Recipe For Inspiration (Klavier Gavin x Writer! Reader) LEMON

Recipe For Inspiration (Klavier Gavin x Writer! Reader) LEMON

Requested by ShadowRifter

A/N: Once again, I apologize if this is cringy or not that great! Thank you for understanding!

Your Pov:

I sat on the couch, laptop on my lap as I tried to think of what to write. I had most of the chapter written out, but then I hit a writer's block.

'Hmm...Fade to black? No. That's old and out...'

I read down the page to where I stopped.

'He stared at me, his eyes a dark mix of possessiveness and something...else. I wanted to pull away from his touch and tell him that he was overreacting, but at the same time, I wanted to feel his touch more. To feel his skin touch mine, his hands on my body. I finally looked up at him and-'

I sighed and put the laptop to the side. As I did, Klavier entered the room. He had just gotten back from work and seemed a little ticked off. We had been dating for a while and I really liked him. He dropped his keys in the dish on the counter. "I thought you were finishing that chapter today, fraulein?" I huffed. "I'm having writer's block. It sucks."

He hummed. "I see. You know, I went to visit my brother recently and he told me that he had quite the affinity for your books. But I knew he was talking about you." His eyes had darkened slightly, but otherwise, he looked calm. I scoffed. "And I'd be interested in your brother, why?" He shrugged. "We do look quite similar and you've met him before, so it's not a stretch." I stood from my spot on the couch. "I love you, but sometimes I can't stand you."

He looked at me. "Can't stand me? Am I too much of the jealous type?" I nodded. "You get jealous over the tiniest things that have anything to do with other guys around me." He grabbed my hand, pulling me into his chest. He gripped my chin, moving my gaze up to his. "That's because you're mine, fraulein."

He kissed me, his lips moving roughly against mine. As if a switch had been flipped, I kissed him back. His hands moved down to the back of my thighs and he pulled away to mutter. "Jump." I did so and kissed him again as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was quick to get us to the bedroom. He laid me down and pulled his shirt off with mine following soon after.

He kissed down my neck, leaving marks as he went. I whimpered and whined at his touches. His hands gripped the clasp of my bra and I nodded. He discarded it onto the floor along with my underwear and his own. His fingers gently pulled and pinched at my chest, making my back arch, pressing my body into his.

His eyes never left my face, even as his hands wandered. I jolted as I felt two fingers prod inside of me. A moan escaped my lips as he sped up and took a bud into his mouth. He watched me, seemingly getting pleasure out of my reactions. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, but then, he pulled away.

He reached into the nightstand and grabbed a condom, unrolling it and putting it on. I shivered as I felt him press against me. He spoke. "Are you ready, fraulein?" I nodded, trying to catch my breath. "Y-Yes...!" He slowly pushed into me and I could tell he was trying his best to hold back. Once he was in all the way, he pulled back and slowly thrusted.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closing. "Please, faster...!" Immediately, he sped up, hands gripping my hips with enough strength to leave bruises, but I didn't care. My mind was blank as he continued to rock into me.

He left more hickeys all over my body, as if he was marking me. My mouth froze in a silent moan as my release hit me full force, causing me to tremble. Klavier came quickly afterwards. He carefully pulled out and tossed the condom away before turning to me. "Are you alright? You know I don't like to get so rough with you, fraulein."

I smiled at him, taking in the afterglow. "I'm fine, Klavier. This is going to sound ridiculous, but you cleared my writer's block." After he cleaned up, we got dressed and laid down together. His hair was unraveled from it's neat come, making it look like a halo around his head as he laid on the pillow.

He smiled. "You're welcome, but you can finish that chapter after you rest. Your legs still haven't stopped shaking." I smacked his chest. "That's not my fault, now is it?"

With that, the two of us drifted off to sleep in a mess of tangled limbs and clear minds.

But I did sneak out of bed 30 minutes later to finish that chapter.

I couldn't let the idea slip away from me after all.
