Bedside Nurse (Miles Edgeworth x Sick! Reader)

Bedside Nurse (Miles Edgeworth x Sick! Reader)

Requested by ShadowRifter

Your Pov:

I woke up in a cold sweat, but my body felt hot. I looked over at the clock, the room swimming. It was 5:43 AM. Miles laid next to me, surprisingly asleep. He was usually up a bit earlier so that he could get to the office early.

I quickly sat up as I felt the bile rising in my throat. I darted out of bed and into the bathroom, making it just in time to regurgitate last night's dinner. I felt familiar hands hold my hair back. Once I was finished, I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. Miles helped me stand and I swished some water around my mouth before spitting it into the sink.

Miles looked at me. "You should be in bed. You're ill." I sighed as he took me back to bed. Once I was comfortable, he placed a box of tissues and a bucket next to the bed. "Here. I'll be back shortly." I watched him go without a word. He returned a few minutes later with a glass of water and a small bowl of soup. "You need to get some nutrients in your body. You have a cold, but I don't want it getting worse."

I sneezed into a tissue. "You need to go to work. You'll be late if you don't leave soon." He shook his head. "Though I try not to miss work, I will make an exception for this. You clearly can't take care of yourself." I sniffled. "I'll be fine. Go to work." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I will be here until you get better. I can work from home as well."

I pulled the blanket up to my chin. "Ok..." He slightly smiled. "Good. Now, why don't we watch some television?" I smiled as I heard the Steel Samurai theme song. After a few episodes, I eventually dozed off and fell asleep.


I woke up sometime later to Miles's voice. "(Y/n). I have your medicine. You need to take it." I groaned and opened my eyes. Miles stood at the side of the bed, holding a bottle of honey colored liquid medicine and a spoon. "Good. You're up. Here." He held the spoon out to me. "It's honey flavoured, so it shouldn't taste too terrible." I hesitantly accepted the spoonful of medicine.

It tasted like honey, so I didn't really mind swallowing it. Miles put the bottle and spoon on the bedside table. "I see you ate your soup. And your fever has gone down. How are you feeling?" I sat up. "I feel a bit better. Thanks to you that is." He brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "I'm only doing what I'm supposed to do, my dear. Now, I'll let you rest a bit more."

He grabbed the empty soup bowl and headed towards the door. As he opened the door, I spoke. "Miles?" He looked at me. "Yes?" I sneezed before smiling.

"Thank you."
