Random Headcannons #2

Franziska von Karma

- Before her father pushed her to be a prosecutor, she actually wanted to work with horses.

- She had a short lived rebel phase when she was 13. She got a nose ring and a cartilage piercing. Manfred punished her severely for it.

- Her mother died during childbirth, but to avoid any conflicts, Manfred told her that her mother didn't want her and left her with him.


- When Franziska first came to America, she was SA'd outside the courthouse. She forced herself to develop thick skin in order to cope with what happened and bought her famous whip for self defense.

- Franziska is bisexual with a lean towards women. But when it comes to men, she is extremely picky. She will not allow the bar to be on the floor.

Athena Cykes

- She is one of the people who will use dark humor to talk about how she absorbed her twin in the womb. This is why everyone in the office is glad there's only one of her.

- She took antidepressants after what happened with her mother in order to cope. She was on them for 4 years until she was 19.

- She had a bit of a celebrity crush on Klavier after meeting him at Themis. Her and Trucy fangirl together, much to Apollo's annoyance.


- Athena's reason for becoming a lawyer was to save Simon. If she would've failed to do so and Simon was executed, she might've contemplated suicide, believing that she no longer has a reason to live.

- She sees Apollo and Simon as brothers and uses that to her advantage when she wants free food.

Trucy Wright

- Even as a child, she knew Zak wasn't coming back for her after that trial. She'd always dream about him coming back though.

- Trucy got her first period when she was nine. Safe to say, Phoenix did not know what he was doing.

- She has a hard time making friends due to her peculiar hobbies. And once the Gramaryes ended up in the news, all the kids avoided her like the plague.

- Athena bought her an Ancestry dna kit for her birthday, but she never got to use it due to Phoenix 'misplacing' it.

- Has opened for the Gavineers more than once. She's the act everyone looks forward to.

Princess Rayfa

- She's insecure about her height and once wore sandals with high wedges. She nearly broke an ankle during the divination seance.

- She had a very hard time thinking of Dhurke as her father. Inga was all she ever knew and everyone allowed her to process everything at her own pace.

- Before she found out she was Nahyuta's sister, she had a schoolgirl crush on him. Safe to say, it completely vanished when she found out.

- Khura'inism sees periods as sacred with the blood being that of the queens before them, so when Rayfa got hers at 15, the whole city celebrated it for days. She was very embarrassed.

- Amara taught her the art of Khura'inese belly dancing and she was a natural. It became her hobby, though Nahyuta nearly fainted from shock when he heard about it.

Susato Mikotoba:

- Everyone was surprised that her father had never arranged a marriage for her. It wasn't traditional for a woman of her status to be unmarried.

- A while after everything, Rei was married off to a man who was also studying medicine. It was a marriage of convenience however.

- She has a fangirl crush on Holmes, but could never actually see anything coming from it.

- She was actually arranged to marry Kazuma, but once her father adopted him, he called the engagement off. No one objected.

- Her mother was actually pregnant with twins, but only Susato made it into the world. Her mother and twin sister died during the strenuous labor process.

- She had a daddy issues phase, but quickly grew out of it. And anytime anyone brings it up, she gets embarrassed.

Gina Lestrade

- Once Greyson took her under his wing, he tried to make her into a proper lady at first. She absolutely hated it.

- Hates dresses with a burning passion, but she will wear one if it's a very special occasion. No heels though. She will be the one to wear boots under a dress.

- Will fight anyone who messes with her, man or woman. She has no chill.

- Went undercover in a brothel once and was sick to her stomach afterwards. It altered her perspective of men forever.

- Basically adopted by Van Zieks. He treats her like a little sister. They both healed each other's trauma.

A/N: Anymore?
