Legends & Myths (Various x Reader)

Legends & Myths (Various x Reader)

A/N: Takes place after SoJ's events and in Khura'in. So if you haven't finished SoJ, beware of spoilers!

No One's Pov:

Apollo walked through the palace, looking for Nahyuta. A few things had come up at the office and he needed to ask a few questions. In the courtyard, he could hear voices coming from behind the old tomb, now converted to Dhurke's final resting place.

He went over, peering behind the tomb. Nahyuta stood, looking at a mural painted on the white brick wall standing behind the tomb. Taking a chance, Apollo called out. "Nahyuta...?" Nahyuta turned to him, coming out of whatever state he was in. "Apollo? What are you doing here?"

Apollo turned towards the mural, taking in its depiction. "I had to ask you something, but...who is that?" Nahyuta turned back towards the mural, tracing his fingers over the paint. "You would not remember (Y/n), of course. She was my sister and Rayfa's fraternal twin." Apollo looked at him. "Why didn't you or Dhurke tell me about her? Where is she?"

Nahyuta's hand fell away from the mural. "That...we do not know. On their 10th birthday, they performed the divination seance for the first time. They were successful, however, her spiritual power was strong enough that she called forth the actual spirit."

Apollo rose a brow. "Shouldn't that have been a cause for celebration? Spiritual power is a big part of how the princess becomes queen." Nahyuta looked at him, his gaze piercing. "It was, but it also put a dent in Ga'ran's plan. I had barely became a prosecutor when it happened."

Apollo tilted his head. "It?" Nahyuta nodded. "A few days after their birthday, I noticed that (Y/n) wasn't around the palace. That evening, Ga'ran had announced to the people that (Y/n) was missing, presumably kidnapped by the Defiant Dragons. That of course, was a lie."

Apollo looked at him with confusion. "Then what happened to her? If Dhurke didn't come for her, then what?" Nahyuta paused. "...Dhurke believed that Ga'ran felt threatened by her spiritual power and...did away with her. It's been four years since then and there's been no sign of her since. This mural was put up in her honor on the one year anniversary of the day she disappeared."

The mural depicted a young girl with (e/c) eyes and (color) hair. She was smiling as pink butterflies flitted around her. Painted roses lined the border of the mural. In her hands, she held a water lily flower, a symbol of the holy mother.

Apollo turned to Nahyuta. "But there were searches for her, weren't there?" Nahyuta sighed. "We tried. But the Queen would call them off. Dhurke and the others searched every village and every town. He even went as far as searching the records of every cemetery for any record of a 10 year old girl fitting her description. But we never found her." Apollo looked back towards the mural. "Don't give up yet. She could be out there somewhere. And if she is, Dhurke would want us to bring her home."

Nahyuta smiled, his gaze soft. "I haven't given up on her. I never could."

The two went back into the palace, readying an announcement for the people. Once they were ready, they handed the declaration to the captain of the guard, who posted it in the bazaar square. This immediately gained the attention of the people, who immediately began scouring the village for the lost princess.


Your POV:

I slowly rode down the path, taking in the land. I had to deliver some honey to the bazaar outside of the Khura'in royal palace. I lived in a village miles away from the palace, so there was never much going on.

My parents, or really, my adopted parents, ran a honeycomb business. They harvested honey, honeycombs, and the like. They found me wandering in the wilderness when I was 10. I was bleeding from my head and couldn't remember anything except for my name. They took me in as their own.

I never cared about my past or where I came from as I had the family I needed. I had questions of course, but I wasn't searching for any answers. I didn't need them.

As I made it to the bazaar, I hopped off the cart, leading the horse to a stall. I spoke with the salesperson and dropped off the delivery. As I led the horse away, I heard someone call out to me. "Excuse me? Miss!" I turned around, spotting a boy with brown hair. He looked to be in his 20's. "Yes?"

The boy spoke. "Have you heard of the lost princess? The prince regent has made a public declaration." I shook my head. "No, I haven't. My village is miles away from here. So we don't hear about many things." He spoke again. "If you don't mind, could you come with me to the palace?"

I ended up going with the boy to the palace. I ended up learning that his name was Apollo. We reached the throne room and he turned to me. "Excuse me for a moment."

No One's Pov:

Apollo rushed into the drawing room behind the throne room. Nahyuta and Amara sat, talking over tea. Apollo looked at them. "I think...I think I found her..." The two stood, quietly brushing past him and out into the throne room. He followed them out, watching in silence.

The two royals stared at the girl, examining every part of her that they could. She felt so familiar to them and she almost looked the same. Nahyuta spoke first. "Tell me, where did you come from?" The girl spoke. "My village is a few miles from here. My parents are honey harvesters."

This time, Amara spoke. "Your parents?" The girl nodded. "Well, my adoptive parents. They found me wandering in the wilderness when I was young, about 10 years old, I think." Nahyuta's gaze snapped to hers. "What of your life before that?" The girl shrugged. "I don't know. I can't remember anything from before I was found."

After that, the two brought her into the courtyard. They didn't want to get their hopes up, but they had to try and at least see if it was her. Nahyuta had brought out an old photograph from the twins's 10th birthday. In her arms, Amara held a beautifully crafted box.

To Your Pov:

I watched as the prince held out a photograph to me. In the photograph stood two girls. One was the princess, Rayfa. The other was unfamiliar to me. But something tugged at the back of my mind. Like a scrabbling feeling.

"Happy birthday!"

"...Dance of Devotion..."


The voices quieted and I spoke. "This picture seems familiar to me, but I don't know why." Queen Amara placed the box down and opened. Out of it, she lifted a beautiful tiara.

She silently approached me and suddenly, something in my mind surfaced. It felt like this scene had happened before. But before, it was an old woman holding the tiara. The memory disappeared as soon as it came, leaving me confused.

The tiara touched my head and I reached up, my fingers tracing the intricate design. The soft pearls were smooth against my skin. I stood there, trying to understand these voices and the strange memories making their way into my mind. Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.


We all turned to see the princess. She had stopped in her tracks, staring at us. Or more likely, staring at me. It was then that the voices came again.

"Take her into the wilderness and then kill her..."

"I'm sorry, your prominence..."

"I think I heard it around here..."

A sharp, throbbing pain pierced the side of my head and I collapsed. I held a hand to my head, hoping the pain would subside. Everyone watched me silently. The princess approached me, holding out her hand. I carefully took it. The instant our hands touched, everything clicked into place.

A flood of memories rushed back into place. I tried to process each one as fast as I could. The throne room, Ga'ran, the guard, everything.

I hugged her. "Rayfa..." She hugged me back. "(Y/n)..." When we pulled away from the hug, I faced my brother and mother. "Nahyuta...Mother..." Mother looked at me, tears welling up in her eyes. "My daughter...It truly is you!" She hugged me, Nahyuta following. Once the hug was over, mother put her hands on my shoulders. "You must tell us, what happened all those years ago?"

The memories were fresh in my mind again, leaving me to relive what had happened. I sighed. "It was two days after our birthday. Ga'ran had me confined to my room with a guard stationed outside. That night, father, Dhurke, visited me. He told me the truth about everything. I decided to believe him."

I continued. "Somehow, Ga'ran had found out about his visit. In her mind, with my power and my background, I was a threat to her, despite being only 10. I remember being dragged to the throne room the next night. She ordered one of the guards to take me into the wilderness...and make it look like I had been killed by an animal or the elements just in case anyone found me there."

Rayfa spoke up. "I...I had no idea. Your room must've been setup. That next morning, we found your room practically destroyed." I nodded. "She wanted to blame father. That night, I was tied up and thrown into the back of a wagon. From there, the guard took me to a forest like area. It's still fuzzy, but I think he hit me on the side of the head with a rock. I remember feeling the blood trickling down my skin. I passed out afterwards and he believed that I was dead."

I touched the side of my head. "I woke up on the ground with the rock next to my head. I was alone and I couldn't remember anything except for my name. In an attempt to find help, I wandered through the forest, eventually finding a nice couple. And after that, you know the rest."

Nahyuta looked at me. "I'm sorry I could not protect you." I shook my head. "It's okay. What matters is that we're all together again. As a family." I looked towards the palace. "That reminds me, where is father?" Nahyuta paused. "...Dhurke...Dhurke is gone. He dwells in the twilight realm now."

My heart dropped. "I...I see. Well, at least father can rest peacefully knowing that we've found each other again. It's what he would've wanted." Mother spoke up. "We must announce to the people that you have returned. They will be overjoyed to know that their lost Princess has returned." I smiled. "Of course."


The next day, I stood next to my sister as Nahyuta addressed the people. They knew now that their lost princess had returned and they were absolutely ecstatic.

Along with that, I had visited my adoptive parents, telling them about the news. They were happy for me and urged me to be with my real family. I thanked them for everything and left them with an invitation to the palace so that they could come and see me.

And now, as I stood next to Rayfa, I couldn't stop smiling. Everyone was celebrating my return with a grand party. Rayfa looked at me. "You know, I always felt like you were alive somewhere. And I always thought about you. Thinking about when you would return home." I looked over the crowd of people and then looked back at her, green eyes meeting (e/c).

"Well I'm home now...and I'm never leaving again. I promise!"
