Random Headcannons #1

A/N: Spoilers for TGAA2 and the like!


- He has very rational fear of butterflies that spawned from the Dahlia incident and will avoid them at all costs.

- He will not take drinks, medicine, or food if he did not prepare it himself. Athena learned this the hard way after trying to take care of him when he had a cold.

- When he trimmed up Charlie, he took a clipping home and replanted it, growing a plant he affectionately refers as Charlie Jr.

- While in his hobo phase, Phoenix had a large Tik Tok following due to Trucy (AJ's events take place in 2019). Everyone referred to him as 'ex-lawyer, Eminem'.

- Phoenix raising Trucy is like Holmes raising Iris but 10x less hectic.


- He wanted to get another small dog like Pess, but decided not to after seeing how spoiled he made her. He has those buttons with recorded words for her and she uses them all the time. Maya made a joke one that says 'b*tch' and Pess uses it constantly.

- He's one of those people who have a business smile and an 'only for me' smile. And the second smile only appears when he's watching the Steel Samurai.

- He did not buy Pess from a breeder. He actually adopted her from a rescue Franziska took him to. He believes that he saved Pess and Pess saved him.

- He views Franziska as a little sister and even though he knows that she can handle herself, he's still protective.

- Von Karma left him with severe anxiety, depression, and insomnia. His need for perfectionism lowered drastically as a result, but he still strives to deliver his best work.


- He had a high school sweetheart relationship with Clay. But once Clay joined the space center program, they decided to mutually split to prevent any feelings of abandonment.

- He has ptsd from everything that happened with Kristoph and each time he saw Klavier before he got comfortable with him, he'd have panic attacks and flashbacks.

- He visited Klavier at the prosecutor's office once for some papers and Klavier was wearing a pair of reading glasses when he entered. Apollo straight up passed out.

- Clay had told Apollo that he wanted to be buried in space when he died, so Apollo, the HAT crew, and the space staff granted that wish. Clay was sent up with the same rocket Starbuck rode.

- Mikeko has buttons like Pess does. Apollo set them to say 'hungry', 'mad', etc, but Trucy hid a joke button in the pile that says 'Objection'. Mikeko uses it to back talk Apollo for more treats.


- He has an overwhelming fear of becoming like Kristoph. So in moments where he shows anger, like in Turnabout Serenade, he feels awful afterwards.

- The chain hanging from his pocket is surprisingly not a fashion accessory. It's Kristoph's pocket watch that has a family photo of the two of them in the lid. It's the only thing of Kristoph's that he kept.

- He tried his hardest to find a replacement for Daryan to keep the band together, but he rejected every one. He's subconsciously looking for Daryan.

- He is excellent with children and teenagers, but due to his fears, he doesn't want to have children of his own. He thinks it's for the better.

- He has commitment issues. But not in a typical 'player' way. Because of everything with Kristoph, he doesn't want to be used again. So he'll end up leaving anyone who tries to get close to him like that.

Simon Blackquill

- The first thing this man did when he got out of prison was go to a pet store for Taka. He bought him everything.

- He treats and sees Athena as his daughter/niece, so whoever he dates has to get along with her. And if they don't, then he's kicking them to the curb.

- He has extreme anxiety but hides it very well. Athena can sense it, but she stays quiet about it. His anxiety is usually triggered by crowds, screams, or anything medical.

- He uses the field behind the space center as a training grounds for his sword skills. He spends hours training.

- If he tries to sleep in, Taka will hop onto him and pull his hair. He usually gets Simon up after the third tug.

Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

- After Ga'ran was dethroned and the revolution began, he took time alone to grieve for Dhurke. He'd go far enough that he could scream and cry without being heard.

- He's become Nayna #2 for Rayfa. He does most things for her, but also shows her how to do them herself. He wants her to become independent.

- The number of times he had to scold Rayfa and Apollo for playing practical jokes on him and the servants is endless.

- He always wonders what things would be like if Dhurke were still around. Dhurke was the glue that held them all together.

- All animals absolutely love him. He is very fond of cats and for his birthday, Apollo surprised him with a beautiful Turkish Angora kitten.

Ryuunosuke Naruhodo

- He still studies up on his English whenever he can. Once when he was in court, Kazuma objected in Japanese and Ryuu responded back in Japanese, completely forgetting that he was in an English courtroom. The judge scolded them both.

- Took lessons from Gina on stealing and pickpocketing in case he ever had to take something, but he's only ever used his skills to flirt with the ladies at the fruit stand to get free fruit.

- He volunteered to help Sherlock with an experiment once. After that one time...never again. He was stuck with a black eye for a week.

- The first time he attended a ball was with Susato, Kazuma, and Lord Van Zieks. Of course, Barok could dance a perfect waltz. However, Ryuu was shocked when Kazuma and Susato also did the waltz perfectly. He declined every invitation to a ball after that.

- Susato knows that Ryuu has a major crush on Kazuma. She's a middleman for the two in exchanging letters or verbal messages. She knows everything due to this.

Kazuma Asogi

- After his father's name was cleared, he had the coffin exhumed and sent to Japan for a proper burial. Genshin was buried next to his wife.

- When Ryuu returned to visit, he surprised him with a repaired Karuma. It was a very thoughtful surprise to him.

- He knows that he's very attractive, but he's not going to make a big show out of it. So he knows what he's doing with his outfit choice.

- He cannot and will not get along with Van Zieks. He has tried for Ryuu, but he just finds Van Zieks to be so pompous and arrogant.

- He also has a massive crush on Ryuu but refuses to admit to it. And Ryuu is admittedly dense himself, so he's not worried about him figuring it out.

Barok Van Zieks

- He is a total perfectionist in every sense of the word. He doesn't like to give sloppy work.

- He is the biggest baby when it comes to being sick. He acts like he's dying from the plague when all he has is a common cold.

- In an attempt to make peace with Kazuma, he gave him a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback. The dog and Kazuma took to each other immediately.

- The scar on his face came from a sword. It was one of the first attempts on his life before he became the reaper. He and Klint were attacked, but Klint managed to pull out his sword and fight back. A bullet struck the metal, shattering it and sending the pieces across Barok'a face, creating the scar.

- Every lady in London wants to be his wife, but he's content with being alone. Deep down however, he has a fear of loss.
