Bittersweet (Miles Edgeworth x Wife! Reader)

Bittersweet (Miles Edgeworth x Wife! Reader)

Requested by JackieClifford6

Your Pov:

I remembered the night before everything happened. Miles paced around his study without pause and refused to tell me what was wrong. He seemed anxious and shaken. And later that night, around 10:00, he still hadn't come to bed. He was in his study, hunched over his desk as he wrote something.

But he never let me see it.

I went to bed alone that night and the next morning, I woke up alone.


I woke up and reached over to feel for Miles. But I came up empty handed. I looked over to see his side of the bed empty and cold. I called out. "Miles?" But I got no answer. I thought he might be in his study, so I went there. But he wasn't in there. However, a letter sat on his desk. On the front, was my name. I picked it up and started reading.

My dearest (Y/n),

I never meant for this to happen, nor to expose you to my own tragedies. I don't know what will happen or what will become of me, but if things go the way I believe they will, don't say anything. This is not your problem to get involved with.

I deeply apologize for any of my actions that may inadvertently harm you or your emotions. Know that doing so was never my intention. The less you know, the better it will be. For what you may come to know, you may despise me or even hate me. And I cannot blame you.

It's only a matter of time until you find this letter and read it's contents. But whatever you do, don't dig into this more than you already have. This is not your problem to solve. It's something I must deal with alone.

I'm sorry and I love you.

- Miles Edgeworth

I placed the letter back on the desk and left the room. My thoughts were racing as I did. I didn't understand what he was talking about or why he wasn't here. I called his phone multiple times, but he didn't answer. As I entered the living room, I saw that the tv was on and playing the news. That's when I heard the reporter.

"This just in, the suspect in the murder at Gourd Lake has been identified as Miles Edgeworth, age 24."

My phone clattered on the floor.


20 minutes later, I found myself at the detention center. I sat on the other side of the glass, looking at Miles with sad eyes. "I know you didn't do it! You'd never-" He cut me off. "I don't want you to get involved with this case. I believe my letter made that clear. Please, go home." I huffed. "You said you've hated criminals ever since your father died! You dedicated your life to putting them away! And're acting just like one."

He looked away. "(Y/n), darling, please go home." I stood. "I will not go home. I'm going to prove you innocent even if it kills me!" I turned and left the detention center, one destination in mind: The Wright & Co. Law Offices.


Days had passed and now, I stood in front of my husband, tears in my eyes. "I'm so, so glad you're alright..." I hugged him, burying my face in his chest. He rubbed my back. "Don't cry, darling. It's alright. It's finally all over."

I looked at him. "I did what I could to save you, but Phoenix did most of the heavy lifting. I hope you thanked him." He nodded. "I did. Wright understands how thankful I am. He wishes us well, in fact."

I smiled. "I'm happy to hear that. I love you, Miles. And I can't even put it into words." He cupped my cheek.

"And I love you, (Y/n). Until death do us part."
