Chapter 63 - Family Reunion!

Emma and Misty were in Emma's room on the bed, with the female Pikachu and Togepi. Emma showed her redhead friend a picture, "I just got a picture from my Uncle John. It's from one of his trips."

"Wow, it's so pretty," Misty said, "Your Uncle must be traveling a lot." Emma nodded, "Yeah, he does. He loves it," she said and then raised an eyebrow, "I'm surprised he still married to that witch that calls his wife." Misty blinked, "Sounds like you don't like her much."

"Oh yeah, my grandma doesn't like her either, if you ask me, Uncle John needed to divorce her long ago," Emma said as she crossed her arms. "Are they gonna be in the wedding?" Misty asked. "My Uncle and his younger daughter Lena are coming," Emma said. Pikachu sighed, "Pika..."

Emma smiled, "Grandma Mary is coming, so it will be fun," she said, "Oh, and my two other Uncles, Dad's brothers are coming too. Don't know who else is coming though." Pikachu jumped to grab a picture of Emma with an older woman, "Pika-chu!"

Misty took the picture, "Is this your grandma?" she asked. "Yep, Grandma Mary. Wait until you meet her, she's really cool," Emma said. Brock and Ash walked in, dressed in sport outfits. "Hey," Emma said. "You guys missed our run," Ash said, "We went without you."

"That's fine," Misty said. Brock looked at Emma, "We just heard your Mom talking on the phone with your Dad, she said he picked up your Uncle Norman from the airport." Emma smiled, "That's great," she said. "Who's Uncle Norman?" Ash asked. "He's my Dad's big brother," Emma answered, "And he's pretty hot-headed, just giving you a warning."

"Hey, what about that grandfather we heard of before?" Brock asked. "Huh?" Emma asked. "Is he going to be at the wedding?" Brock asked. Emma frowned and shrugged, "I doubt it." Ash frowned, "What's up with you two? Your Dad said you were really close with your grandfather." Emma sighed, "I don't want to talk about it. At least not for now."


Emma and her friends were outside with Jeffery, Alice and Jane just when one of the cars pulled over. Emma saw John stepping out and ran closer to hug him, "Hey, Uncle John!" John laughed as he hugged his niece tightly, "Hey, kid!"

Lena got out from the back seat as Danny got out of the driver side. Emma's Pikachu quickly hid behind Ash's legs when she saw her trainer's younger cousin. "How you been?" John asked as Emma pulled away. "Been good, I have a lot to tell you," Emma said as Danny helped Mary get out of the back seat.

"I'm looking forward to hear how was your journey," John said. "Hey Grandma!" Emma said as she and Mary hugged. "Hello sweetheart, oh I have missed you!" Mary said. Emma smiled as they pulled away. "I missed you too," Emma said as her Pikachu quickly ran closer. "Pika-Chu!" she said as she hopped up on Emma's shoulder.

"Hello, Pikachu," Mary said as she petted the female mouse, to her delight, "I'm very happy to see you, have you been watching over Emma on the road?" she asked as she took her cane. Pikachu nodded, "Pika."

They walked to the others as Lena hugged Alice, "Hi, aunt Alice," she said. "Hi, honey," Alice said as they pulled away. Alice and John hugged. "Hey, sis," John said as they pulled away. "Hey Mom," Alice said as she hugged Mary. "Hello, sweetheart," Mary said as they pulled away.

Emma looked at her friends, "Guys, this is Uncle John, my Grandma Mary, and John's younger daughter, my cousin Lena," she introduced. "Hey, my name's Ash," Ash said. "My name is Brock, it's nice to meet you," Brock said. "And I'm Misty, I heard a lot about you," Misty said. "It's wonderful to finally meet you three," Mary said, "Alice told me all about you."


Emma's family and friends were now in the living room. Alex was sitting with Norman and David on a couch, and David looked at Ash, "So, Ash, Alex said you going to be at the Indigo League." Ash nodded, "That's right. I was going to train after the wedding tomorrow."

Norman smirked, "So you haven't been training at all then," he said. Ash looked taken back, "Well... I did different kind of training," he said as Emma sat next to him. "Like what?" Norman asked. "Uncle Norman," Emma warned.

"What?" Norman asked, "If the kid wants to win the League, he should be training hard like that friend of yours, Gary." Ash looked annoyed as he continued, "Wanting to become a Pokémon Master, you need to earn it by training hard." Alex sighed, "Norman, don't start."

"He is right about that," Brock muttered, and Ash heard it. "I've been training," Ash said, "I'm just taking a break for the wedding." He stood up as he looked at Norman, "Why don't we have a battle?" Norman smirked while Emma looked at him in surprise, "Wait, what?"

"Let's have a battle, Norman," Ash said. "Pika!" the male Pikachu said as he nodded. "Fine then," Norman said with a smirk. "Hold on," Alex said as he gave his brother a look, "You promised you won't make a scene."

"I'm not making a scene, kid's wants to challenge me, then how can I refuse?" Norman asked. Emma looked at Ash, "Ash, I don't think it's a good idea," she whispered. "Nah, it will be fine," Ash said. Emma sighed and shook her head. Her Pikachu suddenly tapped on her lap, "Pikachu-Pi."

"Mmm?" the girl hummed as she looked at her Pikachu. The female mouse was looking around but couldn't find Lena anywhere, so she looked up at Emma, "Pika, Pika-Pika?" Emma looked around, "Hey, where's Lena?"

"She wanted to see the Pokémon in their playroom," Grandma Mary said. Emma stood up as she took Togepi into her arms, and her Pikachu hopped up on her shoulder, "I'll go check up on her." She looked at her friends, "You guys okay staying alone with them?"

"Sure, don't worry," Misty said with a smile. "Thanks," Emma said and she went to the Pokémon's playroom and soon enough found Lena in there, looking around at the Pokémon before looking at Gyarados in the pool. "Hey," Emma said to the younger girl. Lena finally looked toward her, "Hi."

Emma looked at her in confusion, "Grandma said you were here, what's wrong? You've been very quiet since you've came," she said. Lena shook her head, "Nothing." She looked at Gyarados, "Is this Gyarados yours?" Emma nodded, "Yeah, he's mine."

"I've never seen one up close before," Lena said. "Well, now is your chance," Emma said with a small smile, "Want to pet him?" Lena hesitated but quickly nodded. Emma looked up at Gyarados, "Hey, Gyarados, is it okay for my cousin to pet you?"

Gyarados roared and swam closer as he lowered his body. Emma placed her hand on Gyarados's head and looked at Lena as she did the same. Pikachu hopped down to the floor and Emma placed Togepi down, letting the Egg Pokémon ran toward Tyrogue.

Lena hesitated before looking up at Emma, "Hey, Emma?" The girl looked at her, "Yeah?" she asked as they let Gyarados swim back below the water. "How come you don't like me?" Lena asked. Emma looked taken back by the question, "What you mean?"

"I remember how you always had plants when me, my Mom and sister coming over, so I thought maybe you don't like me," Lena said, "I even heard my Mom and Dad talking one time, and Mom said you don't like been around me." Emma looked annoyed, "That woman," she muttered. "Is she right?" Lena asked.

"Of course not," Emma said. Lena looked down, "Just so you know, the reason I always wanted to hang out with you is because I wanted to be like you. Be perfect like you." Emma frowned, "Perfect? I'm not perfect, Lena."

"Yeah, you are," Lena said as she looked back up at her, "Everyone loves you. My Dad loves you a lot too, he always send you something from one of his trips, and he always talks about you." Emma blinked, "Well, your Dad knows that I love traveling... and, he just gets me pictures to show me where I should go. That doesn't mean your Dad loves me more then you."

"You don't get it," Lena said, "You have everything." Emma frowned, "What are you talking about?" she asked. "Pokémon love you, you have great friends, a boyfriend, everything," Lena said. Emma froze, "Wait, I don't have a boyfriend, and Pokémon love you too."

Lena looked slightly annoyed, "I see the way Ash looks at you. It's the same look Gary has when he looks at you. And your Pokémon don't like me much, Pikachu always ran away from me when I give her a hug," Lena said. Emma rubbed the back of her head, "Lena--" Lena ran past her, out of the room and Emma sighed.


It was evening and Emma was now in the attic, searching through boxes. She pulled out a photo album and opened it to see a couple of pictures of her younger self with her two brothers. She smiled a small smile as she looked at a picture of a younger Ryan holding baby Emma in his arms while she was sleeping.

Ash walked up the ladder and looked around until he spotted her, "Hey." Emma looked over and smiled, "Hey," she said. "Your Mom told me about your hiding place," Ash said as he walked closer, and sat next to her. Emma chuckled softly as she looked back at the pictures, "Well it's not exactly a hiding place."

"Whatcha lookin at?" Ash asked. "Found a couple of photo albums in the boxes, so I took a peek at one," Emma answered and handed the album to him. Ash looked at the pictures and chuckled when he saw a picture of a very young Emma in a Charmander costume, sitting on Hookfang's back, "Now that's cute."

"Yeah, yeah," Emma said with a chuckle as she rolled her eyes. Ash flipped a page and saw a few pictures of younger Danny holding a baby Emma with his Pokémon looking down at her. And in one of the pictures there was one with Ryan's Pikachu behind baby Emma, letting her hold his paw.

"Funny how time fly" Emma said as their Pikachu ran up the ladder, and they ran toward their trainers. Ash flipped another page and saw an older man holding a very young Emma while young Danny and Ryan were sitting with them. "Who's that guy?" he asked. Emma sighed, "Well, that's my grandpa. He's name is Drayden."

"So, he's the one you don't like to talk about, huh?" Ash asked and she nodded. "He had to leave and go back to his city in a different region, he's in charge of a school," Emma explained. Ash looked at the few pictures with the man, "Looks like you were really close with him. He seems tough." Emma chuckled softly, "Yeah."

"Guess you're his favorite," Ash said with a smile. Emma then frowned as she thought about Lena. Ash noticed, "What's wrong?" he asked. "Pi?" the female mouse asked as she tilted her head. "Nothing, just..." Emma trailed off and sighed, "Lena says everyone loves me. That I'm perfect. But I'm not."

Ash rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly, "Well, um... you perfect in your parents and brothers' eyes, and... well..." Emma looked at him in confusion while their Pikachu were watching them with small smiles, and they exchanged a look. Ash opened his mouth to finish but then Alice climbed up on the ladder, "Children?"

Ash and Emma looked over. "Dinner is ready," Alice said. "We'll be right there, Mom," Emma said with a small smile. "Have you seen Lena?" Alice asked. "Uh, no," Emma answered as Ash shook his head. Alice frowned but climbed down the ladder. Emma looked at Ash, "Well, let's go then." They got up as their Pikachu exchanged a look. The female mouse sighed and snapped her fingers in slight annoyance, "Ch."

Meanwhile, Lena was walking out the forest and toward her aunt and uncle's mansion when suddenly two strangers stood in front of her with a Meowth. "Say why so down, little girl?" the woman asked. Lena blinked at them, "Huh?"

"A girl at your age coming out of the forest all by herself could be very dangerous," the man said. Lena pouted, "I'm not scared. My cousin Emma used to go to the woods all the time when she was at my age. She went one time in the dark too."

"Sounds like a brave young lady," the woman said as she and the man exchanged a smirk and a look. Lena looked down, "Yeah. She is. And she's pretty cool. Guess that's why everyone like her."

"And you don't like her?" the man asked. Lena looked up quickly, "No! I do. She's my family. And... she's my role model too, but I guess she just doesn't like spending time with me. And she never really paid me any attention before," she said. "Well then, maybe we could help each other out," the woman said.

"How so?" Lena asked. "You can help us talk with Emma without her friends, and we can help you get closer to her," the woman said. Lena frowned in confusion, "Why do you need to talk to my cousin?" she asked curiously.

"You see, we're from a company that would like to hire Emma in, but when we want to kidn--I mean, talk to her, her friends are in the way," the woman said. "Ooh, I see..." Lena said, "But how can it help me and Emma be close to each other?"

"You could join for a bit, this way you both get to spend some family time together," the woman said. "Oh yes, would you bring her over so we could introduce ourselves?" the man asked. "Oh, well, you see there's a wedding tomorrow for one of her brothers, so everyone is a bit busy," Lena said, "Is it okay that I'll tell her tomorrow before the wedding?"

"Oh, why of course!" the woman said. "Okay," Lena said with a smile, "Then Emma and I will come to this spot tomorrow morning. I'm Lena by the way."

"What a pleaser meeting you Lena, it's so nice of you to help us talk to your cousin," the woman said. "Okay then, I'll see you again tomorrow, bye," Lena said before petting Meowth, "Bye-bye Meowth."


Lena ran past them with a smile and ran toward the gates. The two strangers and Meowth exchanged an evil grin and a chuckle.


In the morning, Emma and her friends were getting ready for the wedding. Emma and Misty were getting dressed up in a room while Ash and Brock were getting ready in the boys' guest room. Alex helped Ash with his tie while the boy looked annoyed by it, "Do I really need to wear a tie?" he asked. "Yep," Danny answered as he fixed his own tie. "I think it suits us," Brock said as he fixed his tie that Danny helped him put on. Alex patted Ash on the back, "There we go."

Outside, Emma was already ready when Lena walked toward her. "Hey," Emma said. "Hi. Can you and I go for a walk?" Lena asked shyly. The female Pikachu and Togepi walked toward them. "Uh, sure," Emma said as she took Togepi into her arms.

The two started to walk out of the house and outside toward the forest with Pikachu. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Emma asked, "If it's about yesterday--"

Lena shook her head and smiled, "No, I wanted to introduce you to a couple that I met last night," she said. "A couple?" Emma repeated in confusion, "Hold on, you were outside last night?! In the woods?"

"Well, I met them outside the woods..." Lena trailed off, "But, they are really nice, and they really wanted to talk to you." Emma frowned, "What's their names?" she asked. Lena hesitated, "Well..."

"You don't know their names?" Emma asked and Lena shook her head lightly. "No," the younger girl answered and then smiled, "But they had a Meowth with them."

"A Meowth?!"


They heard a laugh and looked forward as they stopped. Team Rocket stood in front of them, smirking. "Team Rocket!" Emma said in annoyance as Pikachu stood in front of her trainer and her cousin protectively. Lena didn't notice and pointed at them with a smile, "That's them!"

"Well done Lena, I knew we could count on you," Jessie said. Emma looked down at Lena, "Lena? Why were you talking to Team Rocket?" Lena looked at her in confusion, "They said they wanted to talk to you," she answered. "They don't want to talk to me, they trying to kidnap me," Emma explained, "Team Rocket are a group of bad people."

"What?" Lena asked as she looked back at Team Rocket in shock. Emma glared at them, "What other lies did you tell my cousin?!" she snapped. "Oh, don't worry, we're not gonna hurt her, we want you after all," Jessie said.

"And we got you right where we wanted," Meowth said as he held a remote. Lena looked at him in shock and watched as he pressed a button. A hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Emma and her Togepi.



A huge machine rolled out from between the trees, making the ground shake as it did. The hand moved back to the machine and placed Emma and Togepi inside a glass, and it closed. "What are you doing?!" Lena asked but Team Rocket ignored her as they got into the machine. "Thanks for your help Lena," James said and they laughed as the machine started to roll away.

"Somebody help! Daddy! Stop!" Lena shouted and started to ran after them with Pikachu. A group of Danny's Beedrill started to appear, confused by the shouting. The female Pikachu turned to them quickly, "Pika! Pika-chu! Pikachu-Pi! Pi! Pika-Pi!"

One of the Beedrill flew off to get Danny while the others flew after Team Rocket. They reached quickly in front of the machine, stopping it.

"A pack of Beedrill."

"Get out of the way!"

"Move it!"

Team Rocket moved the machine's hands, trying to get the Beedrill out of their path, but they kept moving back. "Let go of my cousin!" Lena shouted as she reached to the leg and started to bang it with her fist. "Lena! It's dangerous! Move away!" Emma shouted.

"Buzz off!" Jessie said as the leg lifted and was about to step on the young girl, but one of the Beedrill flew over and pulled her away before she could get hurt.

Danny, Ryan and Emma's friends were outside the house. "Where's Emma?" Ash asked as he looked around. The Beedrill flew closer and spoke to Danny. He looked at it in surprise, "What?" he asked. "What's going on?" Brock asked.

"She says Emma's in trouble," Danny asked, "Beedrill show us where." He looked toward his Charizard, "Hookfang, go!" Charizard roared and flew off, following Beedrill. Emma's brothers and friends followed after them.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Beedrill were still getting into Team Rocket's way. Lena looked down at the female Pikachu, "This is my fault. I'm so stupid," she muttered. "Pika," Pikachu said sadly. "Can't you use Thunder Shock?" Lena asked.

Pikachu shook her head and pointed at Emma. They heard a roar coming and turned to see Danny's Charizard flying toward Team Rocket's machine. He flew straight into the machine making a hole from the back to the front. He broke into the glass and pulled Emma out.

"Emma! Lena!" Ryan called as he, Danny and Emma's friends ran closer. Charizard landed on the ground and placed Emma down. "Thanks Hookfang," she said and they watched the machine crushed down to the ground and exploded.

"We're blasting off again!"

The group watched as Team Rocket flew up into the sky and disappearing once again. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked his sister. "Yeah," Emma answered with a nod and looked down at Lena, "Lena, are you okay?"

Lena looked surprised but nodded before she stopped and looked down, "I'm... I'm sorry. It was my fault," she said. "What do you mean?" Danny asked. "Team Rocket told me they wanted to talk to Emma without her friends, and I thought I was doing a good thing," Lena explained, "I believed them cause I'm stupid."

"That's not true," Misty said softly. Emma handed Togepi to Ash before turning to Lena and placed her hands on her shoulders, "It's not your fault Lena." Lena looked up at her and she continued, "Team Rocket are liars, that doesn't mean you need to call yourself stupid because they tricked you. You really smart, and fun to be around with."

"I--I am?" Lena asked. "Of course," Emma said, "I was the one who pushed you away, and I didn't know or even thought that it made you think I didn't want you around, and I'm really sorry about that. You're my family, and no matter what, I will always love you, even if I didn't show it before. I will do better from now on, I promise."

Lena smiled and quickly hugged her tightly. Emma smiled a small smile and hugged her back. Danny and Ryan exchanged a small smile as Misty, Ash and Brock smiled at the cousins. Emma's Pikachu smiled, "Pika-chu."


Everyone were now at the wedding. Emma watched as her older brother and his new wife kiss, and everyone cheered. Emma's Pikachu was sitting on top of Lena's head, cheering with the other Pokémon.

Emma stood between Lena and Ash and clapped with everyone as Ryan and Jane pulled away. Emma saw Gary and walked toward him, "Hey." Gary smirked, "Wow, you look great," he said. Emma smiled, "Thanks, not bad yourself."

"Looks like your Pikachu doesn't mind Lena's company anymore," Gary noted. "Yeah, we're opening a new page," Emma said with a small chuckle. "Good for you," Gary said with a smile. He let it fade away, "So, are you going to continue traveling with Ash?"

Emma blinked, "Well... I, uh, I guess so..." she said. "Do you think maybe to go with me?" Gary asked. "I..." Emma trailed off, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Emma!" Lena called and they looked over at her, "Jane is going to throw the flowers!"

"Here I go!" Jane said and threw her bouquet of flowers, which landed on Emma's Pikachu. Ash and Emma stood together behind their Pikachu. "Pika?" the female mouse asked as she tilted her head, looking at the flowers in her paws. "Aw, Pikachu, does that mean you getting married?" Misty teased.


"I'm sure Ash's Pikachu would be okay with getting married," Emma teased and chuckled. "Pika?!" the male mouse asked as the female mouse smiled and winked at him, "Pika-chu."

The kids laughed as the male mouse blushed. "Pika..." he said as he rubbed the back of his head. "They just messing with you Pikachu," Brock told the male Pikachu with a smirk.

"I think they both would look really cute in a bride and groom outfits," Misty said teasingly. "I can see it now," Emma said as she smirked. The four friends grinned down at the Pikachu, while the female was showing off the bouquet and Togepi was jumping up and down as it smiled, "Togy!"
