Part 6

Aiyana lived for a week on roads. She was tired and was running of money.
She wad again looking for job. She went to a store for job.

"Is there any work I can do ? Please, I need a job badly."
" There is no job,sorry. "
"Please... Any job will do."
" Well, you look like you ran away from somewhere. "
"Ummm..... No. I just don't have a place to go."
" Well, you can help me in my home for work and stay for free. "-the old lady said.
" I would love to. "

Then the old woman named Mrs.white took her to the home.

"You can take a shower now and come to eat"

Aiyana took a shower and went to the kitchen.

"You can call me grandma."
" Ok. "
"Actually I live alone and needed someone to accompany me. You seemed to e decent and in trouble. "

"Grandma, I am blessed to accompany you. it now I have to go and find another job."
" Why ? "
"Well, I want to continue my study so I need to work. "

"I can help you financially, this old woman has no one to spend for."

" your words are enough. But I want to be independent. "

"I like your attitude. I won't ask you your past. If you are comfortable enough then share.'

" I will when the time is fine. "

Aiyana again left to find work. She felt after a long time someone cared and wanted to listen to her.

Aiyana found some part time jobs and worked hard.
She also got admission in a school with the surname of grandma Mrs . White. She helps Aiyana a lot.

At school, Aiyana keeps quite all the time and focuses on her studies.

"Hey! You are the new girl ? "
" Yeah. "
"I'm David. And you ?"
" Aiyana '

Then Aiyana continued to read her book.

"Are you a nerd or something ?"
" I can tell I am not. Can you please leave me alone ? "
"You are cute."

" Look I like to be straight forward. If you want to flirt there are many girls there. I want to be alone. '

"Yaaa!! You got angry. Sorry . I won't disturb you"

" it's ok "
"So, we are friends? "
"I don't believe in friend ship"
" I can tell something happened. Well, you should give a second chance. "
"I want to study."
" Ok. You can . Meet you later. "

After school Aiyana has a part time job, then at home she tries to help grandma even though she doesn't let Aiyana work, then she does small online projects.

Aiyana is working hard with her studies and work.

At, she was like a cold figure. One day a bully came to her.

"Hey!! Nerdy "
"Get lost"
"How dare you tell me get lost!!!"
" Then what's your dare to tell me nerd!!! "
That girl came and pushed Aiyana. Aiyana caught her hand and pushed that girl instead.

" I already told you to get lost. I am not some nerd. I am not afraid to break your arm. Understand !!! "

"You bitch!!!"
" Mind your language. You shit!! "
"I will see you. "
"Yeah. You can see me and be jealous."
" You.... "
'Get lost!!!!'

Aiyana left for her classroom. She is not that sweet, cute girl anymore. She has learned to protect herself.

"Hey!! I liked your attitude in the cafeteria."
" fine and now go"
" I just want to be your friend. Why are you so insecure? "
"I am not."
" Bet, you are. "
"Do you also want to break your hand like that girl ?"
" Anything from you and I will take it happily it."

The new rang and Aiyana left for her home.

David's mind :

No girl ever ignored me this way. Seems interesting. But she doesn't know if i want someone, i will take her at any cost.

While after working the full day , Aiyana still couldn't sleep at night. Insomnia hits her hard. She just cried the full night.
Grandma noticed it on night.

" Aiyana, you are not sleepy? "
"Yeah.. I was just about to sleep."
"Why does your voice sound that kind. Were you crying ?" ?
"No.. No"
"I had told you to share with me. Sharing lessens pain.'
'Grandma. .."
" you don't trust me ? "
"I do ."
" Then share with me. "
Aiyana couldn't control her emotions any more. She cried out.

"Grandma..... What shall I share with you ? That my parents died in a accident and i an unlucky soul still am alive. That my dear ones my uncle took all of my properties, and my rights with betrayal. Treated me as an animal. So i was bullied in my school for no more being the heir. That i am not able my dad's company. At last, Uncle tried to force me, tried to rape me. That's the reason I escaped....."-Aiyana bursted into tears.

"Oh... My dear. I am really sorry for what happened to you. But you have to be strong. You can't just cry and give up."

"That's what i am trying not, grandma."

"Yes. You will study hard and take back all that was yours and punish your sinful uncle..."

Aiyana couldn't say anything. She just cried hugging grandma.
She was feeling relieved after sharing all the things kept inside her....

Author's Note:
Are you all enjoying ? I am trying to give an update everyday.
Here's a fact :

The darkest secrets are always hidden behind a sweet but forced smile...
           - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading it

Love you.
