Chapter 2 - Yellow Friend

"I think I'm lost," I mumbled, looking around the forest. I was walking for an hour or so - I think. I sighed and continued to walk around. I soon stopped walking when I heard noises. I looked at some bushes, where the noises came from and slowly walked closer to it.

I swallowed, staring at the bushes, "H--Hello?" I asked and the bushes stopped moving. I looked closer and all of a sudden, a small yellow Pokémon jumped up from the bushes, "Pichu."

We stared at each other for a moment before screaming, jumping a few steps away from each other. But the Pokémon fall down into the bushes and I rushed back over to it. I looked inside and the yellow Pokémon was on the ground, shaking it's head before looking back up to meet me.

It's a small, ground-dwelling rodent Pokémon with pale yellow fur. Its ear-tips, collar, and tail are black and angular. It has pink cheeks, and its tiny nose looks like a dot.

"You're a Pichu," I stated, smiling a little at the cute Pokémon. "Pichu," It said, standing up. It jumped off the bushes and moved away from me. "Wait," I called, making it to turn back to me.

"Can you please help me get back home?" I asked, walking over to it. It pointed at itself as if asking if I was talking to it. "Yes, I was talking to you. Can you please help me?" I asked, kneeling down.

It put its paw under its chin, thinking for a moment and it looked at me. It gave a small smile and nodded, "Pichu." I smiled, "Really? Thank you!" I said. It nodded and I stood up, looking around. "My house is really big, I can't climbed on the trees to see it."

"Pichu," It said before running to a tree and climbing on it. It disappeared up and I looked at the tree, blinking a few times. After a moment, Pichu climbed down the tree. "Pichu!" It said, pointing behind it with a smile. "You know where my house is?" I asked and it nodded.

"Great, can you lead the way?" I asked with a smile. "Pichu," It said, smiling with a nod. The yellow Pokémon started leading the way for me to go back home and I followed it.

After a few minutes, I heard a small cute noises and stopped as Pichu did as well. It looked down at its tummy, covering it with its paws. "I guess you hungry, right?" I said. It blushed a little as it looked up at me with a shyly smile, "Pichu," It agreed, rubbing a paw behind its head.

I smiled and looked around. My eyes stopped at the apple tree and I rushed towards it. I pulled out a red apple and turned to Pichu as it followed behind me. I kneeled down to it, holding the apple, "There you go," I said.

"Pichu!" It said with a big smile before taking the apple from my hand. I smiled, watching it eating. That Pichu is so cute!

"Hey, Pichu," I started as it soon finished to eat. It looked up at me as I continued, "You seem like a female Pichu, you a girl, am I right?" It smiled and nodded, "Pichu!" I smiled, "I knew it! Well, are you still hungry?" I asked. She shook her head and turned to her side, pointing to the direction where we were heading before, "Pichu!"

"Okay, let's go," I said, standing up. We continued to walk towards my house, "I wonder if anyone noticed I was missing," I mumbled to myself. "I guess maybe not." I looked at the ground and met Pichu's gaze, staring back at me. "Pichu?" She asked and I noticed in the female Pokémon's eyes concern.

I smiled down at her a little and shook my head, "We should be close right?" I said and she nodded before looking back ahead. But then, she stopped and looked around, "Pichu?"

"What's wrong, Pichu?" I asked as the mouse Pokémon continued to look around. She suddenly turned serious as she quickly walked behind me and looked at the direction we came from, "Pichu!"

Then, noises came from the distances. "What is that?" I asked. "Pichu," Pichu said, angry. Suddenly, a group of Beedrill came from the trees. "Beedrill!" I called, taking a step backwards. "Pichu!" Pichu called angrily.

The Beedrill came closer, "Run!" I called to Pichu before running but then stopped when I saw Pichu still standing there, ready to attack. I think maybe they know each other - And this wasn't good.

"Pichu!" I called but the yellow Pokémon didn't listen and then, they started to attack each other. A group of Beedrill against one Pichu wasn't right. "Stop it! Leave her alone!" I called to the Beedrill, making one of them to look at me.

I stared at it and then, it went to my direction. I gasped and suddenly, Pichu rushed back to my side and used Tackle on the Bee Pokémon. It crushed to the ground and the other Beedrill came up to it before looking at us.

"Now let's run," I said, pulling Pichu into my arms before taking off. I looked behind me to see the Beedrill were following us. "Pichu..." Pichu said, angrily looking at them before getting itself out of my arms.

"Pichu, no!" I said as I stopped to see her running back to the group. "Pichu!" She yelled. Suddenly, one of the Beedrill rushed up everyone else and pointed it's sting at Pichu as it rushed to the small female Pokémon.

"Pichu, look out!" I yelled as I rushed to the mouse Pokémon. I quickly grabbed the yellow Pokémon to my arms and turned around. Suddenly, I felt something painful on my back and I fell forwards to the ground, holding Pichu tightly into my arms.


I hold back a cry of pain and looked down, smiling slightly at the small Pokémon, glad that the female was looking okay. "Pichu... are you alright?" I asked and she stared at me with her mouth slightly opened. "Pichu, Pi..." She said, getting out of my arms only to placed her paws on my arm.

I slowly sat up, trying to ignore the pain on my back. "Pichu," Pichu said, her voice sound concern. "I'm... fine," I lied giving her a small smile. the yellow Pokémon stared at me for a moment before looking back over my shoulder. I looked behind my shoulder to see the Beedrill flying down towards us.

I quickly pulled Pichu back to my arms and slowly got up but then I fell to my knees, crying in pain a little through my teeth. My back was hurt. "Pichu!" Pichu called to me, looking at me with worry eyes. I looked back at the Beedrill as they came closer and then I looked back at Pichu before holding the female tightly into my arms, protecting her from the Beedrill.

Suddenly, Pichu pulled herself from my arms and jumped behind me. "Pichu," I started but then saw that she looked up at the Beedrill with angry eyes, "Pi..." She started, yellow sparks showing through her pink cheeks. "Chu!" She suddenly used a Thunder Shock on all the Beedrill, making me to cover my eyes with my hand.

Soon after that, I heard crushing and uncovered my eyes to see the Beedrill on the ground. I looked down at Pichu and she was breathing heavily. "Pichu, are you okay?" I asked, trying to get up but my back didn't let me and I winced in pain. Pichu looked at me and rushed back to my side, "Pichu."

I suddenly looked up at the sky, a shimmering golden Pokémon was flying between the clouds. "What is that?" I asked. "Pichu..." Pichu said, gazing at the golden Pokémon as well before it disappeared.

We looked back at the Beedrill and saw they were getting back up. "Not again," I mumbled. Pichu stood in front of me, "Pichu!" She said, angrily.

"Emma!" We all froze when we heard Danny's voice.

Suddenly, a Charizard came flying from above and it stood between me, Pichu and the Beedrill. The Beedrill took a few steps back as they looked at the Charizard. It glanced over its shoulder down at me and I smiled, "Hookfang!" I called to Danny's first Pokémon, calling him by his nickname.

"Emma!" I looked over my shoulder to see Danny running through the bushes with his shiny Raticate. He rushed to my side and kneeled down, "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, "I'll be fine."

He then looked at the Beedrill and they looked scared. "What the?" He asked, getting up. "Did you attack my baby sister?" The Beedrill all looked down and I frowned. "Danny, how--"

"Do you remember the group of Weedle that I used to have? Well, they all evolved," He replied, cutting me off. "Oh," That was all I could say. He then looked back at the Beedrill, "You guys, this is Emma. How could you forget the kid that you helped take care of?"

The Beedrill all looked down again, feeling ashamed. "It's okay," I said, "I didn't know they evolved. We all guilty. We okay." The Beedrill all looked relieved by that and I smiled.

Pichu turned back to me, "Pichu, Pichu, Pi," She called, placing her paw on my arm. "Who's this Pichu?" Danny asked and I smiled. "This it a wild Pichu. I saved her and she saved me. We saved each other, right?" I said. The female Pokémon smiled and nodded, "Pichu."

"Well, we need to go," Danny said and sighed. "Mom is worried." I was about to stand up but I forgot about my back and I fell back, crying slightly. "Emma, what happened?" He asked as all the Pokémon gathered around us. "My back... It's hurt," I said.

"Poison sting?" He asked and I nodded. He picked me up, "Let's go home. We lucky you didn't fainted yet," He said but then my eyes slightly grow heavily. "I take it back. Let's go guys. Thank you, Pichu."

I felt we were moving and I looked over Danny's shoulder to see Pichu standing still, looking back at me. I had my hand around Danny's neck and moved it slightly to Pichu's direction before letting my eyes to drop.
