Chapter 40 - Hello, Tyrogue

"Are we there yet?" Ash asked for the sixth time. "Or are we even close to the next town?" He asked as I studied the map. "Stop asking her every two minutes and let her figure it out," Misty defended me as she sat next to me on the rock. "Hey, you complaining more then me," Ash said.

"Am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Am not!"




I looked up from the map in annoyance, "Quiet!" I snapped, making them look at me, "One more word and it's Time Out!" They exchanged a nervous look as I looked back at the map, ignoring Brock's amused look.

"Okay... I think if we'll go through this path..." I said and pointed behind Ash on a path, which my friends followed my finger, "We should get to the next town in a few hours."

"A few hours?" Misty asked sadly. "Works for me," Ash said. "Let's go then," Brock said as I stood up. "Come on," I said as I walked past my friends to lead. My Pikachu quickly followed and jumped up to my shoulder. "Emma, isn't there a shortcut?" Misty asked. "Nope," I said as I looked back at the map.

"Pi?" my Pikachu asked and I glanced over to her on my shoulder to see she was looking forward in confusion. We all stopped walking as we looked forward to see a Pokémon sitting in the middle of the path with its legs crossed.

It was a humanoid Pokémon with a predominantly pale purple body and brown hips and feet that resemble short pants and shoes. It has three blunt protrusions on top of its head, and circular sections on each side of its head that resemble protective padding. There are white bands resembling bandages on its torso and wrists. It has thin limbs, and its hands have three fingers each. It had a ripped blue neckerchief around its neck.

"What's that?" Misty asked. "Is that a Tyrogue?" I asked. Ash pulled out his Dexter, "Tyrogue?"

Tyrogue. No information available.

"No information?" Ash asked. "He can evolve to either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan," I said as Ash put his Dexter into his pocket. "By the looks of it, I think he's hungry," Brock said, "See him holding his stomach?"

"Let's see then," I said as I opened my backpack and pulled out Pokémon food. I walked closer to Tyrogue, and kneeled down as I held some food, "Hey there." Tyrogue opened his eyes and looked at me, "There you go, have some food."

Tyrogue didn't took the food and looked away. "Doesn't seem hungry then," Ash said behind me. "Pika," his Pikachu said. "Do you have anything else, Emma?" Misty asked. "I think so, let me see," I said as I placed my backpack down and opened it again.

Before I could reach inside, Tyrogue grabbed the food inside my backpack and ran away. "Hey!" We said. "You can't steal someone else's food!" Ash said as Tyrogue stopped to face us.

"Tyrogue!" he called as he looked up to the trees, and lots chestnuts were thrown on me and my friends from the trees. I saw that Tyrogue was running away, "Hey! Wait!" I tried to follow but suddenly a Mankey and Primeape fell down the trees and I stopped.

"A Primeape and a Mankey," Misty said as they ran away. "They must be Tyrogue's friends," Brock said. We saw Tyrouge handing the food to Primeape and all three of them climbed up the cliff. "Stop! Get back here!" I called but they ran away.

"Is everything okay?" a familiar female voice asked and we all looked to the side to see Nurse Joy with her Chansey. "Nurse Joy?" we asked.


Nurse Joy had leaded us to her Pokémon Center. It was a small place near the lake. We told her what happened and after that she sighed, "Oh, those trio are quite of troublemakers."

"You know them?" Misty asked. "Yes, unfortunately do to all the troubles they cause in our small village," Nurse Joy said, "You see a few months ago, one of my Chansey found Tyrogue near the lake, and brought him here in the Pokémon Center, and when I helped him heal, he was angry and acted cold. I believe he was abandoned by his Trainer."

"That's sad," Misty said sadly. Nurse Joy nodded, "And a month after that, Tyrogue appeared and caused trouble to the people in the village, along with Primeape and Mankey. The people in the village want to hunt them down so they won't cause any more trouble, but I keep insisting that we need to settle the situation in a different way."

"That's right," I said. Brock suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Nurse Joy's hand, "I will be more than happy to stay and help with this." Misty slapped Brock on the back of his head, making him groan and held his head. "Hey, wait a minute," I said with a smile, "Brock is right."

"Huh?" my friends asked together but I ignored them and looked at Nurse Joy, "Nurse Joy, why don't let us take care of it?" Nurse Joy smiled, "You will?"

"We will?!" Misty asked. "Yes," I said. Just then, a Chansey ran inside, "Chansey! Chansey!" She called. "What is it, Chansey?" Nurse Joy asked. Right then, we heard people yelling outside. "What's going on out there?" she asked and we all ran outside.

We looked toward a group of people standing far away and we ran toward them. "What's going on?" Ash asked. "That Tyrogue again," one of the men next to us answered, "He and his gang smashed the farm house windows."

We pushed ourselves between the crowd and got to the front to see a small farm and near it a house with all the windows were broken. "Oh my," Nurse Joy said. "We need to take care of those three once and for all!" a man shouted.


Nurse Joy turned to the people, "Please, everyone, just calm down. Hunting them down isn't the right solution," She said. "It's the only way to stop this vandalism!" one of the people called. "Hunt them down!" another called.

"Please, everyone just listen, those four kids are Pokémon trainers, they agreed to help us," Nurse Joy said as she pointed at me and my friends in the crowd, making everyone looked at us. "So please, give them a chance."

Me and my friends walked to stand next to Nurse Joy. "We let trainers a chance, they couldn't do it, so why give those kids one?" one asked and there were shouts of agreement. Nurse Joy turned to us worriedly as the crowd continued to shout.

I sighed and step forward, "Okay, listen up!" I shouted which got everyone's attention, "I understand the frustration, but please, I'm sure that we can get Tyrogue and his friends to stop all of this. Give us some time. Please." The crowd started to talk to each other for a moment. "One day," a woman in the front said to us, "We give one day."


"What now?" Ash asked as Nurse Joy, me and my friends were sitting on the couches of the Pokémon Center. "We can't waste time," I said as I got up, "We need to get going and find Tyrogue and his gang."

"How are we going to get them to stop?" Brock asked. I tilted my head, "I'll think of something on the way," I said. "Huh?" my friends asked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Ash's arm to pull him up, "Come on." I looked at Nurse Joy, "We'll be back soon, Nurse Joy," I said. "Good luck," Nurse Joy said as me and my friends ran outside.


We were all looking around in the mountain for Tyrogue and his gang. "Where are they?" Misty asked. "Tyrogue!" I called, "Come on out!" Ash looked at me, "So how are we doing it?"

"I'll challenge him to a battle," I said. "Huh?" my friends asked. "Pika-chu!" my Pikachu called. "Come on out, Tyrogue!" I called, "Let's have a battle! You and me!"


We turned around and saw Tyrogue between Mankey and Primeape looking at us. "Tyrogue," Brock said. "Okay, Tyrogue, I'm challenging you to a battle," I said, "What do you say?" Mankey and Primeape stepped forward but Tyrogue held his arms out, stopping them before walking forward. He stopped as he stared at me for a moment before nodding, "Tyro."

"Great," I said with a smile. "Good luck, Em," Misty said as she and the boys moved away to stand at the side. I glanced at my Pikachu, "Let's do it, Pikachu."

"Pika," she agreed and jumped off of my shoulder to stand in front of me. "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!" I called. "Pika-chu!" Pikachu's cheeks glowed yellow, then she released multiple lightning bolts from her body toward Tyrogue, which he dodged a few times until she stopped.

Tyrogue ran toward Pikachu. "Dodge!" I called. Pikachu moved away before Tyrogue could hit her. "Pikachu, use--" I was cut off when a rope wrapped around Tyrogue from above and swip him off the ground. "Tyrogue!" I called before we heard a familiar annoying laughter with a Meowth air balloon.

"Prepare for trouble as Tyrogue sails away!"

"And make it double, 'cause we really can't stay!"

"Pow! To protect the world with a mean right hook!"

"Wam! To unite all peoples with my kickboxer look!"

"To denounce the evils of honest fights!"

"To extend our arms and punch out your lights!"



"And Team Rocket's the winner at the speed of light!"

"So surrender at once, 'cause we've just won this fight!"

"That's right!"

"Team Rocket!" We called. "You just don't know when to quit!" Ash said. "We got Tyrogue all tied up to our new Team Rocket recruitment agreement," Jessie said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Ash asked. "It means Tyrogue here has become the newly imported member," James said.

"Now this is a blast!" Team Rocket said as their air balloon started to fly away. "Tyrogue!" I shouted and we all started to ran after the balloon, along with Mankey and Primeape. I held Scyther's Poké ball and threw it, "Scyther, blow this air balloon!"

Scyther was released and flew straight toward Team Rocket's air balloon, cutting the balloon to half. I ran faster as Scyther cut the rope which made Tyrogue fell down toward the ground. I jumped forward and caught Tyrogue as I fell to the ground on my back.


I groaned in pain as I sat up, "Ow," I muttered before looking down at a surprised Tyrogue with a small smile, "Are you okay, Tyrogue?" Before he could answer we saw a few small of rocks felling down close to us and we looked up the cliff to see Team Rocket's air balloon was sitting on a huge rock before it fell with them as they yelled.

I pulled Tyrogue into my arms as we saw the rock rolling straight toward us. Before anything could happened, Brock's Onix appeared and pushed the rock away from us. I smiled in relief as I looked up at Onix, "Thanks Onix."

"Emma, are you okay?" Ash asked as my friends reached over along with Scyther. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said with a smile and looked at Tyrogue, "What about you?" Tyrogue nodded slightly, "Tyro." I pulled the rope off of him and threw it to the side.

"Excuse me!" Jessie shouted and we looked to the other side at Team Rocket. "If you think we're done, then you are wrong!" Meowth said. Jessie and James threw their Poké balls, releasing Arbok and Weezing.

I sat Tyrogue down and stood up, "Okay." I looked at Scyther and my Pikachu, "Let's do it, then! Scyther, Pikachu, Quick Attack!" Both my Pokémon used the attacks together, tackling both Arbok and Weezing backward.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" I called. Pikachu released a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from her body and straight toward Team Rocket, electrifying them as they screamed before she stopped. "Onix, tackle!" Brock called and Onix slid toward them quickly, hitting them up into the air.

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!"

"That's better," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down at Tyrogue, as he looked up at me.


"Nurse Joy!"

Nurse Joy smiled as she turned to face us when we got back and found her at the lake. "You're back," She said in delight before looking a bit shocked to see we had Tyrogue, Mankey and Primeape with us. "Oh!"

"We had a talk with Tyrogue, Mankey and Primeape, and the three of them agreed to live in peace with the village people and not to cause any more trouble for them," Ash said. "How did you convinced them?" Nurse Joy asked.

I kneeled next to Tyrough, "We showed them, not all humans are bad," I said and smiled as I noticed that the village people were gathering around. "I don't know about Mankey and Primeape, but as you said, Nurse Joy, Tyrogue has been abandoned, he was with the wrong kind of trainer." I placed my hands on both Mankey and Tyrogue's heads, "But I think we showed him that not all Pokémon trainers are bad people, we showed him and his friends that there are trainers that will do anything to protect and care for Pokémon, wild or not. Pokémon have feelings, just like us, humans."

I stood up and looked at Nurse Joy as Misty spoke to her, "We really hope that from now on everyone can accept them as friends and not enemies." Nurse Joy smiled, "I hope so too."


Me and my friends were getting ready to leave the Pokémon Center, but before we were leaving we waited for Nurse Joy to finish checking on Tyrogue, Mankey and Primeape.

"They all okay," Nurse Joy said as she walked toward us, along with the trio following behind her. "That's great to hear," Brock said as we all smiled at the Pokémon. I looked at Nurse Joy, "So, what's going to happen now?"

"Well, I was thinking of letting Tyrogue, Mankey and Primeape stay with me," Nurse Joy said. "That's great!" Misty said and we looked down at the Pokémon. "What do you guys think?" Ash asked. Mankey and Primeape nodded, liking the idea but Tyrogue didn't answer at all and instead stepped forward and pointed at my Pikachu, "Tyro."

"Huh?" I asked. "Pika?" my Pikachu asked. "Oh! Our battle, you want to continue it?" I asked and Tyrogue nodded. I smiled, "Okay!" I looked down at my Pikachu, "Ready, Pikachu?" She nodded, "Pika!"

We all walked outside and stopped near the lake. "Are you ready, Tyrogue?" I asked and he nodded as he stood in a fighting stand, "Tyro." I looked at my Pikachu, "Okay, Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

Pikachu ran at a fast speed toward Tyrogue, but Tyrogue suddenly used Double Team, which caused Pikachu to stop. "Pika?" she asked. "That's Double Team!" Brock said. "Concentrate, Pikachu," I said, "Find the real Tyrogue, you can do it!"

Pikachu stood on four again, closing her eyes as she moved her ears up. She seemed to find the real one and opened her eyes. "Tail Whip!" I called and she jumped up and flipped over, hitting her tail on one of the Tyrogue. All the Tyrogue disappeared and revealed that Pikachu hit the real one, which caused him to move backward a little because of the hit.

"Nice shot," I said. "Pika," my Pikachu said as she stood on four, swinging her tail back and forth. "I didn't know Pikachu can do that," Ash said. Tyrogue jumped up and toward Pikachu as he held one of his feet, ready to use Jump Kick. "Tail Whip!" I called. Pikachu jumped up to meet Tyrogue, hitting him with her tail, this time, the hit threw him into the lake.

"What a hit!" Brock said. "Pika-chu!" Ash's Pikachu called. Tyrogue stood up in the lake and looked at my Pikachu before collapsed onto his knees in defeat. "Pika," my Pikachu said. I walked closer and into the lake before walking toward Tyrogue as I saw that the blue neckerchief had somehow slipped from his neck and was floating away slowly.

I took Tyrouge into my arms and moved back to land. "You okay?" I asked as I gently placed Tyrogue on the grass. "Tyro..." he said. I grabbed my backpack and opened it. I pulled out one of my ribbons, which was a red one and tied it around Tyrogue's neck, turning it as a new neckerchief for him. "Your old one is floating away in the water, so I thought you'll like a new one," I said.

"That's so cool," Misty said. "That was an awesome battle, you fought really great, Tyrogue," Ash said. "Well done, both you and Pikachu, Tyrogue," Nurse Joy said. My Pikachu held her paw to Tyrogue, "Pikachu." Tyrogue let a small smile appear on his face and shook her paw, "Tyro."

"You know... I would like to ask you something, Tyrogue," I said. "Tyro?" he asked. I pulled out a Poké ball, "I would like to catch you. I would love for someone like you to be part of the family. We'll get stronger together. What do you say?" I held the Poké ball forward and waited for his answer.

Tyrogue glanced over at Mankey and Primeape, which the pair nodded. Tyrogue looked back at me quickly and nodded with a smile, "Tyro!" He pressed the button of the Poké ball, which it opened and red light appeared around Tyrogue, and into the Poké ball.

We all watched the Poké ball moving in my hand for a moment before stopping, making Tyrogue my new Pokémon. I stood up with a smile, "All right, I caught Tyrogue!"

"Pi-Pika-Chu!" My Pikachu called with a smile. "All right!" Misty said as they all smiled. "Congratulations," Ash said. "Pika-chu!" his Pikachu said. "Good job," Brock said. "Well done," Nurse Joy said, "Take good care of him." I nodded, "I will," I said and looked at Mankey and Primeape, "I promise."


We all waved goodbye to Mankey, Primeape and Nurse Joy, along with Tyrogue. "Goodbye, take care of yourselves," Nurse Joy said. "Bye," we said. "Take care." I looked down at Tyrogue and smiled.
