Chapter 62 - The Evolution Solution

Today Emma was with her father and Professor Oak in Alex's lab, along with Persian, her Pikachu and Togepi, while Misty and Brock went with Delia, Alice and a couple of Pallet Town's locals were heading off to Seafoam Island for a beachside holiday.

Persian was lying down on a couch, wiggling his tail as Togepi tried to grab it. The Egg Pokémon seemed to be having fun, "Togy! Togepry!" Emma and her Pikachu were looking at the screen at a Slowpoke and a Shellder on it.

Professor Oak looked pretty annoyed which made Emma frown. "I think you taking it too hard Professor," Alex stated, and the older man sighed. "Wow," the girl heard Ash's voice and walked to the stairs to see Ash and his Pikachu looking around. "Hey Ash," she said.

"Hey Em, your Mom said you'd be here," Ash said as he walked up the stairs. "I see you didn't went with the others," Emma said. "I wanted to, but then my Mom reminded me I have some training to do," Ash said. "So, why are you here and not training with your Pokémon for the League?" Emma asked.

Before Ash could answer, the kids heard Professor Oak groaning again, so they turned to him and Alex. "What's wrong Professor?" Ash asked, "Do you have a headache?"

"No," the older man answered with a sigh. "He and Dad trying to figure something out about Slowpoke's evolution," Emma told the boy. "Slowpoke's evolution?" Ash repeated. "Come and see," Alex said and the kids walked closer.

"This is a Slowpoke, and this is a Shellder," Alex said as the pictures appeared on the screen, "When a Shellder clamps on a Slowpoke's tail, it becomes a Slowbro."

Slowbro is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two small pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers on its hands and two clawed toes on its feet. There is a Shellder attached to its tail. This Shellder has a gray, spiral shell with darker gray spots and small, triangular eyes near the base.

"So, that's how a Slowpoke evolves," Ash said. "Yes, but we can't figure it out why it happens," Professor Oak said, "I've got to solve this mystery!"

"Why don't you just use the Pokédex to look it up?" Ash suggested. "The Pokédex doesn't have the answers either," Professor Oak said. Alex frowned and looked at him, "What about Professor Westwood?" he asked. "Yes, you right!" Professor Oak said, "If anyone knows the answer, Westwood does."

"He's one of the Pokéologist, who programmed the Pokédex," Alex answered as Professor Oak typed on the keyboard. A picture of an older man showed and a location. "Professor Westwood lives at Seafoam Island," Professor Oak said. Ash smiled as he looked at Emma, "Isn't it where everyone else went to?"

"Yeah," Emma said as she raised an eyebrow. Ash looked at his male Pikachu, "I think visiting him will really help with our training don't you?" The male Pikachu nodded, "Pika-Chu." Emma sighed and placed her hands on her hips.


"Why don't I'll go by myself to the Professor?" Emma asked as she stood in the living room in Ash's house, waiting for him, "You need to train." Ash walked out of the kitchen and grabbed his backpack, "I have time for that."

Emma sighed and looked at her Pikachu and Togepi, who both were standing on the floor together, "Why do I even bother?" she asked quietly. "Pika," the female mouse Pokémon muttered with a sigh as the male mouse walked closer.

"Come on," Ash said as he ran past the girl. Emma sighed as she took Togepi into her arms and ran after the boy with the Pikachu. "It's beach time, Mime!" Ash called as they ran past Mimey, who then waved to them goodbye.


Emma and Ash finally reached to the Island, and started to search for Misty and Brock. "There sure are a lot of people," Emma said. Ash smiled as he pointed to the water, "Hey, there they are." He waved, "Hey Misty! Brock!"

After explaining why they were on the island, the four friends were on the path to Professor Westwood's house. "We meeting Professor Westwood, awesome!" Brock said. Misty frowned, "What so great about him?"

"Professor Westwood was the one who programmed the Pokédex," Emma explained. "See? I told you I was coming here for training," Ash said. "Pika," his Pikachu agreed. Emma raised an eyebrow, "That's not really 'training'," she said. "Pika," her Pikachu agreed as Ash rubbed the back of his head. They soon reached to the house and rang the bell. The Professor opened the door and looked at the kids, "Huh, what we have here," he said.

After introducing themselves, the Professor leaded them into the lab. "Wow, is this where you work on the Pokédex, Professor Westwood?" Brock asked. The Professor chuckled, "Ha. 'Professor' is much too formal, my friends and colleagues all call me 'Westwood V'."

"The fifth?" Ash repeated. "Pika?" his Pikachu asked. The Professor leaded them to a couple of pictures that were hanging, "Yes, the fifth. Here you see my great great-grandfather, Westwood the first. And his son, my great grandfather, Westwood the second. And that's his son, my grandfather, Westwood the third. And there's my father, Westwood the fourth. And there's me, the one and only, Westwood the fifth."

Emma raised an eyebrow, "All the pictures look a like," she stated. Ash frowned as he stared at the last one on the left, "Except the last one looks a little abstract." The Professor cleared his throat, "Well, as you can see, I come from a long line of Pokémon researchers." He turned to face the kids and looked at Togepi in Emma's arms, "Now that's an interesting Pokémon."

"You mean Togepi?" Emma asked. "I've never seen a Pokémon like that one," the Professor said. "It sure is cute, doesn't it?" Emma asked as she smiled down at the Egg Pokémon. "Togy," it said with a smile. The Professor pulled out a small textbook and started to write, "Yes, I'm updating all my research on the rarest and legendary Pokémon."

"I'm into legendary Pokémon, Westwood V, you must have a lot of information about them," Brock said with a smile. The Professor stopped writing, "Only ones I created myself because I'm not convinced most of them exist. Right now, I'm working on a fictional account on the subject."

"You mean you making stuff up?" Misty asked. The Professor froze before rubbing the back of his head, "Well, I guess you can say I'm making stuff up I suppose..." He cleared his throat and turned to the glass doors, "At the moment I am solving a real-life mystery. Surely, but slowly."

The kids walked closer to stand next to him and found outside a Slowpoke standing on the rocks. "Look, a Slowpoke," Ash said, grinning. "I want to discover why Shellder attaching to Slowpoke, I just don't understand why they evolve into Slowbro," Westwood said.

"My Dad and Professor Oak couldn't figure it out either," Emma said. "I need to study Slowpoke and Shellder until I can come up with a theory to present to the Suppositum," Westwood said. "The what?" Brock asked. "The Pokémon Suppositum, the world's most respected group of Pokéologists," Westwood answered.

After that, the Professor leaded them outside to the Slowpoke and to the kids' surprise, Westwood just sat down on the rock and started to fish. The kids exchanged a confused look before placing their backpacks aside and walked closer. "Hey, Westwood V, why are you sitting here fishing?" Ash asked, "Shouldn't you be studying Slowpoke?"

"I am. Fishing is part of my research into Slowpoke's life cycle," Westwood answered. They all looked toward Slowpoke and saw that Slowpoke had its tail in the water. "You see Slowpoke is one of the few Pokémon that fishes," Westwood told them.

"I didn't knew that," Emma muttered. "Togy," the Egg Pokémon said. "Wow, Slowpoke must be smarter than it looks if it catches fish," Misty said. Ash pulled out his Dexter, "I'm gonna see what Dexter has to say about Slowpoke."

Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokémon. No one can tell what a Slowpoke is thinking, if it ever does think. Its specialty is fishing with its tail.

"It's not very nice to call Slowpoke 'Dopey'," Misty said before she looked at Westwood, "Is that how you called it, Westwood V?" Westwood looked over, "Maybe one of my assistants wrote that, but 'Dopey' does sounds like accurate description of Slowpoke's mental capacity."

"I have to admit, it doesn't look too smart," Ash admitted as they stared at Slowpoke. "Aren't you going to defend yourself, Slowpoke?" Misty asked. "Slow..." Slowpoke said and the female and male Pikachu ran to greet it. Misty frowned, "I know I've seen this expression before..."

Suddenly, Misty's Psyduck came out of its Poké ball, and Misty smiled, "Hey! It's the same clueless expression that Psyduck has!" She then looked at it in annoyance, "Why can't you stay in your Poké ball?" Psyduck walked closer to the Pikachu and Slowpoke, "Psy."

Slowpoke turned its head to look at the Duck Pokémon, "Poke."


"I bet this isn't the most intelligent conversation in Pokémon history," Ash said. Misty looked at her Pokémon in annoyance, "Psyduck, can't you tell Slowpoke to stop acting as dumb as you do?"

Slowpoke and Psyduck just kept staring and talking. "Now what?" Emma asked. Ash rubbed the back of his head, "I think they just saying 'hello', but we can be here all day before they'll think of anything else to say," he said. "Oh yeah," Brock said with a sigh while the Professor wrote some notes down in his textbook.

As the two Pokémon continued to talk, a Krabby came out of the water. The kids watched as Krabby grabbed into Slowpoke's tail, and then it went to grab Psyduck's tail. The two stared at each other as Krabby jumped back into the water, and right then, they felt the pain.

"Well, I guess it takes quite a while for that big of pain to bite that small of brain," Misty muttered. Slowpoke moved it's tail from the water, showing a Magikarp was holding it's tail. "Look, it got a bite," Ash said. Misty smiled, "Well, at least it good at something, unlike Psyduck."

With that said, Psyduck stopped crying from the pain, holding its head. "She didn't mean it, Psyduck," Emma said to the Duck Pokémon. "Togy," Togepi said. Westwood smiled, "All this fishing make me hungry, why don't we all go and have some lunch?"


As the kids and Westwood were eating lunch, along with Slowpoke, the Pikachu and Togepi, the Professor was talking to the kids, "So a Slowpoke can only evolve into a Slowbro if a Shellder clamps onto its tail." Misty frowned, "So then, what's the big mystery you trying to solve, Westwood the fifth?"

Westwood hold out a laptop, "Take a look." He turned it on, showing on the screen a Slowpoke and a Shellder appeared, about to bite into Slowpoke's tail, "See here?" The Shellder bite the tail, and the screen switched to Slowbro. "Shellder now has a spiral shell."

"Interesting," Brook said. "It's one of the most complecting mysterious in the Pokémon world, if I could solve the Shellder puzzle, I'll go down as the most renown researcher in the history of the Pokémon Suppositum!" Westwood said, "They'll replace the Westwood family portrait with a statue of me!"

Emma raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ash, "Isn't all the portraits look like him?" she whispered. "Yeah, he's a little weird," he whispered. They all turned to the beach when they heard an engines running, and saw a boat driving in the water with a parasail attached to it.

Emma, Ash and Misty ran to the railing as they smiled. "Look it's a parasail!" Emma said. "That so cool," Misty said. "I want to try it," Ash said. The boat released the parasail, and it flew straight toward the kids, making them frown in confusion. "It's heading this way," Ash said.

They heard screaming and finally saw Team Rocket sitting there. Misty moved out of the way as Ash pulled Emma with him to the side as well, before Team Rocket could hit any of them. The trio fell to the floor as Westwood looked at them in confusion, "Hey, what in the world is going on?"

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

Jessie looked at the Professor, "Are you the Professor who programmed the Pokédex?" she asked. "Yes, I am," Westwood confirmed and Team Rocket smirked. "Well, now you gonna program the Team Rocket dex," James said. Jessie held out a paper, "Here is all the statistic you'll need."

Westwood took it as he pulled out his glasses. He cleared his throat and started to read, "Jessie, the beautiful female member of the Team, her brilliant mind is a past by only her style and personality. James has the looks of a movie star, the agility of an athletic and a head too small for his brain? And Meowth, the master mind whose diabolical plans never fail, the only thing sharper than his mind are his claws."

"Yes, it does," Meowth said with a nod. Westwood took off his glasses as he stared at Meowth in shook. Misty walked closer and took the paper, "It's all lies," she said as Westwood pulled out his textbook and wrote down on it. "A Meowth that can speak," he said as Misty ripped the paper in half. "What do you expect me to do? Bark?" Meowth asked.

"What are you troublemakers doing here?" Ash asked in annoyance. "Oh no! They here to kidnap me and make me their slave!" Westwood called and ran into his lab as he continued to yell. Team Rocket ran in and the kids exchanged a look. "He really is weird," Emma said as Slowpoke walked inside.

A minute after, Westwood ran out, carrying Slowpoke in his arms. "Kids, help me," he said as he ran past them. Team Rocket ran after him, and the kids ran after them, on the beach. They stopped when Westwood slipped and fell on the sand, sending Slowpoke away from him.

Jessie held a Poké ball with a smirk and threw it, "Shellder, go!" she said, and her new Pokémon was released. "Since when Jessie has a Shellder?" Emma muttered as she let Togepi stand on the sand between the Pikachu. They all watched as Slowpoke started to run in circle as Shellder chased it.

"I thought you were a Slowpoke, without Shellder's bite, you'll never evolve!" Jessie snapped. Ash pulled out a Poké ball, "Hey, leave Slowpoke alone!" he said. Misty pulled out a Poké ball, "Hold it, Ash! We're at the ocean and water Pokémon are my specialty!"

"Does it really matter?" Emma asked. "Staryu, I choose--" Misty started but another Poké ball opened and her Psyduck was released instead, standing in front of Shellder, making it hit it in the stomach. "Psyduck?" Emma asked. "Psyduck, not you!" Misty said.

They watched as Psyduck turned to Slowpoke, and the two stared at each other. Misty sighed, "This is a case of no mind leading no mind," she said as Westwood pulled out his textbook, writing down as he ran to stand next to the two Pokémon, "Fascinating, I could present this to the Suppositum."

They watched as Shellder bite Psyduck's tail instead. "That got to hurt," Emma said. "Shellder, you got the wrong Pokémon!" Jessie snapped, "Get off of Psyduck and take a bite of of Slowpoke!" Then, Psyduck finally felt the bite, and started running around in pain before throwing Shellder off of its tail.

"Wow, Psyduck used Tail Whip attack," Misty said with a smile. James threw a Poké ball, "Weezing, make sure that Psyduck is permanently cracked up!" he ordered as his Pokémon was released. Weezing flew above Psyduck's head and hit it a couple of times. "Psyduck ran away!" Misty ordered.

Psyduck was about to do as told but then it fell on the sand. Misty placed her hand on her face. Jessie grabbed Shellder, "Shellder, clamp on Slowpoke's tail, now!" She threw it straight toward the Dopey Pokémon, but then it bend down, making Shellder bite Psyduck's head as the Duck Pokémon stood up.

Jessie sighed, "Now that's what I call dumb luck," she said. Psyduck called out as Shellder bite its head, then the Duck Pokémon started to get a headache and it tried to pull Shellder off of it. Misty smiled, "Psyduck!" Emma blinked, "It getting a headache."

Then Psyduck opened its eyes, showing the colour became blue. Team Rocket froze in place when Psyduck used Disable, "I can't movie! My all body is stuck!" James said and Weezing fell to the sand. Misty jumped up and dawn happily as she clapped her hands together, "That's it Psyduck! Nice Disable attack!"

Shellder was lifted up from Psyduck's head and up to the air, so did Weezing and Team Rocket. "All right, it's Confusion attack works!" Misty said. Westwood wrote it down on the textbook as he smiled, "I've heard about those attacks, but this is the first time I've seen them."

Psyduck suddenly lost concentration, and Team Rocket fell down on the sand away from them. Shellder hit Psyduck's head and fell on the sand next to him. "You did great Psyduck!" Ash said. "You awesome!" Emma said. "Duck," the Duck Pokémon said, holding its head with its hands.

Westwood looked at Slowpoke, "Psyduck just saved you from those kidnappers, Slowpoke. Why don't you give it a big thank you?" he asked. As Slowpoke walked towards Psyduck to thank it, it tripped to the sand and Shellder clamped onto its tail, to Team Rocket's happiness.

"Poor Psyduck, tried so hard to stop them," Misty said. They all watched as Slowpoke glowed. "Oh, Slowpoke is beginning to evolve," Westwood said as he held his textbook, and they watched as Slowpoke evolved into Slowbro.

Westwood wrote it down on the textbook, "I am the first researcher to witness this. Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro, and Shellder changes into a spiral shell." The kids smiled as they looked at the new evolved Pokémon. "That is so cool," Brock said. "I'm sure glad we were here to see it happen," Ash said.

They all looked over to see Team Rocket running toward them. Westwood pointed at them as he looked at Slowbro, "Slowbro, attack these kidnappers!" Emma frowned, "What kind of attack your Slowbro has?" she asked. "A very powerful one. It's call the 'Mage Punch'," Westwood answered.

"Sounds powerful to me," Ash said. Slowbro turned fully around and Westwood looked at it, "Slowbro, Mage Punch attack," he said. "Slowbro," it said. "What's the matter?" Misty asked. "It's seems that Slowbro forgot how to use it," Westwood answered.

"What?!" the kids asked together. "Slowbro," it said. "Oh, now you remember Mage Punch," Westwood said with a smile, and the kids looked at it. They then watched as Team Rocket ran closer, but they got knock away by Slowbro's punch, sending them flying into the sky.

"Looks like Team Rocket got knocked out again!"

They watched as Westwood was writing down on the textbook, "I figured it out!" he said. "So, what's the deal? Why does a Shellder clamps on Slowpoke's tail?" Emma asked as she took Togepi into her arms. "Because it's mutually minifacial," Westwood said. "What does that mean?" Misty asked Brock. "It means it helps them both," he said.

"Shellder clamps into Slowbro's tail, which helps Slowbro's balance when it stands on to feet," Westwood explained, "This way, Slowbro's front legs are free, so it could use attacks like a Mage Punch'. And because it's clamps on Slowbro's tail, Shellder now may travel on land." He wrote down on the textbook, "I must make sure I got all this down."


After saying goodbye to Westwood and wishing him good luck, the kids started to head back to Pallet Town as the sun started to set down. "That was really amazing," Ash said. "Yeah, but you didn't do any training today," Emma pointed out. "Well, learning about Pokémon is part of my training too," Ash pointed out.

"Especially if you at the beach," Misty said with a smirk. Psyduck was trailing behind the kids, looking behind them sadly, which they noticed. "What's wrong Psyduck?" Emma asked as they stopped. Psyduck didn't noticed they stopped, and got hit by Misty's leg, which it finally noticed the kids were now standing.


Ash looked at his friends, "Psyduck probably wants to say goodbye to Slowbro before we leave here," he said and looked down at the Duck Pokémon with a smile, "Don't you Psyduck?" The Duck Pokémon looked at the four of them, "Psy."


The kids agreed to go back so Psyduck can say goodbye to its new friend, but the two Pokémon were taking a long time to say goodbye, as they were talking next to the water.

The Pikachu and Togepi were tired and now were sleeping on a rock together, while Emma and Ash were sitting together on one rock, Brock was standing on the top of a rock and Misty was standing on the sand, the four of them were watching the two Pokémon.

"I've heard of not knowing how to say goodbye, but this is ridiculous," Misty said as she placed her hands on her hips. Emma and Ash exchanged a look as they smiled. "This is gonna take longer than I thought it will be," Ash said and Emma chuckled as they looked back at Slowbro and Psyduck.
