Arranged (Manfred Von Karma x Reader)

Arranged (Manfred Von Karma x Reader) (Has LEMON)

Requested by WeirdTransDude

A/N: Ok, I know this is very out of the norm for me, but it was a request. So just run with it, ok?

Your Pov:

I sighed as I listened to my parents talk amongst themselves. I had just turned 21, so they were immediately trying to marry me off. But I had expected it. Ever since I can remember, my mother had put me into classes for etiquette, diction, style, and more. I learned how to waltz and sing.

I was always told that I would marry at 21, so I tried my best to hide my feelings. I didn't want to, but I had a duty to my family.

My mother spoke, her words snapping me back to reality. "What about him? He divorced his wife years ago after she gave him a daughter instead of a son." My father hummed. "It might just work. With her impressive lineage and training, I'm sure he'll accept. I have a call to make."

I watched as my father quickly left the room. My mother turned to me. "Make me proud, dear. This is what we've been training for!" I nodded. "Of course, mother." My father returned 10 minutes later, a large smile on his face. "He's requested our presence an hour from now." My mother grabbed my hand. "You have to get ready! Hurry now!"

My mother pulled me upstairs and into my room. She dug around in my closet for a while before pulling out an outfit.

She pinned a large diamond brooch on the front of the dress and fixed my hair before nodding. "Perfect. And with 30 minutes to spare. Let's get downstairs." I followed my mother downstairs to where my father was waiting. From there, I was ushered I to the car.

My mother spent the entire ride coaching me and fussing over my clothes and hair. Thankfully, we arrived quickly.

As we got out of the car, I took in the large manor in front of us. The architecture was stunning and the front of the house was lined with plant life, making it even more beautiful.

My father knocked on the door and a few seconds later, a maid answered. She led us inside to a tea room. "Mr. Von Karma will be here shortly. Excuse me." The maid left and I turned my attention to the window. The sky was slightly cloudy and the trees blew in the wind.

The door opened and I looked over. An older man entered the room, walking stick in hand. His vest and coat were decorated with gold and silver, but the fabric was blue. My father turned to him. "Mr. Von Karma! How have you been?" Mr. Von Karma spoke. "I've been well. Where is this 'potential bride' you spoke of on the phone?"

My father turned to me, taking my hand and gently pulling me forward. "This is her. My daughter (Y/n) (L/n)." Von Karma turned to me, his gaze moving all around me. I hadn't expected my parents to choose someone so much more older than me. Von Karma hummed.

"She'll do. Arrange the wedding for 2 days from now. Everything will be paid for."

My father nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Von Karma." Von Karma turned to my mother. "As for the dress, a modest lace A-line piece will do perfectly." My mother nodded silently. Then, Von Karma turned to me. "And you, my dear...I will see you in two days."

We left after that, my parents being very excited. My father took my mother and I to a bridal shop before going to take care of the rest of the wedding.

I watched as my mother moved from rack to rack, looking for the exact dress Mr. Von Karma wanted. Hopefully, she would pick a good one.

A few minutes later, she pulled a dress from the rack and took me to the dressing room. An attendant helped me into the dress and turned me towards the mirror. "What do you think?"

At that moment, it was like everything had finally processed in my mind. I was getting married...married to a man so much older than me who already has a child. A few tears dropped down my cheeks but I wiped them away as I lied through my teeth. "I...I love it." The attendant smiled. "Then let's show your mother."

The attendant opened the door and called my mother in. My mother gasped when she saw me. "It's beautiful. You look perfect!" She turned to the attendant. "We'll take this one."


And now, two days later, I stood in a room in the church, getting ready. I was alone since everyone else was making sure the wedding was perfect. I looked in the mirror. My dress was fitted perfectly and my veil was pinned in my hair. I looked like a bride, but I didn't feel like one.

I sighed as my mother entered the room. She spoke. "It's time, darling. Let's go." I stood and followed her silently. Once we were just outside the room for the wedding she handed me my bouquet. "You've made your father and I so proud. We love you." Then she went inside to take her seat.

My father linked his arm with mine. "Your mother is right. We're proud of you." The music started and the doors opened. I walked down the aisle with my father, trying my best not to look nervous. The wedding was small with only immediate family, which meant Mr. Von Karma's daughter was here.

We reached the alter and my father handed me off. Then, the ceremony began.


Sooner than I had thought, the 'I do's' came. The officiant turned to Mr. Von Karma first. "Do you, Manfred Von Karma, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?" Mr. Von Karma nodded. "I do." The officiant looked at me. "Do you, (Y/n) (L/n), take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"...I do."

The officiant picked up the rings from the pillows. "The rings." We put the rings on each other and the officiant nodded. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I turned to him and he kissed me. It was quick, but hid lips were surprisingly soft and lightly chapped.

Everyone clapped and we all left the church. We weren't having a reception, so it was straight to wherever the honeymoon location was. We sat silently as the driver drove. I looked at him. He was stoic and a bit stone faced.

We arrived at another large manor. It sat in the middle of a dense forest. But it was beautiful. There were no servants in the house so my new husband carried the bags into our room. Once in the room, he shut the door and turned to me.

"I believe it's time to consummate our marriage."

Then he muttered quietly. "And hope this one produces a son." I sighed. "O-Of course..." I reached back and unzipped the dress, allowing it to pool at my feet. I stood there, feeling awkward.


His hands rested on my hips, pulling me close. He lifted one hand and pressed two fingers against my neck, as if feeling my pulse. His hands then wandered to the back of my bra and a few seconds later, it hit the floor. I shivered, feeling completely and utterly exposed.

He spoke. "Get on the bed. On your back." I turned and got onto the bed. The sheets were soft and silky against my skin. I could hear his clothes hitting the floor near the bed. His footsteps echoed around the room as he got closer. Then, he was on top of me. Though he was much older, his body still stayed muscular. He was lean with some muscle.

I stayed still as he removed my underwear and discarded them on the floor. I had thought that whoever I shared this moment with would at least touch me lovingly before the actual act, but that was not the case.

His hands gripped my hips as he pushed into me. I winced at the slight pain, but I tried to ignore it. Once he was all the way in, he started to thrust. I could hear his breathing and slight grunts. Then, the pain started to fade away. I gasped and my back arched as he hit a specific spot.

He took note of my reaction and angled himself away from that spot. I whined, but he still kept away from that spot. As this continued, I got tired of it. I started to roll my hips and thankfully, he took the hint. He sped up and I could feel the knot building up in my stomach.

As I got closer, he flipped us, changing our position. I came a few seconds later, quivering. His hands gripped my hips and pushed me down onto himself. I felt his warmth fill me and he kept me in place for a few seconds. He wanted to ensure a pregnancy. I knew that much.


Once he let me go, I quickly went to the bathroom and showered. When I returned to the bedroom, he was gone and my dress was hanging in the closet. I pulled some clothes from my bags and got dressed. I sighed as I looked out the window.

This was going to be a long honeymoon...
