Growing Up (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)

Growing Up (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)


A/N: This chapter has mentions of the menstrual cycle, blood, etc. And Sherlock will always be Sherlock/Holmsie to me. Same with Ryu and Ginebean!

Your Pov:

I opened the door to the flat, carrying a basket of groceries. As I stepped inside, I became aware of the chaos that was ensuing. I quickly put the basket out of harm's way before trying to assess the situation.

Sherlock was kneeling in front of Iris, who looked terrified. He looked equally scared and they were talking quietly. I didn't see Ryuunosuke or Susato around, so I assumed they were gone. And I was now concerned because Iris was basically my baby. And I'd hurt anyone who hurt her.

I spoke up. "What happened?" Sherlock stood quickly. "My dear! Thank heavens you're back!" He whispered quietly in my ear. "I'm worried. All of the doctors are out and Iris is...bleeding. I don't know what's going on." I looked at him. "The great detective not knowing something? Once in a lifetime there."

I sighed. "I'm going to talk to Iris. You stay here." He pouted as I walked away. I stopped in front of Iris. "Come on, sweetie. We're going to talk about what's happening." Iris held my hand. "O-Ok..." I took her upstairs to her room and closed the door.

She sat on the bed and I sat next to her. "So, tell me, what's wrong?" She clutched the skirt of her dress, looking nervous. "I was writing on the typewriter today and when I got up, the seat...had b-blood on it. Holmsie saw it too. I had to change my dress because it was on the back. And I also had to change my..."

She paused before continuing. "Those. They had blood too." She looked at me. "What's happening? Why am I bleeding?" I put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "There's no need to worry. What happened was and is perfectly normal."

(A/N: Menstrual cycles can start as early as 8 years old)

She looked at me. "It's normal? Really?" I nodded and continued. "You've gotten your first menstrual cycle. Every woman gets one." She tilted her head. "You too?" I smiled at her. "Yes, me too." I explained further. "You bleed from...there for one week each month. You may get stomach cramps, mood swings, bloating, or other symptoms."

Iris looked down at her hands. "But how do I stop the bleeding?" I took some pads out of the satchel bag still on my shoulder and handed them to her. "You open one of these up and put it in your undergarments. You'll go through multiple. Speaking of which, you should do that now. I'll wait outside." She nodded. "Ok..."

I left the room and waited outside the door. A few minutes later, she called me back in. I entered the room and she smiled at me. Then she frowned. "Are you going to tell Holmsie?" I shook my head. "Not if you don't want me to." She got off the bed. "But we should tell him. He's probably worrying downstairs." I followed her to the door. "You're right."

Downstairs we found Sherlock sitting on the settee, his pipe in his mouth. He perked up once he saw us. He approached me. "So? What's your deduction? Is Iris alright?!" I looked at him. "That's for Iris to tell you." He looked at Iris. "Iris?"

She spoke. "I...I got my first menstrual cycle, Holmsie..." A confused look settled on Sherlock's face. "Menstrual cycle? A disease, perhaps?" I turned to him. "No, darling. It's..." I explained to him like I explained to Iris. Once I was done, he suddenly got depressed.

I sighed. "What's wrong now, darling?" He huffed. "My little Iris is growing up! She'll be a woman before you know it!" I smiled. "It's a part of life. You'll live." Iris giggled. "I have to grow up someday, Holmsie."

And so, after settling the chaos in the flat, the day came to a resounding close. But not before Sherlock bought a whole candy store's worth of chocolate for Iris after a craving hit.
