Chapter 48 - Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

My friends and I were inside a Pokémon Center in a small town. We were in one of the phone booths, calling my family, I glanced over at the egg, which Ash was now holding for me, before back at the screen when my father answered.


"Hey, Dad," I said. "Pika-chu!" my Pikachu called happily. Dad smiled, "Hey kids, how's it been?" he asked. "Great, we wanted to show you something," I said before stepping away slightly. Ash held the egg closer, "Look at this."

"Wow, a Pokémon egg, where did you get this one?" Dad asked. "I found it not long ago, and Emma's been taking care of it," Ash said. "I see," Dad said with a nod. "Do you know what kind of Pokémon inside?" Brock asked.

Dad looked at the egg again for a moment before shaking his head, "No, I haven't seen this kind of colour before, sorry." He smiled, "But it's one of the things that are exciting about a Pokémon egg, you don't know what will come out of."

"I wonder when it will hatch," Misty said before she gasped in delight, "Do you think it could be a Tentacool?!" Dad smiled a small smile, "I'm sorry Misty, but I've seen an egg that a Tentacool was hatched from, and it's not that colour."

Misty pouted sadly and I chuckled as I looked back at my Dad, "Oh well," I said, "Is everything okay back home?" Dad nodded, "Yes, by the way, have you and Ash talked to Professor Oak?"

"Uh, no, not today, why?" I asked. "Well, he would like you two to call him, he wanted to talk to you two," Dad said. "All right, we'll call him right away," Ash said. "Say 'hey' to everyone for us," I said and Dad nodded. "Will do, have fun," he said. "Bye Dad," I said. "Bye!" my friends said together before I hung up and the screen turned off.

I dialed the Professor's number and we all waited for him to answer. After a moment, he answered. "Hey, Professor," Ash said. "Hello, kids!" the professor greeted, "How are you?"

"We're okay," I said. The professor suddenly was pushed down by Ash's Muk, "Will you behave?!" he asked. Ash chuckled, "I see my Muk is been taken care of." Muk was looking at us in delight as the professor tried to pull it away from him.

"Um, my Dad said you wanted to talk to us," I said. "Oh yes!" the professor said and looked at us from above Muk, "Have you heard about the new Pokédex upgrade?"

"Uh, no," I answered as Ash shook his head. "Well, now you can get details on all the latest Pokémon discoveries," the professor said. "Wow, how can we get it?!" Ash asked with a smile. The professor pointed down, "Just put your Pokédex into that slot, and I'll do it for you."

I pulled out my Dexter and placed it inside before looking over at Ash and pulled out his Dexter for him. "Okay, Emma yours is done," the professor said as my Dexter was sliding out and I took it. "Got it," I said and placed Ash's Dexter inside too. "Say what are you holding there, Ash?" the professor asked.

"It's a Pokémon egg, do you know what Pokémon is it?" Ash asked. "Um... we'll have to see after it will hatch," the professor said as Ash's Dexter slid out from the slot and I took it. "All right, professor, Ash's Dexter is out," I said.

"Okay, you two get a move on, and catch more Pokémon," the professor said as Muk was waving for us. "Don't worry Professor," Ash said, "We'll talk again soon." The professor nodded, "Good luck," he said before hanging up.


My friends and I were sitting at a table outside in a small park, with all of our Pokémon out. Our map was lying on the table to see which way we should head off. I was cleaning the egg before looking over at Ash as he spoke, "Hey, Emma, when do you think that Egg will hatch?"

"I don't really know," I admitted. "I can't wait for it to hatch," Misty said with a smile, "Are you going to keep it?" I blinked, "Uh, yeah, I think I will... why?" Misty smiled, "If it's a water type, please let me have it," she said. "No way," Ash said before I could speak, "It's her egg, she should keep the Pokémon."

"It does sounds fair, Misty," Brock agreed with Ash. "Psyduck." I looked to my side and stared down at Misty's Psyduck, who was by my side, staring up at me with it's hands on it's head. "What is it, Psyduck?" I asked and I saw it's eyes sliding to the egg. "Psyduck," it said, tilting it's head.

"Um... are you curious about the egg too?" I asked as Tyrogue walked closer. "Psyduck," the Duck Pokémon said. "What is it now?" Misty asked in annoyance. Tyrogue looked at Psyduck, "Tyrogue, Tyro?" Psyduck looked at Tyrogue, "Psy... Psyduck."

"What are they on about?" Misty asked. Tyrogue looked at me, "Tyro." He held his arms out for the egg and I smiled, "You want to take care of the egg for now?" He nodded, "Tyro." I handed the egg to him, "Okay, be careful with it, okay?" Tyrogue nodded, "Tyrogue." He looked at Psyduck, "Tyro."

The two of them walked toward the other Pokémon. "Wow, Tyrogue sure has a lot of patience to be with Psyduck," Misty said. I chuckled, "He sure does. Those two getting along very well from what I've seen."

"It seems they just want to give you also a break from taking care of the egg all the time," Brock told me. I nodded as I watched a few other of our Pokémon gathering around the egg.

I turned back to the map, "Okay, so, where to now?" I asked as my friends turned to the map too. "We're could get to Cinnabar Island to Cinnabar Gym," Misty suggested. "Cinnabar Gym... How far is it?" Ash asked. "Mmm, it looks pretty far," Brock said.


We all looked back at the Pokémon, standing up when we spotted two people standing there with them. "Uh?" we asked. "Hello!" one of them said to me and my friends and we walked closer. I noticed Tyrogue was holding the egg protectively in his arms. "We just said that this egg looks very taken care of," the woman said in a soft voice.

"Uh... thanks?" I asked as I looked at them in confusion. "Who are you?" Brock asked in confusion as Tyrogue held the egg back to me, and I took it.

They held out baskets with Pokémon eggs inside them. "Would you like to buy some Pokémon eggs?" they asked together. "But we already have one," Ash said in confusion, "We don't need another."

"Speak for yourself," Misty said, "Emma has an egg, I would like one too." She turned to the two sellers and took one egg, "What kind of egg is that?"

"You'll find out when it will hatch," the woman said. "Uh, I don't know about this, Misty," I said. "Nonsense, dear," the woman said, "Every Pokémon egg here is different from the other. Would you mind if we'll take a look of your egg again?"

She reached for the egg in my arms and I took a step back. "Uh, yeah, I kinda do," I said. My Scyther stepped forward and held his scythe forward to make sure the woman will back away, "Scyther."

"How much is it?" Misty asked, holding the egg she took earlier. "Oh it's free," the woman answered. I raised an eyebrow as she took a step closer to me again. "Mmm..." she hummed as she studied the egg in my arms.

Before I knew it, she snatched the egg from me. "Hey!" I said as she quickly moved away to stand next to the second woman. They pulled off their costumes to show it was Jessie and James. "Team Rocket!" my friends called. "Give me back the egg!" I shouted angrily.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



Suddenly Poliwhirl used Water Gun from their side, making them yell as they were thrown to the other side, making Jessie drop the egg. Arbok, Meowth and Weezing jumped from the bushes and Meowth caught the egg with a laugh.

"Meowth!" I shouted. "Thanks for the egg," he said as Jessie and James stood up. Then Ash's Pidgeotto flew closer quickly and snatched the egg with his claws, flying back over. "Hey! Stealing is our thing!" Meowth said as Pidgeotto held the egg toward me. I took it, "Thanks, Pidgeotto."

"Get that Egg, Weezing!" James said. "You too, Arobk," Jessie said. Weezing used Smokescreen, which made me cover my mouth with one hand as I held the egg tightly. "Pidgeotto, use--" Ash started but I saw Arbok charging forward, hitting him with it's body, making him fall backward.

"Ash!" I said before something hit me in the back, making me let go of the egg. I gasped as I saw Jessie grabbing the egg and she laugh before she yelp when Tentacool tackled her from the side, making her drop the egg.

Misty grabbed the egg, "Emma, I got it!" she called before she was tackled backward by Meowth. "It's my egg now!" he said as he grabbed the egg and ran away. "Pidgeotto, use Gust!" Ash said. "Zubat, Double Team!" Brock called.

Both the Bird Pokémon and the Bat Pokémon used Gust together, pushing the smock away, and we saw Team Rocket running away with the egg. "The egg!" I shouted.

To our surprise, Ash's Charizard landed in front of Team Rocket, making them stop. "Charizard?" Ash asked. Charizard threw his tail forward, hitting Meowth hard, making him let go of the egg, and it flew backward toward us. Tentacool caught it with it's tentacle, "Tentacool."

"Good catch, Tentacool," Brock said and I walked closer. Tentacool held the egg toward me and I took it. "My egg!" Meowth said and Tentacool looked at it. Suddenly it's body turned bright and we stared down at it. "Tentacool?" I asked.

Tentacool grow larger and the light disappeared, showing it evolved into a Tentacruel. I smiled, "Tentacruel!" Tentacruel looked at Team Rocket, and they froze. Charizard moved away, turning back to lay down on the grass.

"Tentacruel, use Poison Sting!" I said. The middle orb on Tentacruel's forehead glow purple and it fired multiple purple darts from it at Team Rocket, making them yell.

I felt the egg suddenly becoming warmer and I blinked, "Huh?" My friends and all the Pokémon walked closer. "What's wrong?" Brock asked.

"The egg... it's... it's getting warmer, which means..." I trailed off. "Is it hatching?" Misty asked with a smile. "Yes," I answered as I looked closer when a crack appeared on top of the egg, the egg glow as we stared at it in awe.

The light disappeared after a moment, and more cracks appeared, before it broke and a small, light yellow Pokémon popped out from the crack, still encased in its eggshell. It has stubby hands and round feet with two toes each. It has black eyes and five spikes on its head that seem to form a crown.

"Aw!" we all said together. "Hey, there," I said as the small cute Pokémon blinked as it stared at me for a moment. It gave a cute smile, "Togy!"

"How cute!" Misty said. "Hey, there," Ash said as the Pokémon stared at him too, "Togy," it said. "My. Egg!" Meowth shouted. Brock's Onix suddenly charged forward, hitting Team Rock with it's body, making them yell as they flew away into the sky.


Ash and I were sitting on the bench and Misty and Brock where leaning over from behind us, with all of our Pokémon gathered around (except Charizard, who was lying on the grass) to look at the cute new Pokémon.

The new Pokémon was on my lap, jumping from my lap to Ash's in delight. "It's so cute," Misty said. "But what is it?" Brock asked. "Let me see..." Ash trailed off as he pulled out his Dexter, "Mmm."

Togepi, an Egg Pokémon. Specific information about this Pokémon is still unavailable.

"Togepi, huh?" I asked as Togepi looked at Ash's Dexter curiously. "It's name is cute too," Misty said. I petted Togepi on the head and it smiled before jumping up and down happily, "Togy, Togy!"

"It sure is a happy Pokémon," Ash said before turning back to the Dexter. "Can I keep this one, Emma?" Misty asked. Ash looked up in annoyance, "Lay off, Misty, Emma should keep it since she took care of it all this time." Misty ignored him as she looked at me, "Please?"

"Problem is Misty, that Togepi seem to enjoy Emma's company more," Brock said, "So does Ash's." We looked down at Togepi to see it was looking between me and Ash with a cute smile, "Togy."

"Pika," Ash's Pikachu said as he jumped on Ash's lap. Ash turned his Dexter again on Togepi.

Togepi is imprinted with the image of the first thing it sees after it hatches, thinking this is its parents.

"Now I see," Brock said. "See what?" Misty asked. "The first thing Togepi saw, was Ash and Emma," Brock said, "Which means, it thinks they are it's Mom and Dad."

"What?!" Ash and I asked together as we looked at each other. "Oh, is that it?" Misty teased and took Togepi up, "Is that true? Do you think Emma and Ash are your Mommy and Daddy?"

Togepi called happily, which seemed to confirmed it. "Uh..." I trailed off as I felt my cheeks heating up and looked at Ash again to see his cheeks pink too. "Well then, nothing else to say but congratulations," Misty teased as she placed Togepi back on my lap.

"Great..." Ash trailed off. Misty looked at all the Pokémon, "What do you guys think of it?" She smirked as she looked between me and Ash, "I'm sure your guys' Pokémon are very happy having a baby sibling."

"Knock it off," we said together before exchanging a quick look. Brock laughed while Misty smirked. "Okay, okay, we'll stop," Brock said with a smile and looked between me and Ash, "So which one of you will catch it?"

"Emma should have it," Ash said and looked at me, "Go on, Emma, you take Togepi." Misty smirked again, "Mmmm." I looked at Togepi as I ignored Misty, "What do you think, Togepi?"

Togepi jumped up and down in delight. Ismiled and took Togepi into my arms, "Well then, welcome to thefamily." Togepi smiled, "Togy!" It looked between me and Ashbefore closing it's eyes, smiling.
