Deceivers (Godot x Mia Fey's Twin Sister! Reader)

Deceivers (Godot x Mia Fey's Twin Sister! Reader)

A/N: Takes place before & during Trials & Tribulations!

Your Pov:

I sat in Mia's office, trying to get myself together. Mia was gone and I was preparing myself to channel her. She had told me a few days before her death that she needed a favor, but she never got the chance to tell me what it was. And now, I finally had the courage to ask her. I closed my eyes.


Mia Fey opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was back in her office, staring at the familiar room. She knew who had called her back and it was further cemented when she read the paper on the desk. All it contained was one sentence.

'Tell me the favor and I'll do it.'

She grabbed a pen and started to write on the backside of the paper. She wrote everything down to the finest detail, leaving nothing out. Then she went to the shelves and pulled a file out from the A-D section before sitting it on the desk next to the paper. The label on the file was marked a bright red and read:

'Diego Armando'

She bookmarked various sections in the file, making sure to specify everything clearly. Once she was satisfied, she forced the channeling to end, causing everything to go black.


(Back to you)

As my vision returned to me, I saw a file lying next to the paper I had left, except now, Mia's handwriting covered it. I grabbed the paper and started to read it's content.


(Y/n), I need you to read this thoroughly and memorize it. It's very important. I know you don't know him, but I need you to find someone. His name is Diego Armando and he used to be a defense attorney.

He was very important to me and I was very important to him. This all has to do with the favor I asked you about.

I need you to pretend to be me.

I know that it sounds crazy, but I need you to do this. We are exactly identical from our heads to our toes, so no one will know.

I left all the details on Diego in the file next to this note. I know that he will ask you everything he can to prove that you are 'Mia Fey'. I've left the answer to every question he could think to ask. Remember them.

I have some spare clothes and a scarf in my lower left desk drawer that you can wear when you go to see him. I ask that you please hurry and do so as soon as possible.

And when you see him, tell him "It was my twin sister (Y/n), who died. I was scared that Redd White would come after me again, so I let the world believe that Mia Fey was the one who died that night." If he has any doubt, show him this. That should be enough to convince him.

Good Luck.

- Mia

Next to the note and the file was a beautiful necklace. I picked it up and examined it.

I put the necklace down and picked up the file. I read through it for hours, memorizing all the questions and answers Mia left for me. Once I was sure I had everything down, I grabbed the clothes from the drawer and got dressed. As I looked in the mirror, I could feel my heart breaking.

I missed Mia...

I put the necklace on and hid it under the scarf, just like the note said. Once I was ready, I left the office. I walked for a while until I reached the prosecutor's office. I took a deep breath and entered the building. I flashed my ID at the guard and they let me through. The note told me that he had white hair and that his eyes were most likely damaged. Along with that, I was able to find the one person who matched that description.

One prosecutor Godot.

As I got to his door, I stopped. I couldn't go back now. I had to do this.

For Mia.

I knocked on the door and waiting for a response. A deep, smooth voice answered. "Come in." I took a deep breath and twisted the knob, opening the door.

A man sat at the desk, reading a report. His hair was completely white and he wore some sort of visor over his eyes, covering the top half of his face. He looked up and even though I couldn't see his eyes, I could tell he was staring at me.

The report dropped from his hands.

"Heh...The caffeine must finally be getting to me...Mia's dead. She's been dead for two years."

I gathered my courage and spoke. "You're wrong, Diego." He choked on his coffee, coughing slightly. "Mia Fey is dead. I must be hallucinating." I walked up to him and grabbed his hand in just the way the note said.

Intertwining our fingers and running my thumb over the side of his hand.

I spoke. "I'm here, Diego. Alive and well." His grip on my hand tightened. "But how? Redd White killed you." I shook my head. "No. He murdered my twin sister, (Y/n). I feared for my life, so I let everyone think that Mia Fey was dead. And it worked." He huffed. "If you really are Mia, show me then. Show me the symbol of our promise."

I lifted the scarf, allowing the necklace to dangle against my skin. I heard him suck the air between his teeth. "Tell me...How do I take my coffee?" I tucked the necklace away. "You drink only black...but, on the hard days, you add exactly one tablespoon of bourbon whiskey to it."

He pulled me into a hug. "Mia...I'm glad you're alright..."

I hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "Don't worry, Diego. I'm here now..."

And it was as those words left my lips that I realized.

In doing this, I was no better than the man who killed my sister.

I was deceiving a grieving man.
