Chapter 71 - The Fourth Round Rumble

Today was the fourth battle, and Emma decided that since there's a lot more time for Ash's grass field battle, she will finally go to see Gary's rock field battle which will start really soon.

Later in the morning, she walked into the cabin to greet her friends and told them about Gary's battle. "So you want to go and see him?" Misty asked. "Well, he wanted me to come and watch him battle, but I didn't go before. I thought since it's his fourth battle, I should go and see," Emma said, "Thought maybe you guys will join me."

"Sure, I'm in," Brock said. "Yeah," Misty said but Ash didn't say anything yet and just sat on the couch. "Ash? You coming?" Emma asked. "I guess so," he muttered. Emma looked at Misty and Brock, and the redhead guessed she wanted to talk to him alone so she grabbed Brock's arm, "Let's go, we'll see you and Ash there then, Em," she said as she dragged Brock out.

Emma looked back at Ash, "You know, Gary was there at your matches," she said. Ash looked at her in surprise, "He was?" he asked. "Yeah," she said with a nod, "So, we should go to his last battlefield to watch him battle, don't you think?"

Ash frowned, "He must have came 'cause he thought I was gonna lose," he said. Emma froze but quickly shook it off, "Uh, no! He came 'cause, uh, he wanted to support you." Ash stared at her, clearly not believing that.

Emma tilted her head with a small smile, "Come on, I don't want to go without you, I was there for you on all three matches, and I'll be there for the fourth, let's go together to see Gary's last match." Emma reached over and took his hand, tugging it so he could stand up. "Please?"

Ash let out a sigh and stood up, "Okay," he said as the Pikachu watched them with a smile. The two mouses ran to the door and their trainers followed slower, still holding hands.


Ash, Emma, Misty and Brock were sitting together in the crowd, watching Gary battling against a trainer named Melissa, both trainers were down with only one Pokémon each; Gary with his Nidoking, and Melissa with Golem.

Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates cover its chest and belly, and there is a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand has three claws, while each foot has only a single hoof-like nail. It has a long, powerful tail.

Golem is a bipedal tortoise-like Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks. Its head protrudes from the center of the shell. The head has a flat snout with two pointed teeth in the lower jaw and red eyes. It has short arms that have three claws and two legs with feet that have four claws in front and one in back. The head and limbs are light brown in color.

"Now Gary and Melissa are down with just one Pokémon each, whoever wins this battle wins the match!"

"Will Gary win?" Misty muttered. "I hope so," Emma said. "Togy," Togepi said. "Pika," the female mouse muttered, sitting on Misty's lap. "That Melissa is pretty tough," Brock pointed out as Ash stared down at the field.

"Nidoking, Horn Attack!" Gary called. Nidoking ran forward, aiming his horn straight to Golem, but it caught his horn in its hand and held him up. "Golem, Seismic Toss!" Melissa called.

Golem jumped into the air while still holding Nidoking by his horn. It pointed Nidoking to the ground as they fell, having Nidoking hit the ground first. They stared in shock as the sand cleared to reveal Nidoking unconscious. "Victory goes to Melissa!" the referee called as he held the green flag, as the crowd cheered besides Gary's cheerleaders (who were crying for Gary's lost), Emma and her friends.

"She done it! Melissa has won the match!"

"I can't believe it," Ash said. "Gary lost," Emma said sadly. Soon she found Gary leaving the battlefield and decided to follow him. His cheerleaders followed, still sad and upset by Gary's defeat.

Emma saw Gary walking toward the red car and his cheerleaders walked closer. Emma ran over, "Gary?" she asked and he turned to her. He looked sad but quickly smiled slightly, "Hey, glad you made it to my battle," he said, "All though my three other battles were much better."

The female Pikachu jumped to sit on Emma's shoulder as the girl frowned, "Are you okay?" she asked. "Now that I see you, then yeah, I'm good," he said and she blinked. She rubbed the back of her head and then put a soft small smile, "I'm sorry that you lost the battle, but you and your Pokémon battled really hard."

"Thanks," Gary said and then gave a soft scoff, "That trainer was lucky that I was distracted by you." Emma blinked again, surprised by that and blushed slightly before she quickly shook it off. She cleared her throat, "So, what are you gonna do now?"

"Head back home, and then we'll see," Gary answered, "Later Em." He got into the car and the woman that was in the driver seat drove off. Emma blinked, "He says weird stuff and then just takes off," she muttered. Togepi was looking to the side, smiling, "Togy."

Emma and Pikachu followed its gaze to see Ash kneeling down in front of his Pikachu so she walked closer. "Think we should quit while we ahead?" he asked. The male Pikachu held up his paws, "Pika-chu."

"No way," Emma said as her Pikachu jumped to stand next to the male mouse. Ash stood up, "Emma," he said. Emma smiled, "Listen up Ash, you are a great trainer, and as long as I'm around, you not even gonna think about quitting, got it?" Ash smiled and gave a small nod, "Got it."

"Good, 'cause I believe in you, so are Togepi and our Pikachu, right guys?" Emma asked as she looked down at the Pokémon, which they nodded in agreement. Ash smiled and Emma took his hand in hers, "Now come on, your fourth and last battle in gonna happen soon, we should get there." She tugged on his hand, pulling him away with the Pikachu following.


Ash's battle was about to start, and Misty, Emma and Brock were with him outside. Ash suddenly stopped and turned to his friends, "This time I want to go out there alone with Pikachu," he said. Emma, Misty and Brock were surprised by that. "Are you sure?" Emma asked and he nodded, "Yep."

"Not even with Emma?" Misty asked teasingly as she raised an eyebrow. Ash gave her a look and opened his mouth but Emma cut in, "Okay. Well, we'll be in the crowd, cheering on for you."

"Yeah, good luck Ash, we believe in you," Brock said. "Thanks you guys," Ash said with a smile. Misty and Brock started to walk away while Emma stayed behind. She looked at him with a smile, "Last chance to take it back; you sure you want me to be at the crowd instead with you? I am your lucky charm and one of your coaches."

Ash chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure." The doors opened and they heard the crowd cheering. "Okay, good luck out there, you got this," Emma said and leaned closer, kissing his cheek. Ash blushed again as she pulled away. She chuckled and winked, "Since it's your last battle, I figured a good luck kiss was needed like I did in your first battle." With that said, she turned around and ran away. Ash blinked and smiled, he then turned to the doors and walked out in determination with Pikachu.

Emma caught up with Misty and Brock and the trio went to sit together in the crowd. The crowd around them cheered as the host spoke through the mics.

"Our next trainers are coming up to the grass field for the fourth round!" They watched as Ash stepped up to the green side. "The green trainer's Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum!"

The crowd cheered loudly for him, and Ash's friends smiled. "Look at everyone cheering for him," Emma said proudly. "Yeah," Misty agreed. Togepi cheered on Emma's lap, "Togy! Togy!"

"Togepi is Ash's main cheerleader," Misty said with smile. "Ash can't lose with Togepi by his side cheering for him," Brock said with a chuckle. "You know, I was kinda hoping he will let us coach him from the side-line like we did before, or at least Emma," Misty said. "He wants to prove he can do it by himself," Emma said.

"If I was Ash, I would choose Bulbasaur to battle on a grass field like this," Misty said. "Me too," Brock agreed. "Same," Emma said. Misty frowned, "Who's he battling against?" she asked. "Someone named Jeanette Fisher," Emma answered.

Brock frowned, "She must be pretty tough to make it this far." Emma frowned at him, "Well, Ash tough too. He'll win, I'm sure of it." Her Pikachu who was sitting on Misty's lap, nodded, "Pika-chu."

"And now, the red trainer coming out to the field!" A red carpet was thrown out, and a pretty young woman walked out. "Jeanette Fisher from Crimson City!"

"Huh?" Misty and Emma asked together. Brock blushed, "She sure knows how to make an entrance." They noticed a few cheerleaders not far from them, cheering for Jeanette. "Oh great, another cheerleaders squad," Emma said sarcastically.

"Jeanette has a lot more cheerleaders that cheering for her, while Ash only has the three of us here cheering for him," Misty muttered. "Yeah, she should win," Brock said suddenly, still gazing at the young woman.

Misty, Emma and her Pikachu glared at him. "Which side you on?!" Misty snapped. "Pika-chu!" the female Pikachu said. "You supposed to be cheering for Ash, traitor!" Emma snapped as Brock looked at them nervously.

"And it looks like our opponents are ready to face off!"

The bell rang and Ash threw a Poké ball, "I choose you, Bulbasaur!" The Seed Pokémon was released and Jeanette held her Poké ball, "My Pokémon should create quite a buzz. Go, Beedrill!" She threw her Poké ball and released her Beedrill.

"She doesn't look so tough, does she?" Misty asked. "You'll never know," Brock said. "Tough or not, Ash will win," Emma muttered. "Togy," the Egg Pokémon said.

"Beedrill, Tackle attack!" Jeanette called. Beedrill flew toward Bulbasaur, but before it could hit him, the Seed Pokémon dodged. "Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf!" Ash called. "Beedrill, counter attack Bulbasaur with Twineedle now!" Jeanette called.

Bulbasaur used the attack, but Beedrill dodged as it flew closer, and it tired to hit him with the large stingers on its arms, but Bulbasaur kept dodging. "Poison Sting!" Jeanette called. Beedrill aimed its body stinger toward Bulbasaur and tried to hit him but he kept dodging.

"I hope Jeanette doesn't have another Pokémon like that Beedrill," Misty said. Brock blushed, "I just hope she doesn't have a boyfriend," he said. Emma looked up with a sigh while Misty glared at him. "Well, there's no way that boyfriend is gonna be you, Mister!" Misty snapped and Emma blinked at her.

"Bulbasaur, Leech Seed!" Ash called. Bulbasaur jumped backward and a seed sprouted from his bulb, which shooted out to Beedrill's sting. It got wrapped in thin vines and leaves that restrained it. The vines and leaves then glow red and suck Beedrill's energy. Jeanette gasped, "No!"

"Yes!" Emma said as she and Misty smiled. "Look, the Leech Seed sucking out Beedrill's energy," Misty said. Brock looked slightly disappointed, "Yeah, I see," he said as Togepi was staring at him with, for the first time, a frown, "Togy, Togy," it said, clearly not happy that he wasn't cheering for Ash.

Misty, Emma and her Pikachu looked at Brock in annoyance. "You supposed to be cheering for Ash! Not Jeanette!" Misty snapped, making Brock lean away in surprise.

"Bulbasaur, Tackle attack!" Ash called. Bulbasaur tackled Beedrill, making it fell backward into the grass, unconscious. "Beedrill is out of the match!" the referee called as he held the green flag, as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Yes," Ash said with a smirk while Jeanette looked annoyed. "Way the go, Ash!" Emma called as she, Togepi, the female Pikachu and Misty cheered, while Brock smiled. Jeanette's cheerleaders were cheering for her, which made Emma annoyed. Misty was also annoyed as she comment, "They acting like Jeanette's the one who is in the lead."

"Cheering won't help if she'll keep picking the wrong Pokémon," Emma said as Togepi jumped down to open Emma's backpack and looked inside. Pikachu looked down at it, "Pi?" she asked as she tilted her head. "Ash will be ready no matter what she pick," Brock said.

Togepi pulled out of Emma's backpack, holding a green flag with a smile, "Togy." Pikachu smiled as the Egg Pokémon waved the flag. Emma looked down at Togepi and smiled as she picked it back up and set it down on her lap. "You keep cheering Ash on, Togepi," she said. Togepi smiled as it jumped up and down, waving the green flag, "Togy, Togy! Togepry!"

The male Pikachu glanced up to the crowd and smiled when he spotted the rest of the group, "Pika." Ash glanced up to them and smiled slightly when he saw Togepi waving the green flag, and then looked back to the field as Jeanette returned her Beedrill into its Poké ball.

Jeanette held out another Poké ball, "This one won't be so easy!" She threw the Poké ball, "Go, Scyther!" she called, releasing her Scyther. "Wow, do you think Ash is ready for Scyther?" Misty asked. "Maybe," Brock said. "My Scyther looks bigger," Emma muttered, "And looks stronger than hers." The female Pikachu smirked and nodded, "Pika."

"Let the battle begin!" the referee called as he held both flags. "Scyther, use Slash now!" Jeanette called. Scyther flew closer to Bulbasaur, repeatedly trying to strike its scythes on him, but he dodged. "Now Scyther, Swift!"

Scyther repeatedly slashed the air and it fired green crescent energy rays from its blades at Bulbasaur, but he kept dodging, but he got hit twice. "Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!" Ash called and he did as told, but Scyther kept using Swift, so the vines didn't get to it. "Good job, Scyther, now Double Team!" Jeanette said.

Scyther landed on the grass, and two copies of itself appeared around. "Oh no," Misty muttered. Jeanette smirked while her annoying cheerleaders were cheering for her. Ash thought for a moment, "Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!"

Bulbasaur threw his vines forward to the middle, but it turned out that that Scyther was a copy. "Try the left one!" Ash called and Bulbasaur threw his vines to the left side, but it was a copy too and the real Scyther was in the right side. It flew forward and hit Bulbasaur backward, but he stood on his feet quickly.

"Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf now!" Ash called. Bulbasaur did as told but Scyther dodged. Bulbasaur used Vine Whip, but Scyther dodged again and used Double Team to come on all sides. "Oh no, Bulbasaur, look out!" Ash called but before the Seed Pokémon could do anything, the copies and Scyther itself knocked him up into the air.

"Bulbasaur! Use your Vine Whip against all three!" Ash called. Bulbasaur used his Vine Whip, hitting the two copies and making them disappear before hitting the real Scyther hard, making it fell backward and down into the grass, knocking it out.

"Scyther has been defeated!" the referee called as he held the green flag as a victory, and the crowd cheered. "Yay," Emma said as Togepi jumped up and down, waving the green flag happily.

"Ash figured out that Scyther's Double Team attack left it twice weak on defense," Brock said. "And he did it on his own," Misty said. "I guess Ash can handle a match without our help," Brock said. "That means he grew up since he started," Emma said. Misty smirked as she nudged her friend's arm, "And he's becoming attractive for you for a while, huh?"

Emma blushed brightly and Misty chuckled. Emma cleared her throat as she shook her head, "Anyway, now Jeanette has only one Pokémon left, so when Ash wins the next battle, he'll win the match," she said. Togepi smiled and held up the green flag, "Togy! Togy!" Pikachu held up her paw, "Pika-chu!"

"Go Ash," Brock said with a nod. Jeanette returned Scyther into its Poké ball with a thoughtful look. Ash grinned and he looked down at his Pikachu, "Two down, one to go." The male mouse nodded with a smile, "Pika!"

"Jeanette is down with her last Pokémon!"

"Come on Ash, only one Pokémon and you win the match," Emma said. "She must have saved her strongest Pokémon for last," Misty pointed out. "Whatever it is, he can beat her," Emma said. Misty smirked, "You have a lot of confident in your man." Emma gave her a look and the redhead girl just smiled innocently.

"Togy, Togy!" the Egg Pokémon said with a smile. "Ash definitely shows he has confidence he can beat any Pokémon Jeanette picks," Brock said.

Ash smirked, "It's victory time," he said to his yellow partner as he jumped to sit on his shoulder. "Pika," Pikachu said with a nod, smirking as well. Jeanette threw the last Poké ball, "Go, Bellsprout!" She called. "Bellsprout?!" Emma asked as she and her friends looked confused. "Huh?" Misty asked. "Wow," Brock said.

Bellsprout is a plant-based Pokémon with a stem-like brown body. There is a single green leaf on each side of its body. It has a yellow bell-shaped head with what appear to be pink lips at the end and beady black eyes. Its roots resemble feet.

"Why would she save a Bellsprout to battle last?" Ash asked in confusion before letting out a chuckle, "Unless she ran out of strong Pokémon, and doesn't have anything left but little Bellsprout."

"This looks like a desperation move by young Fisher."

Jeanette let out a smirk, "Bellsprout, get ready," she said. "Bulbasaur, get set," Ash called with a smirk. "Go!" the referee called as he held up the two flags. "Bulbasaur, Tackle attack!" Ash called. Bulbasaur ran toward Bellsprout, but the Flower Pokémon simply bend backward, making Bulbasaur hit the grass.

Ash and his Pikachu looked surprised. Emma, Misty and Brock looked surprised as well. "W--What happened?" Misty asked as Jeanette's cheerleaders were cheering for Bellsprout.

Bulbasaur looked at Bellsprout in annoyance and ran toward it to Tackle it, but it grabbed him and spined around before throwing him to the grass. "Bulbasaur!" Ash called before muttering, "I can't believe what's happening."

"It looked like the match was over, but Bellsprout rushed into action!"

"That Bellsprout absorbed Bulbasaur's attacks and send them back against him," Brock explained. "Oh," Misty muttered. They watched as Bellsprout walked closer to Bulbasaur, and it grabbed his leg and threw him back and forth on the grass before throwing him toward Ash's side, making him hit into the green stand wall, and slid to the grass.

"Bulbasaur is out of the match!" the referee called as he held up the red flag. The crowd cheered besides Emma, Togepi, the female Pikachu, Misty and Brock. Ash looked down at Bulbasaur worriedly, "Oh no," he muttered before returning Bulbasaur to his Poké ball, "Thanks Bulbasaur, you get a good rest." He looked at his Pikachu, "Pikachu, let's go."

Pikachu nodded with determination, "Pika-chu." He jumped down on the grass. "Yes, Pikachu should win without a doubt," Misty said with a grin while Brock and Emma looked worried. "No problem," Brock said. "Yeah..." Emma said, I hope so.

"Let the battle begin!" the referee called as he held up both the flags. "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!" Ash called. Pikachu did as told but Bellsprout dodged them easily. Jeanette smiled smugly, "Razor Leaf now."

Bellsprout launched two razor sharp leaves from the two large leaves on its stem and Pikachu managed to dodge, making them hit two large rocks from behind Pikachu, cutting them to half.

"Pikachu, fire Thunderbolt attack!" Ash called. Pikachu did so, releasing a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from his body at Bellsprout, hitting it. "That's it, it's all over," Ash said with a smirk. Pikachu stopped but Bellsprout didn't look harmed at all.

Jeanette chuckled before she explained, "Bellsprout's legs are like a pair of tiny tiny lighting rods. Those Electric attacks won't work on it, Ash," she said smugly. "What? No way," Ash said. Emma and her friends looked worried. "If Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack is no good, Ash is in big trouble," Misty said.

"Ash better think fast," Brock said. "Hang in there, Pikachu," Ash called. Pikachu's confused expression disappeared, and he held out his arms, remembering when Ash taught him how to fight with his paws before. Then he jumped all on four and ran closer to Bellsprout, before jumping up and down to hit it with his tail, but the Flower Pokémon dodged.

The male mouse tried to punch and box-kick Bellsprout but it kept dodging, until it finally slam him in the head hard, which made Pikachu fell on the grass. "Pikachu is out of the match!" the referee called as he held up the red flag, and the crowd cheered. Ash didn't care about that and jumped ran over to pull Pikachu into his arms.

"And it's official! Bellsprout took down both Bulbasaur and Pikachu! Now it's a tie!"

"What Pokémon Ash will use now?" Emma muttered as Misty and Brock talked with each other before someone spoke to the trio, "Sorry we so late." They looked over to see Delia and Professor Oak walking closer to sit next to them. "Delia, Professor Oak," Emma said.

"I wanted to come back as soon as I could to cheer for Ash, and Professor Oak wanted to join in," Delia said as she and Professor Oak sat next to Emma. "Uh, did you know that your grandson lost?" Brock asked. "Yes, I know," Professor Oak said with a nod, "It will do Gary good to see every road has a few bumps along the way."

Delia smiled as she called out, "Win this one for your mother, honey!" she said. "Now that Gary is out of the competition, everyone in Pallet Town is counting on you!" Professor Oak called. Misty and Emma exchanged a look. "They supposed to be cheering Ash on, not put more pressure on him," Misty said. "Tell me about it," Emma agreed.

"Bellsprout, just one more win!" Jeanette called with a smile and the Flower Pokémon nodded. The male Pikachu was looking down while sitting on the green stand with his trainer while the boy was holding another Poké ball, closing his eyes.

"Now we'll see if Ketchum has the Pokémon he needs to defeat Jeanette's unbelievable Bellsprout!"

Ash opened his eyes with determination and threw the Poké ball, "I choose you!" His Pokémon was released and to Emma and her friends surprise, it was Muk. "He got Muk into his team?" Emma asked. "I didn't knew that," Misty said.

"Ash thought he might need Muk during his match, so he called me yesterday and asked me to transport it here," Professor Oak explained, "He knew Muk has an advantage over Grass Type Pokémon."

Emma smiled, "Wow, he actually thought this through," she said and looked at Togepi, "Well, Togepi, Ash is definitely gonna win." The Egg Pokémon jumped up and down with a smile as it waved the green flag, "Togy! Togepry!"

"Okay, ready Muk?" Ash called. "Muk!" the Sludge Pokémon said. "Begin!" the referee called as he held both flags up. "All right Bellsprout, Slam!" Jeanette called. Bellsprout ran closer to slam its feet on Muk, but it didn't do anything to it and the Flower Pokémon just got stuck in Muk's body.

"The tables has been turn on Jeanette's Bellsprout! Now Muk is absorbing Bellsprout's attacks!"

Bellsprout pushed itself out of Muk and used Slam on Muk but the Sludge Pokémon didn't seem to get harm by it. The Flower Pokémon then grabbed it and threw it on the grass, but Muk still wasn't hurt. "Keep it up, Muk!" Ash called, "You doing great!"

Bellsprout then used Razor Leaf, and it hit Muk's body but the Sludge Pokémon simply pushed the leaves out. "Okay, Muk, time for a Body Slam attack!" Ash called. Muk slid over to Bellsprout and then covered its body with its own before the Flower Pokémon could ran away.

"Bellsprout!" Jeanette called. Bellsprout tried to get out of Muk by kicking it but then it stopped. Everyone watched and waited for a moment. Muk then moved away, revealing Bellsprout unconscious. "Bellsprout is out of the match, the fourth round victory goes to green trainer Ash Ketchum!" the referee called as he held the green flag.

The crowd cheered loudly, and Ash grinned as he held up his fist, "Yeah!" he called. "Pika-chu!" the male Pikachu called happily. "Togy! Togepry!" Togepi called happily as it waved the green flag. Delia, Emma, Misty, Professor Oak and Brock clapped. "I'm so proud of him," Delia said. "All right!" Emma called.

"I can't believe Ash won all fourth fields," Misty said with a smile. "That was his best match," Brock said. Ash ran toward Muk, "We did it, Muk!" he said. The Sludge Pokémon turned to him and smiled as it embraced him, covering his body with its own, making him laugh as he fell on the grass.

"Now I understand how that Bellsprout felt," he said as his Pikachu ran closer and laughed, "Pika!" Professor Oak laughed, "That Muk can sure smuggle you with affection!"


"That was a great battle, well done Ash," Alex said with a smile. Ash was talking on the phone booth with him, along side with Emma while the others were waiting outside. "Thanks," Ash said with a grin.

"And now you up in the Indigo Stadium, we'll do our best to come and cheer you on," Alex said. "Thanks, I hope you guys could make it," Ash said. "Say 'hi' to everyone from us, Dad," Emma said. "Will do, we'll keep in touch," Alex said before they hung up.

The two walked out and Misty smiled, "Well, you didn't do too bad out there Ash," she said. "Thanks," Ash said. "But if it wasn't for Muk, you would be out of luck," Misty said. Muk smiled and wrapped itself around the redhead, making her yelp and try to get away as her friends, the Pokémon, Delia and Professor Oak laughed.
