AA Hunger Games (Part Two)

Alright, let's start where we left off last time!

And now Nahyuta is meditating to the sound of Trucy chasing everyone away from her fire. And he's probably laughing to himself.

Simon's about to be deadly with that slingshot. And watch out, Ema. You don't want Ray's hugs.

Phoenix just died like some kind of Oregon trail character. And Nahyuta is still getting everything from the sponsors. The others are still doing alright.

The lone fallen tribute. That's Phoenix using his MC powers.

FranYuta? Maybe? There would be so much clashing with those two. But how did Sebastian get tangled up with Lang and Shih-Na?

Ok, I think Kristoph is living on through Klavier. I wonder who's next....

Athena's stalking him to make sure he's ok. She just cares a lot. But Simon can always hear her from a mile away. And Sebastian just wants to be useful to someone.

Can Nahyuta even run? And now Kay died in such a dumb way. I think she wasn't watching where she was going.

Uh oh! Our first Arena Event! Let's see how the rest of this goes.

So everyone's dying right off the bat. The rest of this might be quick.

Yep. I think like half of the people left just died. They are dropping like flies.

Noooo! Not Simon! I guess prison life didn't prepare him for this! At least Mia lived!

That Arena Event killed 13 people in one fell swoop! Well, this might finish sooner than I expected.

I swear, if Sebastian wins this. He's survived too long for no reason. This is a whole bag of crazy.

Surprisingly, no one died. I guess they all called a truce for the time being.

Oh my...Nahyuta took Athena out! And Sebastian just got a weapon. Is he going to take the win today?

RIP Athena! You will be missed!

They are really dragging this out!

Oh. Nevermind. I refuse to believe that Sebastian might win. If he does, I don't know what I'll do.


Move on to the final part!
