Part 10

Aiyana and David had started dating. Things were going smoothly. Although Aiyana was having a weird feeling in her heart.

"Hey! Babe ."
"Told you not to call me babe. I feel clingy."
" but I like to call you this. Please,let me call you this. "
"Okay. Anything for you."

" Babe, let's go out after school. "
"A date ?"
" you can say that. "
"It will be fun."

After a school they went out.

"Let's sit by the river."
" Sure, babe"
"It's so beautiful here. The sky, river and you. "
"Awww...babe. You like nature ?"
" Yeah... "

David then started to get close to Aiyana. He was just about to kiss her but...

"No, David. I am not ready."
" come on. Babe. I am your boyfriend. "
"You are... But I am not ready. Pls... You can do this much for me."
" Fine...( Ughhh.... I can't take it anymore ) "

Things were going good except whenever David tried to get close to Aiyana, she would refuse and ignore him.

"Babe... Tomorrow is prom. Won't you come?"
"I can't skip my job."
" Then I'll be lonely there... "
"Please.. I am sorry. But I will try .( I won't tell him , I will go and surprise him. )"

After school Aiyana went to the mall to buy her prom dress.

In Aiyana's mind:I

I have to find a dress that is beautiful and is in my budget... Ughh... Why are these so expensive?

After roaming around for almost 4 hours, so last she had found a dress which was very beautiful. The shop was going to transfer to another mall so there was discount.
The dress was full black with black stones on the shoulder. A perfect dress for prom.

In Aiyana's mind:
I can't wait for tomorrow. I hope David is gonna love this.

Aiyana was very happy. But little did she knew that happiness doesn't stay forever.

The next day at school,

"Babe, won't you really come ?"
" sorry, old don't ask me again and again. It will make me guilty"

At the evening,

Aiyana's mind :

I wore my dress. Did a little bit of makeup, although I don't know how to. I let my hair open.
Hope David would love this.

Aiyana just about to go
"Aww.. Dear. You look pretty. Is there someone special ?"
" Grandma, you know. "- Aiyana said blushing.
" best of luck, dear. "
"Thanks granny. " - Aiyana said hugging grandma.

She went to the place where prom was about to held.

Aiyana was quite nervous.

Meanwhile at the prom,

"Hey! David. You look sad."
" Camile, leave me alone. "
"Aww.. Your girlfriend didn't come ?"
" She has work . "
"Then, you don't need to sit here alone. Take a look at everyone around you or in front of you."
" leave.. "

Without giving David a chance to say anything, Camile say on David's lap.
"Camile! What are you doing ?"
" doing your girl's duty which she didn't do "

Camile was about to kiss him,

"No, Camile. I might be the playboy but I am not a two-timer. So I won't deceive her."
" what's here about deceiving? She didn't came to prom on her will. We can have fun. I know you need it. "

Camile kissed him . David couldn't control himself anymore.
He also kissed her.
But there was a  person seeing with just broken heart.... Aiyana....

Author's Note:
Sorry, I had said to update everyday, but I didn't give an update yesterday. I was being too lazy.
Atlast  I wrote it. Let me know your thoughts.

Here's a fact :

Life is a broken mirror. No matter how many smile you throw on it , it will only reflect broken pieces and hurt you....
So we can do nothing but fight....
                                             - Kim Jeontugi
Let me know what you remembered reading this........

Love you 😘. Take care.
