Ancient History (John Marsh x Mother! Reader)

Ancient History (John Marsh x Mother! Reader)

Requested by Anonymous

Your Pov:

I sat next to Penny as we watched John rehearse for his newest movie with Moozilla. Justine was working on some things over at the PIC meeting room. Now that it was disbanded, she had to figure things out.

The wind rustled the lion lily nestled in my hair. A wave of sadness rushed over me as I watched John.

My son...

My dear son...

But he didn't know that. Justine promised me that she would take care of him. So I became his 'aunt' as it were. I had to watch him grow from afar.

But I was fine with that.


Everything has changed.

We entered the film lot, panicked as we heard Penny scream. As we entered, that's when I saw it.

The body of the president of Zheng Fa.

The body of John's father.

I quickly turned to John, blocking his view. "John, go call your mother, quickly!" He hesitated before nodding and leaving. I turned away from the body. Just the sight alone made me feel faint.

A few minutes later, someone entered the lot. My stomach dropped as I saw his face. It has been so long since I had seen him. He kneeled next to the body. I bit my lip and approached him.


His gaze snapped to mine. "...Yes?" I sighed. "It's been what? 13 years since father gave me away? Since I last saw you?" He stood. "(Y/n)? Where have you been? The last I heard, you left Zheng Fa a few months after our old man gave you to...him." His gaze drifted down to the president's body before coming back to me. I nodded. "Yeah. Some things happened and I had to leave."

He huffed. "Still, I'm glad you're alright."

We had reunited, but still, things would only get more complicated from here.


(Timeskip to Amy Marsh reveal)

We all stood in front of the Grand Tower as the Moozilla doll played that recording. Amy's voice rang in my ears, making my heart clench.

"Your son...he's just been born..."

Soon, the recording came to an end. John looked at Justine. "No way... That was my...?" She hesitated. "John..." That's when the questions came. Lang looked at me before turning to her. "What's the meaning of this? Ms. Courtney..." Justine spoke. "John is not my biological son." Mr. Edgeworth rose a brow. "Did John know about this?"

Justine paused. "...Not exactly. Amy...Amy Marsh was my cousin. She took in John right after he had been born and left Zheng Fa. John knew that he was not my biological son, but Amy had never told him that he wasn't her son, so that's what he believed." John stared at her in silence, his eyes unwavering. "Was he... the president, really my dad? And what about my real mom?"

Justine glanced at me before speaking. "Yes, he was. Before you were born...your mother was a member of the House Of Lang and she was given to your father..." Lang looked at her. "The House of Lang?! You can't be serious..." He looked at me then back at her. She sighed.

"John...(Y/n) is your mother."

John turned to me. "You...Why didn't you tell me?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "John, I wanted to tell you, but it was too dangerous. Your birth...would've sparked considerable controversy." Lang spoke up. "(Y/n), didn't...please tell me you didn't!" Justine spoke, explaining further. "From what (Y/n) told me, her father presented her to the president as a good will gift from the House Of Lang. She was only 13 at the time, but the president wanted her."

I sighed. "After that, I moved in with the president and never saw my family again. And a few months after that, during the president's birthday celebration, I was drugged. Someone had done something to my drink."

TW for drugging, non-consent, etc!

I continued. "It's all spotty, but I was in my drink. At the time, I thought I was just drunk from being a lightweight. The president saw me and helped me to my room. Things happened...that I didn't try to stop. Then, there was the feeling of his hands on my body and finally, pain right before I passed out."

I looked at Lang. He was shaking with anger and sneering. I took a breath. "The next morning, I woke up alone with nothing but a sheet over my body. I knew what had happened. And so, I left the president's household, but I found Amy and moved in with her. That's when I found out I was pregnant."

I looked at John. "She promised me that she would take care of you. So once you were born, she took you to the US. I'm sorry I wasn't around for you." I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. Then, I felt a small pair of arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes.

John was hugging me.

He spoke. "It's ok. I understand."

After we pulled away from the hug, Lang grabbed my arm. "Excuse us for a moment." He pulled me away from the group and over to a private area.

"Why didn't you ever contact me?! Especially after something like that?!"

I shook my head. "I couldn't. Disgracing the family like that...I couldn't do that to you or father." He frowned. "Our old man was wrong to give you away like some kind of animal. He was a great man, but his actions were inexcusable." I sighed and smiled. "But look what I've gained. A beautiful son and a wonderful family. And I've reunited with you. I think that's a good end to all of this."

He hugged me. "Still. I'm glad you're safe. But with the president's death..." We pulled away from the hug. I looked away. "I know. John has lost his father. It saddens me to know that he will never meet him." He put a hand on my shoulder. "But John found you, his mother. And he loves you. As long as that pup has you and you have him, you'll both be ok."

The two of us returned to the others and John came over to me. "Mom...What's going to happen now?" I smiled. "We'll be a family. And we can make new memories. How does that sound?" He nodded.

"I...I'd like that, mom."
