"

A man walked up to the stage as Ash and Brock ran up. The man wrapped the champion belt around Primeape as I walked up the stage toward Hitmonlee. I held out my hand to him and Hitmonlee looked from my hand up to me. "That's okay, I'm sure there will be more battles like those in the future," I said.

Hitmonlee looked at my hand and took it, letting me help him up to his feet. I looked at Team Rocket and saw them arguing with each other. I raised an eyebrow, "So," I called out for them and they looked at me. "What did you do to Hitmonlee's real trainer?"

Hitmonlee looked at Team Rocket for the first time, looking at them angrily. "That Hitmonlee belongs to us," Jessie said with a smirk. "Huh? Hey, thank you," Meowth said and I saw it was Ash's Pikachu he was talking to. Pikachu waved to him and walked away. I saw Meowth was holding a device and then suddenly he got electrocuted.

James and Jessie exchanged a bored look before looking at me. "And now, if you'll excuse us," James said. Jessie held a Poké ball, "Hitmonlee, r--" She looked at the Poké ball in confusion, "What? That's Ekans'."

"Where's Hitmonlee's Poké ball?!" James asked. "Pika, Pika," my Pikachu called teasingly as she jumped to the stage. She was throwing a Poké ball up and down with her tail. "Hey! You give it back!" Jessie shouted. "Pi," my Pikachu said with a nod and then threw the Poké ball toward me using her tail.

I caught the Poké ball and smirked at Team Rocket, "Never mind then, I'll find the trainer myself." Hitmonlee stepped toward Team Rocket and they took a step back, "Lee!"

Team Rocket took off running as my Pikachu jumped up to my shoulder. "Pika," she said and I petted her head. "Good job, Pikachu," I complimented. "Chu," she said with a smile.

My friends walked closer as I turned to them. I smiled at Primeape, "Good work, Primeape, you deserved it," I said and Primeape jumped up and down. "What do we do with Hitmonlee?" Misty asked. "I'll go find his trainer," I said, "They must be here somewhere. Since Team Rocket got them, I'm sure they in trouble."

"Let's go, then," Brock said. "I can do it," I said, "You guys should celebrate Primeape's victory. I'll join in as soon as I can." My Pikachu raised a hand, "Pika!"

"Are you sure?" Ash asked. "Yeah," I said with a nod, "I'll be fine." I looked at Hitmonlee, "Come on, Hitmonlee, let's go find your trainer." Hitmonlee nodded, "Hitmonlee!"

We got off of the stage and walked out of the area and down the hallway before stopping. I held Hitmonlee's Poké ball as I kneeled down, "Okay, Pikachu." my Pikachu jumped off of my shoulder and turned to the Poké ball, "Can you find the trainer's scent?"

Pikachu sniffed the Poké ball for a moment, trying to find the right scent. She smiled, "Pika!" She started sniffing the floor, walking away as I stood up. Hitmonlee and I followed her around the corner and soon we stopped in front of a closet. "Pika!" she said as she pointed to the closet door.

I quickly opened it and froze when I saw a man tied up on a chair, with a duct tape on his mouth. "Hitmonlee!" Hitmonlee said and I quickly pulled off the duct tape from the man's mouth, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he answered and sighed, "Hitmonlee! You all right!" Pikachu nibbled the rope and soon after, the man was released. He stood up as Pikachu jumped to my shoulder. The man placed his hand on Hitmonlee's shoulder, "Did those two mean people hurt you?"

Hitmonlee shook his head and I held out Hitmonlee's Poké ball, "There's Hitmonlee's Poké ball, sir." The man took it, "Thank you very much." I smiled, "No problem." I looked at my Pikachu with a smile and she smiled back at me, "Pika, Pika!"


After finding Hitmonlee's trainer, I met up with my friends and found out that Ash will leave Primeape with Anthony for training. So, when we decided to get back to the road, we were saying goodbye to Primeape, Anthony and Rebecca.

Primeape and Ash shook hands. Ash then looked at Anthony, "Please take care of Primeape. I'm counting on you," he said. "There is no need to worry," Anthony said with a smile, "You can count on me."

"And I'll make sure my father will spend a lot of time with his family," Rebecca said. Ash looked at Primeape with a smile, "You keep on training and winning, Primeape, and I'll always be grateful and proud that I know a real P1 champion." Primeape had tears in his eyes and we smiled at him before slowly starting to walk away. We waved to Primeape, Anthony and Rebecca and they waved back as we thanked them for everything.

"You know, Primeape may have been with us for a very short time, but he will be missed," I said. "Yeah," Ash agreed, "But I know Primeape will be happy with this. And if he's happy, then I'm happy." I smiled, "Look who's growing up," I teased. "Pika," my Pikachu said with a smile. "Hey," Ash said and we chuckled as we continued on.
