Starting Over (Pierce Nichody x Sorin's Younger Sister! Reader)

Starting Over (Pierce Nichody x Sorin's Younger Sister! Reader)

Your Pov:

I hurried through the halls of the manor. My dress slightly slowed me down, but I paid it no mind. I made it outside to the garden and walked into the hedge maze. I sat on the bench there and sighed.

My parents had just told me about my arranged marriage to another company owner's son. I did not take it well and rushed out. Suddenly, a voice reached my ears.

"Ms. Sprocket, what troubles you so?"

I looked up. "Oh, Pierce. Why are you here?" He smiled at me. "It is my duty to calm your distress, mistress." I shook my head. "There's nothing to be done. You know this, Pierce." He sat on the bench next to me. "But there is. We must tell your family."

I looked at him. "We can't! They already despise Ellen and I don't want the same to happen to you. And I don't want to be outcasted for loving you, my dead sister's fiancée." He held my hands. "Though time has stopped for Selena and I, I know we both want nothing more than your happiness. So, let us tell them."

I squeezed his hands. "A-Alright..." He cupped my cheek. "I love you forevermore, (Y/n)." I smiled. "I love you too, Pierce."


Later that day, I found myself in my parents' study. Pierce was already there, along with Sorin. Father spoke. "I've heard some interesting news from some of the servants." He looked at Pierce. "I never thought you'd be the one to betray my trust, Pierce."

I looked down. Pierce spoke. "I would never betray you, sir." My father sighed. "(Y/n), are you in love with Pierce? A mere servant?" I looked at Pierce, then at my father. "...Yes." Pierce spoke up. "Sir, we truly never meant to upset you. I apologize."

Mother looked at father. "At least it's Pierce. He is a wonderful man." Father looked at Sorin. "Sorin, as (Y/n)'s brother, it's also up to you to give your blessing. I have already done so."

I looked at Sorin. He was off in his own world, playing with his airplane pen. He folded a sheet of paper up into a plane and flew it to me. It read 'Whatever makes her happy'.

I smiled. "Thank you, Sorin!" Father hummed. "We will have the wedding as soon as possible. You may go now." Pierce bowed to my father. "Yes, sir. Thank you."

And after that, everything seemed to be getting better...until it didn't.

Dumas was murdered after the wedding reception and Ellen was arrested. I tried to comfort Sorin but he was silent and non-responsive.

Pierce had been acting differently lately. He was distant and almost cold. I didn't understand it.

Then, that day in court, it all came to light.


Pierce stood at the stand, being accused of the murder. He had aired out everything about my sister's death and the car accident. Luckily, that day, I had stayed home due to the flu. Sorin was driving but a drunk driver ran a light and hit them, rolling the car.

As the judge read out his verdict, I spoke. "Your honor, if I may..." The judge looked at me. "You are the defendant's sister in law, correct? What is it?" I sighed. "Please don't be so harsh with your ruling. Pierce has done something awful, something he can never undo. But...hurt people hurt others. He has been in pain for a while and I don't want him to suffer anymore."

Pierce spoke. "(Y/n)..." I looked at the judge. "I love him, your honor." The judged nodded. "I see. As this murder was not malicious in its intent, a lighter sentence can be handed down. This court finds Pierce Nichody guilty of involuntary manslaughter. He will serve 2 years in prison with a chance for parole. That is all. Court is adjourned."

I nodded. "Thank you, your honor." As everyone filed out of the courtroom, I looked at Pierce. "I love you, Pierce. Forevermore." He smiled that kind, soft smile at me.

"And I, you, (Y/n). Forevermore."
