Those Days (Good! Kristoph Gavin x Daughter! Reader)

Those Days (Good! Kristoph Gavin x Daughter! Reader)

Requested by ShadowRifter

A/N: AU where Kristoph is not a murderer. Pre AJ case 1.

Your Pov:

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. A law book sat propped open in my lap, left on a page I was too tired to read. I knew that I needed to study, but I just didn't have the motivation. A knock came from my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I  spoke. "Come in." The door opened and father came in.

"Still gnawing away at that bone, are we?"

I sighed. "I'm trying to study. I really am. It's...hard." He shook his head. "You should be studying at your desk. Sitting straight keeps you focused." He gestured to the paper in his hand. "And I've received some news from Themis. Your professors have noticed a shift in your behavior and it is affecting your scores. They've also said you've stopped going to study hall during your free period."

He pushed up his glasses. "What's going on?" I shrugged. "I'm just not motivated anymore. I know I want to be a defense attorney like you, but even just studying is hard." He hummed. "Then I'll look into private tutors. I can't have you falling behind. If you can get back to where you were, you should have your badge by 18."

I sighed. "But if I-" He shook his head. "Thinking about failure leads to failure. You will be successful. Think that way." He turned to leave the room. "Come. It's time to check in at the firm." I followed father downstairs and grabbed my bag before we left. The car ride to the firm was comfortably quiet. Once we arrived, we headed inside.

Apollo looked up from his desk. "Welcome to the Gav-" He paused. "Oh, it's you, Mr. Gavin." Father hummed. "Any news, Justice?" Apollo shook his head. "N-No, sir!" Father nodded. "I see. Did you file everything for SB-2? We can't let that case fall through." Apollo nodded.

After that, father took me to his office. He sat down at his desk and handed me a file. "I want you to look at this case. Both Justice and myself have tried to figure it out, but we just don't understand it." I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and opened the file.

SB-2/Murder of Kerri Owne

Victim: Kerri Owne

Suspect: Ian Culler

Witnesses: No direct witnesses, but a security camera caught the victim and suspect going to the suspect's car.


Blunt force trauma to the back of the head, no hemorrhaging found. Body has bruises on back and legs, suggesting further trauma.

Blood found under fingernails but no data matches found in system.

Rope marks found on neck and wrists, consistent with bounding marks. COD not strangulation.

Left eye has ruptured pupil from severe trauma. Fractures around eye socket made after death consistent with fall trauma.

COD: Blunt Force Trauma (BTD)
TOD: August 3rd, 11:00 pm - 3:00 am

Evidence Found: Large sheet, 10 pound weight, tire tracks, fingerprints, and rope.

The large sheet was wrapped around the victim, concealing her body in the drainage ditch at the crime scene. Spotted with blood and dirt.

The 10 pound weight was covered in the victim's blood on one end and was found hidden under some brush 300 yards away. No fingerprints could be lifted.

Tire tracks were found leading up to and going away from the ditch. The suspect's tires do not match the tracks left at the scene. The car was also searched but yielded no results.

The fingerprints found were left in blood on a tree a few feet away from the ditch. A handprint was left on the trunk. Attempt to lift prints was successful but the prints were unidentifiable.

A length of rope was found buried by the weight. Blood DNA was found but the lab is still awaiting the results. The bounding marks were a match.
Defense Notes

The defense's case will go as follows:

Ian Culler and the victim met at the Borscht Bowl Club on August 2nd. After a few games of cards, the two left, Culler walking with the victim to her car and driving her home after she asked him to because she was intoxicated.

This can be proven by a phone call recorded on the suspect's phone.

Culler returned an hour later and left with his own car, where he went home.

The victim was reportedly seen at her home, where shortly after, she took a walk. That was the last time she was seen alive.

No matching weights, sheets, or rope were found in Culler's home. Luminol testing revealed nothing in his home or car.

Culler is a small man and it is too doubtful that he could use the weight as the murder weapon. He also had no motive to kill the victim. There were no altercations or conflicts between them that would lead to murder.

And Culler has an alibi for the time between August 2nd and the day the body was found. He was taking care of his elderly mother in her home. He never left after he arrived and slept in the armchair in her room to keep an eye on her during the night.

Therefore, with the suspect's alibi, lack of motive, and doubtful use of the murder weapon, the defense must conclude that the defendant is not guilty.

I looked at him. "What don't you understand? You've already made a solid case here." He shook his head. "The fingerprints and blood DNA may damage our case if the results turn out badly." I looked at him. "The prosecutor can't go back and say the prints are the suspect's. Once unidentifiable, that's it. As for the blood DNA, they can only tell if the blood matches the blood on the sheet, which didn't match the suspect. The defense's case still stands."

Father nodded. "I see. I knew you had the talent for this. Why don't we go home and start on dinner?" I smiled. "Sure." As we walked out, father looked at me. "See? You're cut out for this. Don't doubt yourself." I smiled again, feeling slightly better. "I won't." As we got in the car, a thought entered my mind.

'I can do this.'
