Part 28

"1000 core, one two and .."

" 2000 core. "

Everyone's eyes were on the young girl sitting at the last seat. They were shocked to see a young girl bidding so high for A and J corporation.

"2000 core, one, two three. A and J corporation goes to Aiyana White or to say me." -Aiyana.

The manager,

"Ma'am the papers will be sent to your house. "

Aiyana left the place and started for her home, a home where she has came back after 10 years.

While going to her home in her mind -

I am going back to the home I once left to make it mine one day. I  am coming back. Mom, dad did you see, I saved our dream, our house. Now I took back everything that is mine. The sun did shine....

She reached the place.

She saw her uncle, aunt and Cara. Aiyana was kind of shocked to see Cara pregnant. In her mind -

She is pregnant!!!! How! What the ... I didn't know anything like that.

Aiyana acted like she doesn't know William family and asked her personal assistant ,
"Who are they in my house ?"
" ma'am, they were the old owner of the house. Well, i don't care, now it is mine. Tell them to get lost!! "
"Ok, ma'am."

when her P.A went to them they were almost begging to let them talk to Aiyana.
"Ma'am, they want to talk to you."
" I have nothing to talk with them. Whatever bring them. Let's see what they want to say. "

"Ms. White. Can you please give us some more time ? Well will pay you back the full money. Please..." - Frank.

"I didn't brought the company to sell it. I have brought it to make it mine. So you can all excuse yourself."

" Please, give us a little bit of time. We will leave. But we need to find a place to live. Please... "

"Oh!! Come on. My home is not a charity house."

" we promise to accept all your rules and we won't disturb you. We will just live at a corner just we need to find a place to live and my daughter is pregnant. Please... "

"I have nothing to do in this. If your daughter is pregnant then call her husband to help you.."

"Her boyfriend cheated on her. Please we have no where to go."
"[ I also didn't had anywhere to go and you all just used my innocence. I trusted you and you took away my everything. I know your real face. Behind this puppy face there is a face full of evil.... I know you ] Let's see. Well, I won't give anyone place to live in my house. You must follow my rules!"

" We will accept anything.. "

"Then, listen,

1. You have to keep your mouth shut
2.You all have to serve me.
3. I am not cruel. So your daughter might can work a little less as she is pregnant
4. You have to do the household chores, you know we will not keep a burden like you all for free.
5. Never talk back to me.
6.Call me Ma'am.
I am Aiyana White for  the world but for you all I am Ma'am. Show me respect of you should be ready to face my anger."

"We accept them." -Frank.
" Yes..( Aiyana White!!! The name matches her. But that little brat couldn't be something like this. She must have died when we again got some information about her. But these rules seem like I have said them earlier... - In Rene's mind) "

"Think about again if you want to work for me. I am not going to be merciful!! And pack your bags and go to that room. " - Aiyana says pointing ata the room, they had given her to live once.

In her mind:

Yes, I am back. Slowly gonna happen give you everything back!!

Author's note:

Hi! How are you all doing?

Here's a fact -

"The sun  shines the brightest when the night is darkest. When the dawn is more dark, the sun is mine btight. No matter how much dark the night is, the sun will shine, so never give up."
                            - Kim Jeontugi

Take care. Love you.
Please never give up no matter what. If you are feeling lost then close your eyes and ask your heart and give yourself sometime. But never give up.

