Clarity (Dick Gumshoe x Reader)

Clarity (Dick Gumshoe x Reader)

Requested by hakdjwjdnje

A/N: It's been a while since we've had a chapter for Gumshoe! Also, I kind of made it angst into fluff, so I hope that's ok! If not, I can always redo this one!

Your Pov:

I smiled at Maggey. "Thank you again, Maggey. You're a life saver!" She smiled back. "It's no problem. I love watching this little cutie." I looked at the toddler in her arms.

Clarice was 8 months old and full of energy. She was born from an accidental one night stand, but she was my whole world. Maggey was my best friend and babysitter while I was working. And today was a work day.

Maggey sighed. "Are you going to tell him soon? He should know about Clarice." I bit my lip. "I don't know. He doesn't even know it was me that night. But, we'll talk later. I've been called in." I kissed Clarice's forehead. "I'll be back soon. I love you."

Maggey adjusted her grip on Clarice. "Be safe."


A while later, I found myself preparing for a raid with the others. Some smugglers had made a base in an abandoned warehouse by the harbor and it was up to us to flush them out. The chief in charge of the raid handed me a gun, the top accentuated with a laser point. "We're counting on our sharp shooter to get us through safely." I nodded. "You can count on me."

The chief walked away and Gumshoe approached me. "Are you ready, pal?" I nodded. "As ready as I can be. And you?" I zoned out as he answered me. Clarice looked so much like him, from her dark hair to her eyes. I was snapped out my thoughts by Gumshoe snapping his fingers. "You alright?" I tried to smile. "Yes. I'm fine."

We turned to the chief as he spoke. "Alright. Let's move." A chorus of 'Yes, sir!'s came from around me. We all filed out of the building and into the black SUVs waiting outside. Gumshoe and I were alone in our own car, the atmosphere tense. The drive took about 15 minutes. Once we arrived, I looked at Gumshoe. "When we get out of here, there's something I have to tell you." He nodded. "Alright, pal."

We all got out of the car and surrounded the building. My group entered from the front as Gumshoe's entered from the back. The others entered from the sides. Immediately, bullets flew and the air was filled with yells. Thankful for my laser sight, I was able to neutralize the rest of the threats quickly.

Once I was sure the threats were down, I waved my group forward. I could hear gunshots in the distance and more yelling. Through my ear piece, I heard Gumshoe's voice.

"The leader's heading up towards us! Surround all exits!"

My group entered the next room and covered all the exits. I scanned the room and turned to the group. "Stay here and don't move unless I say so." I quietly entered the next room. Gumshoe's group was also covering this room. One of them looked at me. "He went on ahead, ma'am. But there are still a few smugglers in the building." I nodded. "Thank you."

Through the next doorway, I saw Gumshoe standing in the middle of the room, scanning the upper level. On the top left of the upper corner, I spotted the leader. He was aiming at Gumshoe. I knew that I wouldn't have enough time to shoot him, so I did something stupid.

The sound of the gunshot rang out and echoed in my ears as I jumped in front of Gumshoe, pushing him out of the way. I gasped in pain as the bullet entered the right side of my abdomen. I hit the floor with a thud.

I heard another gunshot as Gumshoe took down the leader. With my fading hearing, I heard something from the earpiece. "All threats neutralized. No injuries." Then, I heard Gumshoe reply back. "(L/n)'s been shot. Abdominal entry wound. We need a medic!"

The room swam before my eyes as Gumshoe cradled me in his arms. Staring at him, as I bled out on the floor, I realized that my one night stand with him wasn't meaningless.

I did it because...

I loved him. And I still do.

Gumshoe looked at me. "I need you to stay awake pal! The medic's on their way." I looked at him, coughing. "If I don't...don't make it, ask Maggey about C-Clarice..." He shook his head. "You're going to make it, pal. Don't say that!" I grabbed his shaking hand. "D-Dick, I...I...lo-" I gasped as a sharp pain rushed through my body.

Then, everything went black.


No One's Pov:

Gumshoe sat in the waiting room of the hospital. He had called Maggey and she was on her way to the hospital. He hadn't understood what you meant when you told him to 'ask Maggey about Clarice'. He was also scared for you. He had so many things that he had to get off his chest, but he didn't know if he'd be able to tell you.

Maggey entered the waiting room 10 minutes later. And on her hip was a small infant. She quickly approached him. "How is she, sir?" He sighed. "I don't know, pal. I haven't seen the doctor yet. But (Y/n) told me to ask you about someone named Clarice before she passed out. Who is Clarice?"

Maggey shifted the infant in her arms. "This is Clarice. She's 8 months old." Gumshoe rose a brow. "What does this little one have to do with (Y/n)?" Maggey looked at Clarice. "Clarice is her daughter." Gumshoe's eyes widened. "What?! Who's Clarice's father?" Maggey looked at him, hesitating.

"...You. You're Clarice's father."

He looked from Maggey to Clarice and then back to Maggey. "B-But we never-" Maggey cut him off. "That one night stand you had? That was (Y/n). She was scared to tell you."

Gumshoe reached for Clarice and Maggey passed her to him. Clarice giggled as her hands touched his scruff. He smiled. "You're beautiful. Just like your mother."

A few minutes later, a doctor entered the room. "For Ms. (L/n)?" Gumshoe stood and approached the doctor, Maggey following. "Yes. Is she alright, doc?" The doctor nodded. "She is alright. We were able to remove the bullet and close the wound. There was no infection so she should be able to go home by tomorrow."

The doctor gave them a room number and they hurried to see you. As they got to the room, Gumshoe slowly opened the door.


(Back to your pov)

I smiled as Maggey and Gumshoe entered the room. I spotted Clarice propped on his hip. He sat down in the chair next to the bed. "You scared us, pal! saved my life. Thank you." I waved him off. "I was only doing my job. But, did Maggey tell you about Clarice?" He nodded, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah. Is she...really mine?" I sighed. "Yes."

He smiled. "She's a beautiful little girl. She gets it from her mother, after all." I felt flustered by his words. "T-Thanks." I continued. "And I still have something to tell you." He tilted his head. "What is it? You can tell me anything." I hesitantly spoke.

"I...I love you."

There was silence. Maggey had left the room a few minutes ago, so we were alone. Gumshoe stared at me silently, then, he replied.

"I love you too!"

He brought me into a hug, careful of the wires. He held Clarice in one arm and wrapped the other around me. We were hugging...

As a family.

I heard an 'aww!' and turned to see Maggey snapping several photos from the doorway. We pulled away from the hug and she stopped.

Everything was finally perfect.

Clarice had her father back and I was accepted by the love of my life.

This was my happy ending.
