Chapter 52 - The Flame Pokémon-athon!

My friends and I were having a nice day on the field, not far from a small town, relaxing with our Pokémon. I laid my head on my backpack and sighed, "It's so nice today."

"It sure is," Brock agreed as he folded the map. I saw Ash looking to the side, "Hey, Togepi don't wonder off too far," he said. "Togy!" I heard Togepi calling and I looked to where it was going to see it was wondering toward the flowers.

"Shouldn't we ask for one of the Pokémon to go there with it?" Ash asked as I sat up. We watched Tyrogue and Psyduck walking toward Togepi. "That's covered up," Misty said. "Yep," I said with a smile.

Third Person POV

Togepi was picking up two flowers while Tyrogue and Psyduck were watching over it (or more like Tyrogue was watching over both Togepi and Psyduck).

Togepi turned to the two Pokemon, "Togy!" it said in delight as it held out the flowers. Tyrogue and Psyduck took them. "Tyro!" Tyrogue thanked the Egg Pokémon, which caused it to smile.

"Psyduck," the Duck Pokémon said. Tyrogue looked at it while Togepi turned around and walked to a different flowers. Psyduck stared at the flower in it's hand with a blank look, "Psy..." Tyrogue blinked before looking toward Togepi.

Togepi looked around at the flowers and jumped up and down in delight, "Togy! Togepry!" It stopped jumping when it spotted a couple of roses not far from it. It smiled, thinking maybe it's 'mother' would like the flowers and walked toward them in delight, "Togy."

Tyrogue had now been watching Psyduck staring at the flower in it's hand. "Tyro?" Tyrogue asked in confusion, wanting to know what's wrong with the flower since the Duck Pokémon kept staring at it.

"Psy... Psyduck," Psyduck said and Tyrogue sighed before looking to where he saw Togepi standing. To his surprise and horror, Togepi wasn't there and he looked around worriedly, "Tyro? Tyrogue!" Psyduck finally looked up from the flower as Tyrogue spotted the Egg Pokémon next to the roses, which caused him to sigh in relief.

Togepi pulled one of the roses and tagged it out, rolling backward one time. Tyrogue quickly walked toward it and held it up to it's feet, "Tyro, Tyrogue."

Togepi smiled as it waved the rose, "Togepry." Tyrogue smiled at the baby Pokémon and shook his head lightly, "Tyro..." His smile faded away when he heard a cry not far from them and looked to the side to see a Pokémon with three heads running straight toward him and Togepi.

It was a large, wingless, three-headed avian Pokémon. Each head has a long, sharp beak and a black V-shaped, feather crest. It has bristly brown feathers covering its heads and upper body, while its lower half has a smooth layer of black feathers. Its tail consists of three pale red feathers with lighter tips. Its wingless body rests on two long and slender legs with feet that have three clawed toes in front and one in back.

Tyrogue grabbed Togepi and pulled it out of the way before the Pokémon could have hurt the baby Pokémon. Emma and her friends had run closer with all the other Pokémon. "Togepi! Tyrogue, are you two okay?" Emma asked.

"Tyro," Tyrogue answered with a nod and held out Togepi to his trainer. Emma took the Egg Pokémon as it looked down at the roses, sad at seeing them, including the one it picked up for Emma, have been crushed by the three headed Pokémon. "Togy..." it said in a sad tone.

"Watch it!"

Everyone looked over when a male voice spoke up. It was a young boy, looking about Emma, Ash and Misty's age, sitting on the back of the three headed Pokémon. He was glaring at Emma and her friends, "You should keep your Pokémon by your side!"

They glared at him. "Hey, you the one who should watch it!" Ash said. "Yeah, Togepi didn't do anything wrong! It was just picking up flowers!" Misty said. "Tyro!" Tyrogue said angrily as he glared at the boy.

"It's practice field, get it?" the boy asked, "I go wherever I want." Emma glared at him, "Apologize to Togepi, right now!" She said. "Why should I?" the boy asked, "I got no time for this, I got a race to win."

With that said, the boy ran off with his Pokémon. "That little--" Emma started as she took a step as if she was going to go after him but she didn't. "What a jerk," Misty said and Brock gave a small nod. Ash pulled out his Dexter, "What was that Pokémon?" he asked.

Dodrio, a three-headed Bird Pokémon that can run faster than it can fly. Its three heads represent joy, sorrow, and anger.

"A Dodrio huh?" Ash muttered before he noticed Togepi was still sad, "Hey, what's wrong Togepi?" Emma and the others looked at Togepi and it pointed to the crushed roses, "Togy..."

They looked at the roses. "I see, you sad because the roses were crushed," Brock said. "Togy," it confirmed. "I'm sorry Togepi," Emma said as she petted the Egg Pokémon before she glared to the direction the boy went to.


Emma, Ash, Todd, Brock and Misty were inside the Pokémon Center. Emma's Pikachu, who was sitting on her trainer's shoulder, spotted a poster on the wall, "Pika?" She jumped from Emma's shoulder and ran to the wall. Emma stopped walking as she saw her female Pikachu running, "Hey, Pikachu, where you going?"

Her friends stopped walking and turned to Emma as she walked toward her Pikachu. Ash's Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and followed, before Ash and the others followed. Emma's Pikachu looked at the poster and pointed on it as she looked back at her trainer, "Pikachu-Pi."

Emma stood in front of the poster, "The Big P Pokémon Race?" she read. Her friends stood next to her and looked at the poster. "Could it be the same race that boy said?" Todd asked. "I think it is," Brock said as Emma smirked, having an idea.

"I know what to do," Emma said and her friends looked at her. "Do what?" Ash asked. "I'm going to compete in that race," Emma said. "Huh?" her friends asked together. Emma ignored them and ran toward Nurse Joy's desk.

"Nurse Joy," Emma said. "Hello," Nurse Joy said with a smile, "How can I help you today?" Emma pointed toward the poster, "Where can I sign for the race?" her Pikachu hopped on her shoulder as Nurse Joy pulled out a clipboard and laid it down on the counter.

"Here you go," she said, "Write your name on the paper and the name of your Pokémon that you'll be using." Emma nodded and placed Togepi on the counter, and wrote her name down as her friends walked closer. "But, Emma, what Pokémon you got to ride on?" Todd asked.

"I caught a Ponyta when we were at the Safari Zone," Emma answered as she wrote down Ponyta's name next to her name. "There you go Nurse Joy," she said. Nurse Joy took the clipboard with a smile, "You got here just in time." She handed her a paper, "In two days the race will begin, better start practicing."

"Thanks," Emma said as she looked at the paper in her hand before taking Togepi back into her arms. "So who you gonna send home?" Misty asked as they started to walk to the phone booth. "I guess Poliwhirl," Emma answered, "Just until the race will be over."

Emma dialed her home number as Todd turned to take a few pictures of Pokémon with their trainers. The family butler, Jeffrey had answered the phone as the screen turned on, "Hello, this is the Pierce residence."

"Hey Jeffrey," Emma said with a smile. "Pikachu-Pika!" her Pikachu said excitedly with a smile. "Miss Emma! Pikachu! How wonderful to see you, you looking well," Jeffrey said. "Thanks, it's great to see you too," Emma said. Jeffrey looked at Misty, "Hello, Miss Misty, it's nice to see you again."

"You too," Misty said with a smile. Jeffrey spotted Ash and Brock next to Emma, "And those two young men, from what I've heard, are Ash and Brock." Ash and Brock smiled. "Hey, I'm Ash," Ash said. His Pikachu hopped on his shoulder, "Pika-Pikachu!"

"Hey, I'm Brock," Brock said. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," Jeffrey said. Emma frowned at her friends, "Hey, where's Todd?" They looked behind them to see their new friend too busy taking pictures of the Pokémon around. "Never mind," Emma said with a chuckle before turning to Jeffrey.

"Jeffrey, I'll like you to meet Togepi," Emma said and looked down at Togepi in her arms, "Togepi meet Jeffrey, the family's best butler ever. He's been part of the family for years." Togepi waved it's hands around in delight, "Togy, Togepry!"

Jeffrey chuckled, "Hello there Togepi." Emma looked at Jeffrey, "Jeffrey, I wanted to ask for one of my Pokémon to come," she said. "Of course, Miss, which one would you like me to send you?" Jeffrey asked. "I want Ponyta," Emma answered, "I will send you Poliwhirl."

Jeffrey nodded, "Right away, Miss, let me get it prepare," he said. "Thank you," Emma said as he walked away from the screen. After a long moment, he walked back over with Poké ball, "Ponyta is very excited to meet you properly."

"Same," Emma said. She pulled out her Poliwhirl's Poké ball as she stepped toward the transfer machine. She placed the Poké ball inside and it disappeared, before another Poké ball appeared on the spot.

Emma took it and went back to the phone booth. "I got it," she said as Jeffrey held Poliwhirl's Poké ball, "Poliwhirl is right here," he said. "Thanks Jeffrey, I'll talk to you soon," Emma said. "Not a problem, Miss," Jeffrey said, "And don't worry, I've been taking care of Ponyta since it came, I made sure it knows who's it's real trainer is."

"Thanks," Emma said, "Say 'hey' to everyone for me." Jeffrey nodded, "Will do, Miss. Ash, Brock, Misty, it was nice to see you." Emma's friends waved, "You too, bye."

Emma hung up as the screen turned back. She turned around and threw the Poké ball, "Come on out!" Ponyta was released from the Poké ball, shaking it's mane. "Hey Ponyta," Emma said as she stepped closer. Ponyta looked at her in recognition and the girl petted it's mane, not feeling any heat from it.

"It doesn't hurt?" Ash asked. "No," Emma answered, "How you been Ponyta?" Her Pikachu waved, "Pika-chu." Togepi reached to touch Ponyta, "Togy."

"I guess because it knows Emma is it's trainer since Jeffrey did say he made sure it knows she was it's main trainer," Brock said as Todd walked closer. He took a picture, "It looks like it been trained well," he said as Ash pulled out his Dexter.

Ponyta, a Fire Horse Pokémon. Its mane is made of intense flames.

Ash walked closer, "Nice to meet you, Ponyta," he said and reached to pet it, but he felt the heat of it's mane so he backed away. "Looks like only Emma can touch it," Misty said with a chuckle. Emma looked at Ponyta, "Ponyta, there's a race I want to participate in, and I really need you for it, will you help?" Ponyta nodded and Emma smiled.


In the morning, Emma and her friends were at the field. Brock was setting up Ponyta for Emma, after the girl managed to convince Ponyta that Todd, Brock, Misty and Ash are friends. "Okay, all done," Brock said and looked at Ponyta, "Not to tight, right?"

Ponyta neighed and Emma stepped closer. "It was nice of Nurse Joy to let us borrow her riding gear," Misty said, "I didn't knew she even had something like that."

"Yeah," Emma agreed and looked at Ponyta, "Are we ready to practice Ponyta?" Ponyta nodded, neighing, so Emma got up on it's back. "All right Ponyta, let's see how fast you really are," the brunette girl said. Ponyta neighed and started to take off running with it's trainer on it's back.

"Wow! That's fast," Todd said in amazement. Togepi smiled and started to run (or walk) after them. Ash grabbed the Egg Pokémon and took it into his arms, "Sorry Togepi, but this time you're staying here." Togepi looked slightly disappointed, while Misty looked at Ash with a teasing smirk, "Fatherhood does wonders to you."

Ash glared at her, while his cheeks turned pink. "Knock it off," he hissed. Misty turned to watch Emma riding on Ponyta while still smirking. Emma and Ponyta had started to run back toward the group, Ponyta slowed down when they reached to them.

"Amazing speed, you sure going to win this race," Brock said. "Thanks," Emma said and looked down at Ponyta, "Ponyta, I'm counting on you, let's win this," she said and Ponyta neighed.

"What are you doing here still?"

They all looked over to see the same boy riding his Dodrio, slowing down next to them. The boy looked at Emma, "What are you doing?" he asked. Emma raised an eyebrow, "What does it look like?"

"You in the race?!" the boy asked. "Yep," Emma answered, "I thought it will be fun for me and my Ponyta." The boy glared at her, "You don't stand a chance to beat me."

"Oh yeah?!" Emma asked as she glared back at him. "It's my practice area, so go find somewhere else to practice," the boy said. "Hey, it's not your place, you can't tell her what to do," Misty said as she and the others glared at him. "Just ignore him," Emma said and looked back at the rude boy, using his words from earlier against him, "I got no time for this, I got a race to win."

The boy scoffed, "We'll see. Remember this, Dario is the name, that name you'll hear wins the race." With that said he ran off with Dodrio as Emma and her friends glared after him.

"That kid sure has a lot of confidence," Todd said. "Too much if you ask me," Ash said. "Well, I got confidence too, and I believe in Ponyta," Emma said, "I know we can win this."

"Pika-Pikachu!" her Pikachu said as she raised her paw up. "Thanks Pikachu," Emma said. "We'll be cheering for you Emma," Misty said. "Yeah, you can win this," Ash said. Emma smiled at her friends, "Thanks guys."


Today was the race, there were many people sitting at their seats in the open stadium, including Ash, Misty, Brock and Todd. Both Ash's and Emma Pikachu and Togepi were holding a red flags with a Ponyta's face on them, waving them around.

"The Pikachu and Togepi are ready to cheer for Emma and Ponyta," Todd noticed with a chuckle. "Yep," Misty agreed with a chuckle. "Pika-Pika!" Emma's Pikachu said as she waved her flag.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this year's race!" the host spoke as everyone cheered. "This year, our course takes our challenges over rocky path to test their speed and ability. Whoever clears all the paths and get first to the finish line, is our winner! Will the Pokémon and trainers please come to the starting line, now!"

The competitors were walking to the line, riding on their Pokémon. The group saw Emma and her Ponyta not far from them. "Good luck, Emma!" Misty called and Emma looked over at them, and smiled. "Good luck to you too Ponyta!" Todd called. "You got this!" Brock called. "Yeah, you can win this!" Ash called. The three Pokémon with the flags cheered.

Emma chuckled while Ponyta neighed. She looked to the other side and saw Dario there sitting on the back of his Dodrio. They made eye contact and glared at each other before looking away.

"Let's win this Ponyta," Emma said quietly and Ponyta neighed. The red light turned on. "Ready?" the host asked, "Go!" The lights turned green and the competitors took off running. "And they off!" the host said.

The competitors ran out of the stadium, into the road. "Now the contestants had left the stadium and at the first part of the course!" the host said. Dario along with his Dodrio ran past everyone and got in the first line. "And Dario riding Dodrio has pulled up to the top!" the host called, "If he keeps up with the pace, he will be unstoppable."

Back at the stadium the crowd was watching from the screen. Emma's friends weren't happy to see Dario leading. Togepi and both the Pikachu were waving their red flags. "Pikachu-Pi!" both the Pikachu called. "Emma can beat him," Ash said.

On the road, something hit a Tauros, "And something happened to the Tauros, he's acting like he's in the rodeo!" the host said. Tauros lost control, making him accidentally hitting a Nidorina, which caused both of them to start fighting while ignoring their trainers. "Wow, and now Nidorina's fighting back after getting hit by Tauros," the host said, "They ignoring their trainers and starting to battle! Those Pokémon could use more training!"

The other contestants reached to the uphill climb. "The next path is the forty five degree uphill climb!" the host said, "And Dario still holds the lead!"

"Come on Ponyta," Emma said as Ponyta ran past a few contestants. They all got to the other side and ran down, but suddenly a trainer on Electrode rolled down on the hill faster than everyone. "Looks like somebody else takes the lead!" the host said before Electrode and it's trainer fell into a hole.

"Another accident!" the host said as Dario with his Dodrio took the lead again, "Electrode has fallen into a hole and Dodrio once again takes over the lead!" Ponyta ran past the hole as Electrode started to glow and it suddenly exploded, which caused a few of the Pokémon back from the explosion.

The others had reached to the pond with set of rocks in it, "Now to the most difficult section of the course!" the host said, "The Pokémon have to jump from one stone to the other to cross the river!"

"Go, go Dodrio!" Dario called with a smirk and Dodrio ran on the rocks. A Rhyhorn with it's trainer on top stopped, and then jumped on a rock before falling down. "To bad folks, Rock Pokémon can't deal with water!" the host said. Ponyta ran past Rhyhorn and jumped on the rocks.

"That's it Ponyta!" Emma said with a smile as Ponyta ran faster on the rocks, reaching to the other side. "Emma riding her Ponyta has reached to the second place it seems!" the host said, "Looks like she and Dario are going in head to head!"

Back at the stadium, the crowd were cheering. Emma's friends smiled when they saw Emma and Ponyta on the screen. "Yay, she's going to win this!" Misty cheered as did the three Pokémon.

Dario slid down on a hill with his Dodrio, where there was a few Pokémon food plates on rocks. "Now to boost their energy, each Pokémon can resume it, all it can eat bowl of food!" the host said, "The Pokémon can decide which one to eat." One head of Dodrio reach for the one in front of it, but then the three heads started to fight.

"Quit fighting! You all gonna get your fair share!" Dario snapped. Emma slid down the hill with Ponyta, and let her Pokémon eat from the bowl, "Eat up, Ponyta."

Dario looked from Emma to his fighting Dodrio in annoyance before looking up at the side of the hill, "All right Team Rocket! Time to go to work!" he shouted. Emma looked at him, "Team Rocket?" A smoke suddenly appeared around them.

Back at the stadium, the crowd was watching the screen as the smoke cut off the view. "Oh no," Ash said. "We got a major problem here, folks!" the host said, "Black smoke going all over the course! I hope the camera's picture will be back soon and show us if there was another accident."

Emma looked around, "Hey! What's going on?!" She looked up at the hill when she heard a female voice speaking, and saw two familiar and annoying figures.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extended our reaches to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth jumped over, "Meowth! That's right!"

Emma looked at them in annoyance, "Yeah, that's nice. Don't you have different mottos? This one is pretty lame and annoying."

"That's not nice," James said. "I don't have time for you three stooges to try and kidnap me or steal Pokémon," Emma said. Jessie looked insulted, "How dare you com--" She quickly calmed down and cleared her throat, "I--I mean come on up, I want to have a word with you."

"Yes, bring up your Ponyta with you," James said. Emma frowned angrily, "That was you three that caused those accidents, weren't you?!"

"Maybe," Meowth said and chuckled. "This break is over! Arbok!" Jessie called and her Arbok appeared from behind her, jumping toward Emma and Ponyta. Ponyta turned around, kicking the Cobra Pokémon back toward Team Rocket with it's hooves. They ducked as Arbok fell behind them, and they stood up.

"Dario, now's your chance, go!" Jessie said. Dario smirked, "Thanks, Jessie." His Dodrio ran down the rocks, running away. Emma glared after them, "Team Rocket working for him. We can't let him win."

"Arbok, stop her with your Poison Sting!" Jessie called and Arbok jumped back down toward them. Emma looked up at Arbok and gasped. Ponyta neighed, fire surrounded it's body and Emma, shocking Arbok and Team Rocket.

Weezing appeared in front of Arbok, looking down at Ponyta. "Wait, Weezing don't use gas!" James said, but his Pokémon used Smog. The Smog touched the fire, which burned up toward Weezing and Arbok, exploding.

The smoke started to disappear and Emma and Ponyta looked up to where Team Rocket were, but they were gone and flying up into the sky with their Pokémon.

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!"

Back at the stadium, the screen turned back on and it showed that Dario on Dodrio running. "Now we got our picture back and Dodrio is still in the lead!" the host said. "Where's Emma?" Ash asked. "Oh no, did she get hurt?" Misty asked, "Or Ponyta?"

The screen switch to the hills but other then smoke nothing was there. "Now let's see what happened to Emma and Ponyta, but I can't see..." A fire was moving from a far, "Hold on, what this?! A giant burning flame!" the host said.

The screen switched closer to show it was Ponyta speeding up, along with Emma riding on it, but the fire didn't seem to hurt the girl at all. "Faster Ponyta, we're way behind," Emma said and Ponyta speed up more. "It's Ponyta!" the host said, "I don't know what happened, but this looks personal! Nothing left but the flag to the finish line!"

"Come on Emma," Brock said. "You can do it," Misty whispered. "And Dodrio entered the stadium and still in the lead!" the host said as Dario on his Dodrio ran in with a smirk. Emma on Ponyta ran into the stadium and her friends, the three Pokémon and the entire crowd cheered loudly.

Dario looked over his shoulder in confusion and looked shocked to see Emma and her Pokémon. "How did she--" he started. "Now Ponyta is closing in on Dodrio!" the host said as Ponyta ran next to Dodrio.

"Yeah!" Misty cheered as the boys cheered too while the three Pokémon waved their flags happily. "Okay Ponyta let's beat him," Emma said. Ponyta started to take the lead but Dodrio quickly took the lead again. "Now those two powerful Pokémon are taking the lead!" the host said.

"Do it Dodrio!" Dario said and one of the three headed Dodrio hit Ponyta on the side of it's face, making it slow to the back. "What happened? Ponyta is felling behind!" the host said. "Hey, that's cheating!" Emma shouted.

"I do what I have to to win!" Dario said and laughed as Dodrio speeded up. "Dodrio is closing in to the finish line!" the host said. "Oh no," Emma whispered. Ponyta neighed as the flames around it and Emma, and got bigger.

Emma looked down at Ponyta in confusion before she gasped as it glowed bright. Ponyta grew bigger and the light disappeared, startling everyone. Ponyta had evolved into Rapidash!

Rapidash is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur and a pointed horn on its forehead. It has small, red eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames stream from the back of its head to form a long, flowing mane. A short version of the mane trails down its back to its equally fiery tail. Flames are also present on its fetlocks. It has slender legs, each with a single black hoof.

"I--I can't believe it," Emma whispered. "All right, it evolved!" Ash said. "That is incredible!" the host said as Rapidash speeded up to catch up with Dodrio, "Ponyta had evolved into Rapidash! The fastest of all Pokémon!"

Dario looked over his shoulder to see Emma catching up to him. "I can't believe it," he said in annoyance. "Here comes Rapidash!" the host said, "With the top speed of 100 miles for hour!" Rapidash reached to Dodrio's side as the crowd cheered. "And Rapidash has catch up! They're neck and neck, heading to the finish line!" the host said.

"Come on Dodrio!" Dario said. "You can do it, Rapidash!" Emma said. Just when Dodrio reached to the line, Rapidash managed to get there first, past the finish line. Emma's friends and the crowd cheered at the picture of Rapidash reaching first.

"And incredible event!" the host said as Rapidash slowed to a stop. "Rapidash has made an amazing comeback to win this race!" the host said. Emma smiled, "We did it!" She got off of her Pokémon, "We did it! Rapidash you were amazing!" Rapidash neighed, happy as it's trainer petted it.

Dario walked behind them still on Dodrio, glaring at Emma, "You're cheater!" Emma and Rapidash looked at him in annoyance. "You cheated by letting your Ponyta evolve!" he said. "You're the real cheater!" Emma said.

"I'll show you! Get her, Dodrio!"Dario snapped and his Pokémon reached toward Emma, but Rapidash quickly hit Dario and Dodrio with it's powerful hooves, the hit was so strong that it caused them to fly to the sky.

Emma looked at Rapidash with a smile, "Thanks Rapidash," she said as she petted it. Her friends ran toward her. "Emma! You did it!" Misty cheered as she hugged her brunette friend. Emma chuckled, "All thanks to Rapidash."

"You were great Rapidash," Ash said. "Togy! Togepry!" Togepi said as it waved it's flag. Rapidash neighed happily. A woman and a man walked toward them, the man was holding a golden trophy with a golden Rapidash on top of it. "Congratulations," the man said and held the trophy to Emma.

Emma took it, "Thank you," she said with a smile and looked at the trophy. The woman wrapped a red flag around Rapidash and clipped it together around it's neck. "Let's hear it for Emma Pierce and her Rapidash!" the host said as the crowd cheered loudly. "Pi-Pikachu!" both of the Pikachu said together.

Emma chuckled before she yelped in surprise as Brock picked her up on his shoulders. Togepi jumped from Ash's arms to Rapidash's back, not feeling any heat from it's mane. Misty and Ash cheered for their friend and clapped. Emma chuckled and held the trophy up as the crowd cheered. Todd took that opportunity and took a picture of all of them.


After the celebration, Emma and her friends had went back to the Pokémon center. Todd had pulled a few pictures that he took from the day and handed them to Emma, "Here you go, your victory picture."

Emma took them with a smile, "Wow, thanks Todd," she said. "No problem," he said. "So Emma, now that you beat Dario you feeling better?" Misty asked teasingly. "You bet I am," Emma said and looked at Togepi in her arms, "Don't worry Togepi, we won't see Dario ever again."

"Togy," the Egg Pokémon saidwith a smile. "Well, time to move on then, let's get Rapidashhome and get on the road," Emma said. "Yeah!" Ash agreed."But it's getting dark, I say let's sleep here tonight," Misty said."Oh... yeah," Ash muttered and Emma giggled.
