Lullabies (Jove Justice x Pregnant! Reader)

Lullabies (Jove Justice x Pregnant! Reader)

Requested by ShadowRifter

A/N: So this will be like Jove and Thalassa separated in Khura'in, but Thalassa still had Apollo.

Your Pov:

Jove, Thalassa, and I had travelled to Khura'in after hearing about the country's exotic music. Thalassa had just given birth to her son 3 months ago, but decided to separate from Jove. They both agreed it was for the best.

Jove and I got together shortly after. Thalassa didn't mind and was even happy for us. Jove and I performed in the bars and restaurants in Khura'in. But the performances slowed when I found out I was pregnant. Jove was very excited when I told him the news.

Right now, we were preparing for our performance in one of the bars. Jove sat across from me, tuning his guitar. "Are you sure you want to sing tonight?" I nodded. "Yes, Jove. You don't need to worry." He sighed. "I just can't help it. You saw how nervous I was with Apollo."

I smiled. "You're being a good dad. Now, it's almost time. Are you ready?" He strummed the strings of the guitar. "As I'll ever be." The two of us headed out to the stage. We were hidden behind the curtain. Jove sat on one of the stools and I sat on the other. The tambourine in my hand jingled as I did.

The curtain slowly rose and I smiled as Jove started to play.

I hit my tambourine in time with Jove's playing. The bar was silent, with the only noise being our voices and music. Thalassa watched us from the audience as she held Apollo.

I felt the small kicks hit against my stomach, bringing happy tears to my eyes. Soon enough, the song came to an end and every applauded as we left the stage. Once we were alone, I grabbed Jove's hand and placed it on my stomach. I felt the kick again and Jove's expression turned awestruck. Then, he smiled. "You're amazing. I love you more than words can say."

I smiled back. "I love you too." We shared a sweet kiss, treasuring the moment.

That night, we played at a few more places before heading to an inn. Jove was insistent that I get enough rest and relaxation. Though the baby wouldn't be here for another 7 months, Jove still panicked over every little thing. At night, he would wrap his arms around me and sing lullabies to the baby. Nights with Jove were always peaceful when he sang those lullabies.

And this night was one of them. We laid in bed together, my head on Jove's chest as his hands rested on my stomach. He kissed the top of my head, relaxing me further. I closed my eyes as he started to sing.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier with each line. The light kicks continued but they were more comforting than anything. I smiled as Jove continued singing. Soon, the kicks died down.

Jove's voice faded out and as I fell asleep, I heard him speak.

"I love you. Both of you."
