Reaching Goals (Klavier Gavin x Background Dancer! Reader)

Reaching Goals (Klavier Gavin x Background Dancer! Reader)

Your Pov:

I sat on the stage with the others, warming up. I watched as the other dancers stretched, going into the splits or doing other stretches. It made me feel a bit down. I was not as flexible as the others. I couldn't do the splits or lay flat in a straddle.

Some of them were saying that it was a miracle I even got into this concert. We were dancing for the Gavineers during their concert. This meant that everyone had to be at their best.

A little while later, the band stepped onto the stage. They greeted us before grabbing their instruments and microphones. We all got into our positions for the first dance and the music started.


I panted as the last song came to an end. The leader of the band, Klavier, turned to us. "Wonderful job, ladies. Take a break. We start again in 10." I waited in the wings behind the curtain until everyone was gone from the stage. Once I was sure I was alone, I walked onto the stage.

I ran through some basic and intermediate stretches before trying my splits again. My muscles tightened when I was four inches from touching the ground. I sighed and sat in my straddle before leaning forward and pushing my chest towards the ground. I felt even worse when I could only go halfway. I huffed and looked out at the open stadium seats.

Just then, a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Why are you out here all alone, fraulein?" I quickly stood, facing Klavier. "Mr. Gavin! I was just, uh, stretching to keep my muscles warm." He smiled. "Please, call my Klavier. And I see. You must be very flexible." I looked away. "Um...yeah. I should go get some water before we start again."

As I turned to walk away, he grabbed my hand. "I saw you just now. When you were stretching." I bit my lip. "I know I'm not as flexible as the others, but I can do better! Please don't fire me!" He let go of my hand and put his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, fraulein. I'm not going to fire you. But despite not being as flexible as the others, you make up for it with your enthusiasm and passion."

I looked at him. "You think so?" He nodded. "I know so. In fact, I know a bit about flexibility myself, so I could teach you a few things." I smiled at him. "You would? Thank you!" He smiled back. "Stay back after rehearsals today. Meet me here once everyone leaves, alright?" I nodded. "Ok. I'll be here."


The rest of rehearsal went by in a flash and soon, everyone was packing up to go home. I pretended to pack up and once I was sure that everyone was gone, I headed to the stage. Klavier was waiting for me, wearing a fitted black shirt and a pair of black pants. "You came, fraulein. I'm glad." I nodded. "I wouldn't of missed this for the world." He smiled. "Let's get started then."

And so, I stayed after rehearsal with Klavier everyday for the entire month. He helped me stretch and showed me new stretches along the way. He pushed my limits each day, making sure I properly stretched every muscle I could.

But today was the day of the show. The day that would determine if all of that work would pay off in the end.

I took a breath as I walked towards the stage. We would be on soon. I looked down at my costume, nervously adjusting it.

Soon, the lights dimmed and Klavier exited the stage. He came over to me. "You can do this, fraulein. Now get out there and give the crowd a performance they won't forget!" I smiled and headed onto the dark stage. The other dancers took their spots around me and then...

The music began.


I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead as the song started coming to it's conclusion. This was my only opportunity and chance to see if my progress paid off. We moved into our final formation with me front and center. The lights lit up the stage even more as it got closer.

I caught Klavier's gaze and he smiled. That was all I needed in that moment. The music hit the final counts and I took a deep breath.

Everything was riding on this.

I let my mind go blank as I went into my final two movements.

My hands hit the cold stage floor as I lifted myself into a balanced split handstand.

Then, on the final beat, I let the leg in front of my head bend, my foot almost touching my head. I held my breath, balancing my weight.

Then, the song ended. Once the stage went dark, I got back into my feet and headed offstage. As I did, I bumped into somebody. They chuckled.

"You did amazing, fraulein."

I smiled. "Klavier! It was all thanks to you. Thank you!" I hugged him and he hugged back. "You're welcome. After the concert, we should celebrate, don't you think?" I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "What do you mean?" He grabbed my hand. "I want to take you on a date. What do you say, fraulein?" I felt myself becoming flustered. "I-I would love to." He hummed.

"It's a date then. I'll see you after the concert, fraulein."
