Overprotective Protectors (Various x Reader)

Overprotective Protectors (Various x Reader)

A/N: This chapter includes a polyamorous relationship. They are dating reader and have relationships with others in the group. Also, reader has a baby, but no one in the poly group is the father. That's all!

Your Pov:

I sat in the courthouse lobby, rocking Rhea in my arms. Phoenix was in a trial with Apollo and Miles while Athena was in a trial of her own with Simon. And Nahyuta and Klavier were back at the prosecutor's office. We were all supposed to get dinner together.

Rhea let out a cry and I gently shushed her. She was about 7 months old. The bailiffs entered the lobby with a defendant for another case. The defendant, a tall, brooding looking man, was cuffed. He was blonde, staring at me with familiar blue eyes. I quickly looked away.

Today must've been the day that Kristoph Gavin's sentence would finally be carried out.

I held Rhea a bit tighter. I could feel him staring at me. A loud yell and thud reached my ears, followed by the sound of chains rattling. I looked back towards the bailiffs. I froze.

The bailiffs were unconscious on the floor, bruises forming on the sides of their heads. Kristoph's cuffs lay at his feet, the key sticking out of the lock. He stepped towards me. "I'm going to take my revenge... through you."

He lunged at me, trying to take Rhea. We all fell to the ground, but I never let go of Rhea, even as my head collided with the tile. I screamed, trying to alert anyone in the other lobbies or courtrooms as I tried to fight him off. Rhea's cries pierced my eardrums. The back of my head collided with the floor again, turning my vision dark for a moment.

My grip on Rhea loosened from the hit and she was pulled from my arms. My head throbbed as I laid on the floor. Kristoph held Rhea, looking down at her. Then, from his pocket, he brought out a syringe. It was filled with a light blue liquid.


He laughed. "Here's to my revenge." On the floor next to me, I found a loose tile. It was heavy and chipped on one end. With the last of my strength, I picked it up and threw it.

It hit it's mark.

Kristoph fell to the floor unconscious, blood streaming from the side of his head. Rhea, thankfully, was cushioned by his chest. I quickly picked her up and backed away to a bench in the corner. Just then, Phoenix, Apollo, and Miles exited from the courtroom. They all approached me.

Apollo sat next to me, Phoenix gently picked up Rhea, and Miles held my hand. Phoenix spoke first. "What happened?" I shivered. "He attacked Rhea and I. He was going to hurt her, so I threw a loose tile at him." Miles sighed. "Don't worry. You were only acting in self defense of yourself and Rhea. Where are the bailiffs?" Apollo cleared his throat. "They're in the courtroom with Athena and Prosecutor Blackquill, remember?"

I carefully touched the back of my head. I could feel a knot forming, but no bleeding. "I hit my head twice, but I'm not bleeding." Phoenix adjusted Rhea in his arms. "We're still taking you to the hospital." He turned to Miles. "Edgeworth, call Klavier and Nahyuta. They can meet us there. We'll have to tell Athena and Simon later." Miles nodded. "Alright."

After that, I was whisked away to the hospital. I was taken into a private room right away. The doctor ordered a few scans. Luckily, nothing was wrong with me. As we came out of the hospital, Nahyuta and Klavier greeted us.

Nahyuta gently grabbed my hands. "Are you alright? Is Rhea alright?" I nodded and smiled. "I'm fine, Yuta. And so is Rhea. Don't worry." Klavier spoke up. "You scared me, fraulein. I'm glad you're both alright." Phoenix cleared his throat. "Simon and Athena just left the courthouse. They're going to meet us at the restaurant."

We pulled up to the restaurant and found Athena and Simon waiting outside. Athena carefully took Rhea from my arms. "I've missed my baby!"

(A/N: Everyone in the group treats Rhea as their own.)

Rhea cooed and smiled. Simon looked over at me. "We heard about what happened. I've seen to it that he will be dealt with."

We all headed inside and after Miles confirmed the reservation with the server, we were led to the private outdoor dining area. We all sat and started looking over the menu.

Rhea was getting passed around the table as everyone wanted their time with her. She went from Athena, to Simon, then Nahyuta, before being passed down to Apollo, Klavier, Miles, and Phoenix.

Rhea was a special child. Here in the states, she was known as the daughter of both the most famous defense attorneys and prosecutors. And in Khura'in, she was the newest addition to the royal family. She was a fan favorite among the Gavineers fans and its band members.

She had one sentimental gift from each of them.

Phoenix had a small plush bear custom made for her. Miles gave her a music box. It was made of porcelain and played a beautiful song. Apollo's gift was an embroidered blanket from Khura'in. It had mitamah butterflies on it. Klavier saved her a recording of the concert where he first sang the song he wrote for her. He called it 'Your Song'. And Nahyuta gifted her a headpiece that only the royal family of Khura'in could wear. The golden chain connected to a pink diamond and was adjustable.

And I had a special relationship with them as well. We were not married, but we didn't need a piece of paper to prove our love for each other. Rhea and I kept our last name of (L/n), however. I had gifts of my own from them, but I wasn't one for material things.

I only wanted their love and affection.

After a nice dinner, we all went home. Miles had bought the house two months ago. It had 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms.

I took Rhea to the nursery and changed her into her swaddle. I sat down in the rocking chair and started feeding her. Klavier quietly entered the room a few minutes later. I finished feeding Rhea and he carefully picked her up. I smiled as he started to rock her and sing.

"I hope you don't mind that I put down in words...How wonderful life is now you're in the world..."

He placed Rhea down in her crib. She had fallen asleep.

We left the room and headed to our own. Everyone was already ready for bed. I yawned. "I'm ready for bed." The rest nodded. We all got into the bed, squeezing close.

Miles laid closest to the door, a habit he developed from his overprotectiveness. Phoenix laid on his left. I was cushioned in the middle with Nahyuta on my other side and Apollo behind him with Klavier at the end. Simon and Athena laid by our legs.

You                       Athena
Nahyuta               Simon

I nuzzled into the blanket. "I love you guys. Goodnight..." A soft chorus of 'I love you too's reached my ears. The light turned out and I closed my eyes.

This was love.
