Part 9

Aiyana had a diary where she used to write everything.
David one day noticed it. When Aiyana left the classroom , in David's mind :

What does she write in it everyday ? Let me see....

He opened the diary :

I know many people hate me but there are surely people who love me and I love them too. I have lost so much that I am now not afraid to lose anything.
To escape from the hell was probably the best decision I have ever made. Surely I now am living a better life. Surely I miss those happy moments but now that I realise most of them were fake, I don't regret missing it. I miss those moments but those are gone for good. Now I know the truth. Now I know who I am.
I surely.....

David couldn't read further more.

"Yaa!!! Don't you have any manners!!! How Can you read someone else's diary without permission!!!!"
" I am sorry but I must say you are deep. "
"Deep enough that you can get lost. So stay away."

Aiyana angrily left the classroom.

After school when Aiyana was going home she happened to spot a accident.

In Aiyana's mind :

No!! No!! What did I just see? Why world is again now unusable. No no......
She ran towards her home but met David in between.

"Hey!! Aiyana . Are you fine ?!!"
" I am... Leave me!!! "
"What happened? You don't look fine ?"
" I am fine!!! "
"Ya.. You are shouting."
" sorry "
Aiyana was about to leave but David caught her wrist and took her to the park nearby. They sat on a bench.I

"Now, tell me. What happened ?"
" Please... "
"Aiyana.... You can say. "

Aiyana couldn't control herself. She cried out.
She told him about the accident and how she ran away from her house and all.

"Woah!!! I can never imagine that you will flee away from home."
" Yeah... "
"You are brave."
" Hmmm... "
"As you shared so much with me, I can hope we are now close."
" What close! "
"Yaa.. At least as friends ( Maybe friends with benefits - in David's mind )"
" we are friends. "

Aiyana then left for her home.

In Aiyana's mind :
Did I do the right thing believing him ? Whatever!!!

In David's mind :I

She is weird. Why am I getting so close to her ? Ok, fine.

After some days school -

"What, David ?"
" let's go for a coffee. "
"Can't you think anything apart it ?"
" I can. Maybe more than just a coffee. "
"Stop flirting. "
"Ooooo... I are blushing!"
" No, I am not!! "

In David's mind :

I can't control me. I am the playboy and now am sticking with a girl for more than 1 month. I must get her quickly. I should just propose her.

Aiyana really felt something for David. But she didn't express it.I

It is common for teenage girls to fall for someone if they care but this most of the time causes heart-break

After almost a week David decided to propose her.

"Hey!Aiyana . Wait for me after school. I have something to say."

After school,

"Aiyana, come with me."
David took her to the garden nearby.

"Aiyana, I had something to say."
" why do you need to say it here ? "
"Ummm... I love you."
" Wait! What!!! No "
"Yeah.... "
"I don't lo..." - Aiyana couldn't say anything as David looked just into her eyes.
"Say you don't love me "
"I don't know."
" I told you. "
"Fine, but I am not sure about my feelings. "
"Okay.But give me a chance."
" let's see. "

Aiyana didn't give David another chance to speak and left .

One part of her was happy but on the other hand she felt something was not right.
She was confused.

Author's Note :

Did you enjoy the episode ?
What do you about ? Will David be fine for Aiyana or she is going to again get hurt ?
Let me know your thoughts.

Here's a fact:

Trust once broken, is never regained.
                                                              - Kim Jeontugi
What did you remembered reading this?

Love you. Take care.😘
