Fair & Honest (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi x Prosecutor! Reader)

Fair & Honest (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi x Prosecutor! Reader)

A/N: This one contains unequal treatment examples between men and women in the workplace. Thank you imalazywriter for the idea!

Your Pov:

I sat at my desk, reviewing my paystubs for filing. We all had to do our own filing since the position had yet to be filled. As I looked at my new paystub and the one before it, I noticed that the total on my new one was substantially lower.

I put the papers down as I heard a knock on the door. I sighed. "Come in." The door opened and Nahyuta entered, closing the door behind himself. He approached my desk. "Have you finished your filing? I believe they made a mistake." I tilted my head. "Mistake? What happened?" He showed me his newest stub.

The hours were marked 5 hours/6 days, which was normal. Everything was filled out correctly, but when my eyes landed on the hourly wage and then the total salary, I paused.

"$94 an hour? That can't be right. We all should only be earning $84 (that's the average hourly in California)."

He nodded. "That's why I was confused. I've checked with the others and the only other person who said the same was Ms. Von Karma. The rest all had $94 on their stubs." I sighed. "I think I know what's going on." He rose a brow. "Then what is it?" I huffed. "The men are making $10 more than the women. And we all do the same job. The higher ups must have something to do with this."

Nahyuta grasped his prayer beads. "I did not know that this country treated women so differently. Do they not know that women are just as or maybe even more capable than most men?" I shrugged. "Women aren't as appreciated here as they are in Khura'in." Nahyuta shook his head. "Women should be highly appreciated no matter the culture. And this...I will not let it stand. I'm going to speak with Mr. Edgeworth."

He continued. "Please come with me. I want you to be able to voice your opinion as well." I nodded. "Ok. I'll go." I grabbed my paystubs and followed him to Mr. Edgeworth's office. We entered and he looked at us. "Mr. Sahdmadhi, Ms. (L/n). What is it?" Nahyuta spoke. "Are you not aware that the men here are making $10 more than any of the women? And for no reason at all?"

Mr. Edgeworth frowned. "What are you talking about? Everyone makes the standard $84 here." Nahyuta shook his head. "Look at the differences in our paystubs then. How else do you explain this?" Mr. Edgeworth looked at the stubs, then at me. "I apologize, Ms. (L/n). I will have this dealt with immediately. Do you have anything you'd wish to say?" I swallowed. "Just...thank you for listening, sir. Being treated fairly and equally is what every workplace needs to include. And you're doing that. Again, thank you."

He nodded. "Please don't thank me. I'm just doing what's right. I'll see to it that everything is fixed as soon as possible."

After that, the two of us left and went back to my office. "Thanks Nahyuta. It's good to know that there's a few good men who are willing to help." He smiled.

"You're welcome, (Y/n). I can only hope to bring about more positive change here, just as I did in Khura'in."
