Fight Back (Phoenix Wright x Daughter! Reader)

Fight Back (Phoenix Wright x Daughter! Reader) [PLATONIC]

Your Pov:

I was silent as I followed my father through the detention center halls. My sister, Trucy, was back at the office with Apollo. We made it to the visitation room and waited. Unlike the others, this one didn't have the glass wall. Father looked at me. "Are you sure you can handle this?" I nodded. "Yes. I have to confront this."

A few minutes later, a familiar man entered the room. His blond hair shown like a halo, hiding the devilish man within. He looked at us. "Wright. What more do you need? I'd prefer to be left in peace." Father shook his head. "You've been a horrible person. And you still can't get out of your own way. Think about everyone you've affected with your actions." Kristoph chuckled. "Oh, I see what this is about. But you forget Wright, Ms. (Y/n) came to me. She begged me to help you. And I did...After she did me a favor."

I looked down. Father put a hand on my shoulder. Kristoph continued. "And with the way you've lived the past seven years, I'm sure I wasn't the first one to ask her for a favor." Father spoke. "You fed off her fears. You manipulated her by using me as a bargaining piece. She's 17. And you seem to know a lot about manipulating vulnerable people: Vera Misham, Apollo, and now, my daughter."

Kristoph shook his head. "It's not manipulation, Wright. It's called using the available resources. And then once I had no use for them, I tossed them away. But Ms. (Y/n)...was the most useless of them all. A pretty face with a less than average physique I could make do anything. As long as you were under my thumb, she obeyed like a dog. But other than that, she was quite useless." Kristoph looked at me. "Maybe that's why I ruined you so quickly. Worn out toys aren't meant to be kept."

I flinched as father launched himself across the table at Kristoph. The two fell to the floor, punches and slaps filling the air. I swallowed as a sickening crack filled the air. Blood splattered on the floor, inches from my shoes. After that, the guards came in, separating the two.

Kristoph's nose was gushing blood and looked broken. The blood had stained the front of his suit. Father had a busted lip and a black eye. His nose was also bleeding but looked fine. Their hair was disheveled and Kristoph's lenses were cracked.

The guards took Kristoph away and we left after that. Once we got back to the office, I grabbed the first aid kit and started treating father's injuries. He held an ice pack to his eye as I cleaned his lip and nose. I sighed. "You didn't need to fight him. But...thank you." Father spoke. "You're welcome. I wasn't going to let him make you think any of that was your fault. You were scared for me and only wanted to help me. 7 years ago and now."

I wiped away the blood under his nose. "When I heard you'd been arrested for murder, I panicked. Without you, what would happen to Trucy and I? So, I went to him. When I went to his office, he was alone. He promised me that he would help, but I'd have to do what he said. And I stupidly listened. But at least it was me instead of Trucy. I had to protect her." Father looked at me. "I'll say it again and again until you believe it. No matter what happened, no matter what he told or promised you..." He grabbed my hands.

"This was not your fault."

He wiped away the tears falling down my cheeks. "It never was." I hugged him, careful of his injuries. "T-Thank you..." He rubbed my back as I cried into his chest. "Don't thank me. I'm your dad. I'll always protect you."

And so, even as the rain beat against the windows and the thunder rumbled overhead...

I knew I'd be alright.

A/N: We were totally robbed of Phoenix throwing hands with Kristoph at the end of AJ!
