Bitterness (Phoenix Wright x Reader)

Bitterness (Phoenix Wright x Reader)

A/N: Singer AU! All characters are singers of all different genres, but still lawyers (kind of like Klavier). Others like Miles, Phoenix, Simon, etc, are managers and still in law.

Your Pov:

I sat in the studio with Athena and Apollo. We were trying to think of new songs for our albums. Since Simon had gotten back in the field, Athena was doing a lot of songs that featured him. Apollo had written a tribute song for Clay that featured Mr. Starbuck. As for me, I was trying to come up with the end of my breakup song.

Phoenix entered the studio. "Alright, have any of you gotten anything done?" We all looked down sheepishly. He sighed. "You had two hours." I huffed. "We just aren't inspired! We don't know what a bitter breakup feels like." Athena nodded. "Yeah! You can't write about something you've never felt." Apollo chimed in. "Do you have any examples, Mr. Wright?"

Phoenix walked over to the shelf that held our studio recordings. "I think I might have one. It was one of my first songs. I was fresh out of college and a breakup." He took the disc and walked over to the recording booth. He inserted the disc into the player and sat on the stool, grabbing the mic. The music started.

"Girl where you been at? Don't try to lie. I smell his cologne on your shirt, it's hard to breathe in. You're quite the actress, you make me sick. Yeah, I just wanna get the truth, you plead the fifth!"

I exchanged glances with Athena and Apollo. We had never heard this song. We'd heard most of his songs, but not this one.

"You turn out the lights, kick off your shoes, lay in our bed. And you whisper sweet nothings in my ear. But I can't trust a word you said..."

Athena whispered to me. "His voice is full of sadness and a twinge of anger. Whoever he's singing about must've really hurt him." I nodded. "Yeah." Apollo spoke. "He just looks sad." Just as I was about to reply, he sang the next verse.

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

Apollo started choking on his water and Athena was holding back laughter. I was wide eyed. None of us had ever heard him openly swear in his music. Thankfully, his eyes were closed, causing him to miss our reactions. We tried to continue listening.

"Go ahead, yeah, just play the victim. Go tell your friends if I was there, you wouldn't need them. And justify that night you had in his bed. I'm sorry I was busy working tryna pay our debts! You turn out the lights, kick off your shoes, lay in our bed. And you whisper sweet nothings in my ear. But I can't trust a word you said..."

The mood in the room dropped. Athena was starting to shake from the emotional output. Apollo winced. "He's so tense, it's making my bracelet crazy tight!" He took it off to reveal the red skin underneath. As I handed him my frozen bottle, the song continued.

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

We all froze as the audio track played the sound of an answering machine. Then, the voice of a woman came through. Her voice sounded like little bells with a bit of crying. The acting for that was phenomenal.

"First saved message: I know I fucked up! It's one mistake, please! Don't leave me! I'll feel better, I promise I'll feel better! Please!"

Athena looked at me. "I think that was a real voicemail, but I couldn't detect a hint of emotion from that voice." Apollo tilted his head. "That's strange, but maybe it's not a real voicemail?" I shrugged. "Who knows?" Phoenix opened his eyes, but kept his gaze trained on the floor.

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

"You're a fucking bitch, hope you know that shit! You can never trust a hoe, had to learn that quick! How many others are you sleeping with? All I know is I don't deserve this!"

The music faded out and Phoenix grabbed the disc from the player before leaving the booth. He put the disc back on the shelf before turning to us. "That should be enough of an example. You all can head home for the day, but I'll be expecting you early tomorrow."

Apollo and Athena nodded and gathered their things before leaving. Once they were gone, I approached Phoenix. "Are you alright?" He nodded. "Yeah. That just...stirred up some memories." I hugged him. Now that Apollo and Athena were gone, we could relax.

He hugged back and we sat on the sofa together. Once we pulled away from the hug, I spoke. "Was that voicemail from...her?" Phoenix sighed. "Yeah. It was just know..." I laid my head on his shoulder. "It's alright now, Phoenix. You have me. Always and forever." He smiled. "I know. I love you, (Y/n)." I snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too, Phoenix."
